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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademie věd ČR (51-900730)
Anatomie a biomechanika (51-500100)
Centrum CŽV a služeb (51-902530)
Centrum profesní přípravy a kariérního poradenství (51-140004)
Department of Adapted Physical Education and Sport Medicine (51-300300)
Department of Athletics and Outdoor Sports (51-300500)
Department of Biomedical Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300200)
Department of Gymnastics and Combat Sports (51-300600)
Department of Physiotherapy (51-300400)
Department of Social Sciences Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300000)
Department of Sport Games (51-300700)
Department of Sport Management (51-300100)
Department of Swimming, Water and Technical Sports (51-300800)
doktorand na FTVS (51-900710)
Fyziologie (51-500200)
Gymnastika (51-600200)
Kabinet pedagogických praxí (51-400300)
Katedra jazyků (51-400400)
Kinantropologie (51-400100)
Laboratory of Sport Motorics (51-300900)
Laboratoř sportovní motoriky (51-600800)
Management (51-400110)
Pedagogická fakulta UK (51-900720)
Pedagogika, psychologie a didaktika (51-400200)
Science app. (51-100200)
Sportovní hry (51-600300)
Sporty v přírodě (51-600400)
Studijní oddělení (51-100100)
Technické a úpolové sporty (51-600600)
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu (51-100101)
Vojenská tělovýchova (51-600700)
Zdravotní TV a tělovýchovné lékařství (51-500300)
1. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900600)
2. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900400)
3. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900500)
Bioenergetics of Motion Activities - PDSK006
Kinanthropological Fundamentals of Diagnostics and Influencing the Performance Related Fitness - PDSK007
Kinanthropological Principles of Sport Talent Selection - PDSK008
Fitness Programs from the Viewpoint of Kinanthropology - PDSK009
Obesity and Overweight - Possibilities of Identification and Improvement - PDSK010
Health Related Fitness - PDSK011
Biomedical Aspects of Physical Load in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure - Possibilities of Influencing the Quality of Their Life - PDSK037
Fitness programs - PDSK521
Diagnostics and influence of performance level - PDSK522
Practical placement - PDSK702
Bachelor's thesis - Setting - PLSB001
Bachelor's thesis - Defence - PLSB002
Bachelor's thesis - Colloquium - PLSB003
Bachelor's thesis - Colloquium - PLSB003T
Thesis - Setting - PLSD001
Thesis - Defence - PLSD002
Diploma thesis - Defence - PLSD003N
Diploma thesis - Defence - PLSD009N
Health oriented efficiency - PLSM009
Health oriented efficiency - PLSM010
Sport specialization - Triathlon - PLSM020TSA
Background of Movement Training - PLSM028
Health oriented efficiency I. - PLSM031
Health oriented efficiency II. - PLSM032
Conditional preparation in movement training - PLSM035
Diagnostics of training state - PLSM036
Diagnostics in sport - PLSM036TSA
Background of movement training - PLSM037
Sport Specialization II - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports - PLSM039
Sport Specialization II - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports - PLSM040
Sport Specialization II - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports - PLSM047
Sport Specialization III - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports - PLSM048
Relaxation movement activities for seniors - PLSM054
Relaxation movement activities for seniors - PLSM055
Exercise programs in primary and secondary prevention - PLSM056N
Exercise programs in primary and secondary prevention - PLSM057N
Bioenegetics of Locomotive Activities - PLSM058N
Bioenergetics of Locomotive Activities - PLSM059N
Physiology of limit performance - PLSM060N
Physiology of limit performance - PLSM061N
Diagnostic of motor skills - PLSM066
Diagnostic of motor skills - PLSM066N
Diagnostic of motor skills - PLSM067
Diagnostic of motor skills - PLSM067N
Sport Specialization 1 - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports /TR/ - PLSM068N
Sport Specialization 2 - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports /TR/ - PLSM069N
Sport Specialization 1 - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports - PLSM070N
Sport Specialization 2 - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports /TR/ - PLSM071N
Special practice II - Coaching Triathlon - PLSM072
Special practice II - Health supporting activities - PLSM073
Special practice II - Coaching Triathlon - PLSM074
Special practice II - Health supporting activities - PLSM075
Sport Specialization 3 - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports - PLSM079N
Sport Specialization 4 - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports /TR/ - PLSM080N
Sport Specialization 3 - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports - PLSM082N
Sport Specialization 4 - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports - PLSM083N
Sport Specialization IV - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports /TR/ - PLSM084
Sport Specialization IV - Triathlon - Endurance Multisports /TR/ - PLSM085
Exercise Programs in Secondary Prevention - PLSM609
Movement Programs in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention - PLSM610
Diagnostics of Human Movement Predispositions - PLSM611
Sports sciences in reflection of game performance evaluation in sports games - PSPH416N
Sports sciences in reflection of game performance evaluation in sports games - PSPH416NC
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