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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Centre for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
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Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
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Third Faculty of Medicine
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Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
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Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
German Conversation - OBUZ22V045
Practical Language V - OB2307A05
Practical Language VI - OB2307A06
Syntax II - OB2307A13
Text Linguistics - OB2307A15
Literature III (1798-1890) - OB2307A21
Literature IV (1880-1925) - OB2307A22
Selected Chapters from Medieval Literature - OB2307A31
Chapters from Translating Technical Language - OB2307A33
Works of Goethe and Schiller - OB2307A34
Chapters from Contemporary German Grammar I - OB2307A35
Bachelor Thesis Seminar - OB2307A40
Introduction to Bussines German - OB2307A42
Analysis of Literary Texts - OB2307A43
German Literature in Bohemia and Moravia - OB2307A45
Comprehensive Exam in German Language - OB2307A49
Introduction to German Studies - OCRG15NJ01
Phonetics and Phonology I - OCRG15NJ02
Morphology I - OCRG15NJ03
History of German Speaking Countries - OCRG15NJ04
Cultural Studies I - OCRG15NJ05
Introduction to Literature - OCRG15NJ06
Practical Language I - OCRG15NJ07
Didactics of Non-linguistics Disciplines - OCRG15NJ26
Stylistics and Analysis of Texts - OCRG15NJ27
Literature IV - OCRG15NJ28
Czech-German Literary Relations - OCRG15NJ29
Seminar on the Final Exam II - OCRG15NJ30
Methodology of Pedagogical Research - ODGER03
Theoretical Particulars of Linguistics and Literary Studies in German Language Area. Applied Linguistics (various theoretical approaches) - ODGER04
Theoretical Particulars of Linguistics and Literary Studies in German Language Area. Discourse Analysis - ODGER05
Theoretical Particulars of Linguistics and Literary Studies in German Language Area. Literary Studies - ODGER06
Goals and Methods of the Didactics of German as a Foreign Language - ODGER08
Dependency Syntax - ODGER14
Classic Modernism in Austria - ODGER16
Specificity of Swiss German Literature after 1945 - ODGER18
Ph.D. state examination - ODSZNJ1
Dissertation - ODSZ0DISNJ
Foreign language - German - ODSZ22002
Literature III: romanticism - realism - OEBGG1808Y
Project History of German-speaking Countries - OEBGG1809Y
Project Novels and Novellas of Realism - OEBGG1810Y
German Literature, Theatre, Movie and Music - OEBGG1811Y
Project Syntax I (Germany Language) - OEBGG1812Y
Project Morphology II (Germany Language) - OEBGG1813Y
Literature I- Older German literature - OEBGG1820Y
Cultural Studies of Germany, Austria and Switzerland II - OEBGG1829Y
Problems of Contemporary German Language II - OEBGG1831Y
Practical Language I - OEBGG1832Y
Project Syntax I (Germany Language) - OEBGG1835Y
Project Morphology II (Germany Language) - OEBGG1836Y
Problems of the modern German language I - OEBGG1837Y
Methodology German langue – Teacher Training B - OEBGG1841Y
German Literature in Bohemia and Moravia - OEBGG1842Y
German Literature in Bohemia and Moravia II - OEBGG1843Y
Literature IV (1880 - 1925) - OEBGG1844Y
Practical Language II - OEBGG1847Y
Methodology of German Language II - OEBGG1848Y
Problems of Contemporary German Language II - OEBGG1849Y
Works of Literature Nobel Prize Laureates - OEBGG1850Y
Project Analysis of Literary Texts - OEBGG1851Y
Project Lexicology - OEBGG1852Y
Works of Goethe and Schiller - OEBGG1853Y
History of German Speaking Countries (from 1900 onwards) - OEBGG1857Y
Literature II (from Enlightment to Weimar Classicism) - OEBGG1858Y
Introduction to Newer History of Development of German Language - OEBGG1860Y
Literature for Children and Youth - OEBGG2173Y
Metodology of German Language I - OEBGG2201Y
Introduction to Business German - OEBGG2202Y
Practical Language III - OEBGG2410Y
Literature IV: naturalism - expressionism - OEBGG2411Y
Text and Stylistic Analysis - OENGG1801Y
Methodology of Literature and Cultural Stadies - OENGG1802Y
Czech-German coexistence in the historical Lands of the Bohemian Crown and pre-war Czechoslovakia - OENGG1803Y
Modern Swiss Novel (since 1900) - OENGG1817Y
Morphosyntax - OENGG1822Y
Problems of contemporary German Language I - OENGG1823Y
Methodology - pract. - OENGG1825Y
German Literature in Bohemia and Moravia - OENGG1826Y
