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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Counselling Psychology in Education - OBPS13098
Intercultural communication I - OBPS13103
Psychometrics - OBPS13201
Social Psychology I. - OBPS13515
Psychological Research II - OBPS13551
Educational Psychology II - OBPS13552
Overview of Psychological Systems - OBPS13597
Selected Themes in Educational and Social Psychology - OB7213209
Introduction into Psychology - OCDC23SS03
Educational Psychology - OCDC23SS04
Introduction to Psychology (Psychology of Personality, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology) - OCRN20UC05
Specific Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders - OCRN20UC19
School counseling services - OCRN20UC28
Self-experiencing Part of Lesson - OCSQ20MP01
Primary Prevention in school - OCSQ20MP02
Cooperation between the School and the Social-Legal Child Protection Authority - OCSQ20MP03
System of Institutional and Protective Care, System of School Counseling Education - OCSQ20MP04
Bullying in School Environment - OCSQ20MP12
Cyberbullying in School Environment - OCSQ20MP13
Case study workshop - OCSQ20MP14
Family - Social Perspective, Specific aspects in Approaches to a Family - OCSQ20MP15
The issue of CAN in school environment - OCSQ20MP16
Crisis Intervention in School Environment - OCSQ20MP17
Portfolio - OCSQ20MP23
Counselling - state and development in Czech republic, Legislation - OCSQ20VP01
Personality and Competence of an Educational Guide - OCSQ20VP02
Counseling Theory - OCSQ20VP03
Reflection of Counselling Internships - OCSQ20VP05
Counselling and pedagogical diagnostics - OCSQ20VP06
Developmental approach to the evaluation of school failure - OCSQ20VP07
Self-Experience Seminar for Educational Counsellor - OCSQ20VP08
Crisis Intervention and Prevention for School Counsellors - OCSQ20VP09
School Class - OCSQ20VP10
Approaches to classroom - prevention, intervention - OCSQ20VP11
Problems in Motivation in School Environment - OCSQ20VP12
Cooperation of Educational Counsellor with other Colleagues from the School Counselling Centre - OCSQ20VP13
Gifted Pupil in School Environment - OCSQ20VP14
School failure - Introduction - OCSQ20VP15
Specific Learning Disorders - OCSQ20VP16
Educational Guidance of School Class - OCSQ20VP17
Intervention in a Classroom - OCSQ20VP18
Family - Student - School - OCSQ20VP19
Counselling interview, healthy communication - OCSQ20VP20
Integration of Pupils with Special Educational Needs - OCSQ20VP21
Integration of Pupils with Special Educational Needs - OCSQ20VP22
Monitoring and Evaluation for School Counsellors - OCSQ20VP23
Reflective techniques in Work of an Educational Consultant - OCSQ20VP24
School class - Sociometric techniques - OCSQ20VP25
Integration of Pupils with Special Educational Needs III - OCSQ20VP26
Specific Behavioral Disorders - OCSQ20VP27
Prevention and Dealing with bullying - OCSQ20VP28
a - OCSQ20VP29
Educational policy, Current trends in Education - OCSQ21PS01
School as an institution - OCSQ21PS02
Inclusive Education - OCSQ21PS03
The supportive counselling system in education - OCSQ21PS04
Activating Methods in Classroom - OCSQ21PS05
Profession of teacher I - OCSQ21PS06
Pupil groups and their support by a school counsellor I. - OCSQ21PS07
Psychological Aspects of Family - OCSQ21PS08
Psychodidactic Aspects, Student Assessment I - OCSQ21PS09
Diagnostics in School Counselling Centre I. - OCSQ21PS10
Profession of Teacher II - OCSQ21PS11
Pupil groups and their support by a school counsellor II. - OCSQ21PS12
Psychodidactic Aspects of a Class Group, Approaches to a Class I - OCSQ21PS13
Family support from the school specialist I - OCSQ21PS14
Diagnostics in School Counselling Centre II. - OCSQ21PS15
Intervention in School Counselling Centre I. - OCSQ21PS16
Ethics in Counselling Practice - OCSQ21PS17
