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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Education of Child before Age of 3 - OB7215116
Theory of Preschool Education II - OB7215202
Theory of Preschool Education III - OB7215203
History of Pre-Elementary Education - OB7215204
Foreign Models of Pre-Elementary Education - OB7215205
Play and Learning Theory and Teaching Methods - OB7215206
Pedagogical Practicum - OB7215212
Alternative Approaches to Pre-elementary Education - OB7215302
Designing and Evaluation of School Curriculum - OB7215303
The Didactic Development of Computer Literacy - OB7215304
Law and management of school - OB7215305
Preprofessional reflection - OB7215306
Practice in alternative kindergarten with seminar - OB7215316
Practice in the preschool institution with seminar - OB7215317
Seminar for the Final Bachelor Thesis II - OB7315319
Seminar for the Final Bachelor Thesis I - OB7315320
Children's Theater and Theater for Children - OB7315339
The Theory and Didactics of Drama in Education - OB7315340
Practice in drama education II - OB7315341
Methods and Techniques of Drama in Education I - OB7315351
Drama with Literature Course - OB7315352
Methods and Techniques of Drama in Education I - OB7315353
Interpretation - OB7315354
Didactics of primary school I - OCRN17UC04
Didactics of primary school II - OCRN17UC12
Didactics of primary school III - OCRN17UC19
The Didactic Development of Computer Literacy I - OCRN17UC40
The Didactic Development of Computer Literacy II - OCRN17UC51
Didactics of Primary school I - OCRN20UC04
Didactics of primary school II. - OCRN20UC18
Didactics of Early Reading Literacy Development - OCRN20UC26
Primary didactics III - OCRN20UC27
Primary Education IV - OCRN20UC38
Primary Education - OD0115001
Pre-primary Education - OD0115002
Tradition of Czech Education - OD0115003
School administration and Management - OD0115004
General didactics - OD0115005
State doctor examination - OD0115006
Comparative education on the field of preschool and primary education and teacher training - OD0133019
Reading literacy - theory, researches, trends of development at schools - OD0133020
Primary education - OEMNN1701Z
Teaching Practice I - OEMNN1702Z
Encouraging creative and innovative thinking in schools - OEMNN1704Z
Pre-primary Education - current trends and challenges in Europe - OEMNN1706Z
Teaching Practice II - OEMNN1708Z
Young Childrens Worlds - OEMNN1711Z
Inclusive Education and Multiculturalism - OEMNN1712Z
Historical thinking in pre-primary and primary education - methodological approaches and practice - OEMNN2401Z
Primary education - OIDQ1P108
Comparative education on the field of preschool and primary education and teacher training - OIDQ1P113
Reading literacy - theory, researches, trends of development at schools - OIDQ1P114
Pre-school Pedagogy - OKBQ4P023A
Dramatic Education II - OKB01N1C2B
Drama Education in practice - OKB01N1C8B
Dramatic Education I - OKB01N1F0B
Drama in Education II - OKB01N1F6B
Drama Education in practice - OKB01N1G1B
Designing and Evaluation of School Curriculum - OKB01N1H0B
Specific Approaches to Child With School Attendance Postponement - OKB01N1H1B
Pedagogical practice - OKB01N1H7C
Indroduction to Preschool Education - OKB01N101A
Personal and Social Development - OKB01N102A
Introducton to Pedagogical Practice with Seminar - OKB01N105A
Theory of Preschool Education I - OKB01N110A
Theory of Preschool Education II - OKB01N116A
Theory of Preschool Education III - OKB01N121A
Pre-primary education in the context of transformation in Europe - OKB01N122A
Play and Learning Theory and Teaching Methods - OKB01N123A
Pedagogical Practical Training - OKB01N126A
Alternative programs in theory and practice - OKB01N127A
Development of Pre-reading Literacy - OKB01N128A