Trends in Development of German Language - OENGG1829Y
Methodology of German Language –Practicale Training A - OENGG1833Y
Problems of Contemporary Methodology - OENGG1835Y
German Literature I ((1919-1968) - OENGG1837Y
Literature for Children and Youth - OENGG1862Y
Project Historical Novel - OENGG1865Y
Seminar on Current German Literature - OENGG1867Y
Selected Chapters from Sociolinguistics - OENGG1868Y
Methodology of Literature for Children and Youth - OENGG1869Y
Interactive Media in German Language Teaching - OENGG1870Y
German Literature III (1990 - 2015) - OENGG1871Y
German literature in Bohemia and Moravia - OENGG2204Y
Contemporary German Language II - OENGG2205Y
Selectes aspects of contemporary methodology - OENGG2301Y
Sociolinguistics - OENGG2302Y
Pragmalinguistic - OENGG2303Y
Media linguistics - OENGG2304Y
Chapters from German-language Drama - OENGG2401Y
Selected aspects of German language didactics I - OENGG2402Y
Methodology of non-linguistic disciplines II - OENGG2403Y
Contemporary German Language I - OENGG2404Y
Methodology of Literature for Children and Youth - OENGG2405Y
Interactive media in foreign language teaching - OENGG2406Y
Germans in the Czech lands - OENGG2407Y
Chapters from a German-language drama - OENGG2408Y
Postmodernism in literature - OENGG2409Y
Foreign Language for Teachers - German Language - OIBZ1G015B
Foreign language -German - OIDG1G101
Participation in conferences - OIDZ1P102
Publications - OIDZ1P103
Internship - OIDZ1P104
Proffesional activities - OIDZ1P105
Foreign Language (German) - OKBUZ22008
Professional Foreign Language - German - OKBZ0G118C
Foreign language - German I - OKMN0G182B
Foreign language - German II - OKMN0G186B
Foreign language- German III - OKMN0G190B
Foreign language- German IV OKMN0G194B - OKMN0G194B
Foreign Language - V - OKMN0G198B
German Conversation I - OKMN0G274C
Foreign language - German - OKNS3G127B
Foreign language - German - OKNZ0G141A
Foreign Language I - German - OK0601118
Foreign Language II - German - OK0601138
Comprehensive Exam in German Language and Literature - ON2307038
Practical Language V - OPBG2G117A
Literature III (1798-1890) - OPBG2G118A
Introduction to Didactics of German I - OPBG2G119A
Practical Language VI - OPBG2G120A
Literature IV (1780-1925) - OPBG2G121A
Introduction to Didactics of German II - OPBG2G122A
Final Exam: German Language for Bachelor Study Programme - OPBG2G123A
Selected Chapters from Medieval Literature - OPBG2G132B
Works of Goethe and Schiller - OPBG2G135B
German Literature, Theatre and Film - OPBG2G139B
Novels and Novellas of Realism - OPBG2G141B
Bachelor Thesis Seminar - OPBG2G142B
German Literature in Bohemia and Moravia - OPBG2G146B
Business Language - OPBG3G001C
Cultural Realities - OPBG3G002C
Translation Seminar: Czech language to German Language - OPBG3G003C
Translation seminar: German Language to Czech Language - OPBG3G004C
Conversationa training I - OPBG3G005C
Conversationa training II - OPBG3G006C
Conversationa training III - OPBG3G007C
Conversationa training IV - OPBG3G008C
Language exercises I - OPBG3G011A
Introduction to Linguistics - OPBG3G012A
Phonetics and phonology of the German language I - OPBG3G013A
Realities of German-speaking countries I - OPBG3G014A
History of German speaking countries I - OPBG3G015A
Practical Language II - OPBG3G021A
Morphology - OPBG3G022A
Phonetics and phonology of the German language II - OPBG3G023A
Introduction to the study of literature - OPBG3G024A
Realities of German-speaking countries II - OPBG3G025A
History of German speaking contries II - OPBG3G026A
Practical Language III - OPBG3G031A
German Morphology II - OPBG3G032A
Literature I- Older German literature - OPBG3G033A
Lexicology - OPBG3G034A
Syntax I - OPBG3G035A
Literature for children and youth - OPBG3G036A
Introduction to the didactics of the German language - OPBG3G041A
Didactics of the German language I - OPBG3G042A
Practical Language IV - OPBG3G043A
Syntax II - OPBG3G044A
Professional practice in the German language with reflection - OPBG3G045A
Literature II (from Enlightment to Weimar Classicism) - OPBG3G046A
German literature from Bohemia - OPBG3G047A
Seminar on Final Thesis - OPBG3G048A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OPBG3G049A
Didactics of the German language II - OPBG3G051A
Activities for Development of Communication Competences - OPBG3G052A
The Work of J. W. Goethe and F. Schiller - OPBG3G052B
Practical German Language V - OPBG3G053A
German Literature, Theatre, Movie and Music - OPBG3G053B
Literature III: romanticism - realism - OPBG3G054A
