Week 1
- Introduction to the course (Linking Ethics and Economics. Institutions, Organizations and Ethics)
- Consequentialist x Categorical Reasoning
- Ethical Pre-Understanding of Real Situations
- Empiricist Ethics (Empiricism. Hedonism. David Hume. Utilitarianism)
- Moral reasoning: sound and valid arguments
- Utility in Economic Models
- What is Ethics? (Ethics as Practical Philosophy. Forms of Ethics)
Required Reading:
Max Weber: Politics as Vocation (Can be found on web) e.g. http://anthropos-lab.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Weber-Politics-as-a-Vocation.pdf
Week 2
- Philosophy - Selected Topics
- Philosophy of Science
- Philosophy of Social Science
- Exercising of moral reasoning on Legality of Drugs
Required Reading:
John Stuart Mill - Utilitarianism (e.g. https://www.earlymoderntexts.com/assets/pdfs/mill1863.pdf )
Optional Readings:
Week 3
- Philosophy of Social Science - Continued
Macrosocial Science and FunctionalismMoral Questions and Social Science
- Philosophy of Economics
- Exercising of moral reasoning on abortion
Required Reading:
Milton Friedman - The Methodology of Positive Economics (e.g. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnx0c3puZ2F3b25nfGd4OjE3MDM2MDQ3OWRmZWE1NTY ) - Philosophy of Social Science - Continued
Week 4
- From Personal to Social and Economic Ethics
Human Relations in Institutional IntermediationSocial and Economic ethics- Comparison of methodological and theoretical bases of Neoclasical Synthesis and Postkeynesian Economics
- Exercising of moral reasoning on migration
Required Reading:
Ludwig von Mises: Human Action - Introduction (Economics and Praxeology, The Epistemological Problem of a General Theory of Human Action, Economic Theory and the Practice of Human Action, Résumé) (e.g. https://cdn.mises.org/Human%20Action_3.pdf )
Optional Readings:
Week 5
- Theory of Choice
- Immanuel Kant and Categorical Reasoning
- Thomas Aquinas and Conscience
- Exercising of moral reasoning on "helping to the poor"
- Comparison of different approaches: Ethical Egoism, Social Contract approach, Utilitarianism and Christian approach
Required Reading:
Friedrich August von Hayek: Law, legislation and Liberty - Chapter 7 (General Welfare and Particular Purposes) (e.g. https://libsa.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/hayek-law-legislation-and-liberty.pdf )
Optional Readings:
Week 6
- Four Levels for Judgement of Rules
- Iterative Relation between Individual Rules and Social Norms
- Psyche – Psychological and Philosophical Insight
- Social Stability - Giving Reasons to Ethical Norms
- Are there some universal human rights?
- Exercising of moral reasoning on the ethics of war and peace
Required Reading:
CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conducts (just 2 pages) (please find on https://www.cfainstitute.org/pages/index.aspx under EthicsAndStandards)
Optional Readings:
Week 7
- Constitutional Economics I
- Origin
- Constitutional Contract
- The Contractarian Birth of State
- Postconstitutional Contract
- Public Goods and Common Resources
- Selfrealization and Freedom I
- Exercising of financial analysts ethics: Ethics Codes, CFA Ethics Code, CFA Standards of Professional Conduct
Required Reading:
Immanuel Kant, Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals (1785) (e.g. https://cpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/blog.nus.edu.sg/dist/c/1868/files/2012/12/Kant-Groundwork-ng0pby.pdf )
- Constitutional Economics I
Week 8
- Constitutional Economics II
- Status Quo
- Contractual Changes in the Status Quo
- Dual Capacity of State
- Order as Public Goods
- Order as Public Capital Goods
- Are we not governed too much?
- What can we do with that?
- Redistributive Role of the State
- Selfrealization and Freedom II
- Guilt and Shame
- Exercising of moral reasoning on terrorism and torture
Required Reading:
Karl Raimund Popper: The Open Society and Its Enemies Vol. 1 - Chapter 1 (Historicism and the Myth of Destiny) and Chapter 9 (Estheticism, Radicalism and Utopianism) (e.g. on https://epdf.pub/the-open-society-and-its-enemies-the-spell-of-platoa93dec0c92690f48572982c5940e421739524.html (download as Full Text)
Optional Readings:
- Constitutional Economics II
Week 9:
- Virtue
- Fairness, Labour Market and Inflation
- Mainstream Approach
- Postkeynesian Approach
- Labour Demand
- Labour Supply
- Competing Claims Model of Inflation
- Exercising of moral reasoning on animals and environmentalist ethics
Required Reading:
Aristotle: The Politics - Book 1 (e.g. http://files.libertyfund.org/files/819/0033-02_Bk_SM.pdf )
Week 10
- Justice
- Happiness
- Sense
- Selected Economic Topics with Stressed Ethical Dimension" (System of Natioonal Accounts and Distribution of GDP,Measuring Income, Job and Wealth Distribution, Economics of Happiness, New Institutional Economics and Trust, Economics and Family, Economics and Gender)
- Exercising of moral reasoning on family, marriage and household
Required Reading:
Alisdair MacIntyre: After Virtue (e.g. https://epistemh.pbworks.com/f/4.+Macintyre.pdf ), Chapter 14: "The Nature of the Virtues"
Optional Readings:
Week 11
- Democracy
Required Reading:
Hannah Arendt: Philosophy and Politics (https://zetesisproject.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/arendt-phi-and-politics.pdf) -
Week 12
- Miscellaneous
- Marxist Ethics
- Psyche once more
- Psychoanalysis
- Etology and Konrad Lorenz
- Nietsche and his hammer
- Material value ethics
- Existentionalist Ethics
- Ethics of discours
- Exercising of moral reasoning on ICT development
Required Reading:
Bertrand Russel: The Elements of Ethics (1910) (http://fair-use.org/bertrand-russell/the-elements-of-ethics)
- Miscellaneous