Pupil groups and their support by a school counsellor - OCSQ21PS18
Psychodidactic Aspects of a Class Group, Approaches to a Class II - OCSQ21PS19
Psychodidactic Aspects, Student Assessment II - OCSQ21PS20
Family support from the school specialist - OCSQ21PS21
Intervention in School Counselling Centre II. - OCSQ21PS22
Methodological Support, Supervision - OCSQ21PS23
Profesion of School Psychologist - OCSQ21PS24
Practical training I (Internships) - OCSQ21PS25
Trends in Psychological Assessment I. - OCSQ21PS26
Intervention in School Environment I. - OCSQ21PS27
Reflective and supervisory Seminar of Internships I - OCSQ21PS28
Trends in Psychological Assessment II. - OCSQ21PS29
Intervention in School Environment II. - OCSQ21PS30
Case study workshop - OCSQ21PS31
Practical training II (Internships) - OCSQ21PS32
Intervention in School Environment III. - OCSQ21PS33
Reflective and Supervisory Seminar of Internships II - OCSQ21PS34
Profession of school special educator - OCSQ21PS35
Practical training I (Internships) - OCSQ21PS36
Trends in Special Education Assessment I. - OCSQ21PS37
Intervention in School Environment I. - OCSQ21PS38
Reflective and Supervisory Seminar of Internships I - OCSQ21PS39
Trends in Special Education Assessment II. - OCSQ21PS40
Intervention in School Environment II. - OCSQ21PS41
Case study workshop - OCSQ21PS42
Practical training II (Internships) - OCSQ21PS43
Intervention in School Environment III. - OCSQ21PS44
Reflective and Supervisory Seminar of Internships II - OCSQ21PS45
Personality and Competence of a School Counsellor - OCSQ21VP02
Internship - OCSQ21VP05
Counselling and pedagogical diagnostics - OCSQ21VP06
Self-experience training - OCSQ21VP08
Crisis Intervention and prevention for School Counsellors - OCSQ21VP09
School Class - OCSQ21VP10
Gifted Pupil in School Environment, their identification and development support - OCSQ21VP14
Monitoring and Evaluation for School Counsellors - OCSQ21VP23
Counseling System in Education - OCSQ21VP28
Legislation in education and counseling - OCSQ21VP29
Internship - OCSQ21VP30
Pupils with special educational needs - introduction - OCSQ21VP31
Family-school communication - OCSQ21VP32
Conducting a counseling interview I - OCSQ21VP33
Career counseling - OCSQ21VP34
Approaches to Classroom - Introduction - OCSQ21VP35
Crisis Intervention I. - OCSQ21VP36
Pupil with special educational needs - learning difficulties; ADHD - OCSQ21VP37
Conducting a counseling interview II - intervention - OCSQ21VP38
Personality and Competence of an Educational Guide - Work Ethics - OCSQ21VP39
Cooperation at School Counselling Centre - OCSQ21VP40
Portfolio - conducting an interview, a case study - OCSQ21VP41
School counseling centre - cooperation with other consulting organizations - OCSQ21VP42
Pupil with special educational needs - ASD - OCSQ21VP43
Risky Behaviour in Pupils, School and Police Cooperation - OCSQ21VP44
Pupil with special educational needs - learning disabilities II. (intervention) - OCSQ21VP45
Pupil with special educational needs - pupil with different mother tongue; sociocultural handicap - OCSQ21VP46
Rodina - Social - Psychological Perspective - OCSQ21VP47
Career Counselling II. - OCSQ21VP48
Approaches to classroom - problem class intervention - OCSQ21VP49
Crisis intervention II. - OCSQ21VP50
Supervision for Professionals in Education - OCSQ21VP51
Counseling System in Education - OCSQ22MP01
Personality and Professional Competence of Teacher - Methodology for Prevention - OCSQ22MP02
Legislation in education and counseling - OCSQ22MP03
Counseling Internship - OCSQ22MP04
Reflection of Counselling Internships - OCSQ22MP05
Diagnostics and Intervetion in School - OCSQ22MP06
Social Pathological Phenomena - Introduction - OCSQ22MP07
Family-school communication I - OCSQ22MP08
Conducting a counseling interview I - OCSQ22MP09
