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Předmět, akademický rok 2024/2025
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Cold War in Documents 1945-1962 - JTM244
Anglický název: Cold War in Documents 1945-1962
Zajišťuje: Katedra severoamerických studií (23-KAS)
Fakulta: Fakulta sociálních věd
Platnost: od 2023
Semestr: zimní
E-Kredity: 6
Způsob provedení zkoušky: zimní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: zimní s.:1/1, Zk [HT]
Rozsah za akademický rok: 26 [hodiny]
Počet míst: neurčen / 15 (15)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Poznámka: předmět je možno zapsat mimo plán
povolen pro zápis po webu
při zápisu přednost, je-li ve stud. plánu
Garant: doc. PhDr. Vít Smetana, Ph.D.
Vyučující: doc. PhDr. Vít Smetana, Ph.D.
Třída: Courses for incoming students
Neslučitelnost : JMM384
Anotace - angličtina
This course is drawn up as a one-semester seminar, concluded by an exam. Its major content comprises detailed analysis of strategic and diplomatic documents related to the key stages of the bipolar struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union (and their respective Allies) in the years 1945-1962. It thus focuses on the early stages of the Cold War - from the aftermath of the Second World War to the Cuban Missile Crisis. The major aim of this course is to acquire basic skills of research work with primary sources of political, diplomatic as well as strategic character - their thorough critique, setting them into relevant context(s) and subsequently providing their adequate interpretation(s). This professional training is based on the use of attractive documentary material in English (plus in one or two cases also in Czech and Russian - if there are students able to read in these languages) that were mostly declassified in the last three decades.
Poslední úprava: Smetana Vít, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (16.09.2024)
Cíl předmětu - angličtina

The major aim of this course is to acquire basic skills of research work with primary sources of political, diplomatic as well as strategic character - their thorough critique, setting them into relevant context(s) and subsequently providing their adequate interpretation(s).

Poslední úprava: Smetana Vít, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (16.09.2024)
Podmínky zakončení předmětu - angličtina

Grading is based on the Dean's Measure no. 20/2019: https://fsv.cuni.cz/deans-measure-no-20/2019

  • 91% and more   => A
  • 81-90%             => B
  • 71-80%             => C
  • 61-70%             => D
  • 51-60%             => E
  • 0-50%               => F

More in SMĚRNICE S_SO_002: Organizace zkouškových termínů, kontrol studia a užívání klasifikace A–F na FSV UK.

Poslední úprava: Smetana Vít, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (16.09.2024)
Literatura - angličtina

NOTE: All texts available in this syllabus are for the use in this course only. They are protected by the copyright and must not be further distributed. Documentary editions (from which the analysed documents will be selected):

A Cardboard Castle? An Inside History of the Warsaw Pact, 1955-1991, eds. Vojtech Mastny and Malcolm Byrne, Budapest, Central European University Press 2005.

Československo-sovětské vztahy v diplomatických jednáních 1939-1945, eds. Jan Němeček - Helena Nováčková - Ivan Šťovíček - Miroslav Tejchman, díl 2, Praha, Státní ústřední archiv v Praze 1999.

ČSR a SSSR 1945-1948. Dokumenty mezivládních jednání, eds. K. Kaplan - A. Špiritová, Brno, Doplněk 1997.

Churchill and Roosevelt, the Complete Correspondence, 3 Vols., ed. Warren F. Kimball, Princeton (NJ), Princeton University Press 1984.

Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series I-II, London, H.M.S.O. 1984-1997.

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945-1963, Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office 1967-1991.

Origins of the Cold War. The Novikov, Kennan, and Roberts "Long Telegrams" of 1946, ed. K. M. Jensen, Washington, United States Institute of Peace 1991.

Soveshchaaniia Kominforma, 1947, 1948, 1949. Dokumenty i materialy, eds. G. M. Adibekov - A. D. Byadzho - L. Gibianskii - F. Gori - S. Pons, Moskva, Rosspen 1998.

Sovetskii faktor v vostochnoi Evrope 1944-1953, 2 toma, ed. T. V. Volokitina et al., Moskva Rosspen 1999, 2002.

Sovetskii Soiuz i vengerskii krizis 1956 goda. Dokumenty, Moskva, Rosspen 1998.

SSSR i germanskii vopros 1941-1949. Dokumenty iz archiva vneshnei politiki Rossiiskoi federacii, eds. G. P. Kynin and J. Laufer, 3 toma, Moskva, Mezhdunarodnyie otnosheniia 1996-2003.

Studená válka 1954-1964. Sovětské dokumenty v českých archivech, eds. Michal Reiman - Petr Luňák, Brno, Doplněk 2000.

The Cold War. A History in Documents and Eyewitness Accounts, eds. Jussi Hanhimaki and Odd Arne Westad, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press 2003.

The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962. A National Security Archive Documents Reader, eds. Laurence Chang and Peter Kornbluch, New York, The New Press 1998.

The Kennedy Tapes. Inside the White House during the Cuban Missile Crisis, eds. E. R. May & P. D. Zelikow, Cambridge (MA) - London, Harvard University Press 1997.

The Suez Crisis, eds. A. Gorst & L. Johnman, London, Routledge 1997.

Vostochnaia Evropa v dokumentach rossiiskich archivov 1944-1953, 2 toma, 1944-1948, Moskva - Novosibirsk, Sibirskij chronograf 1997-1998.


Cold War International History Project, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars - http://cwihp.si.edu/cwihplib.nsf/

National Security Archive, George Washington University - http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/

Parallel History Project on Cooperative Security - http://www.php.isn.ethz.ch/


Charles Bohlen, McGeorge Bundy, Anatoly Dobrynin, Andrei Gromyko, Averell Harriman, George Kennan, Nikita S. Khrushchev, Paul H. Nitze, Felix Chuev's edition of his talks with Vyacheslav Molotov, etc.


