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Předmět, akademický rok 2024/2025
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Urban Anthropology - JSM124
Anglický název: Urban Anthropology
Zajišťuje: Katedra sociologie (23-KS)
Fakulta: Fakulta sociálních věd
Platnost: od 2024
Semestr: zimní
E-Kredity: 8
Způsob provedení zkoušky: zimní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: zimní s.:2/0, Zk [HT]
Počet míst: neomezen / neurčen (4)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Poznámka: předmět je možno zapsat mimo plán
povolen pro zápis po webu
Garant: doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc.
Vyučující: doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc.
Třída: Courses for incoming students
Anotace - angličtina
The aim of the course is to introduce students to selected topics addressed by urban anthropology, the development and logic by which sociology and anthropology conceptualize the urban people, and their behavior in the context of the transformations of urban space and the evolution of the discipline.
Poslední úprava: Uherek Zdeněk, doc. PhDr., CSc. (16.09.2024)
Literatura - angličtina


Gottdiener, M., Budd, L., Lehtovouri, P. 2015. Key Concepts in Urban Studies. NY: Sage.

Hannerz Ulf, Exploring the City. Columbia University Press 1980.

Jaffe, R, , Koning, A. 2023. Introducing Urban Anthropology. NY, London: Routledge.

Sassen Saskia: The Global City: Introducing a concept. The Brown Journal of World Affairs XI, 2005, 2.

Uherek, Zdeněk: Antropologie města. In: Cichá Martina (ed.) Integrální antropologie. Praha: Triron 2014: 263 – 268.

Uherek Zdeněk, Město. In: Brouček, S. a kol. 2007. Lidová kultura. Národopisná encyklopedie Čech, Moravy a Slezska. Praha: Mladá fronta 550 – 553.



Bausinger, Hermann: Grundzüge der Volkskunde. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1978.

Brunt, Lodevijk. Coping with Urban Danger. In: Uherek, Z. (ed.) City in Supranational and Regional Networks. Praha, Institute of Ethnology 1992.

Cahiers du CEFRES no. 10. Antologie francouzských společenských věd – město. Praha, CEFRES 1996.

Douglas Mary, How Institutions Think. Syracuse University Press 1986.

Ek, Sven B. Nöden i Lund. Lund: Liber vörlag 1982.

Epstein, A. L. Senes from African Urban Life: Collected Copperbelt Papers. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press 1992.

Garreau Joel: Edge City: Life on the frontiers. New York, Doubleday 1991.

Goffman E.: Asylums. Essays on the social situations of mental patiens and other inmates. Harmondsworth : Penguin Books 1968.

Gottdiener, M., Hohle, R., King, C. 2019. The New Urban Sociology.  6ed., NY: Routledge.

Hannerz U.: Global Ecumene as a Network of Network. In: Conceptualizing society / edited by Adam Kuper. London, New York: Routledge 1992.

Lynch Kevin: Obraz města. The Image of the City. Praha, Polygon 2004.

Musil Jiří, Sociologie soudobého města. Praha, Svoboda 1967.

Park Robert Ezra, The City. Suggestions for the Investigation of Human Behavior in the Urban Environment. New York 1924.

Pradelle, Michéle De La: Několik poznámek k urbánní antropologii. Český lid 83, 1996, s. 189–195.

Redfield, R. The Primitive World and its Transformations. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press 1953.

Salner Peter, Taká bola Bratislava. Bratislava 1991.

Sirovátka Oldřich, Město pod Špilberkem. Brno 1993.

Slova města. Cahiers du CEFRES No. 18. Praha, 2000.

Soukupová Blanka, Hroch Miroslav, Salner Peter, Godula-Weclawowict Róza (eds) Úvod do urbánní antropologie. Praha: FHS UK 2012.

Uherek Zdeněk: L'ethnologie urbaine en pays tchćques. Genèses.  Sciences sociales et histoire. Septembre 1997: 111 -  127.

Poslední úprava: Uherek Zdeněk, doc. PhDr., CSc. (06.11.2023)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina

1.     Course completion requirements:

Course attendance and topic understanding demonstrated by completing four tasks with different scores. Total max 100 points.

Course attendance without more than three absences – 5 points.

