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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
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Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Piano Playing and Song´s Accompaniment - OB2308173
Introduction into the Didactics of Music Education - OCDC23SS24
Didactics of Music Education - OCDC23SS46
Didactics of Music Education II - OCDC23SS63
Basics of Music Education I. - OCRN20UC07
Basics of Music Education II - OCRN20UC21
Basics of Music Education III. - OCRN20UC31
Introduction to Music Education Didactics - OCRN20UC41
Ph.D. state examination - ODSZHV1
Doctoral Dissertation - ODSZ0DISHV
Methodology and logic of music pedagogical research - OD0408101
Music Education and Didactics - OD0408102
Interpretation Aesthetics - OD0408104
Instrument History and Literature - OD0408108
The Art of Music Interpretation in Education - OD0408109
Didactics and Methodology of Instrumental Interpretation - OD0408110
The Music History - OD0408111
The Musical Analysis - OD0408112
Didactics of Vocal Education and Theory of Voice - OD0408115
The Specific Problems of Music Theory and Pedagogy - OD0408116
Music Psychology - OD0408117
Methodics of choir singing - OD0408118
Composition & Analysis I - OEBHH1701Z
Music Listening Activities I - OEBHH1713Z
Interpretation Class - OEBHH1714Z
Interpretation Class - OEBHH1715Z
Choir Rehearsal - OEBHH1717Z
Performance Activities - OEBHH1726Z
Orchestra Rehearsal - OEBHH1739Z
Choir Conducting - Working with Scores II - OEBHH1740Z
Instrumental Literature I - OEBHH1745Z
Sight Singing and Ear Training III - OEBHH1746Z
History of Music I - OEBHH1752Z
Choir Conducting - Working with Scores I - OEBHH1754Z
Conductor's Practicum - OEBHH1756Z
History of Music II - OEBHH1757Z
Musical Forms - OEBHH1758Z
Historiy of Instrument and Instrumental Literature - OEBHH2167Z
Ear Training - OEBHH2175Z
Ensemble Praxis with reflection - OEBHH2304Z
Didactics of Music Education I - OEBHH2401Z
Didactics of Music Education II - OEBHH2402Z
Didactics of Choral Singing I - OEBHH2403Z
Movement education and playing Orff instruments - OENHH2174Z
Voice and Instrumental Study III - OIBH4H031A
Applied Music Theory II - OIBH4H032A
Basic Conducting Techniques - OIBH4H033A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OIBH4H034A
Didactics of Music Education I - OIBH4H041A
Professional Practice - OIBH4H042A
Structure of Music I - OIBH4H043A
Voice and Instrumental Study IV - OIBH4H044A
Didactics of Music Education II - OIBH4H051A
Interpretative Activities in Music Education - OIBH4H051B
Structure of Music II - OIBH4H052A
History of Popular Music - OIBH4H062B
Choir Singing - OIBH4H103C
Chamber female choir - OIBS4H001C
Chamber Orchestra Collegium Paedagogicum - OIBS4H002C
Choir Conducting - Working with Scores I - OIBS4H031A
Special Instrumental Preparation III - OIBS4H032A
Ear Training - OIBS4H033A
Didactics of Choral Singing I - OIBS4H041A
Choir Conducting - Working with Scores II - OIBS4H042A
Choral Literature I - OIBS4H043A
Interpretation Class - OIBU4H001C
Artistic and Scientific Presentation - OIBU4H002C
Historiy of Instrument and Instrumental Literature - OIBU4H011A
Major Instrument and Repertoire Creation I - OIBU4H012A
Improvisation and Skill of the Ensemble Play I - OIBU4H013A
Instrumental Literature I - OIBU4H021A
Major Instrument and Repertoire Creation II - OIBU4H022A
Improvisation and Skill of the Ensemble Play II - OIBU4H023A
Preparation and Submission of a Bachelor Thesis (Instrument) - OIBU4H061A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OINH4H042A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OINH4H043A
Mixed Choir - OINS4H002C
Chamber Orchestra Collegium Paedagogicum - OINS4H006C
Choirmaster practice at high school with reflection - OINS4H033A
Seminar for Preparation of a Diploma Thesis (Instrument) - OINU4H024A
Preparation and Submission of Diploma Thesis (Instrument) - OINU4H042A
Instructive Literature III - OI2308629
Final Concert Project - OI2308630
Music education for Chaperones and Supervisors - OKBV3H025A
Music education for Chaperones and Supervisors - OKBV3H034A
Special Music Activities in Logopedic Prevention II - S - OKB01H1D4B
Reflexive Musical Praxis at Kindergarten III - OKB01H1D5B
Didactics of Aesthetic Education I - OKB03H205A
