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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Introduction to Pedagogy - OBPP14001
Social Pedagogy - OBPP14002
Orientation Practice - OBPP14006
Introduction to Pedagogy - OBUZ14102
Theory of Quality of Life in Adulthood and Old Age - OB2314030
Philosophy of Education - OB23142003
Lifestyles in Contemporary Society - OB23142005
Intercultural Education - OB23142006
Sociology of Education - OB23142007
Educational and Psychological Diagnostics - OB23142008
Special Education - OB23142009
Social Psychology for Educators - OB23142010
Social Pedagogy I - OB23142011
Strategy for Healthy Lifestyle - OB23142012
Pre-school Education - OB23142013
Social Pedagogy II - OB23142014
Leisure-time Pedagogy - OB23142015
School Management - OB23142016
Social and Psychological Training - OB23142017
Methods of Extra-curricular Activities - OB23142018
Seminar on Envigogy - OB23142019
European Dimension in Education - OB23142020
Selected Problems of Czech School History - OB23142022
Social and Educational Communication - OB23142024
Educational Use of Fairy Tale - OB23142025
Seminar on Addictions Prevention - OB23142033
Seminar on Delinquency Prevention - OB23142034
Seminar on Bachelor Work Preparation - OB23142035
Excursion - OB23142036
Adult education - OB23142038
Somatology I - OB2317102
Chosen Chapters of Biology - OB2317106
Nutrition I - OB2317109
Multicultural Education - OB2317111
Introduction to Social Psychology - OB2317112
Environmental Education - OB2317113
Social and Educational Communication - OB2317114
Nutrition II - OB2317116
Psychology of Health - OB2317118
Physical Activities for Health - OB2317119
Mental Hygiene - OB2317120
Seminar of Nutrition - OB2317122
Protection in Emergency - OB2317125
Social Pathology - OB2317126
Social-psychological Training - OB2317127
Psycho-Pathology - OB2317128
Basic of Special Education - OB2317129
Physical and Relaxation Activities II - OB2317130
Drama Education - OB2317133
Movement and Lifestyle - OB2317136
Sociology of Family - OB2317137
Prevention of Violence and Bullying in Children´s Collectives - OB2317139
Gender Construction in Family Systems - OB2317140
Projects of Health Promotion - OB2317145
Seminar on Bachelor Work Preparation - OB2317147
Psychodiagnostics and Counseling - OB2317149
Seminar on Addiction Prevention - OB2317150
Seminar on Delinquency Prevention - OB2317151
Introduction into Pedagogy - OCDC23SS01
Introduction into the Didactics of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work - OCDC23SS18
a - OCDC23SS26
Didactics of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work - OCDC23SS40
Pedagogical-psychological practice with reflection II. (outside) - OCDC23SS51
School pedagogy - OCDC23SS52
General Didactics - OCDC23SS53
Didactics of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work II - OCDC23SS60
Introduction to study - OCDP21VY01
Seminar for final work - OCDP21VY02
Seminar for teaching practice - OCDP21VY03
Human Biology - OCDP21VY04
Introduction to pedagogy - OCDP21VY05
Social Pedagogy - OCDP21VY06
Leisure-time Pedagogy - OCDP21VY07
Introduction to Psychology - OCDP21VY08
Chapters of special education - OCDP21VY09
Social and Educational Psychology - OCDP21VY10
Methodology of Leisure Activities - OCDP21VY11
Healthy Lifestyle and Education towards Health - OCDP21VY12
Personal and Social Development - OCDP21VY13
Teaching practice - OCDP21VY14
Reflective seminar for teaching practice - OCDP21VY15
Professional development portfolio - OCDP21VY16
Professional Ethics - OCDP21VY17
Educational Communication - OCDP21VY18
Social Psychology - OCRP17VZ03
Theory of Life Style - OCRP17VZ04
Chapters of Clinical Medicine - OCRP17VZ05
Human Nutrition - OCRP17VZ07
Pychology and Sociology of Family - OCRP17VZ08
Social Deviance - OCRP17VZ09
Didactics of Education towards Healthn I - OCRP17VZ10
Public Health - OCRP17VZ13
Environmental Education - OCRP17VZ14
Teaching practice - OCRP17VZ16
Chosen Chapters of Addictology - OCRP17VZ17
Seminar to final thesis - OCRP17VZ18
Intercultural Education - OCRP17VZ19
Health Education in the FEP and SEP production - OCRP17VZ20
Social psychological Training - OCRP17VZ21
Didactics of Education towards Healthn II - OCRP17VZ23
Movement and Health - OCRP17VZ26
Current Issues in Health Promotion - OCRP17VZ27
Basics of Crisis Intervention - OCRP17VZ28
School and Community Projects of Health Promotion - OCRP17VZ29
Reflection of Pedagogical practice - OCRP17VZ30
Selected educational problems - OCRP17VZ31
General Theory of Education - ODO114004
Scientific Methods for Postgraduate Students - ODO114007
Theory of education - ODO114009
State Doctoral Examination - ODSZPG1
State Doctoral Examination (ED) - ODSZPG2
Doctoral Dissertation - ODSZ0DISPG
Doctoral Dissertation - ODSZ1DISPG
Orientation Practice - OEBPP14006
Authority in Education - OEBPP2111Z
Multiculturality in Education - OEBPP2113Z
Student Well-being - OEBQ4P066Z
Experiential Education - OEKVP14001
General Education and Didactics - OENPP141
Reflection of School Practice in Pedagogical Perspective - OENPP143
Pedagogical-Psychological Practice - OENPP144
Comparative Education - OENPP1705Z
