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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Russian Language Didactics I - OCRR17RJ15
Russian Language Didactics II - OCRR17RJ20
Lexicology of Russian Language II - OCRR17RJ22
Russian Language Didactics III - OCRR17RJ23
Stylistics and Norms of the Russian Language - OCRR17RJ25
Practical Language and Culture Studies IV - OCRR20RJ16
Lexicology of the Russian Language - OCRR20RJ19
Text Language Analysis - OCRR20RJ24
Lexicology of the Russian Language - OCRR23RJ08
Didactics of Russian Language Grammar - OCRR23RJ09
Practical Language and Culture Studies III - OCRR23RJ10
Phonetics of the Russian Language - OEBRR1701T
Practical Language and Culture I - OEBRR1703T
Russian Literature I - OEBRR1705T
Practical Language and Culture Studies II - OEBRR1710T
Practical Language and Culture Studies IV - OEBRR1711T
Russian Literature II - OEBRR1715T
Practical Russian Language and Culture III - OEBRR2122T
Russian Grammar II - OEBRR2123T
Russian Grammar I - OEBRR2124T
Methodology of Russian Language 1 - OENRR1723T
Methodology of Russian Language 2 - OENRR1724T
Language and Culture - OKBZ1R012B
Foreign language for Teachers - Russian Language - OKBZ1R016B
Foreign language - Russian II - OKMN0R188B
Foreign language - Russian III - OKMN0R192B
Foreign language - Russian IV - OKMN0R196B
Foreign language - Russian V - OKMN0R200B
Foreign Language - Russian Language - OKND1R140B
Practical Russian Language and Culture VI - OPBR2R125A
Introduction to the Study of Russian Language and Literature - OPBR4R011A
Russian Phonetics and Phonology - OPBR4R012A
Practical Russian Language and Culture I - OPBR4R013A
Russian Grammar I - OPBR4R021A
Russian Lexicology - OPBR4R022A
Practical Russian Language and Culture II - OPBR4R023A
Russian Grammar II - OPBR4R031A
Russian Literature I - OPBR4R032A
Practical Russian Language and Culture III - OPBR4R033A
Methodology of Russian Language I - OPBR4R041A
Assistance Teaching Practice in Russian Language - OPBR4R042A
Russian Grammar III - OPBR4R043A
Practical Russian Language and Culture IV - OPBR4R044A
Methodology of Russian Language II - OPBR4R051A
Practical Russian Language I - OPBR4R051B
Russian Literature II - OPBR4R052A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OPBR4R053A
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OPBR4R061A
Practical Russian Language II - OPBR4R061B
Russian Spelling Course - OPBR4R101C
Phonetic Exercises - OPBR4R102C
Language and Culture - OPBZ1R012B
Foreign language for Teachers _ Russian language - OPBZ1R016B
Foreign Language - Russian - OPDR1R031A
Foreign language - Russian IV - OPMN0R196B
Foreign language - Russian V - OPMN0R203B
Foreign Language - Russian Language - OPND1R140B
Contemporary Russian Language - OPNR4R011A
Methodology of Russian Language 1 - OPNR4R012A
Russian Language Observation Practice - OPNR4R013A
Russian Stylistics - OPNR4R021A
Methodology of Russian Language 2 - OPNR4R022A
Coherent Russian Language Teaching Practice at Elementary School - OPNR4R023A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OPNR4R024A
Russian Literature for Children and Young Adults - OPNR4R031A
Methodology of Russian Language 3 - OPNR4R032A
Coherent Russian Language Teaching Practice at High School - OPNR4R033A
Russian Culture - OPNR4R034B
Linguoculturology - OPNR4R041A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNR4R042A
Russian Language and Literature - OSZB023
Russian Language and Literature - OSZB129
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104RJ
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105RJ
Russian Language, Literature and Didactics - OSZM027
Russian Language and Literature with Didactics - OSZNM128
Russian language and literature with focus on language didactics - OSZNM18
Dobrova Mariia, Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D.
Giger Markus, PD Dr. phil., mimořádný profesor Univerzity Karlovy
Hušková Liudmila, Mgr., CSc.
Konečný Jakub, PhDr., Ph.D.
Liptáková Zuzana, PaedDr., Ph.D.
Rozboudová Lenka, PhDr., Ph.D.
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