Primary prevention Models - OCSQ22MP10
Cyberspace and Social Network - OCSQ22MP11
School class - diagnostics - OCSQ22MP12
Approaches to classroom - Introduction - OCSQ22MP13
Crisis Intervention - OCSQ22MP14
Variability and Pathology in Childhood Age - OCSQ22MP15
Conducting a counseling interview II - intervention - OCSQ22MP16
Risky Behaviour I - OCSQ22MP17
Self-experience training - OCSQ22MP18
Cooperation at School Counseling Centre - OCSQ22MP19
School Prevention Programme, Portfolio - OCSQ22MP20
School counseling centre - cooperation with other consulting organizations - OCSQ22MP21
Adictology - OCSQ22MP22
Risky behaviour II - OCSQ22MP23
Cooperation between the School, Police, the Social-Legal Child Protection Authority and other Organizations - OCSQ22MP24
Crisis Intervention in School - OCSQ22MP25
Approaches to classroom - problematic class, bullying - OCSQ22MP26
Portfolio - OCSQ22MP27
Dysfunctional Family - Communication and Intervention - OCSQ22MP28
Delinquency - OCSQ22MP29
School monitoring system - OCSQ22MP30
Case study workshop - OCSQ22MP31
Supervision for Professionals in Education - Burn-out Syndrome Prevention - OCSQ22MP32
Ph.D. state examination - ODSZPS1
Doctoral Dissertation - ODSZ0DISPS
Official examining board English test - ODSZ13002
School children´s games - OD0513004
Construction of reality in school instruction - OD0513005
Child and adolescent psychology - OD0513006
Qualitative research - OD0513007
Prevention and early diagnostics of the specific learning disorders - OD0513008
Child´s drawing - OD0513009
Pupil´s motivation and autoregulation - OD0513010
Time orientation: Pupil´s coping with the future - OD0513011
Empirical research in education and psychology - OD0513013
Parents - school relationship - OD0513014
Management psychology - OD0513016
Psychological counseling in education - OD0513017
Writing and creative writing in school children - OD0513018
Cultural Anthropology - OD0513021
Psychology of Gender - OD0513023
Introduction to Psychology - OEBPP13003
Specific Learning Difficulties - OEBPQ1703Z
Children with Special Needs - OEBPQ1704Z
Anthropology - OEBPQ1705Z
One Semester Research Project - OEBPQ1706Z
Psychology of games and play - OEBPQ1710Z
Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention - OEBPQ1711Z
Educational and School Psychology - OEBPQ2114Z
Social psychology - OEBPQ2302Z
Experimental studies in psychology and education - OEBPQ2303Z
Psychology of gender - OEBQ2117Z
Pedagogical and School Psychology - OENPP13001
Reflection of School Practice in Psychological Perspective - OENPP13002
Specific Learning Difficulties - OENPQ1703Z
Children with Special Needs - OENPQ1704Z
Anthropology - OENPQ1705Z
One Semester Research Project - OENPQ1706Z
Psychology of games and play - OENPQ1708Z
Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention - OENPQ1712Z
Educational and School Psychology - OENPQ2113Z
The Person-Centred Approach to Counselling, Psychotherapy, and other Helping Relationships - OENPQ2116Z
Social psychology - OENPQ2302Z
Experimental studies in psychology and education - OENPQ2303Z
Psychology of gender - OENQ2117Z
Introduction to Psychology - OIBZ1Q002A
Metacognitive sklils and enrichment - OIBZ1Q005B
Social-emotional skills - OIBZ1Q007B
Educational and School Psychology - OINZ1Q002A
Gifted Children - OINZ1Q013B
Specific Learning Disabalities and Behavioral Disorders - OINZ1Q026B
Developmental psychology and Personality Psychology - OKBQ2Q103A
Introduction to Psychology - OKBS1Q112A
Developmental and Social Psychology - OKBS1Q124A
Introduction to Psychology - OKBS3Q101A
Developmental and Social Psychology - OKBS3Q120A
Introduction to Psychology - OKBZ0Q102A
Introduction to Psychology - OKBZ1Q002A
Practice in Leisure activities with reflection - OKBZ1Q002B
Metacognitive skills and its enhancement - OKBZ1Q005B
Stress and coping strategies - OKBZ1Q006B