Multicultural Education - OENPP1706Z
Development and Use of Didactical Tests - OENPP1709Z
Introduction to Pedagogy - OIBZ1P001A
Orientation Practice with Reflection - OIBZ1P001B
Foundations of Didactics - OIBZ1P003A
Effective Learning - OIBZ1P008B
Adult Education Practice - OIBZ1Q003B
Theory of Education - OINP1P102A
Comparative Pedagogy - OINP1P103A
Methodology of Educational Research I - OINP1P104A
Seminar of General Didactics - OINP1P105A
Logic for Students of Social Sciences - OINP1P106A
Academic Text Analysis and Comprehension I - OINP1P107A
Biological Anthropology - OINP1P108A
Methodology of Educational Research II - OINP1P109A
Social and Cultural Anthropology - OINP1P110A
Didactics of Educational Sciences - OINP1P111A
Seminar of History of Education - OINP1P112A
Teaching Practice with a Feedback Seminar I - OINP1P113A
Academic Text Analysis and Comprehension II - OINP1P114A
Physical Activities - OINP1P116B
Teaching Practice with a Feedback Seminar II - OINP1P117A
Practicum of Educational Research - OINP1P118A
Seminar for Diploma Thesis - OINP1P119A
Seminar of Philosophy of Education - OINP1P120A
Seminar of Integral Anthropology I - OINP1P122B
Controlled Reading of Academic Texts I - OINP1P123B
Chapters of Andragogy and Androdidactics - OINP1P125A
Educational and Philosophical Anthropology - OINP1P127A
Controlled Reading of Academic Texts II - OINP1P129B
Social and Cultural Ecology - OINP1P130B
Kinanthropology - OINP1T121A
Methodology of Educational Research I - OINQ4P011A
Didactics of Educational Sciences I - OINQ4P012A
Practice of Education with Reflection - School Observation - OINQ4P013A
Methodology of Educational Research II - OINQ4P021A
Didactics of Educational Sciences II - OINQ4P022A
Practice of Education with Reflection I - OINQ4P023A
Theory of Education - OINQ4P031A
Practicum of Educational Research - OINQ4P031B
Didactics of Educational Sciences III - OINQ4P032A
Practice of Education with Reflection II - OINQ4P033A
Logic for Students of Social Sciences - OINQ4P034B
Controlled Reading of Academic Texts I - OINQ4P103C
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OINQ4Q042A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OINQ4Q043A
General Didactics and School Pedagogy - OINZ1P001A
Pedagogical and Psychological Practice with Reflection - OINZ1P003A
Leisure-time Education - OINZ1P003B
Authority in Education - OINZ1P005B
Authority in Education - OINZ1P012B
Development and Use of Didactical Tests - OINZ1P023B
Professional Development and Continuing Teacher Education - OINZ1P025B
Prevention of risk behaviour at school - OKBO1P127A
Social and Educational Communication - OKBO1P129A
Protection of Health and First Aid - OKBO1P132A
Law awareness of the teachers - OKBO1P133A
Self-development and Self-management - OKBO1P139B
Use of Media in Education - OKBO1P140B
Multicultural Education - OKBO1P143B
Prevention of bullying in schools - OKBO3P002C
Authority in education - OKBO3P003C
Environmental activities - OKBO3P009C
Introduction to study - OKBO3P011A
General theory of education and chapters of history of education - OKBO3P012A
Philosophy of education - OKBO3P013A
Professional ethics - OKBO3P014A
General and developmental psychology - OKBO3P015A
Human biology for teachers - OKBO3P016A
Social pedagogy - OKBO3P021A
Social and educational psychology - OKBO3P022A
General Didactics - OKBO3P023A
Theory of vocational education - OKBO3P025A
Leisure-time education - OKBO3P031A
Introduction to special pedagogy - OKBO3P032A
Specific learning difficulties and behaviour disorders - OKBO3P033A
Adult education - OKBO3P034A
Social communication in vocational education - OKBO3P035A
Environmental education - OKBO3P041B
Pedagogical and psychological diagnostics - OKBO3P042A
Multicultural education - OKBO3P042B
Preventive approaches to school discipline - OKBO3P043A
Massmedia education - OKBO3P043B
Designing of of educational courses - OKBO3P044A
Prevention of risk behavior - OKBO3P051A
Psychohygiene for teachers - OKBO3P052A
Health promotion and first aid - OKBO3P053A
Presentation skills in vocational education - OKBO3P056A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OKBO3P057A
Legal awareness for teachers - OKBO3P061A
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OKBO3P064A
Introduction to Education - OKBPP14101
Social Pedagogy - OKBPP14102
Orientation Practice - OKBPP14103
Educational and Psychological Diagnostics - OKBQ2P110A
Social Pedagogy - OKBQ2P112A
Professional excursion for Educators - OKBQ2P114A
Pre-school Education - OKBQ2P115A
Prevention of Risk Behavior - OKBQ2P116A
Leisure Time Education - OKBQ2P117A
Foundations of General Didactics - OKBQ2P118A
Social-psychological Training - OKBQ2P119A
Methods of Extra-curricular Activities - OKBQ2P120A
Drama Education - OKBQ2P123B
Social and Pedagogical Communication - OKBQ2P126B
European Dimension in Education - OKBQ2P127B
Alternative Pedagogy - OKBQ2P128B
Indicated addiction prevention - OKBQ2P130B
Indicated delinquency prevention - OKBQ2P131B
Drama Education - OKBQ3P064B
General theory of education - OKBQ4P011A
History of Education - OKBQ4P012A
Developmental Psychology and Personality psychology - OKBQ4P013A
