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Geography and Politics in Europe within Global Regionalism - JPM324
Anglický název: Geography and Politics in Europe within Global Regionalism
Zajišťuje: Katedra politologie (23-KP)
Fakulta: Fakulta sociálních věd
Platnost: od 2023
Semestr: zimní
E-Kredity: 9
Způsob provedení zkoušky: zimní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: zimní s.:2/2, Zk [HT]
Počet míst: 5 / 13 (20)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Poznámka: povolen pro zápis po webu
Garant: doc. Martin Riegl, Ph.D.
Vyučující: Mgr. Bohumil Doboš, Ph.D.
doc. Martin Riegl, Ph.D.
Mgr. Ronan Peter Wordsworth
Neslučitelnost : JPM094, JPM113
Je neslučitelnost pro: JPM142, JPM094, JPM738, JPM113
Anotace -
Kurz se nabízí pouze studentům programu IEPS.
Poslední úprava: Riegl Martin, doc., Ph.D. (28.10.2019)
Podmínky zakončení předmětu -

Literatura na seminář v Moodle (přístup zapsaným studentům).

Účast na semináři a četba10%

Prezentace - seminar 20%

Midterm 20% 

Závěrečný test 50%



100 % - 91 % ...A

90 % - 81 % ... B

80 % - 71 % ... C

70 % - 61 % ... D

60 % - 50% ... E

Less than 50 % ... F


Témata seminářů a četba:

1) Introduction - no seminar 5.10.


2) Borders of Europe  12.10.

 a) European colonialism - links of UK, France, Spain and Portugal to their ex-colonies

b) Borders of Europe



KOLOSSOV, V. (2005) "Border Studies: Changing Perspectives and Theoretical Approaches", Geopolitics 10/4, pp. 606-32

SACK, R.D. (1983) "Human Territoriality: A Theory", Annals of Association of American Geographers 73/1, pp. 55-74 

MARCU, S. (2009) "The Geopolitics of the Eastern Border of the European Union: The Case of Romania-Moldova-Ukraine", Geopolitics 14/3, pp. 409-32


3) Geopolitical theories 19.10.

a) Europe as a Geopolitical Actor in the 21st Century 

b) Position of Central Europe

c)  Europe and Geoeconomics 



COHEN, S. B. (2015). Geopolitics: The Geography of International Relations (London: Rowman & Littlefield), pp. 1-11, 179-216

LUTTWAK, E. N. (2003). From Geopolitics to Geo-economics: Logic of Conflict, Grammar of Commerce. In: Ó Tuathail, G.; Dalby, S.; Routledge, P., The Geopolitics Reader (London: Routledge), pp. 125-130


4) Future of the EU 26.10.

a) EU institutions

b) History and future of Schengen area

c) Extremism


ZIELONKA, J. (2006) Europe as Empire: The Nature of the Enlarged European Union (Oxford: Oxford University Press) pp. 1-20

ZIELONKA, J. (2014) Is the EU Doomed? (Cambridge: Polity Press) pp. 101-114


5) Secessionism in Europe 2.11.

a) secessionism in the EU (Scotland)

b) secessionism in the EU (Catalonia, Venezia,...)

c) secessionism in Europe and frozen conflicts (Crimea, Transdniestria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia,...)



BERAN, H. (1984) "A Liberal Theory of Secession", Political Studies 32, pp. 21-31.

BIRCH, A. H. (1984) "Another Liberal Theory of Secession", Political Studies 32, pp. 596-602.