Introduction to Psychology - OKB03Q102A
Introduction to Developmental Psychology - OKB03Q202A
Pedagogical and Social Psychology - OKB03Q306A
Counselling, Pedagogical Assessment and Intervention, Prevention of Speech and Language Disorders - OKB03Q502A
Introduction to Psychology - OKMN0Q105A
Developmental psychology and variability of development - OKMN0Q115A
Educational and School Psychology - OKMN0Q125A
Educational and Social Psychology II - OKMN0Q134A
Pupils with Special Educational Needs - OKMN0Q135A
School counseling services - OKMN0Q144A
Environments for designing educational applications - OKNI3Q021A
Designing educational applications - OKNI3Q031A
Educational and School Psychology - OKNS3Q102A
Mediated Learning - OKNZ0Q121B
Gender in School - OKNZ0Q137B
Educational and School Psychology - OKNZ1Q002A
Gifted children - OKNZ1Q013B
School classroom and a Class Teacher - OKNZ1Q015B
Relations between schools and families - OKNZ1Q016B
Pupils and virtual world - OKNZ1Q017B
Learning and behavioral disorders - OKNZ1Q026B
Prevention of Burnout Syndrome - OKNZ1Q028B
Effective Communication in Schools (teacher, principal, pupil, parents and assistant teacher) - OKNZ1Q029B
Education of students with cultural different background - OKNZ1Q030B
Sociocognitive approaches to learning and their application in the conception of teaching - OKNZ1Q035B
Educational Psychology - OKN01Q121A
Social Psychology - OKN01Q131A
Developmental Psychology and Psychology of Personality - OKN03Q103A
Special-educational and Psychological Counselling - OKN03Q301A
Educational psychology - OKN03Q302A
Social Psychology - OKN03Q402A
Diagnostics of Autism - OKN913016
Social and educational psychology - OKO131123
Psychology II - OK0413107
Educational Counselling - OK0413305
Educational psychology - ON913001
Crisis Intervention - ON913027
Advanced Statistic - ON913042
Seminar on theories of personality - ON913043
Developmental and Social Psychology - OPBO1Q120A
Introduction to Psychology - OPBO3Q101A
Psychology in Civics - OPBO4Q021A
Preparation and realization of bachelor's theses - OPBP1Q126A
Psychology of gender - OPBP1Q128B
Intercultural communication I - OPBP1Q132B
Psychology of games and play - OPBP1Q135B
Giftedness and gifted - OPBP1Q138B
Human Biology for Psychologists - OPBP3B207A
Neurophysiology - OPBP3B609B
General Psychology I - OPBP3Q101A
Cultural Anthropology for Psychologists - OPBP3Q102A
Developmental Psychology I - OPBP3Q103A
Scientific Research in Psychology - OPBP3Q104A
Introduction to Sociology - OPBP3Q108A
General Psychology II - OPBP3Q202A
Developmental Psychology II - OPBP3Q203A
Introduction to Qualitative Research - OPBP3Q204A
Quantitative methodology I - OPBP3Q205A
Introduction to Social Psychology - OPBP3Q207A
Psychology of Personality - OPBP3Q301A
Social Psychology I - OPBP3Q302A
Psychometrics - OPBP3Q303A
Psychological Research I - OPBP3Q304A
Variability and Pathology of Mental Development with Focus on School Age - OPBP3Q305A
Overview of Psychological Systems - OPBP3Q308A
Social Psychology II - OPBP3Q401A
Psychology in the Workplace - OPBP3Q402A
Psychological Research II - OPBP3Q403A
Introduction to Clinical Psychology - OPBP3Q404A
Sociology of Education - OPBP3Q406A
Introduction to Counselling - OPBP3Q408A
Introduction to Educational Psychology - OPBP3Q409A
Bachelor Seminar A/B - OPBP3Q501A
Cultural Models in Education - OPBP3Q501C
Reflection of Assistant Practice - OPBP3Q502A
Psychoanalytical Insight: The Drive in Freud - OPBP3Q502B
Reading of English Academic Publications in Psychology - OPBP3Q502C
Seminar for Self-Experience - OPBP3Q503A
Contemporary Psychology - Selected Topics - OPBP3Q503C
Neuropsychology - OPBP3Q504A
Primary Prevention of Risk Behaviour - OPBP3Q504B
Psychology of Games and Play - OPBP3Q505B
Fundamentals of Couching - OPBP3Q506C