Social Psychology for Educators - OKBQ4P021A
Social Pedagogy - OKBQ4P022A
Sociology of Education - OKBQ4P031A
Special Education - OKBQ4P032A
Pedagogical and Psychological Diagnostic - OKBQ4P033A
Introduction to Didactics of Pedagogy I - OKBQ4P041A
Field practice in pedagogy with reflection - OKBQ4P042A
Philosophy of Education - OKBQ4P043A
Leisure-time Education - OKBQ4P044A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OKBQ4P046A
Introduction to Didactics of Pedagogy II - OKBQ4P051A
Prevention of risky behaviour - OKBQ4P052A
Multicultural Education - OKBQ4P052B
European Dimension in Education - OKBQ4P053B
Media education - OKBQ4P055B
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OKBQ4P061A
Seminar on personal and social education - OKBQ4P061B
Environmental Education - OKBQ4P062B
Introduction to Pedagogy - OKBS1P106A
Quality of Life and Health in Old Age - OKBV1P142B
Introduction to Special Education - OKBV1S116A
Specific Learning and Behavioral Difficulties - OKBV1S121A
Artefiletics - OKBV1V144B
General Theory of Education and Chapters of History of Education - OKBV1Z102A
Current Problems of School Pedagogy - OKBV1Z136A
Artphiletics - OKBV3P009C
Introduction to study - OKBV3P011A
Drama education - OKBV3P011C
General theory of education and chapters of history of education - OKBV3P012A
Philosophy of education - OKBV3P013A
Professional ethics - OKBV3P014A
General and developmental psychology - OKBV3P015A
Human biology for educators - OKBV3P016A
Social pedagogy - OKBV3P021A
Social and educational psychology - OKBV3P022A
Leisure-time education - OKBV3P031A
Introduction to special pedagogy - OKBV3P032A
Specific learning difficulties and behaviour disorders - OKBV3P033A
Environmental education - OKBV3P041B
Pedagogical and psychological diagnostics - OKBV3P042A
Multicultural education - OKBV3P042B
Massmedia education - OKBV3P043B
Cultural propedeutics - OKBV3P044A
Social education and personality development - OKBV3P045A
Leisure-time activities - OKBV3P046A
Fairy tale in education - OKBV3P047A
Prevention of risk behavior - OKBV3P051A
Health promotion and first aid - OKBV3P053A
Pedagogical practice with reflection I - OKBV3P054A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OKBV3P055A
Adventure education - OKBV3P056A
Pedagogical practice with reflection II - OKBV3P062A
Actual topics of school education - OKBV3P063A
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OKBV3P064A
Introduction to Study of Health Education - OKBY2P101A
Somatology I - OKBY2P102A
Theory of Life Style - OKBY2P104A
Somatology II - OKBY2P105A
Nutrition I - OKBY2P106A
Introduction to Social Psychology - OKBY2P108A
Nutrition II - OKBY2P109A
Movement and Life Style - OKBY2P111A
Protection in Emergency - OKBY2P114A
Introduction to the theory of physical activities of children with weakening - OKBY2P115A
Social-psychological Training - OKBY2P116A
Basics of Pediatrics and interventions for healthy development - OKBY2P117A
Risk-taking behavior - OKBY2P118A
Sociology of Family - OKBY2P119A
Methods of Social Work - OKBY2P120A
Selected Chapters of Chemistry and Biochemistry - OKBY2P121B
Social and Pedagogical Communication - OKBY2P126B
Seminar of Nutrition - OKBY2P130B
Gender studies - OKBY2P134B
Seminar on Bachelor Work Preparation - OKBY2P136B
Prevention of Violence and Bullying in Children´s Collectives - OKBY2P137B
Drama Education - OKBY2P140B
Chosen Chapters of Addictology - OKBY2P143B
Projects of Health Promotion - OKBY2P146B
Introduction to Health Literacy and Health Education - OKBY4P011A
Somatology - OKBY4P012A
Lifestyles in Contemporary Society - OKBY4P013A
Human nutrition - OKBY4P021A
Basics of Sexology and Reproductive Health - OKBY4P022A
Social Psychology - OKBY4P023A
Food quality and safety - OKBY4P031A
Health Psychology - OKBY4P032A
Basics of Law - OKBY4P033A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis (Education towards Health) - OKBY4P034A
Basics of Didactics of Education towards Health - OKBY4P041A
Practice of Education towards Healthwith Reflection - OKBY4P042A
Prevention of Risk-taking behavior - OKBY4P043A
Basics of Pediatrics and Social Paediatrics - OKBY4P044A
Didactics of Health Education - Health Promotion Projects - OKBY4P051A
Protection in Emergency - OKBY4P051B
Methods and ethics of social work - OKBY4P052A
Movement and Halthy Lifestyle - OKBY4P052B
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OKBY4P061A
Seminar on personal and social education - OKBY4P062B
Current Issues in Health Promotion - OKBY4P101C
Chapters of psychopathology - OKBY4P103C
Foundations of General Didactics - OKBZ0P105A
Introduction to Pedagogy - OKBZ1P001A
Orientation practice with Reflection - OKBZ1P001B
Foundations of Didactics - OKBZ1P003A
Effective Learning - OKBZ1P008B
Lecturing practice with reflection - OKBZ1Q003B
Health Literacy - OKB03P408A
Seminar on Envigogy - OKB2314V20
Educational Use of Fairy Tale - OKB2314V21
Selected Topics of the Czech School History - OKB2314V31
European Dimension In Education - OKB2314V41
Seminar on Bachelor Work Preparation - OKB2314V42
Prevention of Violence and Bullying in Children´s Collectives - OKB2314V51