WILLIAMS, P. R. Et col. (2014) "Earned Sovereignty Revisited: Creating a Strategic Framework for Managing Self-determination Based Conflicts" ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law 21/2, pp. 425-51

STERIO, M. (2013) "On the Right to External Self- Determination: "Selfistans," Secession, and the Great Powers’ Rule", Minnesota Journal of International Law  19/1, pp. 137-76


6) Minorities and languages 9.11.

a) special territories in Europe (Gibraltar, Ceuta and Melilla, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Aland Islands,...)

b) significant minorities in Europe

c) Language policies of EU and European countries



TOFT, M. D. (2003) The Geography of Ethnic Violence: Identity, Interests, and the Indivisibility of Territory (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press), pp. 17-44

GRINDHEIM, J. E. (2008) "Lost in Translation? European Integration and Language Diversity", Perspectives on European Politics and Society 9/4, pp. 451-465

BLOMMAERT, J. (2011) "The long language-ideological debate in Belgium", Journal of Multicultural Discourses 6/3, pp. 241-56


7) European security architecture 23.11.

a) Post-Cold War expansion of NATO - Future predictions? Common European foreign and security policy - Tatevik

b) Russian geopolitics - case of A. Dugin - Nika

c) Ukrainian Crisis -



MCFAUL, M., SESTANOVICH, S., MEARSHEIMER, J.J. (2014) "Faulty Powers: Who Started the Ukrainian Crisis" Foreign Affairs at: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/eastern-europe-caucasus/2014-10-17/faulty-powers

RINGSMOSE, J., RYNNING, S. (2017) "Now for the Hard Part: NATO´s Strategic Adaptation to Russia", Survival 59/3, pp. 129-146.

DUKE, S. W. (2019) "The Competing Logics of EU Security and Defence", Survival 61/2, pp. 123-142.


8) Europe and energy 30.11.

a) Energy security of Europe

b) Impact of "green" energy on Europe



ERICSON, R. E. (2009) "Eurasian Natural Gas Pipelines:  The Political Economy of Network Interdependence" Eurasian Geography and Economics 50/1, pp. 28-57

BOSCE, A.-M. (2018) "EU Energy Diplomacy: Searching for New Suppliers in Azerbaijan and Iran" Geopoliticspp. 1-29


9) Integration and Disintegration of the EU 7.12.

a) Brexit

b) Potential "leavers"

c) New members of the EU



JOSPEH, E. P., VANGELOV, O. (2018) "Breakthrough in the Balkans: Macedonia´s New Name", Survival 60/4, pp. 37-44.

HEISBOURG, F. (2018) "Europe´s Defence: Revisiting the Impact of Brexit", Survival 60/6, pp. 17-26.


10) Migration and illegal activities 14.12.

a) Migration from and to Europe

b) Foreign fighters in the Middle East

c) Illegal activities - drug trade, human trafficking, weapons proliferation in Europe



Stambøl, E. M. (2016) "EU initiatives along the ‘cocaine routes’ to Europe: Fighting drug trafficking and terrorism by proxy?", Small Wars and Insurgencies 27/2, pp. 302-324

KOCH, A. (2019) "The Non-Jihadi Foreign Fighters: Western Right-Wing and Left-Wing Extremists in Syria", Terrorism and Political Violence, pp. 1-28 


11) Interventions 21.12.

a) European interventions in Africa

b) European interventions in Middle East

c) European interventions in South Asia



GRIFFIN, C. (2016) "Operation Barkhane and Boko Haram: French Counterterrorism and Military Cooperation in the Sahel" Small Wars and Insurgencies 27/5, pp. 896-913.

SOULEIMANOV, E. A., PETRYLOVA, K. (2015) "Russia´s Policy Toward the Islamic State" Middle East Policy 22/3, pp. 66-78.

Poslední úprava: Doboš Bohumil, Mgr., Ph.D. (27.09.2021)
Literatura -


Carter, D.B., Poast, P. (2015). Why Do States Build Walls? Political Economy, Security, and Border Stability. Journal of Conflict Research, p. 1 – 32.

Cohen, S.B. (2008). Geopolitics: The Geography of International Relations. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

- Chapter 7

De Blij, P.Muller. (2010). Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts (14th edition). John Wiley and Sons. Nex York.

De Blij, H. (2010). The Power of Place. Geography, Destiny, and Globalization´s Rough Landscape. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

- Chapter 2. The Imperial Legacy of Language

- Chapter 3. The Fateful Geography of Religion

Farrel, M., Hettne, B. and L. van Langenhove (2005): Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Practice . London: Pluto Press.

Fawcett, L. (2005). Regionalism in World Politics: Past and Present.

