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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Introduction into logic - OBUZ10V001
Comprehensive examination from mathematics for bachelor study - OB2310SZA
Assistance practice in mathematics - OB2310V06
Introduction to mathematics education - OCDC23SS06
Mathematics education - OCDC23SS28
Mathematics education II - OCDC23SS54
Mathematics education - OCDC24SS55
Introduction in mathematics education - OCRM17UM09
Statistics and probability - OCRM17UM26
Mathematical activities for elementary and secondary pupils - OCRM17UM29
Introduction to mathematics for lower and upper secondary teachers - OCRM20UM01
Compendium of secondary school mathematics - OCRM20UM02
Sequences for lower and upper secondary mathematics teachers - OCRM20UM03
Analytic geometry and basics of linear algebra - OCRM20UM04
ICT in the teaching of mathematics - OCRM20UM05
Planimetry - OCRM20UM06
Functions for lower and upper secondary teachers - OCRM20UM07
Mathematics education 1 - OCRM20UM08
3D geometry - OCRM20UM09
Mathematics education 2 - OCRM20UM10
Combinatorics for teachers - OCRM20UM11
Problem solving methods - OCRM20UM12
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics - OCRM20UM13
School mathematics from the perspective of university mathematics II - OCRM20UM14
Mathematics education 3 - OCRM20UM15
Teaching practice with reflection - OCRM20UM16
Observation practice - OCRM20UM17
Mathematics education 2a - OCRM20UM18
School matematics from the point of view of university mathematics III - OCRM20UM19
Combinatorics for teachers - OCRM23UM16
a - OCRM23UM17
History of mathematical thinking - OCRM23UM18
a - OCRM23UM19
Číselné obory a teorie čísel pro učitele - OCRM23UM20
Building ideas about number - OCRN20UC01
Building Ideas About Shapes - OCRN20UC15
Selected chapters of mathematics education - OCRN20UC23
Didactic of mathematics with school practice - OCRN20UC35
Ph.D. state examination - ODSZMA1
Doctoral Dissertation - ODSZ0DISMA
Methods and theoretical background of research in mathematics education - OD0310002
Mathematics education II: Selected topic - OD0310003
Mathematics education II: Part-whole relation in the mathematical education of 5-12-year-old pupils - OD0310005
Mathematics education II: Selected parts from the theory of didactic situations - OD0310007
Mathematics: Selected topic - OD0310010
State PhD examination - OD0310012
Mathematics: Analysis of classical mathematical texts - OD0310013
Pedagogy: Selected topic - OD0310014
Psychology: Selected topic - OD0310015
Geometry - OEBMM1709Z
Introduction to the study of mathematics I - OEBMM1710Z
Introduction to the study of mathematics II - OEBMM1711Z
Problem solving methods - OEBMM1712Z
Developing mathematical literacy II. - OEBMM1714Z
Game Theory - OEBMM1715Z
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and primary school mathematics - OEBMM2401Z
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) - OENMM1701Z
Didactics of primary school mathematics - OENMM1702Z
Games in primary school mathematics - OENMM1704Z
Outdoor mathematics at the primary school - OENMM1705Z
Classic works of mathematics education - OENMM2117Z
History of mathematical thinking - OENMM2119Z
Comprehensive examination from mathematics - OIMM1M107A
History of mathematics analysis - OIMM1M113A
Mathematics II - OKBI3M021A
Combinatorics and Graph Theory for teachers - OKBI3M026A
Elementary functions - OKBM1M108A
Complex numbers - OKBM1M111A
Financial mathematics - OKBM1M113A
Algebra in informatics - OKBM1M118A
Theory of games - OKBM1M119A
Polynomic algebra - OKBM1M121A
Calculus II - OKBM1M122A
Analytic geometry I - OKBM1M123A
Non-euclidean geometry - OKBM1M125A
Seminar on the writing of thesis - OKBM1M126A
Number theory - OKBM1M127A
Symmetry in Algebra - OKBM1M129A
Calculus III - OKBM1M130A
Analytic geometry II - OKBM1M131A
Logic - OKBM1M134A
Statistics and probability - OKBM1M135A
Mathematical activities for elementary and secondary pupils - OKBM1M136A
Introduction to mathematics education - OKBM1M137A
Symmetry in algebra II - OKBM1M138A
Analytic geometry III - OKBM1M139A
Equations and inequalities II - OKBM1M140A
Final examination from mathematics - OKBM1M141A
Elementary functions - OKBM2M105A
Polynomic algebra - OKBM2M110A
Calculus II - OKBM2M111A
Analytic geometry I - OKBM2M112A