Didactics of Aesthetic Education - Deepening - OKB03H407A
Theory and Practice of Music Education - OKB03H501B
Practical Harmony for Teachers in Nursery Schools - OKB03H607C
Music Activities in Speech Therapy Prevention - OKB03H608C
Music and Movement Education with Practice - OKB03H609C
Music Education Module - OKMN0HV
Music Education I - OKMN0H112A
Music Education II - OKMN0H121A
Music Education III - OKMN0H131A
Movement education and playing Orff instruments - OKMN0H141A
Didactics of Music Education with Practice - for Physical Education, Art Education, Drama Education, Foreign Language - OKMN0H202B
Singing I: singing, intonation and conductor skills - OKMN0H205B
Practical harmony at the piano - OKMN0H206B
Playing the recorder - OKMN0H207B
Information sources of Music Education and diagnostics of musicality - OKMN0H208B
Piano in Music Education I - OKMN0H209B
Singing II: singing, intonation and conductor skills - OKMN0H210B
Didactics of Music Education I - OKMN0H211B
Piano in Music Education II - OKMN0H212B
Singing III: Folk Song - OKMN0H213B
Creative Workshop I: Music Structure - OKMN0H214B
Didactics of Music Education II - OKMN0H215B
Piano in Music Education III - OKMN0H216B
Singing IV: Artificial Song - OKMN0H217B
Musical Culture - OKMN0H218B
Continuous reflexive practice of Music Education - OKMN0H219B
Piano in Music Education IV - OKMN0H220B
Didactic aspects of music for children - OKMN0H221B
Creative Workshop II: Composition Analysis - OKMN0H222B
Music Culture II - OKMN0H223B
Didactic applications of music education in preprimary education. - OKN03H202A
Eurhytmics and Orff Instruments - OK0608036
Didactics of Music Education for Non-musical Specialization - OK0608052
Instrumental Study IV - OK0608107
Vocal Technique III - OK0608110
History of Music II - OK0608116
Music Education II - OK0608133
Didactics of Music Education at Primary School I - OK0608160
Didactics of Music Education at Primary School II - OK0608161
Facultative Subject from Music Education - OK0608263
Musical Forms in School - OK0608276
Research in Music Education - OK0608277
Preparation for Bachelor Thesis - OPBH2H120A
Vocal and Instrumental Study I - OPBH4H011A
Music Theory in Practice - OPBH4H012A
Choral and orchestral practice I - OPBH4H013A
Vocal and Instrumental Study II - OPBH4H021A
Applied Music Theory I - OPBH4H022A
Choral and orchestral practice II - OPBH4H023A
Vocal and Instrumental Study III - OPBH4H031A
Applied Music Theory II - OPBH4H032A
Basic Conducting Techniques - OPBH4H033A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OPBH4H034A
Didactics of Music Education I - OPBH4H041A
Professional Practice - OPBH4H042A
Structure of Music I - OPBH4H043A
Vocal and Instrumental Study IV - OPBH4H044A
Didactics of Music Education II - OPBH4H051A
Interpretative Activities in Music Education - OPBH4H051B
Structure of Music II - OPBH4H052A
Theory of Vocal Performance in Practice and Voice Hygiene - OPBH4H053B
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OPBH4H061A
History of Music Education in Bohemia - OPBH4H061B
History of Pop music - OPBH4H062B
Choral singing - OPBH4H103C
Chamber and Orchestral Playing - OPBH4H104C
Folk Guitar - OPBH4H106C
Information technology in music education - OPBH4H111C
Preparation of Bachelor Concert I - OPBN2H117A
Preparation of bachelor concert performance II - OPBN2H123A
Chamber and Orchestral Play II - OPBN2H125A
Chamber female choir - OPBS4H001C
Organ - OPBS4H005C
Art and Didactics Courses - OPBS4H006C
Piano Playing and Song´s Accompaniment - OPBS4H007C
Fundamental Conducting Techniques - OPBS4H011A
Special Instrumental Preparation I - OPBS4H012A
Conducting Technique and Voice Training - OPBS4H021A
Special Instrumental Preparation II - OPBS4H022A
Choir Conducting - Working with Scores I - OPBS4H031A
Special Instrumental Preparation III - OPBS4H032A
Ear Training - OPBS4H033A
Choir Conducting - Working with Scores II - OPBS4H042A
Choral Literature I - OPBS4H043A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis (Choirmastering) - OPBS4H045A
Choir Conducting - OPBS4H051B
Choral literature II - OPBS4H052A
Semantical Analysis - OPBS4H052B
Preparation of Bachelor Concert - OPBS4H053B
Orchestral Conducting - OPBS4H054B
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis (Choirmastering) - OPBS4H061A
