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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Foreign Language (French) - OBUZ22V007
Lexicology - OB2306010
Contemporary France III - OB2306031
Foreign language - French - ODSZ06001
Lexikology - OEBFF1742W
Practical Language and Culture Studies II - OEBFF2101W
Introduction to study of linguistics and to the literary theory. - OEBFF2102W
Morfosyntax FJ I - OEBFF2103W
Practical Language and Culture Studies I - OEBFF2104W
Normative grammar - OEBFF2105W
Morfosyntax FJ II - OEBFF2106W
Practical Language III - OEBFF2111W
Practical Language II - OEBFF2112W
Didactics I - OEBFF2113W
French Literature II - OEBFF2117W
French Literature I - 17th- 18th century - OEBFF2149W
Didactic FJ II - OEBFF2150W
Practical Language and Lexicology - OEBFF2301W
Comparative study of education systems and teaching practice. - OENFF1701W
Analysis of the French language VI - OENFF1719W
Exercises in Lexicology - OENFF1729W
Exercises in French Syntax - OENFF1730W
French Literature within a Historical Context III - OENFF1731W
Optional seminar in literature III (B) - OENFF1736W
Optional seminar in literatur IV (B) - OENFF1737W
French Literature III - OENFF1750W
French Literature IV - OENFF1751W
Practical Language V - OENFF1755W
French Literature within a Historical Context IV - OENFF1756W
Didactics of French language II - OENFF2101W
Didactics of French language I - OENFF2102W
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OENFF2103W
Syntax and Text - OENFF2104W
French literature I - OENFF2107W
Historical and present-day French - OENFF2108W
Didactics of French language III - OENFF2109W
Text and Stylistic Analysis - OENFF2110W
French Literature II - OENFF2114W
Literature of French-speaking world - OENFF2165W
Foreign language - French - OIDF1F101
Foreign Language (French) - OKBUZ22007
Foreign language - French I - OKMN0F183B
Foreign language - French II - OKMN0F187B
Foreign language - French III - OKMN0F191B
Foreign language – Langue française IV - OKMN0F195B
Foreign language - French V - OKMN0F199B
Latin for students in Specialised Pedagogy - OKNS1F131B
Latin for Students of Speech Therapy - OKNS1F150B
Foreign language - French - OKNZ0F141A
History and Culture of France in Summary - OPBF2D131B
French Language and Civilisation III - OPBF2F110A
Latin for Romance Studies I - OPBF2F111A
French Literature I - OPBF2F113A
French Language and Civilization IV - OPBF2F114A
Morphosyntax - OPBF2F115A
Latin for Romance Studies II - OPBF2F116A
French Literature II - OPBF2F117A
Closing Essay - French Language - OPBF2F124A
Closing Essay - French Literature - OPBF2F125A
French Literature within a Historical Context I - OPBF2F133B
Orientation Practice - Teaching Abroad; an internship - OPBF2F137B
French Literature within a Historical Context II - OPBF2F139B
French - course by a native speaker III - OPBF2F140B
Optional seminar in Latin - OPBF2F141B
Optional course of French Literature II - OPBF2F142B
Introduction to Modern Research - OPBF2F147B
French - course by a native speaker V - OPBF2F148B
Practical Language and Culture Studies I - OPBF4F011A
Phonetics and phonology FL - OPBF4F012A
Normative grammar - OPBF4F013A
Practical Language and Culture Studies II - OPBF4F021A
Introduction to study of linguistics and to the literary theory. - OPBF4F022A
Morphosyntax I - OPBF4F023A
Practical Language and Latin I - OPBF4F031A
French Literature I - 17th- 18th century - OPBF4F032A
Morphosyntax of French II - OPBF4F033A
French Language Didactics I - OPBF4F041A
Professional Practice with Reflection - OPBF4F042A
Practical Language and Latine II - OPBF4F043A
French Literature II - OPBF4F044A
Didactic FJ II - OPBF4F051A
Practical Language and Lexicology - OPBF4F052A
French Literature III - OPBF4F053A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OPBF4F054A