Seminar for the Final Bachelor Thesis - OKB01N129A
Law and management of school - OKB01N133A
Practice in the preschool institution with seminar - OKB01N135A
The Basic of Acting Expressing - OKB01N142B
Basic Drama Games and Exercises - OKB01N147B
The Basic of Acting Expressing - OKB01N148B
Methods and Techniques of Drama in Education I - OKB01N153B
Practice in drama education I - OKB01N154B
Methods and Techniques of Drama in Education I - OKB01N159B
Drama in Education and Children Literature - OKB01N160B
Drama in Education I - OKB01N184B
Drama in Education I - OKB01N189B
Drama Education in practice - OKB01N195B
Introduction to pedagogy and pre-school pedagogy - OKB03N101A
Personal, social and professional development - OKB03N103A
Language Development, Communication and Pre-Literacy - OKB03N107A
Introductory teaching practice with seminar - OKB03N108A
Theory and didactics of preschool education I - OKB03N201A
Didactics of Language Development, Communication a Pre-literacy - OKB03N206A
Observational and Assistant Teaching Practice with Seminar - OKB03N207A
Theory and Didactics of Preschool Education II - OKB03N301A
Drama Education with Didactics - OKB03N302A
History of Pre-Primary Education - OKB03N307A
Assistant Teaching Practice with Seminar - OKB03N308A
Theory and didactics of preschool education III - OKB03N401A
Pre-school education in international comparison - OKB03N402A
Didactics of Drama Education - OKB03N405A
Pedagogical practice - OKB03N409A
Pre-school Education in International Comparison - OKB03N410A
Inclusion, Multiculturalism and Didactic Approaches - OKB03N501A
Didactics of social humanities Pre-literacy - OKB03N503A
Theory and Practice of Drama Education - OKB03N504B
Practice in Alternative institution with Seminar - OKB03N505A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OKB03N506A
School management, curriculum development and evaluation - OKB03N601A
Specifics of Eork with Children with School Deferment - OKB03N602A
Final Teaching Practice with Seminary - OKB03N603A
Drama Education in Nursery School Practice - OKB03N603C
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OKB03N604A
Professional reflection - OKB03N614C
Project Based Learning in Preschool Education - OKB03N618C
Protecting against potential risks and promoting the well-being of the child - OKB03N619C
Theory of Preschool Education II - OKB7315202
Theory of Preschool Education III - OKB7315203
History of Pre-Primary Education - OKB7315204
Play and Learning Theory and Teaching Methods - OKB7315206
Pedagogical Practicum - OKB7315208
Drama in Education I - OKB7315225
Alternative Approaches to Pre-elementary Education - OKB7315302
Designing and Evaluation of School Curriculum - OKB7315303
The Didactic Development of Computer Literacy - OKB7315304
Law and management of school - OKB7315305
Professional reflection - OKB7315306
Seminar to the practice II - OKB7315312
Seminar to the practice III - OKB7315313
Seminar for the Final Bachelor Thesis - OKB7315319
Seminar for the Final Bachelor Thesis I - OKB7315320
Children's Theater and Interpretation - OKB7315339
The Theory and Didactics of Drama in Education - OKB7315340
Practice in drama education II - OKB7315341
Methods and Techniques of Drama in Education I - OKB7315353
Drama Education Module - OKMN0DV
Introduction to education - OKMN0N101A
History of Education I - OKMN0N102A
Personality and Social Education - OKMN0N103A
Introductory Educational Course with Practice - OKMN0N104A
History of Education II - OKMN0N113A
Personality and Social Education II - OKMN0N114A
Didactics of Primary School I - OKMN0N122A
Teaching Practice I - OKMN0N123A
Didactics of Primary School II - OKMN0N132A
Teaching Practice II - OKMN0N133A
Didactics of Development of Initial Literacy with Practice I - OKMN0N143A
