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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Centre for Theoretical Study;
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademie věd ČR (51-900730)
Anatomie a biomechanika (51-500100)
Centrum CŽV a služeb (51-902530)
Centrum profesní přípravy a kariérního poradenství (51-140004)
Department of Adapted Physical Education and Sport Medicine (51-300300)
Department of Athletics and Outdoor Sports (51-300500)
Department of Biomedical Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300200)
Department of Gymnastics and Combat Sports (51-300600)
Department of Physiotherapy (51-300400)
Department of Social Sciences Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300000)
Department of Sport Games (51-300700)
Department of Sport Management (51-300100)
Department of Swimming, Water and Technical Sports (51-300800)
doktorand na FTVS (51-900710)
Fyziologie (51-500200)
Gymnastika (51-600200)
Kabinet pedagogických praxí (51-400300)
Katedra jazyků (51-400400)
Kinantropologie (51-400100)
Laboratory of Sport Motorics (51-300900)
Laboratoř sportovní motoriky (51-600800)
Management (51-400110)
Pedagogická fakulta UK (51-900720)
Pedagogika, psychologie a didaktika (51-400200)
Science app. (51-100200)
Sportovní hry (51-600300)
Sporty v přírodě (51-600400)
Studijní oddělení (51-100100)
Technické a úpolové sporty (51-600600)
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu (51-100101)
Vojenská tělovýchova (51-600700)
1. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900600)
2. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900400)
3. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900500)
Human Biomechanics - PABA006
Human Biomechanics - PABA006C
Biomechanics of Locomotor System and Tissues - PABA025K
Anatomy and General Kinesiology I - PABA030
Anatomy and General Kinesiology I - PABA030C
Anatomy and General Kinesiology II - PABA031
Anatomy and General Kinesiology II - PABA031C
Biophysics and Biomechanics I - PABA032
Biophysics and Biomechanics I - PABA032C
Biophysics and Biomechanics II - PABA033
Biophysics and Biomechanics II - PABA033C
Biomechanics - PABA045C
Basics of Anatomy and Kinesiology - PABA058LHA
Basics of Anatomy and Kinesiology - PABA058TSA
Biomechanics - PABA059
Basics of Kinesiology - PABA059LHA
Kinesiology and Sport - PABA059TSA
Biomechanics of sport - PABA060N
Anatomy and General Kinesiology I - PABA071K
Anatomy and General Kinesiology II - PABA072K
Fundamentals of Biophysics and Biomechanics I - PABA073K
Fundamentals of Biophysics and Biomechanics II - PABA074K
Experimental Human Biomechanics - PABA075K
Basics of Anatomy and Kinesiology - PABA083
Basics of Anatomy and Kinesiology - PABA083K
Biomechanics of sport - PABA084
Biomechanics of sport - PABA084C
Biomechanics of sport - PABA084K
Biomechanics of sport - PABA084TS
Biomechanics of Locomotor System and Tissues - PABA085N
Biomechanics of Locomotor System and Tissues - PABA085NK
Pathobiomechanics - PABA087N
Pathobiomechanics - PABA087NK
Basics of Anatomy and Kinesiology - PABA088
Basics of Anatomy and Kinesiology - PABA088C
Basics of Anatomy and Kinesiology - PABA088K
Basics of Anatomy and Kinesiology - PABA088TS
Bachelor's thesis - Setting - PBMB001
Bachelor's thesis - Defence - PBMB002
Bachelor's thesis - Colloquium - PBMB003
Bachelor's thesis - Colloquium - PBMB003T
Thesis - Setting - PBMD001
Thesis - Defence - PBMD002
Dioploma thesis - Defence - PBMD003N
Dioploma thesis - Defence - PBMD009N
Nutrition - PBML003LHA
Nutrition - PBML003TSA
Sport Nutrition - PBML004TSA
Physiology of Sport - PBML010LHA
Physiology of Sport - PBML010TSA
Nutrition and dietology - PBML012N
Nutrition and dietology - PBML012NK
Nutrition - PBML015
Nutrition - PBML015K
Biological base of sport and movement Activities - PBML020
Applied Nutrition - PBML021
Applied Nutrition - PBML021C
Applied Nutrition - PBML021K
Applied Nutrition - PBML021TS
Stress Diagnostics - PBML022K
Dietetics - PBML023N
Dietetics - PBML023NC
Applied physiology - PCZVJT002
Biomechanics - PDSB001
Ergonomy – Human Factor Engineering - PDSB0014
Experiments in Biomechanics - PDSB003
Rheology and Microrheology of Biological Structures - PDSB005
Mechanics of Solid and Elastic Bodies, Systems and Fluids - PDSB006
Applied Mathematics - PDSB007
Fundamentals of Biocybernetics - PDSB008
Human Biology - PDSB009
Functional Human Anatomy - PDSB011
Ergonomy – Human Factor Engineering - PDSB014
Skeletal muscle mechanics - PDSB019
Využití numerického modelování v biomechanice - PDSB021
Biomechanics for clinical practice - PDSB030
Biomechanics of cells ans tissues - PDSB031
Biomechanics of soft tissues - PDSB032
Biomechanics of joint replacements and implants - PDSB033
Biomechanics of nanostructures - PDSB034
Biomechanika svalově-kosterního systému - PDSB035
Biomechanics of solid tissues - PDSB036
Biomechanics of cardiovascular system - PDSB037
Biomechanics of aging and pathobiomechanics - PDSB038
Forensic biomechanics - PDSB039
Biomechanical principles in orthotics and prosthetics - PDSB041
Experimental methods of sports biomechanics - PDSB045
Mechanics - PDSB050
