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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Introduction to ecology and environment conservation - OBUZ02032
Plant Anatomy and Morphology - OB2302002
Introduction to Biochemistry for Biologists - OB2302005
Human ontogeny - OB2302006
Plant Physiology - OB2302007
General Geology - OB2302009
Biology of Unicellular Organisms - OB2302010
Field Studies I - OB2302011
Systematics and evolution of cormobionts - OB2302012
Invertebrate Zoology - OB2302014
Zoology of Chordata - OB2302016
Ecology - OB2302017
Historical and Stratigraphical Geology of the Czech Republic - OB2302018
Field studies II - OB2302020
Genetics and Molecular Biology - OB2302021
Comparative zoology - OB2302022
Human and animal physiology - OB2302023
Introduction to Nature Conservation - OB2302028
Introducation to environmental sicences - OB2302031
Microbiology - OB2302032
Humans and the Environment - OB2302033
Biological and Cultural Diversity of the Czech Landscape - OB2302034
Field studies III - OB2302035
Foreign Field Studies - OB2302042
Foreign scientific excursion - OB2302044
Human Anatomy - OB2320101
Introduction to environmental education - OB7102201
Introduction into the Didactics of Biology - OCDC23SS09
Didactics of Biology - OCDC23SS31
Didactics of Biology II - OCDC23SS56
Elementary nature knowledge - OCRN17UC07
Introduction to science in preschool education - OCRN17UC14
Didactics of Elementary Science - OCRN17UC30
Introduction to science for primary education - OCRN20UC29
Didactics of Elementary Science - OCRN20UC30
Ph.D. state examination - ODSZBI1
Doctoral Dissertation - ODSZ0DISBI
Didactics of Biology and Environmental Education - OD0102001
General zoology and its didactics - OD0102002
Theory and Methodology of Science - OD0102101
Problems in Biology Education - OD0102102
Foreign language - OD0102103
Discourse in pedagogy - OD0102105
Discourse in didactics of biology - OD0102107
Application of the theory of textbooks in biological education - OD0102108
Theory and practical use of forms of instruction - OD0102109
Demonstration and experiment in the teaching of biology - a creative workshop - OD0102110
Project Methods in Biology Education and FEP - OD0102111
Evaluation and self-evaluation processes in natural sciences education - OD0102112
Biological and sociocultural anthropology - OD0102113
Neurobiology - OD0102114
Evolutionary Biology - OD0102115
Phylogeny and Diversity of Organisms - OD0102116
Overview of the evolution of organisms - OD0102117
Ecology - OD0102119
Environmental science and nature protection - OD0102121
Principles of Molecular Biology - OD0102122
Developmental Biology - OD0102123
Molecular biology - OD0102124
Immunology - OD0102125
Genetics - OD0102126
Paradigms in Educational and Psychological Research - OD0102129
Methods of Qualitative and Action Research - OD0102130
Quantitative Data Evaluation - OD0102131
Evaluation and Modeling of Experimental Datasets - OD0102132
Psychology of Motivation - OD0102133
Evolutionary Theory of Culture - Bioculturology - OD0102134
Development Trends and Current Problems in Education - OD0102135
Possibilities of Working with Gifted Pupils and Pupils with Deeper Interest in Biology - OD0102136
Use of Didactic Methods and Various Ways of Conception of Biology Teaching in Practice - OD0102137
Anthropology and Human Evolution - OENBB1701Z
Human biology - OENBB1707Z
Paleoanthropology and Evolutionary Anthropology - OENBB1711Z
Human biology - OENUZ02031
Anthropology and Human Evolution - OENUZ02032
Biology and Biochemistry of Cell - OKBB2B101A
Human anatomy and morphology - OKBB2B102A
Mineralogy and Petrology - OKBB2B103A
Human ontogeny - OKBB2B104A
Anatomy, Morphology and Physiology of Plants - OKBB2B105A
General Geology - OKBB2B106A
Biology Of Unicellular Eukaryotes - OKBB2B107A