Interpretation Class - OPBU4H001C
Artistic and Scientific Presentation - OPBU4H002C
Piano for string instruments - OPBU4H003C
Historiy of Instrument and Instrumental Literature - OPBU4H011A
Major Instrument and Repertoire Creation I - OPBU4H012A
Improvisation and Skill of the Ensemble Play I - OPBU4H013A
Instrumental Literature I - OPBU4H021A
Major Instrument and Repertoire Creation II - OPBU4H022A
Improvisation and Skill of the Ensemble Play II - OPBU4H023A
Instrumental Literature II - OPBU4H031A
Major Instrument and Repertoire Creation III - OPBU4H032A
Improvisation and Skill of the Ensemble Play III - OPBU4H033A
Instrumental Didactics-Historical Overview - OPBU4H041A
Field Training with Reflection - OPBU4H042A
Major Instrument and Repertoire Creation IV - OPBU4H043A
Instrumental Literature III - OPBU4H044A
Seminar for Preparation of a Bachelor Thesis (Instrument) - OPBU4H045A
Didactics and methodology of instrumental playing - OPBU4H051A
Czech Instrumental Literature for Piano - OPBU4H051B
Bachelor Concert Preparation - OPBU4H052A
Czech Instrumental Literature for Strings - OPBU4H052B
Preparation and Submission of a Bachelor Thesis (Instrument) - OPBU4H061A
Bachelor Concert - Piano - OPBU4H061B
Bachelor Concert - Strings - OPBU4H062B
Didactics of Aesthetic Education (Music and Art Education) I - OPB03H205A
Didactics of Aesthetic Education - Deepening - OPB03H407A
Theory and Practice of Music Education - OPB03H501B
Music Activities in Logopedic Prevention - OPB03H608C
Music and Movement Education with Practice - OPB03H609C
Systematics of music theory and music pedagogy - OPDH1H103A
Music pedagogy - OPDH1H104A
Research methodology in music pedagogy - OPDH1H105B
Musical performing arts in education - OPDH1H106A
Pedagogical aspects of musical work analysis - OPDH1H107B
Theory of voice expression and voice education - OPDH1H108B
Music psychology in the music pedagogical context - OPDH1H109B
Theory and history of music art on the basis of music pedagogical issues - OPDH1H110B
Regional music culture and its reflection in music pedagogy - OPDH1H111B
Doctoral seminar I - OPDH1H112A
Doctoral seminar II - OPDH1H113A
Doctoral seminar III - OPDH1H114A
Doctoral seminar IV - OPDH1H115A
Doctoral seminar V - OPDH1H116A
Doctoral seminar VI - OPDH1H117A
Attendance at the conference - OPDZ1H006A
Publication - OPDZ1H007A
Internships - summary - OPDZ1H008A
Foreign Internship - summary - OPDZ1H010A
Pedagogical activity - summary - OPDZ1H011A
Project design (GAUK, GAČR etc.) - OPDZ1H012A
Music Education Module - OPMN0HV
Music Education I - OPMN0H112A
Music Education II - OPMN0H121A
Music Education III - OPMN0H131A
Movement education and playing Orff instruments - OPMN0H141A
Didactics of Music Education with Practice - for Physical Education, Art Education, Drama Education, Foreign Language - OPMN0H206B
Singing I: singing, intonation and conductor skills - OPMN0H282B
Practical harmony at the piano - OPMN0H283B
Playing the recorder - OPMN0H284B
information sources of Music Education and diagnostics of musicality - OPMN0H285B
Piano in Music Education I - OPMN0H286B
Singing II: singing, intonation and conductor skills - OPMN0H287B
Didactics of Music Education I - OPMN0H288B
Piano in Music Education II - OPMN0H289B
Singing III: Folk Song - OPMN0H290B
Creative Workshop I: Music Structure - OPMN0H291B
Didactics of Music Education II - OPMN0H292B
Piano in Music Education III - OPMN0H293B
Singing VI: Artificial Song - OPMN0H294B
Music Culture I - OPMN0H295B
Continuous reflexive practice of Music Education - OPMN0H296B
Piano in Music Education IV - OPMN0H297B
Didactic aspects of music for children - OPMN0H298B
Creative Workshop II: Composition Analysis - OPMN0H299B
Music Culture II - OPMN0H300B
Information technology in music education - OPNH2H116A
Analysis and pedagogical interpretation of the musical work - OPNH4H011A
Didactics of Music Education I - OPNH4H012A
Practice 1 with reflection - OPNH4H013A
Thematic and project Teaching in Music Education - OPNH4H021A
Didactics of Music Education II - OPNH4H022A
Continuous practice at elementary school with reflection - OPNH4H023A
Music in Contemporary School I - OPNH4H031A
Interpretation activities in music education - OPNH4H031B
Didactics of Music Education III - OPNH4H032A
Terminology in Music Education - OPNH4H032B
