Kurz Social Policy probíhá formou seminářů, v rámci kterých studenti diskutují koncept "welfare state", seznamují se se základními typologiemi welfare state a současným problémy, kterým různé welfare state čelí. Tématem seminářů budou dále sociální rizika jako nezaměstnanost, důchody, rodinná politika, dlouhodobá péče, a způsoby řešení těchto rizik, příp. sociálních problémů v jednotlivých typech welfare state.
Poslední úprava: Kotrusová Miriam, Mgr., Ph.D. (19.02.2020)
This course is designed to help students acquire knowledge about most challenging problems facing the European welfare states nowadays. After completion of this course, students should be able to: - Know theoretical concept of welfare state (its history, functions, threats). - Know how welfare states in Europe cope with the most recent challenges of the dynamics of (post)industrial society. - Understand what are the most important social problems and the policy implications in the present European states. - Understand the alternative options in social policy, analyze the links between the social, economic and political context, policy solutions, and impacts of the policies accepted. - Know pros and cons social policy reform in the Czech Republic in the process of social policy transformation in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. Poslední úprava: Kotrusová Miriam, Mgr., Ph.D. (20.02.2019)
F.G.Castles, S. Leibfried, J. Lewis, H. Obinger, Ch. Pierson: The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. Oxford University Press, 2010, part II, VII, VIII
Poslední úprava: Kotrusová Miriam, Mgr., Ph.D. (18.02.2020)
All students are obliged to:
The attendance of the seminars (10) is compulsory.
Tasks – A student is supposed to be prepared for a seminar topic covered by recommended scientific article/articles and answer questions or fulfill the task available in Moodle. Such tasks will be evaluated with up to 4 points. They have to be uploaded to Moodle at least one day before seminar, until 3 pm. Presentation - Teams of two or three students will present selected topics during the seminars. Essay - The essay should cover one of the fields of social policy from a WS perspective. The length of the essay is approx. 24 000 to 30 000 characters (with spaces without references).
Construction of students’ performance evaluation
Poslední úprava: Angelovská Olga, Mgr. Ing., Ph.D. (15.02.2021)
Course leader and lecturer: Mgr. Ing. Olga Angelovska, olga.angelovska@fsv.cuni.cz Lectures: Joni Santeri Askola, MA, 87680683@fsv.cuni.cz Mgr. Mirna Jusić, mirna.jusic@seznam.cz Organization of the course: 17.2. Introductory Session (OA) 24.2. Seminar 1 Welfare state typologies (JA) 3.3. Seminar 2 New welfare state typologies Welfare state development in CEE (OA) 10.3. Seminar 3 Welfare state development in the late 80s and 90s (JA) 17.3. Seminar 4 New, active WS. “Enabling state” (JA) 24.3. Seminar 5 WS and value change (JA) 31.3. Seminar 6 WS and pension issues (OA) 7.4. Seminar 7 WS and family issues (MJ) 14.4. Seminar 8 WS and long-term care (OA) 21.4. Seminar 9 WS and unemployment (MJ) 28.4. Seminar 10 WS and the European Union (MJ) 5.5. Seminar 11 WS and redistribution: income differences and inequalities (OA)./Future of the WS 12.5. Rektorský den/ Rector´s day Poslední úprava: Angelovská Olga, Mgr. Ing., Ph.D. (03.02.2021)
Conditions of enrollment: The course is compulsory for students for Czech and English Master’s degree programs of Public and Social Policy. The course is also open to other MA students of other programs of Faculty of Social Sciencies. Poslední úprava: Angelovská Olga, Mgr. Ing., Ph.D. (03.02.2021)