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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
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Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Historical Issues of Czech Language Teaching - OB2303V02
Advertising - OB2303V03
Textbooks and Aids for Handicapped Students - OB2303V04
Reasons of Failure in Czech Language - OB2303V05
Pupil-foreigner in a Czech School - OB2303V07
Pupils with Specific Learning Disorders in Czech Language Teaching - OB2303V13
Czech Language for Education Practise - OB2303V14
Psycholinguistics - OB2303408
Theory and Development of Standard Czech - OB2303413
Introduction into the Didatics of the Czech Language and Literature - OCDC23SS19
Introduction into the Didactics of Communication and Media Education - OCDC23SS22
Didactics of Communication and Media Education - OCDC23SS44
Didactics of Communication and Media Education II - OCDC23SS61
Czech Language IV with Methodology - OCRN17UC37
Development of Language Competence of Younger Age Pupil at the Primary School - OCRN20UC02
Didactic Solutions of Czech Grammar Critical Points for Younger Age Pupils - OCRN20UC16
Communication Education in Czech Language at the First Grade of Basic School - OCRN20UC24
Complex Conception of First-grade Primary School Pupil Education - OCRN20UC36
Ph.D. state examination - ODSZCJ1
Doctoral Dissertation - ODSZ0DISCJ
Syntax of Contemporary Czech from Didactical Point of View - OD2303100
Basic Psycholinguistic Topics - OD2303101
Czech Language and its Teaching in the 19th Century - OD2303102
Czech Language and its Teaching in Period 1918 - 1939 - OD2303103
Development of the Czech Morphology from the Didactical Point of View - OD2303104
Contemporary View of Development and Theory of Standard Language - OD2303105
Czech Language Didactics for Secondary and Technical Schools - OD2303106
Czech Language Didactics for Elementary Schools - OD2303107
Evaluation and Classification in Czech at Basic and Secondary School - OD2303108
Prague Linguistic Circle - OD2303109
Problems of Lexical Semantics - OD2303110
Bohemistics and its Language Didactics - OD2303111
New Trends in Lexicology and Their Impact on Teaching Czech Language - OD2303112
Stylistics and Text Linguistics - OD2303113
Foreign Language - OD2303114
Czech Language Didactics - OD2303115
Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology - OD2303116
Methodology Course - OD2303117
Communicative Skills and Their Development - OD2303118
Psychological Approaches in Czech Language Didactics - OD2303119
Information Technologies in Czech Language Teaching - OD2303120
Medial Theory and Media Discourse - OD2303121
Dynamic Stability of Czech Language System - OD2303122
Changes and Inovations of Comunicative Skills from Point of View of Cognitive and Verbal Development of Child - OD2303123
Present Linguistic Research, Educational Linguistics and Linguistic Education - OD2303124
Historical Didactics of Czech Language - OD2303125
Natural and Didactic Situations in Czech Language Teaching - OD2303126
Present Trends in Didactic Research I (Aimed at First Grade of Basic School) - OD2303127
Present Trends in Didactic Research II (Aimed at Second and Third Grade) - OD2303128
Present Trends in Didactic Research III (Aimed at Czech Language as a Second/Foreign Language)) - OD2303129
Current Issues of General and Bohemistic Linguistics - OD2303130
Introduction to Psycholinguistics - OEBCC1701Z
Introduction to Pragmatics - OEBCC1702Z
Conversation in Czech - OEBCC1703Z
The Fundaments of Czech Grammar - OEBCC1704Z
Pragmatics in Czech - OEBCC2105Z
Psycholinguistics - OEBCC2107Z
Czech for beginners - OEBCC2109Z
Czech for intermediate - OEBCC2110Z
Pragmatics in Czech - OENCC2106Z
Psycholinguistics - OENCC2108Z
Czech Teach-in - OKBC2C101A
Lexicology of Czech Language and Semantics - OKBC2C109A