Ó Tuathail, P., Dalby, S. and P.Routledge (2003). Geopolitics Reader. London and New York: Routledge.

Rosiére, S., Jones, R. (2012). Teichopolitics: Re-considering Globalisation Through the Role of Walls and Fences. Geopolitics, 17, p. 217 – 234.

Snyder, T. (2014). Europe and Ukraine Putin´s Project.


Tilly, Ch. (1975). The Formation of National States in Europe. New Jersey: Princetown University Press. 

- Chapters 1, 2 and 9.

Walton, N., Zielonka, J. (2013). The New Political Geography of Europe. European Council on Foreign Relations.


EU history. Official EU website: https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/history_en


Final Act of the Congress of Vienna-General Treaty (1815)

Brezhnev doctrine

Brussels Treaty of Economic, Social and Cultural Collaboration and Collective Self-defense, March 17, 1948


Common European Home (Gorbachev 1989): http://polsci.colorado.edu/sites/default/files/1A_Gorbachev.pdf

The Briand Plan (1930)

The General Act  - The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 by European Powers

Maps of geopolitical changes from 1900 to 2000.


Doporučené zdroje:

Z.Brzezinski. (2012). Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power. Basic Books.

Buruma, A. Occidentalism. The New York Review of Books, 2002. Vol. 49, no. 1.


De Blij, H. (2012). Why Geography Matters: More Than Ever. Oxford:Oxford University Press. Chapter 9 (pp. 241-265), Chapter 10 (pp.265-293).

Delanty, Gerard. Inventing Europe. Idea, Identity, Reality. London: Macmillan Press, 1995,200 s. ISBN: 0312125690.  s. 84-99 and 115-155.

Glassner, M. I.(1996): Political geography (second edition), John Wiley, New York (Chapters - geopolitical theories)

Huntington, S. P. (1993): The Clash of Civilizations? In Foreign Affairs.


Mansfield, E.D., Milner, H.V. (1999). The New Wafe of Regionalism. In International Organization.

Nye, J.S. The Future of Power. 2011. Public Affairs. 320 s. ISBN: 1610390695.

Wallace, W. The Sharing of Sovereignty: the European Paradox. Political Studies, 1999, vol. 47, p. 503-521. ISSN: 0032-3217.

Poslední úprava: Riegl Martin, doc., Ph.D. (06.01.2022)
Požadavky ke zkoušce -


Přednášky a seminář (každý student musí přečíst požadované zdroje a vypracovat otázky na každý seminář - informace v Moodle - přístup získají registrovaní studenti). Součástí semináře je diskuse o literatuře. 

Aktivní účast na semináři a četba 10%

Prezentace - seminar 20%

Mid-term test 20%

Závěrečný test 50%



100 % - 91 % ...A

90 % - 81 % ... B

80 % - 71 % ... C

70 % - 61 % ... D

60 % - 50% ... E

Less than 50 % ... F


Témata seminářů a zdroje:

1) Introduction - no seminar 1.10.


2) Borders of Europe  8.10.

 a) European colonialism - links of UK, France, Spain and Portugal to their ex-colonies - David (UK-Africa), Alisson (Spain)

b) Borders of Europe - Max



KOLOSSOV, V. (2005) "Border Studies: Changing Perspectives and Theoretical Approaches", Geopolitics 10/4, pp. 606-32

SACK, R.D. (1983) "Human Territoriality: A Theory", Annals of Association of American Geographers 73/1, pp. 55-74 

MARCU, S. (2009) "The Geopolitics of the Eastern Border of the European Union: The Case of Romania-Moldova-Ukraine", Geopolitics 14/3, pp. 409-32


3) Geopolitical theories 15.10.

a) Europe as a Geopolitical Actor in the 21st Century - 

b) Position of Central Europe - Daniel

c)  Europe and Geoeconomics - 



COHEN, S. B. (2015). Geopolitics: The Geography of International Relations (London: Rowman & Littlefield), pp. 1-11, 179-216