Field studies I - OKBB2B108A
Botany of Non-Vascular Plants and Pteridophytes - OKBB2B109A
Historical and Stratigraphical Geology of the Czech Republic - OKBB2B110A
Invertebrate Zoology - OKBB2B111A
Botany of Vascular Plants - OKBB2B112A
Vertebrate zoology - OKBB2B113A
Ecology - OKBB2B114A
Field studies II - OKBB2B115A
Genetics and Molecular Biology - OKBB2B116A
General zoology - OKBB2B117A
Human and animal physiology - OKBB2B118A
Introducation to environmental sicences - OKBB2B119A
Microbiology - OKBB2B120A
Introduction to Nature Conservation - OKBB2B121A
Biological and cultural diversity in the Czech landscape - OKBB2B122B
Environmental games - OKBB2B123B
Human biology I - OKBB4B011A
Biology and Biochemistry of Cell - OKBB4B012A
Mineralogy and Petrology - OKBB4B013A
General and Historical Geology - OKBB4B021A
Botany of Non-Vascular Plants and Pteridophytes - OKBB4B022A
Human Biology II - OKBB4B023A
Zoology invertebrates and unicellular organisms - OKBB4B031A
Botany of Vascular Plants - OKBB4B032A
Microbiology - OKBB4B033A
Formal Science Education - OKBB4B041A
Practice in Science Education - OKBB4B042A
Zoology of chordates - OKBB4B043A
Field studies - OKBB4B044A
Informal Science Education - OKBB4B051A
Basics of nature protection - OKBB4B051B
Evolutionary biology - OKBB4B052A
General ecology - OKBB4B053B
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OKBB4B056A
Scientific excursion - OKBB4B061B
Practical Hydrobiological Course - OKBB4B063B
Health science and first aid - OKBB4B065B
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OKBB4B066A
Forensic Biology - OKBB4B101C
Biological and Cultural Diversity in the Czech Landscape - OKBB4B105C
Entomology - OKBB4B110C
Fundaments of environmental education - OKB01B104A
Developing natural literacy - OKB01B112A
Introduction to environmental education - OKB03B104A
Didactic of science literacy - OKB03B203A
Plant Anatomy and Morphology - OKB2302002
Human ontogeny - OKB2302006
Plant Physiology - OKB2302007
Systematic and Evolutionary Botany I - OKB2302008
Biology of Unicellular Organisms - OKB2302010
Field studies I - OKB2302011
Systematics and evolution of cormobionts - OKB2302012
Invertebrate Zoology - OKB2302014
Zoology of Chordata - OKB2302015
Ecology - OKB2302016
Historical and Stratigraphical Geology of the Czech Republic - OKB2302017
Field Studies II - OKB2302019
Genetics and Molecular Biology - OKB2302020
General zoology - OKB2302021
Human and animal physiology - OKB2302022
Introducation to environmental sicences - OKB2302024
Introduction to Nature Conservation - OKB2302025
Microbiology - OKB2302026
Humans and the Environment - OKB2302027
Field Studies III - OKB2302028
Foreign Field Studies - OKB2302035
Foreign scientific excursion - OKB2302044
Introduction to environmental education - OKB7302201
Nature knowledge and its didactics and practice I - OKMN0B148A
Nature knowledge and its didactics and practice II - OKMN0B154A
Child Biology - OKMN0B282C
General antropology - OKNB1B101A
Didactics of Biology I - OKNB1B102A
Biology and Geology in the School Practice - OKNB1B103A
Geology and Geology Teaching - OKNB1B104A
Classroom Observation in Biology - OKNB1B105A
Didactics of Biology II - OKNB1B106A
Botany and teaching botany - OKNB1B107A
Zoology and Teaching Zoology - OKNB1B108A
Field works - OKNB1B109A
Biology Teacher Training with Reflection (ISCED 2) - OKNB1B110A
Selected topics in environmental biology - OKNB1B111A
Evolutionary Biology - OKNB1B112A
Biology Teacher Training with Reflection (ISCED 3) - OKNB1B113A
Molecular Biology and Molecular Biology Teaching - OKNB1B114A
Anthropology and anthropology education - OKNB1B115A
Invasive biology - OKNB1B127B
Bryophyts and Lichens - OKNB1B131B
Zoogeography - OKNB1B132B
Entomology - OKNB1B133B
Animal Ecology and Ethology - OKNB1B134B