Syntax of Czech Language I - OKBC2C110A
Syntax of Czech Language - OKBC2C112A
Historical Development of Language I - OKBC2C114A
Stylistics and Theory of Text - OKBC2C115A
Historical Development of Language II - OKBC2C117A
Complex Language Analysis - OKBC2C118A
Czech language and spoken language culture - OKBV3C023A
Rhetorics - OKBZ1C009B
Professional Voice Development - OKBZ1C010B
Preparation of the Coherent Language Discourse - OKB01C1H2B
Czech Language for Children of Foreign Nationalities - OKB01C1H4B
Czech Language in Pre-school Education - OKB01C114A
Introduction to Czech Language Studeis - OKMN0C107A
Rhetorics - OKMN0C108A
Czech Language I - OKMN0C116A
Czech Language II - OKMN0C127A
Development of Czech Language - OKMN0C146A
Methodology of Czech Language I - OKMN0C159A
Methodology of Czech Language with Practise II - OKMN0C166A
Czech as a Second Language - OKMN0C173A
Czech language didactics III - OKNC2C109A
Linguistic Pragmatics - OKNC2C110A
Teaching Practise at Secondary School with Reflective Seminar - Czech Language - OKNC2C113A
Czech Language Situation and Language Culture - OKNC2C114A
Didactics of Czech Language as a Second Language - OKNC2C117B
Topical Problems of Linguistics and Literary Theory in Teachers Preparation I - OKNC2C118B
Psycholinguistics - OKNC2C120B
Cognitive Linguistics - OKNC2C122B
Media Education - OKNC2C123B
Selected Problems of Contrastive Linguistics and Psycholinguistics - OKNC3C012A
Integrated Didactics of Czech Language for Students with Special Educational Needs and for Gifted Students - OKNC3C014A
Integrated observation practice with reflection for students with special educational needs and for gifted students - Czech language - OKNC3C016A
Complex Language Analysis - OKNC3C021A
Basics of Slavic languages for bohemians - OKNC3C022A
Didactics of Czech Language - OKNC3C024A
Teaching Practice at Primary School with Reflection for Students with Special Educational Needs and for Gifted Students - OKNC3C026A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OKNC3C030A
Rhetorics and Spoken Language Culture - OKNC3C031A
Didactics of Czech language for pupils with special educational needs and gifted pupils - OKNC3C033A
Teaching Practice at Upper-Secondary School - Czech Language - OKNC3C035A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OKNC3C040A
Psycholinguistic Perspective of Specific Learning Disabilities as an Educational Challenge - OKNC3C041B
Linguistic Background in Education of Students with Special Educational Needs - OKNC3C042B
Linguistic Background in Education of Students with a Different Mother Tongue - OKNC3C043B
Integrated Didactics of Czech Language and Literature - OKNC4C012A
Integrated observation practice - Czech language - OKNC4C013A
Complex Language Analysis - OKNC4C021A
Rhetorics and Spoken Language Culture - OKNC4C031A
Didactics of Czech Language - OKNC4C032A
Teaching Practice at Upper-Secondary School - Czech Language - OKNC4C033A
Preparation and Submission of a Diploma Thesis - OKNC4C034A
Seminar for Preparation of a Diploma Thesis - OKNC4C035A
Cognitive Linguistics - OKNC4C041B
Psycholinguistics - OKNC4C042B
Media Education - OKNC4C044B
Textbooks and Aids for Handicapped Students - OKNC4C101C
Historical Issues of Czech Language Teaching - OKNC4C104C
Pragmalinguistics - OKNC4C110C
Czech Language - OKNZ0C139A
Media Education - OKNZ1C037B
Present Conception of Language Skills Development - OKN01C109A
Present Conception of Language Skills Development - OKN03C204A
Basics of Psycholinguistics in Preschool Education - OKN03C405C
Basics of Pragmatics in Preschool Education - OKN03C406C
Present Conception of Language Skills Development - OK0503118
Development of Czech Language - OK0603027
Methodology of Czech Language with Practise I - OK0603149
Methodology of Czech Language with Practise II - OK0603150