LUTTWAK, E. N. (2003). From Geopolitics to Geo-economics: Logic of Conflict, Grammar of Commerce. In: Ó Tuathail, G.; Dalby, S.; Routledge, P., The Geopolitics Reader (London: Routledge), pp. 125-130


4) Future of the EU 22.10.

a) EU institutions - Sonila

b) History and future of Schengen area - Lin

c) Extremism - Tereza


ZIELONKA, J. (2006) Europe as Empire: The Nature of the Enlarged European Union (Oxford: Oxford University Press) pp. 1-20

ZIELONKA, J. (2014) Is the EU Doomed? (Cambridge: Polity Press) pp. 101-114


5) Secessionism in Europe 5.11.

a) secessionism in the EU (Scotland) - Robert

b) secessionism in the EU (Catalonia, Venezia,...) - 

c) secessionism in Europe and frozen conflicts (Crimea, Transdniestria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia,...) - Knut



BERAN, H. (1984) "A Liberal Theory of Secession", Political Studies 32, pp. 21-31.

BIRCH, A. H. (1984) "Another Liberal Theory of Secession", Political Studies 32, pp. 596-602.

WILLIAMS, P. R. Et col. (2014) "Earned Sovereignty Revisited: Creating a Strategic Framework for Managing Self-determination Based Conflicts" ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law 21/2, pp. 425-51

STERIO, M. (2013) "On the Right to External Self- Determination: "Selfistans," Secession, and the Great Powers’ Rule", Minnesota Journal of International Law  19/1, pp. 137-76


6) Minorities and languages 12.11.

a) special territories in Europe (Gibraltar, Ceuta and Melilla, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Aland Islands,...) - 

b) significant minorities in Europe - Sankalp

c) Language policies of EU and European countries - Ani



TOFT, M. D. (2003) The Geography of Ethnic Violence: Identity, Interests, and the Indivisibility of Territory (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press), pp. 17-44

GRINDHEIM, J. E. (2008) "Lost in Translation? European Integration and Language Diversity", Perspectives on European Politics and Society 9/4, pp. 451-465

BLOMMAERT, J. (2011) "The long language-ideological debate in Belgium", Journal of Multicultural Discourses 6/3, pp. 241-56


7) European security architecture 19.11.

a) Post-Cold War expansion of NATO - Future predictions? Common European foreign and security policy - Tatevik

b) Russian geopolitics - case of A. Dugin - Nika

c) Ukrainian Crisis -



MCFAUL, M., SESTANOVICH, S., MEARSHEIMER, J.J. (2014) "Faulty Powers: Who Started the Ukrainian Crisis" Foreign Affairs at: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/eastern-europe-caucasus/2014-10-17/faulty-powers

RINGSMOSE, J., RYNNING, S. (2017) "Now for the Hard Part: NATO´s Strategic Adaptation to Russia", Survival 59/3, pp. 129-146.

DUKE, S. W. (2019) "The Competing Logics of EU Security and Defence", Survival 61/2, pp. 123-142.


8) Europe and energy 26.11.

a) Energy security of Europe - Jacob

b) Impact of "green" energy on Europe - Jifu



ERICSON, R. E. (2009) "Eurasian Natural Gas Pipelines:  The Political Economy of Network Interdependence" Eurasian Geography and Economics 50/1, pp. 28-57

BOSCE, A.-M. (2018) "EU Energy Diplomacy: Searching for New Suppliers in Azerbaijan and Iran" Geopoliticspp. 1-29


9) Integration and Disintegration of the EU 3.12.

a) Brexit - Sabuhi

b) Potential "leavers" - Cheng

c) New members of the EU -David (TUR)



JOSPEH, E. P., VANGELOV, O. (2018) "Breakthrough in the Balkans: Macedonia´s New Name", Survival 60/4, pp. 37-44.

HEISBOURG, F. (2018) "Europe´s Defence: Revisiting the Impact of Brexit", Survival 60/6, pp. 17-26.