Literature - recommended (selection):

Beschloss, Michael R.: The Crisis Years. Kennedy and Khruschev 1960-1963, New York, Edward Burlingame Books 1991.

Borhi, László: Hungary in the Cold War 1945-1956. Between the United States and the Soviet Union, Budapest - New York, CEU Press 2004.

Durman, Karel: Popely ještě žhavé. Velká politika 1938-1991, I., Válka a nukleární mír 1938-1964, Praha, Karolinum 2004.

Fursenko, Aleksandr - Naftali, Timothy: Khrushchev's Cold War. The Inside Story of an American Adversary, New York - London, W. W. Norton & Company 2007.

Gaddis, John Lewis: The Long Peace. Inquiries Into the History of the Cold War, New York - Oxford, Oxford University Press 1987.

Gaddis, John Lewis: Strategies of Containment. A Critical Appraisal of American National Security Policy during the Cold War, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press 2005 (revised and expanded edition).

Gaddis, John Lewis: We Now Know. Rethinking Cold War History, Oxford, Clarendon Press 1997.

Gaddis, John Lewis: The Cold War. A New History, New York, Penguin Press 2005.

Holloway, David: Stalin and the Bomb, New Haven - London, Yale University Press 1994.

Jegorova, N. I. - Chubarian, A. O. (eds.): Cholodnaia voina 1945-1963 gg. Istoricheskaia perspektiva, Moskva, Olma-press 2003.

Judt, Tony: Postwar. A History of Europe Since 1945, New York, The Penguin Press 2005.

Larres, Klaus: Churchill's Cold War. The Politics of Personal Diplomacy, New Haven - London, Yale University Press 2002.

Leffler, Melvyn P.: For the Soul of Mankind. The United States, the Soviet Union and the Cold War, New York, Hill and Wang 2007.

Leffler, Melvyn P. - Westad, Odd Arne (eds.): The Cambridge History of the Cold War, I-III, Cambridge - New York, Cambridge University Press 2010. 

Lundestad, Geir: East, West, North, South. Major Developments in International Politics since 1945, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press 1999.

Mastny, Vojtech: The Cold War and Soviet Insecurity, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press 1996.

Siracusa, Joseph M.: Into the Dark House. American Diplomacy and the Ideological Origins of the Cold War, Claremont (Cal.), Regina Books 1998.

Taubman, William: Khrushchev. The Man and His Era, London, Simon & Schuster 2003.

Trachtenberg, Mark: A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963, Princeton (N.J) - Chichester, Princeton University Press 1999.

Walker, Martin: The Cold War. And the Making of the Modern World, London, Vintage 1994.

Westad, Odd Arne: The Global Cold War. Third World Interventions and the Making of Our Times, Cambridge - New York, Cambridge University Press 2007.

Westad, Odd Arne: The Cold War. A World History, New York, Allen Lane 2017.

Zubok, Vladislav - Pleshakov Constantine: Inside the Kremlin's Cold War, Cambridge (Mass.) - London, Harvard University Press 1996.

Zubok, Vladislav M.: A Failed Empire. The Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev, Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press 2007.

Poslední úprava: Smetana Vít, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (16.09.2024)
Metody výuky - angličtina

Students will be expected to give 2-3 presentations on a set of documents of their choice. The task of the presenter will be to provide a thorough critique of these documents, to point out the most important information that they contain and then to set them into the relevant context of historical events. Each presentation will be followed by discussion and general comments by the lecturer.

Poslední úprava: Smetana Vít, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (16.09.2024)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina

1) 2 seminar presentations (15-20 minutes each) analysing assigned documents

2) studying for each seminar (i.e. reading of the pertaining collection of documents) and active participation in discussions

3) final paper, approximately 2-3 thousand words long

The number of oral presentations may vary, depending on the number of seminar participants. The topic of the written paper should be first consulted with the seminar organizer/lecturer. The paper should be based on at least four sources (books, articles), out of which at least two should be primary sources (online documents, documentary edition, diary, memoir, archival documents, etc.).

Grading is based on the Dean's Measure no. 20/2019: https://fsv.cuni.cz/deans-measure-no-20/2019

  • 91% and more   => A
  • 81-90%             => B
  • 71-80%             => C
  • 61-70%             => D
  • 51-60%             => E
  • 0-50%               => F
Poslední úprava: Smetana Vít, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (20.12.2023)
Sylabus - angličtina

The course will focus on the following topics:

1. The origins of the Cold War (Soviet strategic planning in the final stages of World War II, U.S. proto-containment, correspondence between Churchill and Roosevelt in 1944-45)

2. The key documents related to the beginning of the Cold War (Kennan, Roberts, Novikov, Churchill)

3. Czechoslovakia's road to the Soviet bloc (Beneš's negotiations in Moscow in 1943 and 1945, Czechoslovakia's uranium ore, the Marshall Plan, the Communist coup of February 1948). A comparison with the case of Finland.

4. The Berlin Crisis, 1948-49

5. The Soviet-Yugoslav split

6. The Soviet threat in the early 1950s - perceptions and reality (NSC-68, the Moscow summit in January 1951)

7. The Korean War - prelude to a global conflict?

8. The East German Uprising in 1953

9. The year 1956 - three major crises with different results (Suez X Poland and Hungary)

10.The Soviet strategic planning in the 1950s and 1960s

11. The second Berlin crisis (1958-1961) and the Vienna summit (1961)

12. The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) - diplomacy and intelligence under the threat of nuclear holocaust

Poslední úprava: Smetana Vít, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (16.09.2024)
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