The European Union: Integration and democratization - JSM733
Anglický název: The European Union: Integration and democratization
Zajišťuje: Katedra veřejné a sociální politiky (23-KVSP)
Fakulta: Fakulta sociálních věd
Platnost: od 2022
Semestr: zimní
E-Kredity: 6
Způsob provedení zkoušky: zimní s.:písemná
Rozsah, examinace: zimní s.:1/1, Zk [HT]
Počet míst: neurčen / neurčen (neurčen)
Minimální obsazenost: 6
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: nevyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Poznámka: předmět je možno zapsat mimo plán
povolen pro zápis po webu
Garant: Emilija Tudjarovska Gjorgjievska, Ph.D.
Třída: Courses for incoming students
Termíny zkoušek   Rozvrh   Nástěnka   
Sylabus - angličtina

Course title: The European Union: Integration and democratization  

Study program: MSc Programs Public and Social Policy (VSP)

(Voluntary course of MSc Programs PSP/ optional for all students, including bachelor degree (Erasmus students), Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University

Scope of instruction: 1/1 (lectures/seminars)

Credits available: 6 credits

Course number: JSM733, Fall Term 2020/2021

Time and place: Fridays, 09:30-10:50 a.m.(Lectures/Seminars): Room: JP212

The web page of the course available in Moodle: xx


Lectures and Seminars:

Head of Lectures and Seminar classes:

Mgr. Emilija Tudzarovska Gjorgjievska:


Consultations to be booked beforehand via e-mail.

Seminar class language of instruction is English.


Goals of instruction:

The aim of this course is to improve the knowledge of students of the functioning of the European Union, as a Union of member states. The main perspective will be put on understanding the following concepts a) EU integration process (representative democracies, the role of the political parties, national parliaments, the rising risks of populism/technocratic populism); b) the process of democratization/key challenges. These concepts will be analysed in the context of the European Union as a polity of member states and their duties towards the citizens of the EU and the citizens of its nation-states (legitimacy, legitimation, and democratization).


Main Objectives:

The course will introduce students to the functioning of the European Union and its institutions. Preparatory readings will include contributions from EU integration theories, political science/political sociology and foreign policy. This course is designed to help students acquire knowledge about the EU key challenges in internal framework (EU nation-states/member states; representative democracies; democratic backsliding) and external framework (answer to crisis in global context, i.e. financial crisis, migration crisis, Brexit, Covid-19 pandemic). After completion of this course, students should be able to:

-          Know about the functioning of the European Union: the key challenges of its functioning/ EU Institutions; EU decision-making and its challenges (post-financial crisis, Brexit, management during/of COVID-19 pandemic etc.)

-          Know about the key challenges to liberal democracy and democratization process, including backsliding in the quality of democracy; (cases of CEE countries)

-          Engage in critical thinking and studying about the contemporary EU affairs, i.e. engagement with contemporary scholarly discussion on the EU/global affairs.

Registration prerequisites:

This voluntary course is offered to students of the Masters programmes of Public and Social Policy (Veřejná a sociální politika) and and for international visiting students (e.g., Erasmus students) enrolled in Bachelor at Charles University.

Conditions for passing:

Students shall be admitted to the written examination for this course (in English) if they have been sufficiently graded for their performance in lectures and seminars, and if they have elaborated and submitted a final written assignment (in English) on an agreed topic. The topic shall be based on prior consultations with head of the course.

Student’s performance in lectures will be evaluated as follows:

Students should submit written papers/assignment on questions associated with the topics of the lectures prior taking the final written examination. Questions will be available two weeks in advance. The submission deadline for final written assignments is 10th of December. Answers should be e-mailed to the Head of Lectures/Seminars classes: Mgr. Emilija Tudzarovska Gjorgjievska ( Answers to written papers/assignment (up to 3,000 characters, spaces included) will be evaluated as per the given Table 1.  The final written examination will take form of a (critical review) essay (up to 5,000 characters) on a question(s) as per the given lectures.


For student’s performance in seminars consult seminar syllabus.

Table 1: Points can be earned in the following ways:




Student’s performance in lectures



Student’s performance in seminars



Final written assignment



Written examination








Table 2: Final grading shall be based on the following formula (provided the student earns at least the minimum number of points for each particular item – consult Table 1):


Final point score


91 or more


Excellent (výtečně)



Very Good (velmi dobře)



Good (dobře)



Satisfactorily (uspokojivě)



Sufficiently (dostatečně)

50 or less


Fail (nedostatečně)

N. B.:

-          Sources shall be credited in line with the latest version of the ISO 690 standard. No form of plagiarism is tolerated at the Charles University. Any instances of plagiarism shall be discussed by the Disciplinary Board and, eventually, the Dean.