Symmetry in Algebra - OKBM2M114A
Calculus III - OKBM2M115A
Analytic geometry II - OKBM2M116A
Statistics and probability - OKBM2M117A
Number theory - OKBM2M118A
Final examination from mathematics - OKBM2M119A
Introduction to mathematics education - OKBM2M120A
Introduction to mathematics for lower and upper secondary teachers - OKBM3M011A
2D geometry - OKBM3M012A
Comprehensive examination of secondary mathematics - OKBM3M013A
Secondary mathematics read for the second time - OKBM3M014A
Sequences for lower and upper secondary teachers - OKBM3M021A
Stereometry - OKBM3M022A
Linear Algebra and Geometry - OKBM3M023A
Algebra in informatics - OKBM3M024A
Complex numbers - OKBM3M025A
LaTeX - OKBM3M026A
Algebraic equations and inequalities and their use - OKBM3M031A
Functions for primary and secondary school teachers - OKBM3M032A
Number fields and number theory for teachers - OKBM3M033A
Symmetry in Algebra - OKBM3M034A
Introduction to mathematics education - OKBM3M036A
Seminar for the preparation of a bachelor thesis - OKBM3M040A
Mathematics education - ICT in the teaching of mathematics - OKBM3M041A
Assistance teaching practice with reflection - OKBM3M042A
Combinatorics and Graph Theory for teachers - OKBM3M043A
Mathematical analysis for teachers - OKBM3M044A
Non-Euclidean Geometry - OKBM3M045A
Metric and Normed Spaces - OKBM3M046A
Functions of two variables - OKBM3M047A
Mathematics education - problem solving - OKBM3M051A
Mathematical analysis seminar - OKBM3M051B
Application of mathematics - OKBM3M052A
Geometry Seminar - OKBM3M052B
Mathematical logic - OKBM3M053A
Algebra seminar - OKBM3M053B
Linear Algebra and Geometry II - OKBM3M054A
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OKBM3M060A
Probabilities and Statistics - OKBM3M061A
Mathematics education - mathematical activities and competitions - OKBM3M062A
Introduction to mathematics for lower and upper secondary teachers - OKBM4M011A
2D geometry - OKBM4M012A
Comprehensive examination of secondary mathematics - OKBM4M013A
Sequences for lower and upper secondary teachers - OKBM4M021A
Stereometry - OKBM4M022A
Linear Algebra and Geometry - OKBM4M023A
Algebraic equations and inequalities and their use - OKBM4M031A
Functions for primary and secondary school teachers - OKBM4M032A
Number fields and number theory for teachers - OKBM4M033A
Mathematics education - ICT in the teaching of mathematics - OKBM4M041A
Assistance teaching practice with reflection - OKBM4M042A
Combinatorics and Graph Theory for teachers - OKBM4M043A
Mathematical analysis for teachers - OKBM4M044A
Seminar for the preparation of a bachelor thesis - OKBM4M045A
Mathematics education - problem solving - OKBM4M051A
Symmetry in Algebra - OKBM4M051B
Application of mathematics - OKBM4M052A
Mathematical logic - OKBM4M052B
Probabilities and Statistics - OKBM4M061A
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OKBM4M062A
Secondary mathematics read for the second time - OKBM4M101C
Algebra in informatics - OKBM4M102C
Complex numbers - OKBM4M103C
Introduction to mathematics education - OKBM4M105C
Assistant practice at school - OKBZ0N110B
Didactics of mathematical literacy II with an excursion - OKB01M1H5B
Didactics of mathematical literacy I - OKB01M125A
Development of mathematical literacy - OKB03M303A
Didactics of Mathematical Pr-Literacy Development - OKB03M404A
Matematical Literacy Didactics with Excursion - OKB03M604C
Developing mathematical literacy II - OKB7310213
Functions of several variables - OKMM1M101A
Geometry - OKMM1M102A
Comprehensive examination from mathematics - OKMM1M107A
Mathematics education II - OKMM1M109A
Elementary mathematics from the point of view of higher mathematics - OKMM1M111A
History of mathematics analysis - OKMM1M113A
Teaching practice at the lower secondary school - OKMM1M114A
Discrete Mathematics - OKMM1M115A
Selected chapters from higher algebra - OKMM1M116A
Mathematics education III - OKMM1M117A
Teaching experiment - OKMM1M119A
Teaching assistance practice - OKMM1M121A
Teaching practice at the upper secondary school - OKMM1M122A
Application of algebra - OKMM1M123A
Axiomatic development of geometry - OKMM1M124A
Pupils with special needs in mathematics - OKMM1M125A
General questions of mathematics education - OKMM1M126A
History of geometry - OKMM1M128A
Assistance teaching practice II - OKMM1M129A