Klinická propedeutika pro biomechaniku - PDSB051
Advanced biomechanics and pathobiomechanics of the cardiovascular system - PDSB052
Advanced biomechanics and pathobiomechanics - PDSB053
Principy mechanobiologie - PDSB054
Robotic biomechanics and biocybernetics - PDSB055
Transport biomechanics - PDSB056
Technical means for diagnostics and monitoring in the biomechanics - PDSB057
Detector and measuring methods in physioterapy - PDSB504
Functional Load Diagnostics in Kinanthropology - PDSK021
Stress Diagnostics and Handicap - PDSK022
Movement Activity in Selected Socially Serious Diseases - PDSK030
Sport Biochemistry - PDSK067
Nutritional Genomics - PDSK075
Genetic aspects of sport performance - PDSK094
Musculoskeletal diseases in old age - diagnostics and possibilities of their prevention - PDSK096
Academic Writing in English - PDSK101
Advanced Measurements in Strength and Conditioning - PDSK110
Strength and Conditioning Research in Practice - PDSK112
Grant submission and research mobility - PDSK115
Accelerometry: method of objective assessment of physical activity - PDSK118
Methods of biomedical engineering in practise - PDSK585
Biomechanics of human musculoskeletal systém, movement control - PDSK703
Bachelor thesis - Colloquium - PFBB003T
Patological anatomy a fyziology - PFYB012K
Congenital handicaps, genetics - PFYB014
Physiology II - PFYB030
Physiology II - PFYB030C
Biochemistry - PFYB033
Biochemistry - PFYB033C
Exercise Physiology - PFYB043
Pathological Physiology - PFYB048
Pathological Physiology - PFYB048C
Biology of Children - PFYB049C
Human Physiology - PFYB079
Human Physiology - PFYB079LHA
Human Physiology - PFYB079TSA
Physiology I - PFYB084K
Physiology II - PFYB085K
Biochemistry - PFYB086K
Geriatrics and Gerontology - PFYB088K
Analyzing Scientific Texts - PFYB099
Analyzing Scientific Texts - PFYB099C
Human Physiology - PFYB100
Human Physiology - PFYB100K
Exercise Physiology - PFYB101
Exercise Physiology - PFYB101K
Biochemistry and Basics of Nutrition - PFYB102
Biochemistry and Basics of Nutrition - PFYB102C
Biochemistry and Basics of Nutrition - PFYB102K
Biochemistry and Basics of Nutrition - PFYB102TS
Stress and its Mechanisms - PFYB103N
Stress and its Mechanisms - PFYB103NK
Researech of acitivties promoting heatlh - PFYB104N
Researech of acitivties promoting heatlh - PFYB104NK
Pathophysiology - PFYB105
Pathophysiology - PFYB105K
Exercise physiology applied to adapted physical activity - PFYB106
Inetrnal Medicine - PFYB107
Inetrnal Medicine - PFYB107K
Congenital handicaps, genetics - PFYB108
Congenital handicaps, genetics - PFYB108K
Exercise Physiology - PFYB109
Exercise Physiology - PFYB109C
Exercise Physiology - PFYB109K
Exercise Physiology - PFYB109TS
NSCA Fitness - PFYB110
Academic writing in English - PFYB111N
Academic writing in English - PFYB111NC
Academic writing in English - PFYB111NK
Human Physiology - PFYB113
Human Physiology - PFYB113C
Human Physiology - PFYB113K
Human Physiology - PFYB113TS
Analyzing Scientific Texts in Physiotherapy - PFYB114
Genetics, sports genomics - PFYB115N
Genetics, sports genomics - PFYB115NC
Diagnostic in biomedicine and medical research - PFYB118N
Diagnostic in biomedicine and medical research - PFYB118NC
Presentation of research activities - PFYB119N
Presentation of research activities - PFYB119NC
Realization of thesis - PFYB120N
Realization of thesis - PFYB120NC
Physiology I - PFYB121
Physiology I - PFYB121C
Biology - PFYB122
Biology - PFYB122C
Selected Chapters from Physical Therapy - PFYZ189
Objectification Methods - PFYZ223
Objectification Methods - PFYZ223C
Interventional Movement Programs - PLSM087
Interventional Movement Programs - PLSM087C
Interventional Movement Programs - PLSM087K
Adapted Interventional Movement Programs - PLSM088
Adapted Interventional Movement Programs - PLSM088K
Health-Promoting Physical Activities - PLSM093N
Health-Promoting Physical Activities - PLSM093NC
Health-Promoting Physical Activities - PLSM093NK
Introduction to study - Health education - PLSM095
Introduction to study - Health education - PLSM095K
Bioenergetics of Motion Activities - PLSM097N
Bioenergetics of Motion Activities - PLSM097NC
Bioenergetics of Motion Activities - PLSM097NK
Exercise programs in primary and secondary prevention - PLSM098N
Exercise programs in primary and secondary prevention - PLSM098NC
Exercise programs in primary and secondary prevention - PLSM098NK
Applied intervention programs - PLSM099N
Applied intervention programs - PLSM099NC
Heller Jan, prof. MUDr., CSc.
Hráský Pavel, PhDr., Ph.D.
Jaklová Dytrtová Jana, doc. RNDr. PhDr. Ing., Ph.D.
Jandová Tereza, Ph.D.
Kinkorová Ivana, Mgr., Ph.D.
Kohlíková Eva, doc. MUDr., CSc.
Malá Jitka, PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D.
Mika Tomáš, Mgr.
Musil Zdeněk, RNDr., Ph.D.
Petr Miroslav, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Petrák Petr
Staňková Klára, MUDr.
Šorfová Monika, doc. Ing., Ph.D.
Šteffl Michal, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.
Urbaczka Jan, Mgr. Bc., Ph.D.
Větrovský Tomáš, doc. MUDr. Ing., Ph.D.
Zahálka František, prof. Ing., Ph.D.
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