Adult Education - OKB2314V52
Authority in Education - OKB2314V60
Social Philosophy - OKB2314V62
Seminar on Addiction Prevention - OKB2314V64
Philosophy of Education - OKB2314201
Lifestyles in Contemporary Society - OKB2314203
Intercultural Education - OKB2314204
Sociology of Education - OKB2314301
Educational and Psychological Diagnostics - OKB2314302
Special Education - OKB2314401
Social Psychology for Educators - OKB2314402
Social Pedagogy I - OKB2314403
Strategy for Healthy Lifestyle - OKB2314404
Excurison - OKB2314405
Pre-school Education - OKB2314501
Social Pedagogy II - OKB2314502
Leisure-time Pedagogy - OKB2314503
School Management - OKB2314504
Methods of Extra-curricular Activities - OKB2314602
Somatology I - OKB2317002
Theory of Life Style - OKB2317005
Nutrition I - OKB2317007
Multicultural Education - OKB2317008
Introduction to Social Psychology - OKB2317009
Nutrition II - OKB2317010
Physical Activities for Health - OKB2317013
Protection in Emergency - OKB2317014
Movement and Healthy Life Style - OKB2317016
Social-psychological Training - OKB2317017
Sociology of Family - OKB2317020
Social Pathology - OKB2317021
Projects of Health Promotion - OKB2317023
Chosen Chapters of Chemistry and Biochemistry - OKB2317025
Social and Pedagogical Communication - OKB2317029
Seminar of Nutrition - OKB2317033
Psycho-Pathology - OKB2317035
Gender Construction in Family Systems - OKB2317039
Seminar on Bachelor Work Preparation - OKB2317041
Prevention of Violence and Bullying in Children´s Collectives - OKB2317042
Drama Education - OKB2317045
Psychodiagnostics and Counseling - OKB2317048
Seminar on Addiction Prevention - OKB2317049
Seminar on Delinquency Prevention - OKB3214V65
General Didactics - OKNPP141
Professional Development and Further Education of Teachers - OKNPP1410
Social and Educational Communication - OKNPP1419
Authority in Education - OKNPP1420
Leisure Time Education - OKNPP1423
Use of Media in Education - OKNPP1426
Educational and Psychological Practice with Reflection - OKNPP144
Experiential Education - OKNPP146
Development and Use of Didactical Tests - OKNPP149
Block teaching practice for educators II - OKNQ2P107A
Applied Social Psychology - OKNQ2P118B
Chapters of Health Psychology and Sociology of Health - OKNQ2P121B
Methods of Social Pedagogy and Social Work - OKNQ3P011A
Specialist Practice - excursion in Social services - OKNQ3P013A
Methodology of Educational Research I - OKNQ3P014A
Didactics of Educational Sciences I - OKNQ3P015A
Practice of Education with Reflection - School Observation - OKNQ3P016A
Social Deviance - OKNQ3P021A
Didactics of Social Pedagogy and Social Work II - OKNQ3P022A
Practice on Social Pedagogy with Reflection I - OKNQ3P023A
Methodology of educational research II - OKNQ3P024A
Didactics of pedagogical sciences II - OKNQ3P025A
Practice of Education with Reflection I - OKNQ3P026A
Social Pediatrics - OKNQ3P031A
Didactics of Social Pedagogy and Social Work III - OKNQ3P032A
Practice on Social Pedagogy with Reflection I - OKNQ3P033A
Theory of Education - OKNQ3P034A
Didactics of Educational Sciences III - OKNQ3P035A
Block teaching practice for educators II with Reflection - OKNQ3P036A
Anthropological Dimension of Education - OKNQ3P041A
Comparative Education - OKNQ3P042A
Practice in Educational Research - OKNQ3P106B
Controlled reading of academic texts I - OKNQ3P107C
Logic for Students of Social Sciences - OKNQ3P109B
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OKNQ3Q042A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OKNQ3Q043A
Didactics of Social Pedagogy and Social Work I - OKNQ3S012A
Methodology of Educational Research I - OKNQ4P011A
Didactics of educational sciences I - OKNQ4P012A
Practice of Education with Reflection - School Observation - OKNQ4P013A
Methodology of educational research II - OKNQ4P021A
Didactics of pedagogical sciences II - OKNQ4P022A
Practice of Education with Reflection I - OKNQ4P023A
Theory of Education - OKNQ4P031A
Practice in Educational Research - OKNQ4P031B
Didactics of Educational Sciences III - OKNQ4P032A
Block teaching practice for educators II with Reflection - OKNQ4P033A
Logic for Students of Social Sciences - OKNQ4P034B
Comparative Pedagogy - OKNQ4P041A
Current Issues in Educational Theory I - OKNQ4P101C
Supervised Reading of Academic Texts I - OKNQ4P103C
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OKNQ4Q042A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OKNQ4Q043A
Educational Policy - OKNQ4Z033B
Applied Social Psychology - OKNY2P105A
Pedagogical Practice in Basic Schools with Reflection - OKNY2P106A
Didactics of Education towards Health - OKNY2P107A
Sociology of Health and Illness - OKNY2P108A
Pedagogical Practice at Secondary Schools with Reflection - OKNY2P109A
School and Community Projects - OKNY2P110A
Basic of medical law - OKNY2P111A
Social Deviance - OKNY2P112B
Artefiletics and Health - OKNY2P119B
Master theses workshop on Education towards Health - OKNY2P124B
Health Physical Education - OKNY2P126B
Methods of Social Personality Development - OKNY2P127B
Nutritious Advisory - OKNY2P129B
Selected Educational Issues - OKNY2P131B
Education of Health-disadvantaged Pupils - OKNY2P134B