Content and Language Integrated Learning CLIL in School Practice - OKMM1M130A
Final examination from mathematics - OKMM2M104A
Introduction to the study of mathematics I - OKMN0M106A
Introduction to the study of mathematics II - OKMN0M117A
Arithmetic - OKMN0M126A
Geometry - OKMN0M136A
Problem solving methods in mathematics - OKMN0M145A
Mathematics education I - OKMN0M152A
Mathematics education II - OKMN0M158A
Child and mathematics I - OKMN0M162A
Didactics of mathematics with teaching practice III - OKMN0M165A
Child and mathematics II - OKMN0M170A
Elective seminar from mathematics education - OKMN0M290C
Mathematical logic - OKNI3M011A
History of mathematical thinking - OKNM3M011A
Mathematics education 1 - OKNM3M012A
Observation teaching practice with reflection - OKNM3M013A
Statistics in school and in pedagogical research - OKNM3M014A
Classic works of mathematics education - OKNM3M015A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OKNM3M020A
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 1 - OKNM3M021A
Mathematics education 2 - OKNM3M022A
Teaching practice at the primary school with reflection - OKNM3M023A
History of algebraic thinking - OKNM3M024A
Mathematics education 2a - OKNM3M025A
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 2 - OKNM3M031A
Mathematics education 3 - OKNM3M032A
Selected topics from modern mathematics - OKNM3M032B
Teaching practice at the secondary school with reflection - OKNM3M033A
Mathematics education seminar of the Dep. of Mathematics and Mathematical Education - OKNM3M033B
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 2a - OKNM3M034A
Some topics in mathematics education - OKNM3M034B
Selected aspects of mathematics education (videoclubs, CLIL) - OKNM3M035A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OKNM3M040A
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 3 - OKNM3M041A
Axiomatic Geometry - OKNM3M042A
Statistics in school and in pedagogical research - OKNM4M0V1C
History of algebra - OKNM4M0V3C
Mathematics education 1 - OKNM4M012A
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 1 - OKNM4M021A
Mathematics education 2 - OKNM4M022A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OKNM4M024A
Chapters from Mathematical Literacy - OKN03M102B
Developing pre-mathematical literacy - OKN03M303A
Selected chapters from mathematical literacy with didactics - OKN03M407C
Statistics for bachelor degree and diploma work 1 - OKPV10001
Foundation of logic and logical thinking 1 - OKPV10002
Mathematics and free time - OKPV10005
Didactics of mathematics I. - OK0310051
Didactics of mathematics with practice II - OK0610151
Problem solving methods - OK0610261
Group work in mathematics lessons - OK0610502
How to get to know mathematics I - OK0610612
Children and mathematics I - OK0610613
We teach mathematics together I - OK0610614
Mathematics - pro jednoobor - OOSZB029J
Mathematics II - OPBI3M021A
Combinatorics and Graph Theory for teachers - OPBI3M026A
Elementary functions - OPBM1M108A
Synthetic geometry II - OPBM1M109A
Financial mathematics - OPBM1M113A
Numerical and algebraic structures - OPBM1M114A
Dynamic geometry - OPBM1M115A
Claculus I - OPBM1M116A
Algorithms - OPBM1M117A
Algebra in informatics - OPBM1M118A
Theory of games - OPBM1M119A
Synthetic Geometry III - OPBM1M120A
Calculus II - OPBM1M122A
Analytic geometry I - OPBM1M123A
Non-euclidean geometry - OPBM1M125A
Seminar on the writing of thesis - OPBM1M126A
Symmetry in algebra - OPBM1M129A
Calculus III - OPBM1M130A
Analytic geometry II - OPBM1M131A
Linear algebra II - OPBM1M132A
Physics for mathematics teachers - OPBM1M133A
Logic - OPBM1M134A
Statistics and probability - OPBM1M135A
Mathematical activities for elementary and secondary pupils - OPBM1M136A
Introduction to mathematics education - OPBM1M137A
Symmetry in algebra II - OPBM1M138A
Analytic geometry III - OPBM1M139A
Equations and inequalities II - OPBM1M140A
Final examination from mathematics - OPBM1M141A
Elementary functions - OPBM2M105A
Synthetic geometry II - OPBM2M106A
Numerical and algebraic structures - OPBM2M107A
Dynamic Geometry - OPBM2M108A
Calculus I - OPBM2M109A
Calculus II - OPBM2M111A
Analytic geometry I - OPBM2M112A
Symmetry in Algebra - OPBM2M114A
Calculus III - OPBM2M115A
Analytic geometry II - OPBM2M116A
Statistics and probability - OPBM2M117A
Number theory - OPBM2M118A