Assistive Practice in the Field of Didactics - OKMN0N150A
Didactics of Development of Initial Literacy with Practice II - OKMN0N151A
Professional Ethics - OKMN0N156A
Assistive Practice in Field Didactics II - OKMN0N157A
Inclusive Primary Education - OKMN0N163A
Assistive Practice for Inclusive Primary Education - OKMN0N164A
Educational Research - OKMN0N168A
Personal and Professional Development - OKMN0N169A
Assistive Practice in Field Didactics III - OKMN0N171A
Current issues of education in the international context - OKMN0N172A
Voice Education for Teachers - OKMN0N174A
Continious Educational Practice I with Reflection - OKMN0N175A
Solving Educational Situations - OKMN0N176A
Continuous Educational Practice II with Reflection - OKMN0N177A
Integrative Training Seminar - OKMN0N178A
Preparation and processing of diploma thesis I - OKMN0N179A
Preparation and elaboration of diploma thesis II - OKMN0N180A
Drama education with practice - for physical education, music education, art education - OKMN0N204B
Preparatory games and exercises - OKMN0N241B
Speech Technique I - OKMN0N242B
Principles of Acting - OKMN0N243B
Dramatic Games and Improvisation - OKMN0N244B
Speech Technique II - OKMN0N245B
Practice of Dramatic Education I - OKMN0N246B
Methods and Techniques of Dramatic Education I - OKMN0N247B
Literary Drama Workshop - OKMN0N248B
Methods and Techniques of Dramatic Education II - OKMN0N249B
Drama Education Methds in Teaching - OKMN0N250B
Presentation - OKMN0N251B
Theory and Didactics of Dramatic Education - OKMN0N252B
Optional course in drama education - theater workshop - OKMN0N253B
Children's Theater and Theater for Children - OKMN0N254B
Practice of Dramatic Education II - OKMN0N255B
Teaching Practice in Out-of-School Activities of Pupils at Primary School - OKMN0N288C
Story and expression - OKMN0V292C
An Evaluation System for the Society and Rights of a Child - OKN01N103A
Selected Topics from Educators for Children of a Pre-school Age I - OKN01N104A
Educational Research and Methodology - OKN01N105A
Selected Topics from Educators for Children of a Pre-school Age II - OKN01N113A
Educational support for children from a socially disadvantaged environment - OKN01N114A
Comparative Education - OKN01N120A
Educational Diagnostics and Case Reporting I - OKN01N124A
Seminar to the practice - OKN01N125A
Didactic Applications of Drama Education in Pre-school Education - OKN01N128A
Relations Between Preschool and Primary Education - OKN01N129A
Law and Management - OKN01N130A
Educational Diagnostics and Case Reporting II - OKN01N132A
The Development of reading preliteracy - OKN01N133A
Foreign Models of Pre-Elementary Education - OKN01N134A
Theatre for Children - OKN01N136B
Practice Teaching in a Pre-school - OKN01N169C
Effective methods of assessment and planning support of children in kindergarten - OKN01N173C
Selected Topics from Education and Preschool Education I. - OKN03N101A
Theatre for Children - OKN03N101B
Educational Research and Methodology - OKN03N102A
Didactic Approaches to Social Science Education - OKN03N104A
An Evaluation System for the Society and Rights of a Child - OKN03N105A
Selected Topics from Educators for Children of a Pre-school Age II - OKN03N201A
Relations Between Pre-Primary and Primary Education - OKN03N205A
Seminar for thesis preparation - OKN03N206A
Didactic Application of Drama Education in Pre-school Education - OKN03N304A
Seminar to the practice - OKN03N306A
Law and Management - OKN03N401A
Educational Diagnostics and Case Reporting - OKN03N402C
Elaboration of diploma thesis - OKN03N403A
Comparative Education - OKN03N404A
Teaching Practice - OKN03N411C
International Perspectives on Current Trends and Challenges in Pre-primary Education - OKN03Q107B
Primary school teaching - OKO131242