Task 1 – 5points

Task 2 – 20 points

Task 3 – 30 points

Task 4 – 40 points

2.     All tasks (except attendance) are completed in the form of original academic texts submitted to Moodle.

Task 1. – one paragraph (500 characters)

Task 2. – two pages (3600 characters)

Task 3. – three pages (5200 characters)

Task 4. – five pages (9000 characters) 

Texts are submitted in the form of "written original texts" to Moodle. The texts (exclude the first one) should include the objectives of the text, the basic research question, an assessment of the state of knowledge of the subject, a description of the method used to address the research question, a conclusion, and references to sources and literature. Each of the points can be a short paragraph, but the paper should include it. The text must be written by the student being examined, and all sources must be cited. See: https://iss.fsv.cuni.cz/index.php/studium/bc-mgr-prace/plagiatorstvi


100 - 91: A (excellent, excellent performance with small errors)
81-90: B (very good, above-average performance, but with some bugs)
71 - 80: C (good, overall good performance with some significant errors)
61-70: D (satisfactory, acceptable performance, but with significant shortcomings)
51-60: E (sufficient, performance meets minimum requirements)
50 - 0: F (did not meet the requirements for the course)

Poslední úprava: Uherek Zdeněk, doc. PhDr., CSc. (16.09.2024)
Sylabus - angličtina

Themes of lectures (face to face).


Task 1.

Please answer the following questions: What motivates you to attend this course? What do you expect to learn here? What do you not find in this syllabus that an urban anthropology course should focus on?


1. Conceptualization of urban space. The historicizing European approach, the Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles schools. The Chicago School in more detail.

Compulsory reading:

Hunter, M. A. 2014. Urbanism and Symbolic Economies. A Comparative Assessment of American Urban Sociology. Comparative Sociology 13: 185–199.

Required reading:

Burgess, E. 1967. The Growth of the City. In: Park, R.E., Burgess, E., McKenzie, R.D. The City. Chicago: Chicago University Press: 47–62.

Hannerz, U. 1980. Exploring the City. NY: Columbia University Press: 19–58.


2. Typology of urban space, New York and LA Schools in more detail

Compulsory reading:

Hunter, M. A. 2014. Urbanism and Symbolic Economies. A Comparative Assessment of American Urban Sociology. Comparative Sociology 13: 185–199.

Recommended reading:

Dear, M., Dahmann, N. 2011. Urban Politics and the Los Angeles School of Urbanism. In: Judd, D.R., Simpson, D. (eds) The City, Revisited Urban Theory from Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York. Mineapolis, London: University of Minesota Press: 65–78.


3. Local versus Global Approach and Holistic versus Particularist Perspective. Manchester School in contemporary assessment

Compulsory Reading:

Reyes, V. 2019. Global Ethnography: Lessons from the Chicago School. In: Ocejo, R. E. Urban Ethnography: Legacies and Challenges. NY: CUNY :44–66.

Recommended Reading:

Burawoy, M. 2000. Introduction. Reading for the Global. In: Burawoy M. (ed), Global Ethnography: Forces Connections and Imaginations of Post-modern World. Berkley: University of California Press: 1–40.

Hannerz, U. 1980 Exploring the City. NY: NY: Columbia University Press: 119–162.


4. Urban dweller Robert Redfied, Louis Wirth, Kevin Lynch, Birmingham School, and Herbert Gans

Compulsory reading:

Borer, M.I. 2018. Being in the City: The Sociology of Urban Experiences. Sociology Compass, 7: 965–983.

Recommended reading

Wirth, L. 1938. Urbanism as a Way of Life. American Journal of Sociology, 44(1), 1-24.

Redfield, R. 1953. The Primitive World and Its Transformations. Ithaca: Cornell University Press (1953).

Lynch, K. 1960. The Image of the City. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Gans, H. 2013. Urbanism and Suburbanism as a Way of Life. In Rose, A.M. (1962). Human Behavior and Social Processes: An Interactionist Approach. London: Routledge: 625–648.


Task 2.

Discuss the schools introduced in the previous lectures and show their strengths and weaknesses.


5. Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in Concepts of the City and an Excursus into the Functionalism in Architecture and City Planning

Compulsory reading:

Lang, J., Moleski, W., 2013. Functionalism Revisited: Architectural Theory and Practice and the Behavioral Sciences. London, NY: Routledge 31–72.

Recommended reading:

Larice, M., Macdonald, E. (eds). 2013. The Urban Design Reader. London, New York: Routledge.

Filler, M. 2013. Markers of Modern Achitecture II. NY: NYRB: 49–74.