Current Problems of Contemporary Linguistics - OPBG3G054B
Translation - OPBG3G055A
Austrian Litrature - from Viennese Folk Theatre to Viennese Modernism - OPBG3G055B
Literature IV: naturalism - expressionism - OPBG3G061A
Problems of Contemporary German Language - OPBG3G062A
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OPBG3G063A
Practical language and regional studies I - OPBG4G011A
Phonetics and Phonology of the German language - OPBG4G012A
Introduction to German Linguistics - OPBG4G013A
Practical Language and Culture studies II - OPBG4G021A
Morphology - OPBG4G022A
Introduction to the study of literature - OPBG4G023A
Practical language and lexicology III - OPBG4G031A
Syntax - OPBG4G032A
Literature I – Older German literature - OPBG4G033A
Didactics of the German language I - OPBG4G041A
Professional practice in the German language with reflection - OPBG4G042A
Literature II - OPBG4G043A
Practical language and lexicology IV - OPBG4G044A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OPBG4G045A
Didactics of the German language II - OPBG4G051A
History of German Speaking Countries (from 1900 onwards) - OPBG4G051B
Language Exercices a Selected Problems of linguistic V - OPBG4G052A
Practical Phonetics - OPBG4G052B
Problems of Contemporary German Language I - OPBG4G053B
The Work of J. W. Goethe and F. Schiller - OPBG4G054B
German Literature, Theatre, Movie and Music - OPBG4G055B
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OPBG4G061A
Chapters from translation in practice - OPBG4G061B
German literature in Bohemia and Moravia - OPBG4G062B
Problems of Contemporary German Language II - OPBG4G063B
Conversational training - OPBG4G064B
Literature IV - modern, avantgarde - OPBG4G065B
Business German Language - OPBG4G101C
Chapters from Modern German Literature - OPBG4G102C
Cultural Realities - OPBG4G103C
Translation. From German to Czech - OPBG4G104C
Translation. From Czech tu German - OPBG4G105C
Practical Language I - OPBG4G106C
Practical Language II - OPBG4G107C
Projects on the realities of German-speaking countries I - OPBG4G108C
Projects on the realities of German-speaking countries II - OPBG4G109C
Language and Culture - OPBZ1G011B
Foreign language for teachers - German language - OPBZ1G015B
Foreign language - German language - OPDG1G031A
Doctoral Seminar I - OPDG1G101A
Theoretical Basis for the Didactics of German as a Foreign Language - OPDG1G102A
Theoretical Particulars of Linguistics and Literary Studies in German Language Area. Applied Linguistics (various theoretical approaches) - OPDG1G104A
Theoretical Particulars of Linguistics and Literary Studies in German Language Area. Discourse Analysis - OPDG1G105A
Theoretical Particulars of Linguistics and Literary Studies in German Language Area. Literary Studies - OPDG1G106A
Doctoral Seminar II - OPDG1G201A
Goals and Methods of the Didactics of German as a Foreign Language - OPDG1G208B
Didactics of German Literature - OPDG1G209B
Didactics of Literature in German Written for Children and Teenagers - OPDG1G210B
Didactics of Cultural Studies as Part of Teaching a Foreign Language - OPDG1G211B
Linguistics in Relation to Religious Studies: Language as a Means of Religious Identity - OPDG1G212B
Sociolinguistical and Pragmatical Research of Language Violence - OPDG1G213B
Dependency Syntax - OPDG1G214B
Selected Chapters in Contrastive Phraseology - OPDG1G215B
Classic Modernism in Austria - OPDG1G216B
Literature and Mythology - OPDG1G217B
Specificity of Swiss German Literature after 1945 - OPDG1G218B
Selected Chapters from the Narrative Discourse Theory - OPDG1G219B
German literature from Bohemia - OPDG1G220B
Doctoral Seminar III - OPDG1G301A
Doctoral Seminar IV - OPDG1G302A
Doctoral Seminar V - OPDG1G303A
Doctoral Seminar VI - OPDG1G304A
Conferences - summary - OPDZ1G006A
Publications - summary - OPDZ1G007A
Internship abroad - summary - OPDZ1G008A
Professional Event - summary - OPDZ1G009A
Internship abroad - summary - OPDZ1G010A
Pedagogical work - OPDZ1G011A
Project proposal - OPDZ1G012A
Foreign Language - German I - OPMN0G182B
Foreign language – German III - OPMN0G190B
Foreign language - German IV OPMN0G194B - OPMN0G194B
Foreign language – German V - OPMN0G199B
Foreign language V : Introduction to Language and Morphology - OPMN0G200B
Word formation in contemporary German - OPNG2G106A
Literature II (1945-1990) - OPNG2G111A
Final Exam: German Language for Master Study Programme - OPNG2G117A
Literature from 1919 to 1968 - OPNG3G011A
Didactics of the German language I - OPNG3G012A