Selected pedagogical inovations in nowadays schools. - OKVP15104
Didactics of primary school Ib - OK0415115
Didactics of primary school IIb - OK0415225
Didactics of Development Initial Literacy II - OK0415336
Selected Topics from Educators for Children of a Pre-school Age II - OK0515109
An Evaluation System for the Society and Rights of a Child - OK0515111
Educational Research and Methodology - OK0515112
Theatre for Children - OK0515122
Comparative Education - OK0515204
Law and Management - OK0515206
Educational Diagnostics and Case Reporting I - OK0515211
Diploma Thesis Seminar - OK0515215
Didactics of primary school I - OK0615017
Didactics of primary school II - OK0615018
Teaching practice II - OK0615020
Basic Drama Games and Exercises - OK0615097
Actual issues of pedagogy I - OK0615101
Actual issues of pedagogy II - OK0615103
History of Education II - OK0615126
Personal and social development II - OK0615127
Didactics of development of initial literacy I - OK0615154
Seminar to final teaching practice I - OK0615169
Seminar to final teaching practice II - OK0615170
Drama in Education and Children Literature - OK0615235
Theory of Drama in Education - OK0615239
Practise of Drama in Education II - OK0615240
The Basic of Acting Expressing - OK0615241
Voice Practise I - OK0615242
Comparative Education - OK0615246
Teaching practice at the 1st grade of primary school - OK0615268
Final teaching practice I - OK0615269
Final teaching practice II - OK0615270
Methods of drama in education - OK0615286
Interpretation - OK0615288
Children's Theater and Interpretation - OK0615289
Primary education III - Developng the moral competence - OK0615617
Pre-school education theory - OK0615618
Actual issues of pedagogy - Persona Dolls - OK0615628
Cooperation of the school and family - OK0615638
Pre-primary Education - OPBQ4P023A
Dramatic Education I - OPB01N1B5B
Dramatic Education II - OPB01N1C2B
Drama Education in Practice - OPB01N1C8B
Drama in Education I - OPB01N1F0B
Dramatic Education II - OPB01N1F6B
Drama Education in Practice - OPB01N1G1B
Designing and Evaluation of School Curriculum - OPB01N1H0B
Specific Approaches to Child With School Attendance Postponement - OPB01N1H1B
Indroduction to Preschool Education - OPB01N101A
Personal and Social Development - OPB01N102A
Introducton to Pedagogical Practice with Seminar - OPB01N105A
Theory of Preschool Education I - OPB01N110A
Theory of Preschool Education II - OPB01N116A
History of Pre-Primary Education - OPB01N117A
Theory of Preschool Education III - OPB01N121A
Pre-primary education in the context of transformation in Europe - OPB01N122A
Play and Learning Theory and Teaching Methods - OPB01N123A
Pedagogical Practicum - OPB01N126A
Alternative educational programs in theory and practice - OPB01N127A
Development of Pre-reading Literacy - OPB01N128A
Seminar for the Final Bachelor Thesis - OPB01N129A
Law and management of school - OPB01N133A
Practice in the preschool institution with seminar - OPB01N135A
Basic Drama Games and Exercises - OPB01N147B
The Basic of Acting Expressing - OPB01N148B
Methods and Techniques of Drama in Education I - OPB01N153B
Practice in drama education I - OPB01N154B
Methods and Techniques of Drama in Education I - OPB01N159B
Drama in Education and Children Literature - OPB01N160B
Dramatic Education II - OPB01N189B
Drama Education in Practice - OPB01N195B
Introduction to pedagogy and pre-school pedagogy - OPB03N101A
Personal, social and professional development - OPB03N103A
Language Development, Communication and Pre-Literacy - OPB03N107A
Introductory teaching practice with seminar - OPB03N108A
Theory and didactics of preschool education I - OPB03N201A
Didactics of Language Development, Communication and Pre-Literacy - OPB03N206A