Health Risk Prevention - OKNY4P011A
Introduction to Didactics of Education towards Health - OKNY4P012A
Practice of Education towards Health with Reflection - School Observation - OKNY4P013A
Sociology of Health - OKNY4P021A
Didactics of Education towards Health - OKNY4P022A
Pedagogical Practice in Basic Schools - OKNY4P023A
Social Deviance - OKNY4P031A
Didactics - Education towards Health in the FEP and Production of School Educational Programmes - OKNY4P032A
Applied dietetics - OKNY4P032B
Pedagogical Practice at Secondary Schools - OKNY4P033A
Philosophy of Health - OKNY4P033B
Basics of Medical Law for Education towards Health Teachers - OKNY4P041A
Current Issues in Education towards Health - OKNY4P101C
Artefiletics and Health - OKNY4P102C
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OKNY4Y042A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OKNY4Y043A
Authority in Education - OKNZ0P127B
General Didactics and School Pedagogy - OKNZ1P001A
Pedagogical and Psychological Practice with Reflection - OKNZ1P003A
Leisure-time Education - OKNZ1P003B
Authority in Education - OKNZ1P005B
Chapters from the history of education - OKNZ1P008B
Selected personalities of pedagogical thinking - OKNZ1P009B
Development and Use of Didactical Tests - OKNZ1P023B
Professional Development and Further Education of Teachers - OKNZ1P025B
Selected Educational Issues - OKNZ1P033B
Authority in Education - OKN01P141B
Pediatry of early phases of postnatal ontogeny - OKN01P152B
Basics of Pediatrics and interventions for healthy development - OKN03P106A
General Didactics - OKN231403
Comparative pedagogy - OKN231404
Theory of Education - OKN231405
Methodology of Educational Research II - OKN231406
Didactics of Educational Science - OKN231407
Block teaching practice for educators I - OKN231408
Block teaching practice for educators II - OKN231409
Social Deviance - OKN231411
Applied Social Psychology for Educators - OKN231414
Diploma Seminar - OKN231416
Seminar of Ethics - OKN231419
Sociology of Life style - OKN231424
Theory of Quality of Life in Adulthood and Old Age - OKN231427
Social Philosophy - OKN231431
Social Philosophy - OKN2317008
Applied Social Psychology - OKN2317009
Pedagogical Practice in Basic Schools with Reflection - OKN2317011
Seminar on Feminism - OKN2317015
Sociology of Health and Illness - OKN2317018
Didactics of Education towards Health - OKN2317019
Pedagogical Practice at Secondary Schools with Reflection - OKN2317020
Master theses workshop on Education towards Health - OKN2317021
Methods of Social Personality Development - OKN2317023
Artefiletics and Health - OKN2317025
Nutritious Advisory - OKN2317026
Didactics - School and Community Projects - OKN2317027
Education of Health-disadvantaged Pupils - OKN2317034
Health Physical Education - OKN2317035
Experiential Education - OKVP14001
Authority in Education - OKVP14005
Experiential Education II - OKVP14009
Educational Use of Fairy Tale I - OKVP14014
Educational Use of Fairy Tale II - OKVP14015
Current Issues of Pre-primary Education I - OKVP14016
Current Issues of Pre-primary Education II - OKVP14017
Education towards Health I - OKVP17006
Drug Prevention - OKVP17010
General Didactics - ONPP141
Professional Development and Further Education of Teachers - ONPP1410
Use of Media in Education - ONPP1413
Leisure Time Education - ONPP1416
Prevention of Violence and Bullying in Schools - ONPP1418
Selected educational problems in schools - ONPP1420
Authority in Education - ONPP1421
Intercultural Education - ONPP1422
General and School Didactics - ONPP1423
Pedagogical and Psychological Practice with Reflection - ONPP1424
Educational and Psychological Practice - ONPP144
Experiential Education - ONPP146
Alternative Education - ONPP147
School Management - ONPP148
Construction and Use of Achievement Tests - ONPP149
Methodology of Educational Research I - ON23142002
Methodology of Educational Research II - ON23142003
General Didactics - ON23142004
Didactics of Education - ON23142005
Comparative Pedagogy - ON23142006
Theory of Education - ON23142007
Block teaching practice for educators I - ON23142010
Block teaching practice for educators II - ON23142011
Sociology of Life Style - ON23142301
Social Deviance - ON23142303
Applied Social Psychology for Educators - ON23142304
New Religious Movements - ON23142316
Seminar of Ethics - ON23142317
Diploma Seminar - ON23142323
Social Philosophy - ON23142330
Theory of education - ON2314502
Methodology of educational research - ON2314504
General didactics - ON2314505
Methodology of educational research II - ON2314509
Biological anthropology - ON2314510
Didactics of educational sciences - ON2314511
Seminar on History of Education - ON2314512
Teaching Practice with a Feedback Seminar I - ON2314513
Academic Text Analysis and Comprehension II - ON2314514
Practicum of Educational Research - ON2314516
Diploma seminar - ON2314517
Seminar on Philosophy of Education - ON2314518
Social and cultural anthropology - ON2314519
Professional Development of Educators - ON2314520
Kinanthropology - ON2314521
Management in educational practice - ON2314522
Educational and philosophical anthropology - ON2314523
