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Předmět, akademický rok 2021/2022
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Preparation for the CDRC Mediation and Negotiation Competition - HV3907
Anglický název: Preparation for the CDRC Mediation and Negotiation Competition
Zajišťuje: Centrum mimosoudního řešení sporů (22-CMRS)
Fakulta: Právnická fakulta
Platnost: od 2021 do 2021
Semestr: letní
Body: 0
E-Kredity: 3
Způsob provedení zkoušky: letní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: letní s.:0/2, Kv [HT]
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina, čeština
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Poznámka: předmět je možno zapsat mimo plán
povolen pro zápis po webu
Garant: JUDr. Martin Svatoš, Ph.D.
Vyučující: JUDr. Martin Svatoš, Ph.D.
Mediation and negotiation skills are at the forefront of the interest of international chambers of commerce and law firms and are becoming increasingly valuable to today's society. This course aims to give students a practical knowledge of mediation and negotiation techniques and processes and solid preparation for participation in one of the most prestigious international English language competitions in Europe. The preparation will focus on the requirements of the CDRC competition - The IBA-VIAC Mediation and Negotiation Competition (CDRC), which is held annually in Vienna, but in 2022 will take place in an online environment. Primarily, it is about building a range of soft skills that students will use in legal and business practice.
Students will learn to analyze complex legal and commercial disputes, identify critical facts, develop a case timeline and dispute resolution strategy, articulate the parties' positions, interests, and needs, and differentiate between them. In practical training, they will also gain confidence in formulating arguments in a foreign language, learn how to respond flexibly to the other side's strategy, and promote their interests or those of their client appropriately.
Graduates of the course will deepen their analytical and critical thinking skills, process strategy, and collaboration. They will also gain practical experience in non-verbal communication and significantly expand their English vocabulary in international law and business. In doing so, they will further learn teamwork and have the opportunity to meet prominent figures in alternative dispute resolution and other students with similar backgrounds from around the world.
The selection procedure for the CDRC International Competition will occur before the start of the course, through a selection procedure announced by the Student Mediation Association Prague, z.s. The actual participation will depend on the funding possibilities and the acceptance of the Charles University team to the competition by the organizer of the international competition. Successful completion will be conditional on the student's active participation in 80% of the seminars. If the student is not a member of the CDRC team, participation in the final mock mediation moot court and sending written preparation is also mandatory.

During the course or at the end of the semester, it is possible to apply for the ICC international competition (or, if interested, for other international competitions for which a separate preparatory course is not offered).
The course is prepared and taught in cooperation with the Student Mediation Association Prague, z.s.

Course objective
The course aims to prepare for the international CDRC competition in English actively. Students will focus on developing mediation and negotiation techniques and skills and on developing their argumentation skills to be used in the role of a lawyer, businessman, or mediator. They will gain new knowledge of conflict resolution theory and practical practice of various techniques in the mediation process in a competitive environment. Students will gain insight into the legal aspects of negotiation.
The course will focus on particular aspects of the case through case studies, which will be analyzed and practiced during the seminar. Students will develop the ability to represent their clients effectively, lead the negotiation or mediation process, and advocate for their business interests appropriately. The process will reflect the high level of skill and knowledge required at the CDRC, including the rules of separate negotiations. Standardized feedback will be included to enable students to identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop them further.
The course will be practically focused, and individual lessons will be developed concerning the rules of the CDRC competition and the skills needed to participate in the competition effectively. To gain general knowledge about mediation and negotiation, we recommend taking the general courses and open training of the Student Mediation Association Prague. Alternatively, students are expected to supplement their missing knowledge through active self-study.
Poslední úprava: Ryza Tomáš, JUDr. Mgr. (03.01.2024)
Metody výuky

V případě distanční výuky bude probíhat výuka formou online webinářů v čase původních seminářů, a to prostřednictvím ZOOM. Literatura pro přípravu na jednotlivé semináře bude dostupná prostřednictvím facebookové skupiny.

Závěrečná studijní účast na simulované mediaci.

Poslední úprava: Ryza Tomáš, JUDr. Mgr. (03.01.2024)

1. Introduction to mediation competitions and the concept of competitions, information about the CDRC, the presentation of the syllabus and teachers
2. Mediator: role of the mediator at the competition, preparation for the meeting, opening speech of the mediator, use of flipchart
3. Negotiators: role of client and lawyer, an opening statement of the parties, cooperation between client and lawyer
4. Negotiators: Preparation for the meeting, strategy, BATNA, WATNA, ZOPA
5. Case study - joint analysis, preparation of strategy, and introduction
6. Mock mediation moot court
7. Parts of the mediation process and possible variations of the process, agenda creation, correct timing, information gathering & sharing,
8. Mediation techniques and negotiation techniques and their use in practice, active work with the mediator and the other party
9. Case study - Group negotiation, identification of techniques and soft skills, feedback
10. Non-verbal communication, cultural differences, manipulation, rules, and evaluation criteria
11. Case study - Group negotiation, process management, and business strategy, feedback

Poslední úprava: Ryza Tomáš, JUDr. Mgr. (03.01.2024)
Podmínky zakončení předmětu

Course completion requirements
The student will be required to participate in seminars actively and contribute to the team's preparation for the CDRC. If he/she is not participating as a team member this year, he/she must attend the final mock mediation moot court and submit written preparation. 80% attendance at the seminars is required.

Poslední úprava: Ryza Tomáš, JUDr. Mgr. (03.01.2024)
Studijní opory

Compulsory reading
• BRZOBOHATÝ, R. a kol.: Rukověť mediátora, Wolters Kluwer 2016, ISBN: 978-80-755-221-4. • FISHER, R. - URY, W.: Getting to YES: Negotiating an Agreement Without Giving In, Random House Business Books: New York 1992, ISBN: 978-0395631249.
• MNOOKIN, R. H.: Bargaining with the Devil: When to negotiate, when to flight, Simon & Schuster 2011.
• SVATOŠ, M.: Tajemství mediace aneb řešení sporů od A do Z. Praha 2020, ISBN: 978-80-86819-17-4
• The IBA-VIAC Mediation and Negotiation Competition. 2022 Rules. https://www.cdrcvienna.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/CDRC-Rules-2022.pdf • UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985), with amendments as adopted in 2006. https://uncitral.un.org/sites/uncitral.un.org/files/media-documents/uncitral/en/19-09955_e_ebook.pdf

Recommended reading
• CARTER, A.: Ask for More: 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything, Simon & Schuster: 2020, ISBN: 978-1982130480.
• PATTERSON, K. - GRENNY, J.: Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Education: 2011, ISBN: 978-0071771320.
• PLAMÍNEK, Jiří. Mediace: nejúčinnější lék na konflikty. Praha: Grada, 2013. ISBN 978-80-247-5031-6. • POTOČKOVÁ, D.: Nejlepší je domluvit se aneb Průvodce mediačním procesem, Alfom s.r.o., 2013, ISBN: 978-80-87785-00-3.
• ŠIŠKOVÁ, T.: Facilitativní mediace, řešení konfliktu prostřednictvím mediátora. Portál 2012, ISBN: 978-80-262-0091-8.
• VOSS, Ch. - RAZ, T.: Never Split the Difference. Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It, Harper Business: 2016. ISBN 978-0062407801.

Poslední úprava: Ryza Tomáš, JUDr. Mgr. (03.01.2024)
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