10) Migration and illegal activities 10.12.

a) Migration from and to Europe - Marjhory

b) Foreign fighters in the Middle East - Justin

c) Illegal activities - drug trade, human trafficking, weapons proliferation in Europe - Alexa



Stambøl, E. M. (2016) "EU initiatives along the ‘cocaine routes’ to Europe: Fighting drug trafficking and terrorism by proxy?", Small Wars and Insurgencies 27/2, pp. 302-324

KOCH, A. (2019) "The Non-Jihadi Foreign Fighters: Western Right-Wing and Left-Wing Extremists in Syria", Terrorism and Political Violence, pp. 1-28 


11) Interventions 17.12.

a) European interventions in Africa - Pavic

b) European interventions in Middle East - Nuha

c) European interventions in South Asia - Ma



GRIFFIN, C. (2016) "Operation Barkhane and Boko Haram: French Counterterrorism and Military Cooperation in the Sahel" Small Wars and Insurgencies 27/5, pp. 896-913.

SOULEIMANOV, E. A., PETRYLOVA, K. (2015) "Russia´s Policy Toward the Islamic State" Middle East Policy 22/3, pp. 66-78.

Poslední úprava: Riegl Martin, doc., Ph.D. (28.10.2019)
Sylabus -

Course sylabus:


1.        Introduction

2.        Definitions: structure and dynamic of power in the world system, powers shifts

3.        Definitions/theories: Europe in geopolitical theories


Cohen, S. (2008). Geopolitics: The Geography of International Relations. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 470 pp., Chapter 2.

De Blij, P.Muller. (2010). Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts (14th edition). John Wiley and Sons. Nex York.

Glassner, M. I.(1996): Political geography (second edition), John Wiley, New York (Chapters - geopolitical theories)

Ó Tuathail, P., Dalby, S. and P.Routledge (2003). Geopolitics Reader. London and New York: Routledge.

4.      What is Europe? Creation of state system and Geopolitics of Europe till 20th century


Tilly, Ch. (1975). The Formation of National States in Europe. New Jersey: Princetown University Press.

Further reading:

Delanty, Gerard (1995) Inventing Europe. Idea, Identity, Reality. London: Macmillan Press, pp. 84-99 and 115-155.

5.       European Colonial History - Heart of Darkness


Carmody, P. (2011) The New Scramble for Africa. Cambridge: Polity Press. 240 pp. Chapter 1,2.

6.       European minorities - Europe on the way to WW 1, Europe between wars and in WW 2 


7.      Political geography of Europe - European regionalism


Cohen, S. (2008). Geopolitics: The Geography of International Relations. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 470 pp., Chapter 7.

De Blij, P.Muller. (2010). Geography: Realms, Regions and Concepts (14th edition). John Wiley and Sons. Nex York

Walton, N., Zielonka, J. (2013). The New Political Geography of Europe. European Council on Foreign Relations.


8.         Mid-term test

9.         European integration process - model for world regions?


Primary documents (treaties) of the EU, available at: http://europa.eu/eu-law/treaties/index_en.htm

10.      Political geography of languages and religions as a factor of global politics


Huntington, S. P. (1993): The Clash of Civilizations? In Foreign Affairs.


11.       Geopolitics and geography of contemporary Europe


De Blij, H. (2012). Why Geography Matters: More Than Ever. Oxford:Oxford University Press. Chapter 9 (pp. 241-265), Chapter 10 (pp.265-293)

Kaplan, R.D. (2009). The Revenge of Geography.


12.  Geopolitics of Europe in 21st century


Snyder, T. (2014). Europe and Ukraine Putin’s Project.


Carter, D.B., Poast, P. (2015). Why Do States Build Walls? Political Economy, Security, and Border Stability. Journal of Conflict Research, p. 1 – 32.

Friedman, G. (2015). What Borders Mean toEurope. Geopolitical Weekly, June 23.


Rosiére, S., Jones, R. (2012). Teichopolitics: Re-considering Globalisation Through the Role of Walls and Fences. Geopolitics, 17, p. 217 – 234.

13.  Final test

Poslední úprava: Riegl Martin, doc., Ph.D. (06.01.2022)
Vstupní požadavky -


Poslední úprava: Riegl Martin, doc., Ph.D. (26.10.2019)
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