Physical activities - ON2314525
Chapters of andragogy and androdidactics - ON2314526
Seminary of Integral Anthropology I - ON2314527
Social and cultural ecology - ON2314532
Social Philosophy - ON2317008
Applied Social Psychology - ON2317009
Pedagogical Practice in Basic Schools with Reflection - ON2317011
New Religious Movements - ON2317012
Sociology of Health and Illness - ON2317018
Didactics of Education towards Health - ON2317019
Pedagogical Practice at Secondary Schools with Reflection - ON2317020
Thesis Writing Seminar on Education towards Health - ON2317021
Artefiletics and Health - ON2317025
Nutritious Advisory - ON2317026
Didactics School and Community Projects - ON2317027
Education of Health-disadvantaged Pupils - ON2317034
Introduction to Pedagogy - OPBP1P160A
Introduction to Pedagogy - OPBP3P107A
Pre-school Education - OPBQ2P115A
Social-psychological Training - OPBQ2P119A
European Dimension in Education - OPBQ2P127B
Alternative Pedagogy - OPBQ2P128B
General Theory of Education - OPBQ4P011A
History of Education - OPBQ4P012A
Developmental Psychology and Psychology of Personality - OPBQ4P013A
Social Psychology for Educators - OPBQ4P021A
Social Pedagogy - OPBQ4P022A
Sociology of Education - OPBQ4P031A
Special Education - OPBQ4P032A
Pedagogical and Psychological Diagnostic - OPBQ4P033A
Foundations of Didactics of Educational Sciences I - OPBQ4P041A
Practice of Education with Reflection - OPBQ4P042A
Philosophy of Education - OPBQ4P043A
Leisure-time Education - OPBQ4P044A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OPBQ4P046A
Foundations of Didactics of Educational Sciences II - OPBQ4P051A
Prevention of Risk Behavior - OPBQ4P052A
Multicultural Education - OPBQ4P052B
European Dimension in Education - OPBQ4P053B
Social and Pedagogical Communication - OPBQ4P054C
Massmedia Education - OPBQ4P055B
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OPBQ4P061A
Seminar for Social Education and Personality Development - OPBQ4P061B
Environmental Education - OPBQ4P062B
Drama Education - OPBQ4P064C
Student well-being - OPBQ4P065C
Introduction to Pedagogy - OPBS1P106A
Somatology I - OPBY2P102A
Somatology II - OPBY2P105A
Nutrition I - OPBY2P106A
Introduction to Social Psychology - OPBY2P108A
Nutrition II - OPBY2P109A
Movement and Lifestyle - OPBY2P111A
Basics of Sexology and Reproductive Health - OPBY2P112A
Protection in Emergency - OPBY2P114A
Introduction to the theory of physical activities of children with weakening - OPBY2P115A
Social-psychological Training - OPBY2P116A
Basics of Pediatrics and Social Paediatrics - OPBY2P117A
Risk-taking behavior - OPBY2P118A
Sociology of Family - OPBY2P119A
Methods of Social Work - OPBY2P120A
Selected Chapters of Chemistry and Biochemistry - OPBY2P121B
Environmental Education - OPBY2P125B
Seminar of Nutrition - OPBY2P130B
Gender studies - OPBY2P134B
Seminar on Bachelor Work Preparation - OPBY2P136B
Prevention of Violence and Bullying in Children´s Collectives - OPBY2P137B
Pre-medical First aid - OPBY2P139B
Drama Education - OPBY2P140B
Selected Chapters of Gerontology - OPBY2P141B
Psychodiagnostics and Counseling - OPBY2P142B
Chosen Chapters of Addictology - OPBY2P143B
Projects of Health Promotion - OPBY2P146B
Introduction to Health Literacy - OPBY4P011A
Somatology - OPBY4P012A
Lifestyles in Contemporary Society - OPBY4P013A
Human nutrition - OPBY4P021A
Basics of Sexology and Reproductive Health - OPBY4P022A
Social Psychology - OPBY4P023A
Good quality and safety - OPBY4P031A
Health Psychology - OPBY4P032A
Basics of Law - OPBY4P033A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis (Education towards Health) - OPBY4P034A
Basics of Didactics of Education towards Health - OPBY4P041A
Practice of Education towards Healthwith Reflection - OPBY4P042A
Prevention of Risk-taking behavior - OPBY4P043A
Basics of Pediatrics and Social Paediatrics - OPBY4P044A
Didactics of Education towards Health - Projects of Health Promotion - OPBY4P051A
Protection in Emergency - OPBY4P051B
Methods of Social Work - OPBY4P052A
Movement and Halthy Lifestyle - OPBY4P052B
Advisory services in education - OPBY4P053C
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis (Education towards Health) - OPBY4P061A
Pre-medical First aid Course - OPBY4P061B
Seminar for Social Education and Personality Development - OPBY4P062B
Current Issues in Health Promotion - OPBY4P101C
Chapter of Psychopathology - OPBY4P103C
Introduction to Pedagogy - OPBZ0P101A
Foundations of General Didactics - OPBZ0P105A
For trainers practice - OPBZ0P111B
Introduction to Pedagogy - OPBZ1P001A
Orientation Practice with Reflection - OPBZ1P001B
Foundations of Didactics - OPBZ1P003A
Effective Learning - OPBZ1P008B
First Aid - OPBZ1P017B
For Trainers Practice - OPBZ1Q003B
Health Literacy - OPB03P408A
Doctoral seminar I - OPDQ1P101A
Doctoral seminar I - OPDQ1P101Z
Doctoral seminar II - OPDQ1P102A
Doctoral seminar II - OPDQ1P102Z
Doctoral seminar III - OPDQ1P103A
Doctoral seminar III - OPDQ1P103Z
Doctoral seminar IV - OPDQ1P104A
Doctoral seminar IV - OPDQ1P104Z
a) Quantitative research methods in education - OPDQ1P106B
Philosophy of education - OPDQ1P108B
General Education - OPDQ1P109B