6. Methodology of Studying Urban Dweller: Constructing anthropological objects, Case study, Network Analysis, Social Distance Study, Ethnography of City; Ethnography of the City; Ethnography in the City.

Compulsory reading:

Jensen, K., Auyero, J. 2019. Teaching and Learning the Craft: The Construction of Ethnographic Objects. In: Ocejo, R. E. Urban Ethnography: Legacies and Challenges. NY: CUNY: 88–111.

Recommended reading:

Hunter, M. A. 2014. Urbanism and Symbolic Economies. A Comparative Assessment of American Urban Sociology. Comparative Sociology 13: 185–199.


7. Ethnographies of Socialist and Post-socialist Cities (examples from Poland, Germany, Czechia and Slovakia); workers, national identities, suburbanization, and city and city shrinkage

Compulsory reading

Haase, A., Grossman, K., Steinführer, A. 2012. Transitory urbanites: New actors of residential change in Polish and Czech inner cities. Cities 29(5): 318–326.


Recommended reading:

Temelová, J., Novák, J., Ouředníček, M., & Puldová, P. 2011. Housing Estates in the Czech Republic after Socialism: Various Trajectories and Inner Differentiation. Urban Studies, 48 (9), 1811–1834.


Uherek Zdeněk: 1997. L'ethnologie urbaine en pays tchćques. Genèses.  Sciences sociales et histoire. Septembre: 111 -  127


8. Public Space, Public Greenery, Insiders, Outsiders, Tourists

Compulsory reading

Gehl, J. 2011. Life between buildings. Using Public Space. Washington DC: Island Press.

Recommended reading:

Uherek, Z. 2017. Discourse on Public Spaces: Praguers in the Process of Globalization Changes and the Neoliberal Economy. In. Krase, J.–Uherek, Z., et al. Diversity and Local Contexts: Urban Space, Borders and Migration: 93–109.


Huai, S., & Van de Voorde, T. (2022). Which environmental features contribute to positive and negative perceptions of urban parks? A cross-cultural comparison using online reviews and Natural Language Processing methods. Landscape and Urban Planning, 218.


Question 3. Observation of a Prague public space. New knowledge gained from one's own academic activities.


8. Coping with Urban Danger

Compulsory reading

Low, S.M. 2001. The Edge and the Center: Gated Communities and the Discourse of Urban Fear. American Anthropologist, 103: 45-58.

Recommended reading

Brunt, L. 1992. Coping with Urban Danger. In: Uherek, Z. (ed.) Urban Anthropology and the Supranational and Regional Networks of the Town. Praha: Institute of Ethnologyoof the AV ČR: 19–39.


9. City Narratives: Reconstructing Urban Life

Compulsory reading

Choi, R. 2009. Reconstructing Urban Life. Places 21(1): 18–20.

Recommended reading

Stehle, M. 2010. Berlin's Potsdamer Platz as an Interactive Textbook: Space, Perspective, and Critical Research Skills. Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society, 2(1), 139-153.


11. Post-modern Cities and Edge Cities

Compulsory reading:

Day, J., Phelps, N.A., Veeroja, P., Yang, X. 2022. From Edge City to City? Journal of the American Planning Association, 88:4, 565–577.


Recommended reading:

Garreau J. 1991 Edge City: Life on the Frontiers. New York, Doubleday.

Oatley, N. 2001. L'Apparition de l'Edge (of) City: quels mots pour les nouveaux espaces urbains? In: Riviere d´Arc, H. (ed.) Nommer les nouveaux territoires urbains. Paris: UNESCO: 17–38.

Simpson, D., Kelly, T. 2011. Studying Twenty-first Century Cities. Judd, D.R., Simpson, D. (eds) The City, Revisited Urban Theory from Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York. Mineapolis, London: University of Minesota Press: 356 – 366.


Task 4: What is Prague's biggest problem, to what extent does it correspond to the situation in other cities and how is it solved elsewhere?

12. World Cities and Neoliberalism; Sustainable and Smart Cities

Compulsory reading:

Sodig, A. et al. 2019. Towards modern sustainable cities: Review of sustainability principles and trends. Journal of Cleaner Production 227: 972–1001.

Recommended reading:

Sassen S. 2005: The Global City: Introducing a Concept. The Brown Journal of World Affairs XI: 2.


Poslední úprava: Uherek Zdeněk, doc. PhDr., CSc. (14.11.2024)
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