Pragmatics for the Teachers of the First Grade of Basic School II - OK0603249
Media Education - OK0603250
Czech Language as a Second Language - OK0603283
Integrated Pupil in a Common Czech Language Lesson - OK0603623
Reading of Old Church Slavic Texts - ON2303103
Topical Problems of Teaching Czech Language - ON2303116
Didactics of Czech as a Second Language - ON2303121
Language Situation from the Period of Revival till Today - ON2303123
Interpretation of the Latest Texts of Pragmatic Linguistics - ON2303125
Czech Teach-in - OPBC2C101A
Introductionto Language Studies and Theory of Communication - OPBC2C102A
Morphology of Czech Language - OPBC2C106A
Lexicology of Czech Language and Semantics - OPBC2C109A
Syntax of Czech Language I - OPBC2C110A
Syntax of Czech Language II - OPBC2C112A
Historical Development of Language I - OPBC2C114A
Stylistics and Theory of Text - OPBC2C115A
Historical Development of Language II - OPBC2C117A
Complex Language Analysis - OPBC2C118A
Czech Teach-in, Introduction to Studies and Fundamentals of Linguistics - OPBC4C011A
Phonetics and Phonology of Czech Language - OPBC4C021A
Morphology of Czech Language - OPBC4C022A
Lexicology and Semantics of Czech Language - OPBC4C031A
Ontogenetic Language Development and Basics of Language Didactics - OPBC4C032A
Seminar for Preparation of a Bachelor Thesis - OPBC4C034A
Czech Language Practise with Reflection - OPBC4C042A
Syntax of Czech Language and Text Linguistics - OPBC4C043A
Development of Czech Language - OPBC4C051A
Stylistics of Czech Language and Theory of Language Culture - OPBC4C052A
Preparation and Submission of a Bachelor Thesis - OPBC4C054A
Language in Political Context of the 20th Century - OPBC4C101C
Prague from Philological Point of View - OPBC4C102C
Pupil-Foreigner in the Czech School - OPBC4C103C
Practical Rhetorics - OPBC4C104C
Rhetorics - OPBZ1C009B
Professional Voice Development - OPBZ1C010B
Preparation of the Coherent Language Discourse - OPB01C1H2B
Czech Language for Children of Foreign Nationalities - OPB01C1H4B
Spoken Language Culture - OPB01C107A
Didactics of Czech Language I - OPDC1C001A
Methods of Educational Research in Czech Language Didactics - OPDC1C001B
Discipline of professional linguistic basis - OPDC1C002A
Methodology Course - OPDC1C002B
Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology - OPDC1C003A
Corpus as a research tool in language didactics - OPDC1C003B
Specifics of Closely Related Languages in Czech Language (as a second language) Class - OPDC1C004B
Communicative Skills and Their Development - OPDC1C005B
Psychological Approaches in Czech Language Didactics - OPDC1C006B
Czech sentence from the pragmatic point of view - OPDC1C007B
Informatin Technologies in Czech Language Teaching - OPDC1C008B
Medial Theory and Media Discourse - OPDC1C009B
Dynamic Stability of Czech Language System - OPDC1C010B
Dissertation seminar I - OPDC1C011A
Changes and Inovations of Comunicative Skills from Point of View of Cognitive and Verbal Development of Child - OPDC1C011B
Dissertation seminar II - OPDC1C012A
Didactics of the Czech Language in a Developmental Perspective - OPDC1C012B
Dissertation seminar III - OPDC1C013A
Natural and Didactic Situations in Czech Language Teaching - OPDC1C013B
Dissertation seminar IV - OPDC1C014A
Present Trends in Didactic Research I - OPDC1C014B
Dissertation seminar V - OPDC1C015A
Present Trends in Didactic Research II - OPDC1C015B
Dissertation seminar VI - OPDC1C016A
Present Trends in Didactic Research aimed at Czech Language as a Second Language - OPDC1C016B
Didactics of media education in the Czech language subject - OPDC1C017B
Development of morphological competence from psycholinguistic point of view - OPDC1C018B
Development of syntactic competence from psycholinguistic point of view - OPDC1C019B
Theory of linguistic aphasia and evolutionary dysphasia by child and pupil - OPDC1C021B