German listening practice with reflection - OPNG3G013A
Contemporary German Language I - OPNG3G014A
Selected aspects of German language didactics I - OPNG3G015A
Morphosyntax - OPNG3G021A
Didactics of the German language II - OPNG3G022A
Continuous practice in German at elementary school with reflection - OPNG3G023A
Contemporary German Language II - OPNG3G024A
Didactics of Non-linguistics Disciplines I - OPNG3G025A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OPNG3G026A
Postmodernism in literature - OPNG3G030B
Development of the German language - OPNG3G031A
German Socioilnguistics - OPNG3G031B
Methodology of non-linguistic disciplines II - OPNG3G032A
Pragmalinguistics - OPNG3G032B
Continuous practice of the German language at secondary school with reflection - OPNG3G033A
Methodology of Literature for Children and Youth - OPNG3G033B
Contemporary German-language literature (1968 - now) - OPNG3G034A
German language and communication in education - OPNG3G034B
Selected aspects of didactics of the German language II - OPNG3G035A
Interactive media in foreign language teaching - OPNG3G035B
Modern Austrian Literature (since 1900) - OPNG3G036B
Modern Swiss Novel (since 1900) - OPNG3G037B
Germans in the Czech lands - OPNG3G038B
Chapters from a German-language drama - OPNG3G039B
Literature for children and youth - OPNG3G041A
German literature from Bohemia - OPNG3G042A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNG3G043A
Conversation Training - OPNG3G101C
Translation seminar of Professional Language - OPNG3G102C
Germans in the Czech lands - OPNG3G106C
Modern and Postmodern - OPNG3G107C
Sociolingusitics - OPNG3G108C
Modern Austrian Novel - OPNG3G109C
Contemporary German literature - OPNG3G110C
Didactics of Literature for Children - OPNG3G111C
Chapters from German-language Drama - OPNG3G112C
Literature 1919 - 1968 - OPNG4G011A
Didactics of the German language I - OPNG4G012A
German listening practice with reflection - OPNG4G013A
Morphosyntax - OPNG4G021A
Didactics of the German language II - OPNG4G022A
Continuous practice in German at elementary school with reflection - OPNG4G023A
Development of the German language - OPNG4G031A
Selected chapters from German-language literature 1968 up to the present - OPNG4G031B
Methodology of the German Language III - OPNG4G032A
Stylistics - OPNG4G032B
Continuous practice of the German language at secondary school with reflection - OPNG4G033A
German literature in Bohemia and Moravia - OPNG4G033B
Current problems of NJ didactics - OPNG4G034B
Media linguistics - OPNG4G035B
Literature for children and youth - OPNG4G041A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNG4G042A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OPNG4G043A
Conversational Training - OPNG4G101C
Germans in the Czech lands - OPNG4G103C
Modern and Postmodern - OPNG4G104C
Sociolinguistics - OPNG4G105C
Modern Austrian Novel - OPNG4G106C
Contemporary German literature - OPNG4G107C
Methodology of Literature for Children and Youth - OPNG4G108C
Chapters from German-language Drama - OPNG4G109C
Foreign language - German - OPNO1S125B
Foreign language - German - OPNS3G127B
Foreign language - German - OPNZ0G141A
German Language and Literature - OSZB028
German language and Literature - OSZB122
History and Realities of the German language Countries - OSZB123
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104NJ
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105NJ
German Language, Literature and Didactics - OSZM016
German Language, Literature and Didactics - OSZM0711ST
German language - OSZNM114
Didactic reflection of branch specifics in linguistics and literature of the German language - OSZNM115
German Language, Literature and Didactics - OSZNM116
German Language and Didactics - OSZNM13
German For Employees N1 - OXZ22N1
German For Employees N2 - OXZ22N2
German For Employees N3 - OXZ22N3
Discourse Analysis - O01307419
Methodology III - O01307424
Tutorial on the Final Project - O01307427
Current Issues in Methodology of German - O01307428
Comprehensive Exam in German Language - O01307430
Foreign Language I - German - O02122280
Botlík Nuc Tomáš, Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D.
Broukalová Jindra, PhDr. Ing., Ph.D.
Bučková Tamara, PhDr., Ph.D.
Glosíková Viera, doc. PhDr., CSc.
Markvartová Eva, Mgr., Ph.D.
Meyer Carolina
Nečasová Pavla, PhDr., Ph.D.
Smrkovský Michal, Mgr.
Tvrdík Milan, prof. PhDr., CSc.
Vítek Jaroslav, PhDr. Mgr.
Zeman Dalibor, doc. Dr. phil. PhDr., Ph.D.
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