Continuous practice at high school with reflection - OPNH4H033A
Introduction to Musical Aesthetics - OPNH4H033B
Music in Contemporary School II - OPNH4H041A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNH4H042A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OPNH4H043A
Choral singing II - OPNH4H103C
Chamber and Orchestral Playing II - OPNH4H104C
Chord guitar playing II - OPNH4H106C
Conducting practice - OPNS4H001C
Mixed Choir - OPNS4H002C
Chamber choir - OPNS4H003C
Organ - OPNS4H004C
Art and Didactics Courses - OPNS4H005C
Chamber Orchestra Collegium Paedagogicum - OPNS4H006C
Ethics for Music Educators - OPNS4H007C
Vocal-Instrumental Forms - OPNS4H011A
Didactics of choir conducting - OPNS4H012A
Conducting practice with reflection - OPNS4H013A
Theory of Interpretation I - OPNS4H021A
Didactic basics of choral singing - OPNS4H022A
Choirmaster practice at primary school with reflection - OPNS4H023A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis (Choirmastering) - OPNS4H024A
Theory of Interpretation II - OPNS4H031A
Aesthetics of choral interpretation - OPNS4H031B
Didactics and management of music presentation - OPNS4H032A
Liturgical music - OPNS4H032B
Choirmaster practice at high school with reflection - OPNS4H033A
Graduate concert - OPNS4H041A
Preparation and submission of diploma thesis (Choirmastering) - OPNS4H042A
Interpretation Class - OPNU4H001C
Artistic and Scientific Presentation - OPNU4H002C
Chamber Orchestra - OPNU4H003C
Didactics of interpretation and instrumental methodology - OPNU4H011A
The Art of Interpretation I - OPNU4H012A
Introductory Practice with Reflection - OPNU4H013A
Didactics of playing musical instruments and Instructive literature - OPNU4H021A
The Art of Interpretation II - OPNU4H022A
Continuous Teaching Practice at Lower Secondary School - OPNU4H023A
Seminar for Preparation of a Diploma Thesis (Instrument) - OPNU4H024A
Graduate Concert Preparation - OPNU4H031A
Interpretatinon Class - Piano - OPNU4H031B
Didactics and Management of Music Presentation - OPNU4H032A
Interpretation Class - String Instruments - OPNU4H032B
Continuous secondary school training with reflection - OPNU4H033A
Graduation concert - OPNU4H041A
Preparation and Submission of Diploma Thesis (Instrument) - OPNU4H042A
Musical and Cultural Local Guide for Teachers - OPNZ1H050B
Music Education - OSZB004
Music Education and Didactics - OSZB005
Choral Conducting - OSZB024
Playing the Instrument - OSZB025
Music Education for Educators - OSZB055
Music Education - OSZB108
Playing the Piano - OSZB121
Choral Singing - OSZB130
Music Education - OSZB143
Instrumental Playing - OSZB144
Choral singing - OSZB158
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104HV
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104CHO
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104IN
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104MU
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104NA
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104SB
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105HV
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105CHO
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105IN
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105MU
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105NA
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105SB
Musical Instrument Playing - OSZM010
Music Education - OSZM011
Music Education and Didactics - OSZM012
Choir Conducting - OSZM028
Music Education and Didactics - OSZM0691ST
Playing The Instrument - OSZNM06
Music Education - OSZNM07
Music Education and Didactics - OSZNM107
Playing an instrument with didactics - OSZNM113
Choirmastery with Didactics - OSZNM129
Music Education with Didactic - OSZNM141
Playing an instrument with didactics - OSZNM142
Choral Singing and Didactics - OSZNM152
Choir Conducting - OSZNM19
Bajer Petr, Mgr.
Bělohlávková Petra, PhDr., Ph.D.
Gregor Vít, doc. PhDr. MgA., Ph.D.
Hurníková Kateřina, PhDr., Ph.D.
Jiřičková Jiřina, PhDr., Ph.D.
Kmentová Milena, Mgr., Ph.D.
Kozánková Olga, PhDr., Ph.D.
Nedělka Michal, prof. PaedDr., Dr.
Pecháček Stanislav, prof. PhDr., Ph.D.
Pobudová Lenka, Mgr.
Saláková Magdalena, PhDr., Ph.D.
Svoboda Čeněk, Mgr., Ph.D.
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