Modern theory of assessment in the Didactics of Czech language - OPDC1C022B
Conferences - summary - OPDZ1C006A
Publications - summary - OPDZ1C007A
Internship abroad - OPDZ1C008A
Other professional events - summary - OPDZ1C009A
International traineeship - summary - OPDZ1C010A
Pedagogical work - OPDZ1C011A
Grant proposal - summary - OPDZ1C012A
Introduction to Czech Language Studeis - OPMN0C107A
Rhetorics - OPMN0C108A
Czech Language I - OPMN0C116A
Czech Language II - OPMN0C127A
Development of Czech Language - OPMN0C146A
Methodology of Czech Language I - OPMN0C159A
Methodology of Czech Language with Practise II - OPMN0C166A
Czech as a Second Language - OPMN0C173A
Media Education - OPMN0C368C
Didactics of Czech Language I - OPNC2C101A
Didactics of Czech Language III - OPNC2C109A
Linguistic Pragmatics - OPNC2C110A
Teaching Practice at Secondary School with Reflective Seminar - Czech Language - OPNC2C113A
Czech Language Situation and Language Culture - OPNC2C114A
Didactics of Czech Language for Pupils with Specific Educational Needs - OPNC2C116B
Topical Problems of Linguistics and Literary Theory in Teachers Preparation I - OPNC2C118B
Psycholinguistics - OPNC2C120B
Sociolinguistics - OPNC2C121B
Cognitive Linguistics - OPNC2C122B
Media Education - OPNC2C123B
Corpus Linguistics - OPNC2C124B
Integrated Didactics of Czech Language and Literature - OPNC3C013A
Integrated Didactics of Czech Language and Literature - OPNC4C012A
Integrated observation practice with reflection - Czech language - OPNC4C013A
Complex Language Analysis - OPNC4C021A
Rhetorics and Spoken Language Culture - OPNC4C031A
Didactics of Czech Language - OPNC4C032A
Teaching Practice at Upper-Secondary School - Czech Language - OPNC4C033A
Preparation and Submission of a Diploma Thesis - OPNC4C034A
Seminar for Preparation of a Diploma Thesis - OPNC4C035A
Cognitive Linguistics - OPNC4C041B
Psycholinguistics - OPNC4C042B
Media Education - OPNC4C044B
Historical Issues of Czech Language Teaching - OPNC4C104C
Advertising - OPNC4C106C
Pragmalinguistics - OPNC4C110C
Czech Language - OPND1C103A
Czech Language - OPNZ0C139A
Presentation and communication skills - OPNZ1C032B
Media Education - OPNZ1C037B
Present Conception of Language Skills Development - OPN01C109A
Present Conception of Language Skills Development - OPN03C204A
Basics of Psycholinguistics in Preschool Education - OPN03C405C
Basics of Pragmatics in Preschool Education - OPN03C406C
Comprehensive Exam from Czech Language - OSOZ2CK1
Czech Language and Literature - OSZB022
Czech language and literature - OSZB105
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104CJ
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105CJ
Czech Language, Literature and Didactics - OSZM003
Czech Language and Literature with Didactics - OSZNM01
Czech language and literature with didactics - OSZNM104
Czech language and literature with didactics - OSZNM155
Czech language and literature with didactics for pupils with special educational needs and for gifted pupils - OSZNM156
Consultations - OXKH03KCJ
Department meeting KCJ - OX03SCHUZE
Comprehensive Exam from Czech Language - O01303SOZ1
Development of Czech Language - O01303027
Methodology of Czech Language with Practise I - O01303149
Czech Didactics with Practise II - O01303150
Pragmatics for the Teachers of First Grade of Basic School II - O01303249
Czech as a Second Language - O01303283
Integrated Pupil in a Common Czech Language Lesson - O01303623
Babušová Gabriela, PhDr., Ph.D.
Benáková Monika, Mgr.
Doležalová Eliška, PhDr., Ph.D.
Eliášková Klára, PhDr., Ph.D.
Hájková Eva, doc. PhDr., CSc.
Holanová Radka, PhDr., Ph.D.
Chejnová Pavla, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Nedvědová Blanka, PhDr., Ph.D.
Sojka Pavel, PhDr., Ph.D.
Strejčková Lucie, Mgr., DiS.
Wildová Zuzana, PhDr., Ph.D.
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