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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademie věd ČR (51-900730)
Anatomie a biomechanika (51-500100)
Centrum CŽV a služeb (51-902530)
Centrum profesní přípravy a kariérního poradenství (51-140004)
Department of Adapted Physical Education and Sport Medicine (51-300300)
Department of Athletics and Outdoor Sports (51-300500)
Department of Biomedical Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300200)
Department of Gymnastics and Combat Sports (51-300600)
Department of Physiotherapy (51-300400)
Department of Social Sciences Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300000)
Department of Sport Games (51-300700)
Department of Sport Management (51-300100)
Department of Swimming, Water and Technical Sports (51-300800)
doktorand na FTVS (51-900710)
Fyziologie (51-500200)
Gymnastika (51-600200)
Kabinet pedagogických praxí (51-400300)
Katedra jazyků (51-400400)
Kinantropologie (51-400100)
Laboratory of Sport Motorics (51-300900)
Laboratoř sportovní motoriky (51-600800)
Management (51-400110)
Pedagogická fakulta UK (51-900720)
Pedagogika, psychologie a didaktika (51-400200)
Science app. (51-100200)
Sportovní hry (51-600300)
Sporty v přírodě (51-600400)
Studijní oddělení (51-100100)
Technické a úpolové sporty (51-600600)
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu (51-100101)
Vojenská tělovýchova (51-600700)
Zdravotní TV a tělovýchovné lékařství (51-500300)
1. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900600)
2. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900400)
3. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900500)
Bachelor's thesis - Setting - PVOB001
Bachelor's thesis - PVOB002
Bachelor's thesis - Defence - PVOB003
Thesis - Setting - PVOD001
Thesis - Defence - PVOD002
Diploma colloquium - PVOD003
Diploma colloquium - PVOD009
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training Ia - PVOT039
Basics of the Special Physical Training Ia - PVOT040
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training Ib - PVOT041
Basics of the Special Physical Training Ib - PVOT042
Special Physical Training I - PVOT043
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training II - PVOT058
Basic of Special Physical Training II - PVOT059
Methodological Practice I - PVOT060
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training Ia - PVOT067
Basics of Special Physical Training Ia - PVOT068
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training Ib - PVOT069
Basics of Special Physical Training Ib - PVOT070
Special Physical Training I - PVOT071
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training II - PVOT074
Basic of Special Physical Training II - PVOT075
Professional Practice in the ACR - PVOT082
Theory and didactics of PE in ACR IIIa - PVOT083
Professional Practice in the ACR II - PVOT086
Theory and didactics of PE in ACR IIIb - PVOT087
Professional Practise in the ACR - PVOT091
Theory and didactics of PE in ACR IIIa - PVOT092
Professional Practise in the ACR II - PVOT095
Theory and didactics of PE in ACR IIIb - PVOT096
Basics of Special Physical Training III - PVOT097
Special Physical Training II - PVOT101
Special Military Physical Training Course III - PVOT102
Basics of Special Military Physical Training III - PVOT103
Basics of Special Military Physical Training 1 - PVOT108N
Basics of Special Military Physical Training 2 - PVOT109N
Special Physical Training 1 - PVOT110N
Special Physical Training 2 - PVOT111N
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training 1 - PVOT112N
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training 2 - PVOT113N
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training 3 - PVOT114N
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training 4 - PVOT115N
Professional Practise - PVOT116N
Basics of Special Military Physical Training 1 - PVOT118N
Basics of Special Military Physical Training 2 - PVOT119N
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training 1 - PVOT122N
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training 2 - PVOT123N
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training 3 - PVOT124N
Theory and Didactics in the Army Physical Training 4 - PVOT125N
Theory and Didactics of P.E. in the Resort of Ministry of Defense I - PVOT126
Theory and Didactics of P.E. in the Resort of Ministry of Defense I - PVOT126K
Basics of the Special Physical Training I - PVOT127
Basics of the Special Physical Training I - PVOT127K
Special Physical Training I - PVOT128
Theory and Didactics of P.E. in the Resort of Ministry of Defense II - PVOT129
Theory and Didactics of P.E. in the Resort of Ministry of Defense II - PVOT129K
Basics of the Special Physical Training II - PVOT130
Basics of the Special Physical Training II - PVOT130K
Special Physical Training II - PVOT131
Theory and Didactics of P.E. in the Resort of Ministry of Defense III - PVOT132
Theory and Didactics of P.E. in the Resort of Ministry of Defense III - PVOT132K
Basics of the Special Physical Training III - PVOT133
Basics of the Special Physical Training III - PVOT133K
Special Physical Training III - PVOT134
Professional Practice - PVOT135
Professional Practice - PVOT135K
Special Physical Training - Practice - PVOT136N
Teaching practice - PVOT137N
Theory and Didactics of P.E. in the Resort of Ministry of Defense I - PVOT139N
Theory and Didactics of P.E. in the Resort of Ministry of Defense I - PVOT139NK
Theory and Didactics of P.E. in the Resort of Ministry of Defense 2 - PVOT140N
Theory and Didactics of P.E. in the Resort of Ministry of Defense 2 - PVOT140NK
Basics of the Special Physical Training 1 - PVOT141N
Basics of the Special Physical Training 1 - PVOT141NK
Basics of the Special Physical Training 2 - PVOT142N
Basics of the Special Physical Training 2 - PVOT142NK
Special Physical Training 1 - PVOT143N
Theory and Didactics of P.E. in the Resort of Ministry of Defense 3 - PVOT144N
Theory and Didactics of P.E. in the Resort of Ministry of Defense 3 - PVOT144NK
Přívětivý Lubomír, doc. PaedDr., CSc.
Sýkora Karel, PhDr., Ph.D.
Vágner Michal, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
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