PředmětyPředměty(verze: 964)
Předmět, akademický rok 2024/2025
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Advanced Spoken Sibe I - AMN100155
Anglický název: Advanced Spoken Sibe I
Zajišťuje: Ústav asijských studií (21-UAS)
Fakulta: Filozofická fakulta
Platnost: od 2024
Semestr: zimní
Body: 0
E-Kredity: 5
Způsob provedení zkoušky: zimní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: zimní s.:1/1, Zk [HT]
Počet míst: 10 / neurčen (10)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ano
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ano / 10
Kompetence: critical thinking, multilingualism
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: distanční
Poznámka: předmět pro jiné fakulty
předmět z jiné fakulty
předmět je možno zapsat mimo plán
povolen pro zápis po webu
Garant: Mgr. Veronika Zikmundová, Ph.D.
Chengzhi Chengzhi, Ph.D.
Vyučující: Chengzhi Chengzhi, Ph.D.
Mgr. Veronika Zikmundová, Ph.D.
Colloquial Sibe is the only Manchu variety currently in use. Advanced Sibe is mainly intended for students interested in the Manchu and Sibe language, and students interested in the ethnography of the ethnic groups of China. In the beginning of the course an overview of Sibe grammar will be given in order to make the course accessible to students with no previous knowledge of spoken Sibe. Each of the rest of the meetings will consist of 1. an introduction to the main topic of the meeting and related vocabulary, 2. listening to and interpretation of a selection of recordings related to the topic, and 3. a discussion and exercises focusing on new vocabulary.

Poslední úprava: Zikmundová Veronika, Mgr., Ph.D. (12.07.2024)
Podmínky zakončení předmětu

Understanding of the topics discussed during the course.

Poslední úprava: Zikmundová Veronika, Mgr., Ph.D. (12.07.2024)

Kubo Tomoyuki, Kogura Norikazu, Zhuang Sheng. Basic Sibe. 久保智之 児倉徳和 庄声 シベ語の基礎. Tokyo 2011

Zikmundová, Veronika Spoken Sibe: Morphology of the inflected parts of speech. Karolinum. Praha 2013

Poslední úprava: Blažíčková Jolana, Mgr. (24.06.2024)

October 3, (Friday 14:10-15.40)

Introduction to the course. Overview of Sibe grammar I (nominal inflection)


October 11 (Friday, 14:10-15.40)
Overview of Sibe grammar II (verbal inflection)

October 18, (Friday, 14:10-15.40)
Topic I: Historical tradition about the Sibe origins (resettlement from Manchuria).

October 25, (Friday, 14:10-15.40)
Topic 2: Sibe food and eating customs (traditional Sibe dishes, eating etiquette)

November 1, (Friday, 14:10-15.40)
Topic 3: Self-perception of the Sibe as soldiers and Manchu Bannermen (military organization under the Qing, later military achiavements, traditional sports and martial arts)

November 8, (Friday, 14:10-15.40)
Topic 4:  Traditional Sibe family (kinship structure and terminology, roles of family members)

November 15, (Friday, 14:10-15.40)

Topic 5: Sibe traditional and modern wedding (ethics of marriage, matchmaking, the Little and Big wedding, wedding folklore)

November 22, (Friday, 14:10-15.40)
Topic 6: Sibe shamanic tradition  (types of shamans and healers, types of diseases healed by shamans, shamanic folklore, becoming a shaman)

November 29, (Friday, 14:10-15.40)
Topic 7: Sibe literature (the traditional literary genre - julen, modern Sibe authors, specifics of Sibe poetry and prose)

December 6, (Friday, 14:10-15.40)
Topic 8: Sibe funeral and related customs (traditional mythology and beliefs connected to death and afterlife, traditional funeral rites)

December 20, (Friday, 14:10-15.40)
Topic 9: Sibe education (past and present of Sibe-language schooling)

December 27 – Christmas Holidays

January 3, (Friday, 14:10-15.40)
Topic 10: Sibe material culture (traditional Sibe housing, clothing and working instruments)

January 10, (Friday, 14:10-15.40)
Wrap-up session

Poslední úprava: Zikmundová Veronika, Mgr., Ph.D. (12.07.2024)
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