General Education - OPDQ1P109Z
Theory of Education - OPDQ1P110B
Theory of Education - OPDQ1P110Z
Philosophical Foundations of Education - OPDQ1P112B
Philosophical Foundations of Education - OPDQ1P112Z
Statistics in Educational Research - OPDQ1P116B
Statistics in Educational Research - OPDQ1P116Z
Advanced statistical methods in Education Research - OPDQ1P117B
Advanced statistical methods in Education Research - OPDQ1P117Z
Academic Writing - OPDQ1P118B
Academic Writing - OPDQ1P118Z
Health literacy in interdisciplinary discourse - OPDQ1P124B
Health literacy in interdisciplinary discourse - OPDQ1P124Z
Project proposal (GAUK etc.) - OPDZP012Z
Methodology of Pedagogical Research - OPDZ1P005A
Conferences - summary - OPDZ1P006A
Conferences - summary - OPDZ1P006Z
Publishing activity - summary - OPDZ1P007A
Publishing activity - summary - OPDZ1P007Z
Internship abroad - summary - OPDZ1P008A
Internship abroad - summary - OPDZ1P008Z
Professional events - summary - OPDZ1P009A
Professional events - summary - OPDZ1P009Z
Foreign Internship - summary - OPDZ1P010A
Foreign Internship - summary - OPDZ1P010Z
Educational Activity - summary - OPDZ1P011A
Project proposal (GAUK etc.) - OPDZ1P012A
Project proposal (GAUK etc.) - OPDZ1P012Z
First Aid - OPMN0P358C
General and School Didactics - OPND1P101A
Experiential Education - OPND1P105A
Theory of Education - OPNQ1P102A
Comparative Pedagogy - OPNQ1P103A
Methodology of educational research I - OPNQ1P104A
General Didactics - OPNQ1P105A
Logic for Students of Social Sciences - OPNQ1P106A
Academic Text Analysis and Comprehension I - OPNQ1P107A
Methodology of educational research II - OPNQ1P109A
Didactics of Educational Sciences - OPNQ1P111A
Seminar on History of Education - OPNQ1P112A
Teaching Practice with a Feedback Seminar I - OPNQ1P113A
Academic Text Analysis and Comprehension II - OPNQ1P114A
Teaching Practice with a Feedback Seminar II - OPNQ1P115A
Practicum of Educational Research - OPNQ1P116A
Diploma seminar - OPNQ1P117A
Seminar on Philosophy of Education - OPNQ1P118A
Introduction to andragogy and its methodology - OPNQ1P120A
Psychohygiene - OPNQ1P123B
Physical activities - OPNQ1P124B
Seminary of Integral Anthropology I - OPNQ1P125B
Social and Cultural Ecology - OPNQ1P130B
Methodology of Educational Research I - OPNQ4P011A
Didactics of Educational Sciences I - OPNQ4P012A
Practice of Education with Reflection - School Observation - OPNQ4P013A
Methodology of Educational Research II - OPNQ4P021A
Didactics of Educational Sciences II - OPNQ4P022A
Practice of Education with Reflection I - OPNQ4P023A
Theory of Education - OPNQ4P031A
Practicum of Educational Research - OPNQ4P031B
Didactics of Educational Sciences III - OPNQ4P032A
Practice of Education with Reflection II - OPNQ4P033A
Logic for Students of Social Sciences - OPNQ4P034B
Comparative Education - OPNQ4P041A
Actual Topics of Theory of Education I - OPNQ4P101C
Controlled Reading of Academic Texts I - OPNQ4P103C
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNQ4Q042A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OPNQ4Q043A
Educational Policy - OPNQ4Z033B
Introduction to Didactics of Education towards Health - OPNY2P101A
Health Risk Prevention - OPNY2P102A
Applied Social Psychology - OPNY2P105A
Pedagogical Practice in Basic Schools with Reflection - OPNY2P106A
Didactics of Education towards Health - OPNY2P107A
Sociology of Health and Illness - OPNY2P108A
Pedagogical Practice at Secondary Schools with Reflection - OPNY2P109A
School and Community Projects - OPNY2P110A
Basic of medical law - OPNY2P111A
Social Deviance - OPNY2P112B
Social Philosophy - OPNY2P117B
Repetitorium of Human Biology - OPNY2P118B
Artefiletics and Health - OPNY2P119B
Master theses workshop on Education towards Health - OPNY2P124B
Seminar on Conducting of School Educational Programmes - OPNY2P130B
Selected Educational Issues - OPNY2P131B
Education of Health-disadvantaged Pupils - OPNY2P134B
Health Risk Prevention - OPNY4P011A
Introduction to Didactics of Education towards Health - OPNY4P012A
Practice of Education towards Health with Reflection - School Observation - OPNY4P013A
Sociology of Health - OPNY4P021A
Didactics of Education towards Health - OPNY4P022A
Pedagogical Practice in Basic Schools - OPNY4P023A
Social Deviance - OPNY4P031A
Applied Social Psychology - OPNY4P031B
Didactics - Education towards Health in the FEP and Production of School Educational Programmes - OPNY4P032A
Applied dietetics - OPNY4P032B
Pedagogical Practice at Secondary Schools - OPNY4P033A
Philosophy of Health - OPNY4P033B
Basics of Medical Law for Education towards Health Teachers - OPNY4P041A
Artefiletics and Health - OPNY4P102C
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNY4Y042A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis (Education towards Health) - OPNY4Y043A
General Didactics and School Pedagogy - OPNZ1P001A
Pedagogical and Psychological Practice with Reflection - OPNZ1P003A
Leisure-time Education - OPNZ1P003B
General Didactics and School Pedagogy - OPNZ1P004A
Authority in Education - OPNZ1P005B
Prevention of Violence and Bullying in Schools - OPNZ1P006B
Adventure Education - OPNZ1P007B
Chapters of History of Education - OPNZ1P008B