Final examination from mathematics - OPBM2M119A
Introduction to mathematics education - OPBM2M120A
Introduction to mathematics for lower and upper secondary teachers - OPBM3M011A
Planimetry - OPBM3M012A
Comprehensive examination of secondary mathematics - OPBM3M013A
Secondary mathematics read for the second time - OPBM3M014A
Sequences for lower and upper secondary teachers - OPBM3M021A
Stereometry - OPBM3M022A
Linear Algebra and Geometry - OPBM3M023A
Algebra in informatics - OPBM3M024A
Complex numbers - OPBM3M025A
LaTeX - OPBM3M026A
Algebraic equations and inequalities and their use - OPBM3M031A
Functions for primary and secondary school teachers - OPBM3M032A
Number fields and number theory for teachers - OPBM3M033A
Symmetry in Algebra - OPBM3M034A
Introduction to mathematics education - OPBM3M036A
Seminar for the preparation of a bachelor thesis - OPBM3M040A
Mathematics education - ICT in the teaching of mathematics - OPBM3M041A
Assistance teaching practice with reflection - OPBM3M042A
Combinatorics and Graph Theory for teachers - OPBM3M043A
Mathematical analysis for teachers - OPBM3M044A
Non-euclidean geometry - OPBM3M045A
Metric and Normed Spaces - OPBM3M046A
Functions of two variables - OPBM3M047A
Mathematics education - problem solving - OPBM3M051A
Optional Seminar on Mathematical Analysis - OPBM3M051B
Applied Mathematics - OPBM3M052A
Geometry seminar - OPBM3M052B
Mathematical logic - OPBM3M053A
Algebra seminar - OPBM3M053B
Linear Algebra and Geometry II - OPBM3M054A
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OPBM3M060A
Probability and statistics - OPBM3M061A
Mathematics education - mathematical activities and competitions - OPBM3M062A
Introduction to mathematics for lower and upper secondary teachers - OPBM4M011A
Linear Algebra and Geometry - OPBM4M012A
Comprehensive examination of secondary mathematics - OPBM4M013A
Sequences for lower and upper secondary teachers - OPBM4M021A
Stereometry - OPBM4M022A
Linear Algebra and Geometry - OPBM4M023A
Algebraic equations and inequalities and their use - OPBM4M031A
Functions for primary and secondary school teachers - OPBM4M032A
Number fields and number theory for teachers - OPBM4M033A
Mathematics education - ICT in the teaching of mathematics - OPBM4M041A
Assistance teaching practice with reflection - OPBM4M042A
Combinatorics and Graph Theory for teachers - OPBM4M043A
Mathematical analysis for teachers - OPBM4M044A
Seminar for the preparation of a bachelor thesis - OPBM4M045A
Mathematics education - problem solving - OPBM4M051A
Symmetry in Algebra - OPBM4M051B
Applied Mathematics - OPBM4M052A
Mathematical logic - OPBM4M052B
Probability and statistics - OPBM4M061A
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OPBM4M062A
Secondary mathematics read for the second time - OPBM4M101C
Algebra in informatics - OPBM4M102C
Complex numbers - OPBM4M103C
Introduction to mathematics education - OPBM4M105C
Assistant Practice at School - OPBZ0N110B
Didactics of mathematical literacy I - OPB01M125A
Development of mathematical pre-literacy - OPB03M303A
Didactics of Mathematical Pre-Literacy Development - OPB03M404A
Didactics of mathematical literacy with excursion - OPB03M604C
Mathematics - OPDM1M101A
Pedagogy and psychology - OPDM1M102B
Mathematics education 1 with methodology - OPDM1M103B
Mathematics education 2 - OPDM1M104B
Participation at conferences - OPDZ1M006A
Publications - total - OPDZ1M007A
International stay - OPDZ1M008A
Scientific events - total - OPDZ1M009A
Foreign Internship - summary - OPDZ1M010A
Pedagogical work - OPDZ1M011A
Project proposal (GAUK etc.) - OPDZ1M012A
Functions of several variables - OPMM2M101A
Final examination from mathematics - OPMM2M104A
History of algebra - OPMM2M111A
Pupils with special needs in mathematics - OPMM2M114A
Introduction to the study of mathematics I - OPMN0M106A
Introduction to the study of mathematics II - OPMN0M117A
Arithmetic - OPMN0M126A
Geometry - OPMN0M136A
Problem solving methods in mathematics - OPMN0M145A
Mathematics education I - OPMN0M152A
Mathematics education II - OPMN0M158A
Child and mathematics I - OPMN0M162A
Mathematics education and teaching practice III - OPMN0M165A
Child and mathematics II - OPMN0M170A
Elective seminar on mathematics education - OPMN0M367C
Games in elementary mathematics - OPMN0M374C