Training course in hydrobiology - OKNB1B135B
Pedobiology - OKNB1B136B
Special seminar in Invertebrate zoology - OKNB1B137B
Forensic biology - OKNB1B141B
Immunology - OKNB1B142B
Diploma Seminar for Biologists - OKNB1B144B
School Project - OKNB1B147B
Videoclub - OKNB1B149B
Activating Methods of Biology Teaching - OKNB1B150B
Anthropology and Anthropology Education - OKNB3B011A
Didactics of Biology I - OKNB3B012A
Classroom Observation in Biology - OKNB3B013A
Zoology and Teaching Zoology - OKNB3B014A
School Project - OKNB3B015A
Botany and Botany Teaching - OKNB3B021A
Didactics of Biology II - OKNB3B022A
Biology Teacher Training with Reflection (ISCED 2) - OKNB3B023A
Geology and Geology Teaching - OKNB3B024A
Activating Methods of Biology Teaching - OKNB3B025A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OKNB3B027A
Practical Course Of Techniques Used In Teaching - OKNB3B031A
Selected topics in environmental biology - OKNB3B031B
Didactics of Biology III - OKNB3B032A
Videoclub - OKNB3B032B
Biology Teacher Training with Reflection (ISCED 3) - OKNB3B033A
Primatology - OKNB3B033B
Molecular Biology and Molecular Biology Teaching - OKNB3B034A
Paleoanthropology - OKNB3B034B
Seminar in Didactics of Biology - OKNB3B035A
Evolutionary Biology Seminary - OKNB3B036B
Invasive biology - OKNB3B037B
Bryophyts and Lichens - OKNB3B038B
Pedobiology - OKNB3B039B
Practical Exploration of Nature II. - OKNB3B041A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OKNB3B042A
Field Studies - OKNB3B101C
Special Invertebrate Zoology - OKNB3B105C
Immunology - OKNB3B106C
Foreign Scientific Excursion - OKNB3B107C
Physical anthropology - OKNQ1B108A
Didactical approaches to science education - OKN01B116A
Environmental education II - OKN01B150B
Environmental education III - OKN01B161B
Environmental education IV - OKN01B162B
Didactic Approaches to Science Education - OKN03B207A
Molecular Biology - OKN1302003
Didactics of Biology I - OKN1302005
Evolution of Life for Biologists - OKN1302006
Field studies - OKN1302007
Seminar of MSc. Thesis - OKN1302008
Pedagogical practice I - OKN1302009
Collecting and Processing of Biological Material II - OKN1302010
Didactics of Biology II - OKN1302011
General and evolutionary biology - OKN1302012
Seminar of MSc. Thesis II - OKN1302013
Pedagogical practice II - OKN1302014
Palaeoecology - OKN1302017
Training course in systematics of birds and mammal - OKN1302018
Cuticular Analysis - OKN1302026
Primate ethology - OKN1302035
Immunology - OKN1302039
Foreign Field Studies - OKN1302043
Foreign scientific excursion - OKN1302048
Protected Areas as the Space of Extramural Education for Non-biologists I. - OKVP02001
Protected Areas as the Space of Extramural Education for Non-biologists II. - OKVP02002
Introduction to science in preschool education - OK0402108
Elementary nature knowladge - OK0402109
Didactics of Elementary Science - OK0402208
Didactic Approaches to Elementary Science Education - OK0502119
Human ontogeny and health education I - OK0602101
Nature knowledge and its didactics I - OK0602156
Nature knowledge and its didactics II - OK0602157
Human Biology - ONUZ02031
Collecting and Processing of Biological Material I - ON1302004
Didactics of Biology I - ON1302005
Field Studies - ON1302007
Seminar of MSc. Thesis - ON1302008
Collecting and Processing of Biological Material II - ON1302010
Didactics of Biology II - ON1302011
Evolutionary Biology - ON1302012
Pedagogical praxis II - ON1302014
Seminar of determination of the birds and mammals - ON1302018
Training Course in Hydrobiology - ON1302022
Seminar of Primatology and Etology - ON1302023
Cuticular Analysis - ON1302026
Specialized Invertebrate Zoology - ON1302029
Primates Ethology - ON1302035
Documentary Photography as Means of Education of Biology and Geology - ON1302037