Observational and Assistant Teaching Practice with Seminar - OPB03N207A
Theory and Didactics of Preschool Education II - OPB03N301A
Drama Education with Didactics - OPB03N302A
History of Pre-Primary Education - OPB03N307A
Assistant Teaching Practice with Seminar - OPB03N308A
Theory and didactics of preschool education III - OPB03N401A
Pre-school Education in International Comparison - OPB03N402A
Didactics of Drama Education - OPB03N405A
Pedagogical practice - OPB03N409A
Pre-school Education in International Comparison - OPB03N410A
Inclusion, Multiculturalism and Didactic Approaches - OPB03N501A
Didactics of Social Science Pre-Literacy - OPB03N503A
Theory and Practice of Drama Education - OPB03N504B
Practice in Alternative Pre-School Facilities with Seminar - OPB03N505A
Seminar for Preparation of a Bachelor Thesis - OPB03N506A
School management, development and evaluation of school curriculum - OPB03N601A
Specifics of Work with Children with Postponement of School Attendance - OPB03N602A
Final Pedagogical Practice with Seminar - OPB03N603A
Drama Education in Kindergarten Practice - OPB03N603C
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OPB03N604A
Protecting against potential risks and promoting the well-being of the child - OPB03N619C
General Didactics - OPDQ1P111B
General Didactics - OPDQ1P111Z
Theory of Teaching as a Profession - OPDQ1P120B
Theory of Teaching as a Profession - OPDQ1P120Z
Primary education - OPDQ1P121B
Primary education - OPDQ1P121Z
Pre-Priamary Education - OPDQ1P122B
Pre-Priamary Education - OPDQ1P122Z
Traditions of Czech Education - OPDQ1P123B
Traditions of Czech Education - OPDQ1P123Z
Drama Education Module - OPMN0DV
Introduction to education - OPMN0N101A
History of Education I - OPMN0N102A
Personality and Social Education I - OPMN0N103A
Introductory Educational Course with Practice - OPMN0N104A
History of Education II - OPMN0N113A
Personality and Social Education II - OPMN0N114A
Didactics of Primary School I - OPMN0N122A
Teaching Practice I - OPMN0N123A
Didactics of Primary School II - OPMN0N132A
Teaching Practice II - OPMN0N133A
Didactics of Development of Initial Literacy with Practice I - OPMN0N143A
Assistant Practice in Subject Didactics I - OPMN0N150A
Didactics of Development of Initial Literacy with Practice II - OPMN0N151A
Professional Ethics - OPMN0N156A
Assistive Practice in Field Didactics II - OPMN0N157A
Inclusive Primary Education - OPMN0N163A
Assistive Practice for Inclusive Primary Education - OPMN0N164A
Educational Research - OPMN0N168A
Personal and Professional Development - OPMN0N169A
Assistive Practice in Field Didactics III - OPMN0N171A
Current issues of education in the international - OPMN0N172A
Voice Education for Teachers - OPMN0N174A
Continious Educational Practice I with Reflection - OPMN0N175A
Solving Educational Situations - OPMN0N176A
Continuous Educational Practice II with Reflection - OPMN0N177A
Integrative Training Seminar - OPMN0N178A
Preparation and processing of diploma thesis I - OPMN0N179A
Preparation and elaboration of diploma thesis II - OPMN0N180A
Drama Education with Practice - for TV, HV, VV, Foreign Language - OPMN0N208B
Preparatory games and exercises - OPMN0N318B
Speech Technique I - OPMN0N319B
Principles of Acting - OPMN0N320B
Dramatic Games and Improvisation - OPMN0N321B
Speech Technique II - OPMN0N322B
Practice of Dramatic Education I - OPMN0N323B
Methods and Techniques of Dramatic Education I - OPMN0N324B
Literary Drama Workshop - OPMN0N325B
Methods and Techniques of Dramatic Education II - OPMN0N326B
Drama Education Methds in Teaching - OPMN0N327B
Presentation - OPMN0N328B
Theory and Didactics of Dramatic Education - OPMN0N329B
Elective Course of Drama Education - Theater Workshop - OPMN0N330B
Children's Theater and Theater for Children - OPMN0N331B
