Course Description:
The traditional theory of democratic representation centres on the linkage between democracy and representation. It answers the question of what makes representation democratic with two interlinked concepts – authorization and accountability. At the heart of democratic representation are elections – they are both an authorization mechanism (represented appoint representatives) and providing accountability (represented re-appoint 'good' representatives and punish the 'bad' ones). Historically, the representation literature focused on the representative's behaviour (delegate vs trustee model), types of representation, and methods for selecting representatives. Recent theories of representation broadened the scope of the represented (to include both people and discourses) and the role of the representative (citizen representative). The scholars of the representative turn went further, highlighting multiple forms and mechanisms of representation beyond elections rejecting the principle-agent relationship, introducing reflexivity as a measure of legitimacy, and reconsidering representation as mediation centred on voice, trust, and memory or as advocacy. They shifted our attention from the formal election procedure to the expressive and performative dimension of representation. Constructivist democratic theorists reconsidered what representation is and the relationship between the representative and the represented. The British political theorist Michael Saward reconceptualized representation as a claim-making process, broadening the scope of representation (actors and procedures) beyond elected representatives and elections. The concept of representation as claim-making bridges representation, participation, and deliberation. Representation as claim-making focuses on the plurality of claim-makers, claims, and conditions under which claim-making occurs. Claim-making is at the core of the constructivist turn in political representation. This course is designed to provide an in-depth overview of the evolution of political representation – from the traditional through modern to the contemporary constructivist turn. We will discuss the key dimensions of representation – accountability, authorization, substantive vs descriptive representation, and responsibility vs responsiveness. In addition, the students will familiarize themselves with key texts. In class, the discussion will enable a comprehensive understanding of the key feature of contemporary democracy – the linkage between the representatives and the represented. Poslední úprava: Guasti Petra, doc. Dr. habil. MA PhDr., Ph.D. (28.02.2024)
Learning outcomes: The seminar combines active and passive, individual and group learning forms, and is designed to develop:
Poslední úprava: Guasti Petra, doc. Dr. habil. MA PhDr., Ph.D. (28.02.2024)
Lecturer: Associate Professor Petra Guasti E-Mail: petra.guasti@fsv.cuni.cz Times & Room: Tuesdays 14:00-15:30 B316 Credits: 6 Language: English
Poslední úprava: Guasti Petra, doc. Dr. habil. MA PhDr., Ph.D. (28.02.2024)
See SYLLABUS! Additional readings: Andeweg, Rudy B., and Jacques J.A. Thomassen, 2005. “Modes of Political Representation: Toward a new typology,” Legislative Studies Quarterly, 30(4): 507–528. Mansbridge, J. (2005). Quota problems: Combating the dangers of essentialism. Politics & Gender, 1(4), 622. Rehfeld, A. 2006. “Towards a General Theory of Political Representation,” The Journal of Politics, 68: 1–21. Runciman, David, 2007. “The Paradox of Political Representation,” Journal of Political Philosophy, 15: 93–114. Saward, Michael, 2014. "Shape-shifting representation." American Political Science Review, 108(4): 723–736. –––, 2010—the Representative Claim, Oxford: Oxford University Press. –––, 2008. "Representation and democracy: revisions and possibilities," Sociology Compass, 2(3): 1000–1013. Vieira, Monica and David Runciman, 2008. Representation, Cambridge: Polity Press. Vieira, Monica (ed.), 2017. Reclaiming Representation: Contemporary Advances in the Theory of Political Representation, New York: Routledge Press. Warren, Mark and Dario Castiglione, 2004. “The Transformation of Democratic Representation,” Democracy and Society, 2(1): 5–22.
Critic of Representation Dryzek, John, 1996. “Political Inclusion and the Dynamics of Democratization,” American Political Science Review, 90 (September): 475–487. Pateman, Carole, 1970. Participation and Democratic Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 1762, The Social Contract, Judith Masters and Roger Masters (trans.), New York: St. Martins Press, 1978. Saward, Michael, 2008. “Representation and Democracy: Revisions and Possibilities,” Sociology Compass, 2: 1000–1013.
Democratic Representation Caramani (2017) Will Versus Reason: The Populist and Technocratic Challenge to the Party Model of Political Representation. American Political Science Review 111(1): 1‒14. Caramani, Daniele, Celis, Karen, and Bram Wauters (2014). "The Representation of Old and New Groups." In Deschouwer, Kris and Sam Depauw (eds.), Representing the People: A Survey of Members of Statewide and Sub-State Parliaments. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Chapter 3). Castiglione, D., 2015. "Trajectories and Transformations of the Democratic Representative System." Global Policy, 6(S1): 8–16. Dalton, Russell J. (1985). Political Parties and Political Representation: Party Supporters and Party Elites in Nine Nations. Comparative Political Studies 18(3): 267‒99. Disch, Lisa, 2011. "Toward a Mobilization Conception of Democratic Representation," American Political Science Review, 105(1): 100–114. –––, 2012. “Democratic representation and the constituency paradox,” Perspectives on Politics, 10(3): 599–616. Dovi, Suzanne, 2007. The Good Representative, New York: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. –––, 2016. "Hanna Pitkin, The Concept of Representation," The Oxford Handbook of Classics in Contemporary Political Theory, Jacob Levy (ed.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198717133.013.24 Näsström, Sofia, 2006. “Representative democracy as tautology: Ankersmit and Lefort on representation,” European Journal of Political Theory, 5(3): 321–342. Önnudóttir, E. H. (2014). Policy congruence and style of representation: Party voters and political parties. West European Politics, 37(3), 538-563. Saward, Michael, 2008. “Representation and Democracy: Revisions and Possibilities,” Sociology Compass, 2: 1000–1013. Urbinati, Nadia, 2011. “Political Representation as Democratic Process,” Redescriptions (Yearbook of Political Thought and Conceptual History: Volume 10), Kari Palonen (ed.), Helsinki: Transaction Publishers. Poslední úprava: Guasti Petra, doc. Dr. habil. MA PhDr., Ph.D. (31.01.2023)
Poslední úprava: Guasti Petra, doc. Dr. habil. MA PhDr., Ph.D. (28.02.2024)
Course requirements: The communication platform for this seminar will be Moodle, where all readings will be available. Required readings are to be completed by every student for the seminar session BEFORE the class. The recommended reading aims to encourage students to obtain a more profound understanding of the presented topics and serve as a basis for student presentations. Students are also encouraged to use the library and other resources available at the university. You are welcome to ask for a recommendation in a specific direction during consultations.
Q choose a quote from the text, A explain its argument, C connection to the overall text, and Q formulate a question.
Length cca 300 words. Each student must do 2 QACQs during the course – on a text of their choice from the recommended readings. The QACQ are to be submitted electronically via the Moodle platform as PDF the latest 48 hours before the relevant session as they serve as a basis for our discussion (the second ‘Q’ in QACQ.).
The idea behind these assignments is that you familiarize yourself with many different questions and issues at the forefront of measuring democratic quality. This should train students to think along theoretical lines and allow them to see democracy from a theoretically- and empirically-informed perspective, and enable them to write a term paper if they choose so.
Consultations: Tuesdays 16-17.30, upon appointment via Konzultace platform or per email.
Poslední úprava: Guasti Petra, doc. Dr. habil. MA PhDr., Ph.D. (28.02.2024)
Poslední úprava: Guasti Petra, doc. Dr. habil. MA PhDr., Ph.D. (28.02.2024)