-          The final written assignment shall be submitted to the mentor in a sufficient quality and approved by him/her (via e-mail or hand written) as a condition of enrolment for the written examination.


Time: Fridays: 09.30-10.50 a.m. (Lectures) and (Seminars): Fridays: 09:30-10.50 a.m.

            Time can be subject to change. *tbc: To be confirmed.




1 Oct


Lecture #1

Introduction to the course, lectures and seminars.

Students will form seminar groups.

Introduction to the institutional architecture of the EU (The European Council, European Parliament, European Commission, Courts etc.) Discussion on various levels of binding/non-binding rules and decisions

Note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions the lectures will be held in combined form (face to face and/or distance learning) in line with the University regulations for the upcoming period.

8 Oct


Seminar #1

Introduction to the discipline and seminar. Joint discussion on selected topic. (also discussion of choice of topics, recommended structure of papers, and basic rules of crediting sources).

15 Oct



Lecture #2

The normative framework and the functioning of EU (Scharpf, F, Schmidt, V.)

22 Oct


Seminar #2

PWP Presentations on general topic “The key actors and institutions of the EU/normative framework”. Joint discussion on selected topic/media article etc. Specifying the agreement on presentation topics.

29 Oct


Lecture #3

The European Integration as a union of member-states. (Bickerton, C.)

Selected course leader´s presentations on: The key challenges to the EU integration process; EU Decision-making; nation-states sovereignty (i.e.Brexit). *Introduction to the concept of technocratic populism (Guest lecture by the author (tbc).

5 Nov


Seminar #3

PWP Presentations on general topic “The key challenges to the EU Integration process”. Joint discussion on selected topicbased on lecture #3/Journal or/and media article

12 Nov


Lecture #4

The EU Institutions and its reactions to crises (i.e. financial crisis, migration crisis, Brexit, COVID-19)

Selected course leader´s presentation.

19 Nov


Seminar #4

Presentations on general topic “The EU reactions to crisis: key challenges” Submission of the paper-drafts for the final written assignments/Selection of topic

26 Nov



Lecture #5

EU and the key challenges to democratic backsliding (cases in CEE/Western Balkans)

Selected course leader´s presentation.

3 Dec


Seminar #5

PWP Presentations on general topic “The key challenges of democratic backsliding and the EU” on selected cases.

Paper-drafts to be submitted to course leader on December 10 at the latest. Discussion on the elaboration of the final written assignments.

10 Dec



Lecture #6

EU in the global context and key challenges (populism, China, US)

Selected course leader´s presentations. Questions and answers;

17 Dec


Seminar #6

Discussion of submitted drafts/preparation for the final written exam.

Basic sources in English

Bickerton, C. (2012). EU Integration: from Nation States to Member States. (217 pp)/chapters

Lindseth, P. (2010). Power and Legitimacy: Reconciling Europe and the Nation State, Oxford: Oxford University Press (364 pp)/selected chapters

Schmidt, A. V. (2020). Europe's Crisis of Legitimacy, Governing by Rules and Ruling by Numbers in the Eurozone (384 pp)/selected chapters

Jones E., Menon, A., Weatherill, S., (2014). The Oxford Handbook of the European Union (924pp). selected chapters


Additional literature/chapters:

Guasti, P., Mansfeldová, Z. (eds.). 2018. Democracy under stress. Changing Perspectives on Democracy, Governance and Their Measurement. Prague: Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. 186 s./selected chapters

Buštíková, L. and Guasti. P. 2019. The State as a Firm: Understanding the Autocratic Roots of Technocratic Populism. East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures, 33:2, 302-330.

Auer, S. (2019). Merkel's Germany and the European Union: Between Emergency and the Rule of Rules. Government and opposition.

Jones, E., Kelemen, R.D., and Meunier, S. (2016).’Failing Forward? The Euro Crisis and the Incomplete Nature of European Integration.’ Comparative Political Studies, 49 (7): 1010-1034 (24pp).


Notes on reading

·         Students are expected to follow the media covering policy problems on an ongoing basis.

·         Further reading list/selection can be submitted during the course.


Internet sources

European Union:

European Council:

European Commission:

European Parliament :

European Parliament Think Tank :


Eurostat :

Eurobarometer :

The European Social Survey :

Bertelsmann Transformation Index (BTI) : The Economist:

EU Observer:


Poslední úprava: Csikósová Aneta, Bc., DiS. (24.08.2020)