Practice of Dramatic Education II - OPMN0N332B
Teaching Practice in Out-of-School Activities of Pupils at Primary School - OPMN0N365C
Individual and group support for pupils with learning disabilities - OPMN0N371C
Digital technologies and children: Seminar for primary school - OPMN0N372C
Story and Expression - OPMN0V369C
Personal and social preparation of teacher for inclusive classroom - OPNZ0N161C
An Evaluation System for the Society and Rights of a Child - OPN01N103A
Selected Topics from Educators for Children of a Pre-school Age I - OPN01N104A
Educational Research and Methodology - OPN01N105A
Expert texts and diploma thesis - OPN01N112A
Selected Topics from Educators for Children of a Pre-school Age II - OPN01N113A
Relations Between Preschool and Primary Education - OPN01N129A
Educational Diagnostics and Case Reporting II - OPN01N132A
Development of reading preliteracy - OPN01N133A
Foreign Models of Pre-Elementary Education - OPN01N134A
Theatre for Children - OPN01N136B
Relations Between Pre-Primary and Primary Education - OPN03N205A
X - OSCZ110U1S
Drama Education - OSZB002
Pre-School Pedagogy - OSZB007
Child Psychology - OSZB008
Music Education - OSZB064MS
Physical Education - OSZB065MS
Art Education - OSZB066MS
Pre-school Pedagogy - OSZB115
Child Psychology - OSZB116
Music Education - OSZB117
Art Education - OSZB118
Physical Education - OSZB119
Drama Education - OSZB120
X - OSZC110U1S
x - OSZC171
x - OSZC172
Bachelor thesis - OSZD004MS
Diploma Thesis - OSZD005PP
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104MS
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105PP
Development of the diploma thesis - OSZKDP01
Development of the diploma thesis - OSZMDP01
Pedagogical Psychology - OSZM019
Pedagogy - OSZM020
Pre-School Pedagogy - OSZM023
Specical Pedagogy - OSZM029
Physical Education - OSZM032
Drama Education - OSZM047
preschool pedagogy - OSZM061
environmental education - OSZM062
early childhood education studies - OSZM063
social pedagogy - OSZM064
art education in nonstandard conception - OSZM065
Czech Language, Literature and Didactics - OSZM0671ST
Mathematics and Didactics - OSZM0701ST
Drama Education - OSZM074PP
School Management - OSZM078
Preschool Pedagogy - OSZNM119
Pedagogical Psychology - OSZNM120
Early childhood - OSZNM121
Environmental Education - OSZNM122
Kindergarten management - OSZNM123
Specical Pedagogy - OSZNM154
x - OSZN170
x - OSZN171
x - OSZN172
School Curricula- cross curricula topics - OVP15622
History of education II - O01215010
Personal and social development II - O01215012
Didactics of primary school II - O01215018
Teaching practice II - O01215020
Actual issues of pedagogy I - O01215101
Didactics of development initial literacy II - O01215155
Seminar to final teaching practice I - O01215169
Seminar to final teaching practice II - O01215170
Comparative Education - O01215246
Teaching practice at the 1st grade of primary school - O01215268
Final teaching practice I - O01215269
Final teaching practice II - O01215270
Primary Education III - Pupil with special educational needs - O01215555
a - O01315V001
Elective Course from the Specialization Dramatic Education - O01315265
Pedagogy of gifted pupils - O01315444
Primary Education I - Philosophy for children - O01315617
Alternative schools and innovative programmes I - O01315619
Primary Pedagogy IV - Preschool Pedagogy - O01315621
School Curricula- cross curricula topics - O01315622
Alternative schools and innovative programmes II - O01315623
Hejlová Helena, PhDr., Ph.D.
Korbek Gamze, Ph.D.
Loudová Stralczynská Barbora, PhDr., Ph.D.
Nekardová Barbora, Mgr.
Stará Jana, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Uhlířová Jana, doc. PhDr., CSc.
only future
only the free ones
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