Psychobiography and its relevance in the modern psychology - OPBP3Q507C
Psychological Research in Multimedia Education I - OPBP3Q601B
Sociocultural Approaches to Learning and Thinking - OPBP3Q601C
Psychology of Gender - OPBP3Q602B
Stress, Coping and Resilience - OPBP3Q603B
Psychology of Motivation - OPBP3Q604B
Preparation and Realization of Bachelor's Theses - OPBP3Q605A
Psychology of Language and Speech - OPBP3Q605B
Gesture, speech and thinking - OPBP3Q606C
Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data - OPBP3Q607B
Experimental studies in psychology and education - OPBP3Q608B
Approaching the community (Community Therapy) - OPBP3Q608C
Practical Skills in Business Psychology - OPBP3Q609C
Giftedness and Gifted - OPBP3Q610B
Practices in quantitative data analysis - OPBP3Q610C
a - OPBP3Q611B
Addictological Workshop - OPBP3S602C
Introduction to Psychology - OPBS3Q101A
Developmental and Social Psychology - OPBS3Q120A
Introduction to Psychology - OPBZ0Q102A
Introduction to Psychology - OPBZ1Q002A
Practice in Leisure activities with reflection - OPBZ1Q002B
Metacognitive skills and its enrichment - OPBZ1Q005B
Stress and coping strategies - OPBZ1Q006B
Social skills - OPBZ1Q007B
Introduction to Psychology - OPB03Q102A
Introduction to developmental psychology - OPB03Q202A
Pedagogical and Social Psychology - OPB03Q306A
Counselling, Pedagogical Assessment and Intervention, Prevention of Speech and Language Disorders - OPB03Q502A
Time and spatial orientation of students: relation to the future - OPDP1Q101B
Gender Socialization - OPDP1Q102B
Literacy - theory, research, application - OPDP1Q103B
School children games - OPDP1Q104B
Qualitative emthodology - OPDP1Q105B
Quantitative methodology - OPDP1Q106B
Motivationa nd autoregulation processes of students - OPDP1Q107B
Psyhological anthropology - OPDP1Q108B
Psyhological anthropology - OPDP1Q109B
Psyhcological diagnostics in theory and practice - OPDP1Q110B
School psychology counseling - OPDP1Q111B
Psychology of Children and Youth - OPDP1Q112B
Psychology of family and foster care - OPDP1Q113B
Teacher/Educator psychology - OPDP1Q114B
Family and couples therapy/counseling - OPDP1Q115B
Case learning - OPDP1Q116B
Relationship of culture and psychological development - OPDP1Q117B
Family and School - OPDP1Q118B
Students with special educational needs - current trends in education - OPDP1Q119B
Introductory 1st year seminar - OPDP1Q120A
Research skills - OPDP1Q121A
Academic writting and publication preparation - OPDP1Q122A
Cultural psychology - OPDX1O115B
Conferences - summary - OPDZ1Q006A
Publications - summary - OPDZ1Q007A
Internship abroad - OPDZ1Q008A
Other professional events - summary - OPDZ1Q009A
Internship abroad - OPDZ1Q010A
Pedagogical work - OPDZ1Q011A
Grant proposal - summary - OPDZ1Q012A
Introduction to Psychology - OPMN0Q105A
Psychology of Development and its Variability - OPMN0Q115A
Educational and School Psychology I - OPMN0Q125A
Educational and School Psychology II - OPMN0Q134A
Pupils with Special Educational Needs I (Specific Learning Disorders, Psychological Assessment) - OPMN0Q135A
School counseling services - OPMN0Q144A
Educational and School Psychology - OPND1Q102A
Psychology of Cyberspace - OPND1Q130B
Environments for designing educational applications - OPNI4Q021A
Designing educational applications - OPNI4Q031A
Educational and School Psychology - OPNO3Q102A
Clinical Internship (Encyclopedic) II - OPNP1Q120A
Theories of Personality - OPNP3Q101A
Theory in educational councelling - OPNP3Q103A
Psychopathology in Adults - OPNP3Q104A
Psychological Assessment in Adults - OPNP3Q201A
Master Thesis Preparation A - Quantitative design - OPNP3Q201B
Psychology Research: Theoretical Sensitivity - OPNP3Q202A
Master Thesis Preparation A - Qualitative design - OPNP3Q202B
Specific learning disorders - difficulties in literacy development - OPNP3Q203A
