To achieve 6 ECTS for this course students have to pass an internship (at least 160 hours in one placement). Course tutor's prior approval of the internship placement is needed. After finishing the work students have to submit:
1. An official certificate issued by the institution providing internship
2. An internship report (at least 600 words) describing the aim and content of the work, relation between the internship and the study programme, reflection on the difference between the internship work and academic work, contribution of the internship to the student's own personal development and/or research, what might be changed for the benefit of the institution for future internships
More in SMĚRNICE S_SO_002: Organizace zkouškových termínů, kontrol studia a užívání klasifikace A–F na FSV UK.
Poslední úprava: Weiss Tomáš, prof. Mgr., M.A., Ph.D. (12.09.2024)