Functions of several variables - OPNM1M101A
Geometry - OPNM1M102A
Final examination from mathematics - OPNM1M107A
Elementary mathematics from the point of view of higher mathematics - OPNM1M111A
History of algebra - OPNM1M120A
Axiomatic development of geometry - OPNM1M124A
Pupils with special needs in mathematics - OPNM1M125A
Some topics in mathematics education - OPNM1M126A
History of geometry - OPNM1M128A
Assistance teaching practice II - OPNM1M129A
Content and Language Integrated Learning CLIL in School Practice - OPNM1M130A
History of mathematical thinking - OPNM3M011A
Mathematics education 1 - OPNM3M012A
Observation teaching practice with reflection - OPNM3M013A
Statistics in school and in pedagogical research - OPNM3M014A
Classic works of mathematics education - OPNM3M015A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OPNM3M020A
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 1 - OPNM3M021A
Mathematics education 2 - OPNM3M022A
Teaching practice at the primary school with reflection - OPNM3M023A
History of algebraic thinking - OPNM3M024A
Mathematics education - research results - OPNM3M025A
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 2 - OPNM3M031A
Mathematics education 3 - OPNM3M032A
Selected topics from modern mathematics - OPNM3M032B
Teaching practice at the secondary school with reflection - OPNM3M033A
Mathematics education seminar of the Dep. of Mathematics and Mathematical Education - OPNM3M033B
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 2a - OPNM3M034A
Selected aspects of mathematics education (videoclubs, CLIL) - OPNM3M035A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNM3M040A
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 3 - OPNM3M041A
Axiomatic Geometry - OPNM3M042A
History of mathematical thinking - OPNM4M011A
Mathematics education 1 - OPNM4M012A
Observation teaching practice with reflection - OPNM4M013A
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 1 - OPNM4M021A
Mathematics education 2 - OPNM4M022A
Teaching practice at the primary school with reflection - OPNM4M023A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OPNM4M024A
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 2 - OPNM4M031A
Teaching mathematics in a foreign language - OPNM4M031B
Mathematics education 3 - OPNM4M032A
Developing pedagogical content knowledge via videoclubs - OPNM4M032B
Teaching practice at the secondary school with reflection - OPNM4M033A
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 3 - OPNM4M041A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNM4M042A
Statistics in school and in pedagogical research - OPNM4M101C
Classic works of mathematics education - OPNM4M102C
Mathematics education - research results - OPNM4M104C
School mathematics from the point of view of university mathematics 2a - OPNM4M105C
Axiomatic Geometry - OPNM4M106C
42/5000 Financial literacy and consumer protection - OPNZ1M041B
Development of pre-mathematical literacy - OPN01M123A
Mathematics - OSZB029
Mathematics - pro jednoobor - OSZB029J
Mathematics - OSZB113
Applied Mathematics - OSZB114
X - OSZC110M
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104MA
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105MA
Mathematics and Didactics - OSZM015
Mathematics and Didactics for Lower Secondary Schools - OSZM051
Mathematics Education - OSZNM04
Mathematics - OSZNM11
Didactics of mathematics - OSZNM111
Mathematics - OSZNM112
Mathematics and Mathematics Education - OSZNM12
Mathematics and Didactics - OSZNM153
Consultation hours - OXKH10KMDM
Department meeting - OX10SCHUZE
Games in elementary mathematics - O01110501
Symmetry in algebra - O02310062
Beran Filip, JUDr. Mgr.
Fabián Tomáš, Mgr.
Havlíčková Radka, Mgr., Ph.D.
Janda David, Mgr., Ph.D.
Jirotková Darina, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Jůzová Kateřina, Mgr.
Kaslová Michaela, PhDr.
Knapová Gabriela, PhDr., Ph.D.
Kottová Tereza, Mgr.
Kvasz Ladislav, prof. RNDr., DSc., Dr.
Kvaszová Milena, Mgr., Ph.D.
Michal Jakub, PhDr.
Mošna František, RNDr., Ph.D.
Mottlová Karolína, Mgr.
Novotná Jarmila, prof. RNDr., CSc.
Slezáková Jana, PhDr., Ph.D.
Sovič Pavel, Mgr.
Vondrová Naďa, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.
Zamboj Michal, Mgr., Ph.D.
Zenkl David, Mgr.
only future
only the free ones
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