Mariage and Family Couseling - OPNP3Q204A
Prevention and intervention in the classroom - OPNP3Q204B
Educational Psychology - OPNP3Q205A
Psychopathology in Children - OPNP3Q206A
Diagnostics in Children - OPNP3Q207A
Diagnostics and Intervetion in Counseling - OPNP3Q208A
Statistics - OPNP3Q209A
Encyclopedic Clinical Internships with Feedback I - OPNP3Q210A
Internship in Counseling Organizations I - OPNP3Q211A
School Psychology - OPNP3Q301A
Contemporary Trends in Counseling System - OPNP3Q301C
Introduction to Psychotherapy - OPNP3Q302A
Encyclopedic Clinical Internship with Feedback II - OPNP3Q303A
Counseling internships encyclopedic II with reflection - OPNP3Q304A
Seminar on Theories of Personality - OPNP3Q305A
Volunteer internship - OPNP3Q308C
Poradenství, Teorie a Praxe - OPNP3Q400C
Special Needs Pupils in Inclusive Education - OPNP3Q401A
Training in Child psychopathology - OPNP3Q401C
Ethical Aspects of Psychology - OPNP3Q402A
Psychosemiotics - interpretative seminar - OPNP3Q402B
Psychology of Sport - OPNP3Q402C
Master Thesis - OPNP3Q403A
Forensic Psychology - OPNP3Q403C
Developmental Psychology: Basics and Application - OPNP3Q404B
Psychological Research in Multimedia Education - OPNP3Q404C
Applied coaching - OPNP3Q405C
Psychodidactics aspects of literacy - OPNP3Q408B
Mediated Learning and Cognitive Functions Development - OPNP3Q409B
Interviewing techniques - OPNP3Q412B
School failure - case study seminars - OPNP3Q413B
Projective Methods in Psychological Diagnostics - OPNP3Q414B
Internship in Counseling - OPNP3Q420B
Clinicla Internship - OPNP3Q421B
Scientific research internship - advanced - OPNP3Q422B
Person-centred councelling and psychotherapy - OPNP3Q424B
Social and Cultural Anthropology - OPNQ1Q110A
Educational and School Psychology - OPNS3Q102A
Educational and School Psychology - OPNZ1Q002A
Motivation in School - OPNZ1Q012B
Causes, symptoms and prevention of risky behavior - OPNZ1Q014B
School class and teacher - OPNZ1Q015B
Relations between schools and families - OPNZ1Q016B
Students and a virtual world - OPNZ1Q017B
Gender socialization and equality in school - OPNZ1Q018B
Learning and behavioral disorders - OPNZ1Q026B
Mediated learning and cognitive development - OPNZ1Q027B
Prevention of Burnout Syndrome - OPNZ1Q028B
Effective Communication in Schools (teacher, principal, pupil, parents and assistant teacher) - OPNZ1Q029B
Teaching students from culturally different backgrounds - OPNZ1Q030B
Sociocognitive approaches to learning and their application in the conception of teaching - OPNZ1Q035B
General Psychology, Developmental, Social Psychology and Psychology of Personality - OSZB126
Methodology of Research in Psychology - OSZB127
Special Education - OSZB128
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104PS
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105PS
Educational Psychology - OSZNM124
Counselling Psychology - OSZNM125
Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology - OSZNM126
Psychodiagnostics - OSZNM127
General Psychology - OSZNM14
Conference internship - OVP13011
Brummer Martin, PhDr., Ph.D.
Doubek David, Mgr., Ph.D.
Dymešová Gabriela, Mgr.
Fibigerová Kateřina, Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D.
Frkalová Nikola, Mgr. et Mgr.
Frombergerová Anna, PhDr., Ph.D.
Hrabec Ondřej, Mgr., Ph.D.
Jindrová Barbora, Mgr. et Mgr.
Krámská Lenka, prof. PhDr., Ph.D.
Kubín Daniel, PhDr.
Kučerová Olga, Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D.
Kucharská Anna, doc. PhDr. PaedDr., Ph.D.
Lukavská Kateřina, Mgr., Ph.D.
Presslerová Pavla, PhDr., Ph.D.
Smetáčková Irena, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Sotáková Hana, PhDr., Ph.D.
Špačková Klára, PhDr., Ph.D.
Štech Stanislav, prof. PhDr., CSc.
Trlifajová Lucie, Mgr., Ph.D.
Valentová Hana, PhDr., Ph.D.
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