Francophone literature of the 20th century - OPBF4F061B
Exercises in Lexicology of French - OPBF4F063B
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OPBF4F064A
Introduction to Romans Languages - OPBF4F101B
Insights into the Earliest French Literature - OPBF4F108C
Didactic tests in school practice - OPBF4F109C
Teaching Abroad; an internship - OPBF4F137C
Foreign language for teachers - French language - OPBZ1F014B
Foreign language - French language - OPDF1F031A
Foreign language - French I - OPMN0F183B
Foreign language - French II - OPMN0F187B
Foreign language - French III - OPMN0F191B
Foreign language – Langue française IV - OPMN0F195B
Foreign language - French V - OPMN0F201B
Foreign language - French V - OPMN0F202B
Exercises in French II - OPMN0F250B
Phonetics and Phonology II - OPMN0F251B
Didactics of French language II - OPMN0F252B
Overview of the history and culture of France II - OPMN0F253B
Exercises in French III - OPMN0F254B
Morphosyntax of French II - OPMN0F255B
Didactics of French language III - OPMN0F256B
Continuous Professional Practice in French Teaching - OPMN0F257B
Didactics of French IV - OPMN0F258B
Lexicology of French Language - OPMN0F259B
Literary Text in Czech Language Lesson - French - OPMN0F260B
Exercises in French IV - OPMN0F261B
Selected Chapters from French Literature - OPMN0F262B
Didactics of French V - OPMN0F263B
Drama Education in Czech Language Teaching - French - OPMN0F264B
French Conversation II - OPMN0F356C
French literature of the 20th century I - OPNF2F101A
French Literature (1940-1970) - OPNF2F105A
Discourse and text linguistics - OPNF2F107A
Special teaching practise FL at the primary school with reflection - OPNF2F108A
Special Teaching Practise FL - OPNF2F112A
Didactics of French IV - OPNF2F113A
Literature of French-speaking world - OPNF2F114A
Historical and present-day French Standard Pronunciation - OPNF2F115A
Examination - OPNF2F116A
Examination - OPNF2F117A
Optional course of French Literature IV - OPNF2F131B
Selected problems of Linguistics and Stylistics - OPNF2F132B
French literature I - OPNF4F011A
Didactics of French language I - OPNF4F012A
Theory and observation (FJ) - OPNF4F013A
Syntax and Text - OPNF4F021A
Didactics of the French Language II - OPNF4F022A
Continous Practice at Elementary School with Reflection - OPNF4F023A
Formal and Content Analysis of French Language - OPNF4F031A
Historical and present-day French - OPNF4F031B
French Language Didactics III - OPNF4F032A
Phonetic Variability of French Language - OPNF4F032B
Continous Practice at Secondary School with Reflection - OPNF4F033A
Story of Autobiography - OPNF4F034B
Stylistic Analysis of the Text - OPNF4F035B
French Literature II - OPNF4F041A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNF4F042A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OPNF4F043A
French Literary Criticism of the XX. Century - OPNF4F103C
Comparative literature - OPNF4F104C
Mythos and Mythocriticism - OPNF4F106C
Latin for students in Specialised Pedagogy - OPNS1F131B
Latin for students in Speech Therapy - OPNS1F150B
Foreign language - French - OPNZ0F141A
Comprehensive Examination in French Language and Literature - OSOZ5F
Examination - OSOZ6F
French Language and Literature - OSZB107
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104FJ
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105FJ
French Language, Literature and Didactics - OSZM0681ST
French Language, Literature and Didactics - OSZNM05
French Language, Literature and Didactics - OSZNM106
Biegel Madeleine, Mgr.
Ébert-Zeminová Catherine, doc. PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D.
Fučíková Milena, Mgr., Ph.D.
Jančík Jiří, PhDr., Ph.D.
Klinka Tomáš, Mgr., Ph.D.
Listíková Renáta, PhDr., Dr.
Suková Vychopňová Kateřina, PhDr., Ph.D.
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