Selected Representants of Educational Thinking - OPNZ1P009B
Authority in Education - OPNZ1P012B
Development and Use of Didactical Tests - OPNZ1P023B
Self-upbringing for Teachers - OPNZ1P024B
Professional Development and Continuing Teacher Education - OPNZ1P025B
Development and Use of Didactical Tests - OPNZ1P032B
Selected Educational Issues - OPNZ1P033B
School Safety - OPNZ1S042B
General Education - OPQ1P109Z
Introduction to study - OPSS1401
Seminar to final thesis - OPSS1402
Philosophy and etics for teachers - OPSS1404
General theory of education - OPSS1405
Social pedagogy - OPSS1406
General and developmental psychology - OPSS1407
General didactics - OPSS1408
Preparatory Seminar for Teaching Practice - OPSS1409
Legislation in Education - OPSS1410
Social and educational psychology - OPSS1411
Chapters of special education - OPSS1412
e - OPSS1413
Reflective Seminar on Teaching Practice - OPSS1414
Didactic Technique - OPSS1415
Educational and psychological diagnostics - OPSS1416
Selected educational problems in school - OPSS1417
Didactics of Social Science Subjects - OPSS1419
Didactics of Natural Science Subjects - OPSS1420
Introduction to Study - OPVP14001
Human Biology - OPVP14002
Introduction to Education - OPVP14003
Philosophy of Education - OPVP14004
Seminar to final thesis - OPVP14005
Social Pedagogy - OPVP14006
Introduction to Psychology - OPVP14007
Leisure-time Education - OPVP14008
Preparatory Seminar for Teaching Practice - OPVP14009
Chapters of special education - OPVP14010
Social and Educational Psychology - OPVP14011
Methods of Leisure-time Activities - OPVP14012
Reflective Seminar on Teaching Practice - OPVP14013
Personal and Social Development - OPVP14014
Introduction to Psychology - OPV14012
Fundamentals of Psychology for Educators - OSZB020
General Education and Leisure Time Education - OSZB021
Foundations of pedagogical sciences - OSZB030
Health Education - OSZB052
Fundamentals of Educational Science and Psychology for Educators - OSZB053
Educational Science and Psychology for Educators - OSZB053A
Drama Education for Educators - OSZB056
Educational, Psychological and Didactic Aspects of Vocational Training - OSZB063
Introduction to Educational Science - OSZB124
Social Pedagogy in Anthropological Perspective - OSZB125
Introduction to Pedagogy and Psychology for Teachers - OSZB133
Didactics - Professional Education - OSZB134
Health Education - OSZB137
Introduction to Pedagogy and Psychology for Educators - OSZB139
Methodology of Leisure Education - OSZB140
Basics of Pedagogical Sciences - OSZB145
Social pedagogy in anthropological perspective - OSZB146
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104ED
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104PG
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104UP
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104VY
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104VZ
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105ED
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105PG
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105VZ
General Didactics, Social Pedagogy and Sociology of Education - OSZM017
General and Comparative Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy - OSZM018
Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology - OSZM021
Home Economics and Didactics - OSZM025
Home Economics and Didactics for Social Work - OSZM026
Education and psychology for teachers - OSZM057
Education focused on social pedagogy - OSZM058
Education focused on school pedagogy - OSZM059
Education focused on adult education - OSZM060
Pedagogy and didactics of pedagogy - OSZNM117
Social pedagogy and social work with didactics - OSZNM118
Education towards health and didactics - OSZNM135
Educational science and psychology for teachers - OSZNM137
Pedagogy and Didactics of Pedagogy - OSZNM143
Social Pedagogy and Social Work with Didactics - OSZNM144
Educational science and psychology for teachers - OSZNM145
Educational science and psychology for teachers - OSZNM15
Educational science – social aspects - OSZNM16
Educational science – curricular aspects - OSZNM17
Education towards health and didactics - OSZNM23
Educational sciences in anthropological perspective - OSZNM48
Didactics of educational science - OSZNM49
Educational science and psychology for teachers - OSZNM50
Written final thesis - OSZN112
Consultations - OXKH14KP
Final Essay on Pedagogy - O02214032
Bendl Stanislav, prof. PaedDr., Ph.D.
Blažková Veronika, PhDr., Ph.D.
Boško Martin, Mgr.
Duschinská Karolina, Ing., Ph.D.
Hanušová Jaroslava, PhDr., Ph.D.
Kollerová Lenka, PhDr., Ph.D.
Linková Marie, PhDr., Ph.D.
Matulová Jaroslava, Mgr.
Nechlebová Eva, Mgr., Ph.D.
Papajoanu Ondřej, PhDr., Ph.D.
Prokop Jiří, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Richterová Magdalena, PhDr., Ph.D.
Šaroch Jaroslav, PhDr., Ph.D.
Thorovská Alena, PhDr.
Váchová Alena, Ing. Bc., Ph.D.
Voňková Hana, prof. RNDr. PhDr., Ph.D. et Ph.D.
Zvírotský Michal, PhDr., Ph.D.
only future
only the free ones
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no data found
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