Biochemical Markers of Health and Diseases - ON1302040
Vegetation Ecology - ON1302046
Foreign Field Studies - ON1302048
Practical Botany - ON1302049
Enthomology - ON1302053
Foreign Scientific Excursion - ON1302054
Representative and chosen environmental problems - ON2302002
Molecular Biology - ON2302003
Collecting and Processing of Biological Material - ON2302004
Didactics of Biology I - ON2302005
Didactics of Biology II - ON2302011
General and evolutionary biology - ON2302012
Primatology and ethology seminar - ON2302023
Cuticular Analysis - ON2302026
Primates Ethology - ON2302035
Documentary Photography as Means of Education of Biology and Geology - ON2302037
Biogeography I - ON2302043
Vegetation Ecology - ON2302046
Foreign Field Studies - ON2302049
Foreign scientific excursion - ON2302054
Biology and Biochemistry of Cell - OPBB2B101A
Human anatomy and morphology - OPBB2B102A
Mineralogy and Petrology - OPBB2B103A
Human ontogeny - OPBB2B104A
Anatomy, Morphology and Physiology of Plants - OPBB2B105A
General Geology - OPBB2B106A
Biology of unicellular organisms - OPBB2B107A
Field studies I - OPBB2B108A
Botany of Non-Vascular Plants and Pteridophytes - OPBB2B109A
Historical and Stratigraphical Geology of the Czech Republic - OPBB2B110A
Invertebrate zoology - OPBB2B111A
Botany of Vascular Plants - OPBB2B112A
Vertebrate zoology - OPBB2B113A
Ecology - OPBB2B114A
Field studies II - OPBB2B115A
Genetics and Molecular Biology - OPBB2B116A
General zoology - OPBB2B117A
Human and animal physiology - OPBB2B118A
Introducation to environmental sicences - OPBB2B119A
Microbiology - OPBB2B120A
Introduction to Nature Conservation - OPBB2B121A
Biological and cultural diversity in the Czech landscape - OPBB2B122B
Environmental games - OPBB2B123B
Bachelor Thesis Seminar for Biologists - OPBB2B124B
Seminar on Evolutionary Biology - OPBB2B126B
Palaeontology - OPBB2B128B
Human biology I - OPBB4B011A
Biology and Biochemistry of Cell - OPBB4B012A
Mineralogy and Petrology - OPBB4B013A
General and Historical Geology - OPBB4B021A
Botany of Non-Vascular Plants and Pteridophytes - OPBB4B022A
Human Biology II - OPBB4B023A
Zoology of Invertebrates and Unicellular Organisms - OPBB4B031A
Botany of Vascular Plants - OPBB4B032A
Microbiology - OPBB4B033A
Formal Science Education - OPBB4B041A
Practice in Science Education - OPBB4B042A
Zoology of chordates - OPBB4B043A
Field studies - OPBB4B044A
Informal Science Education - OPBB4B051A
Basics of nature protection - OPBB4B051B
Evolutionary biology - OPBB4B052A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OPBB4B056A
Scientific excursion - OPBB4B061B
Practical Hydrobiological Course - OPBB4B063B
Paleontology - OPBB4B064B
Health science and first aid - OPBB4B065B
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OPBB4B066A
Forensic Biology - OPBB4B101C
Biological and cultural diversity in the Czech landscape - OPBB4B105C
Entomology - OPBB4B110C
Human anatomy - OPBT2B101A
Human Anatomy - OPBT4B011A
Children developmental biology - OPBZ0B125C
Fundaments of environmental education - OPB01B104A
Developing natural literacy - OPB01B112A
Introduction to Environmental Education - OPB03B104A
Didactics of science pre-literacy - OPB03B203A
Annual industry day I - OPDB1B010B
Annual industry day II - OPDB1B011B
Annual industry day III - OPDB1B012B
Annual industry day IV - OPDB1B013B
Current Problems of Biology Didactics - OPDB1B021A
Fundamentals of Quantitative Research and Statistical Data Analysis - OPDB1B062B
Psychodidactics and Neurodidactics in Context with Education in Biology - OPDB1U041B
Conference active participation - summary - OPDZ1B006A
Educational activity - OPDZ1B007A
International internship - summary - OPDZ1B008A
Professional events - summary - OPDZ1B009A
Internship abroad - summary - OPDZ1B010A
Publications - summary - OPDZ1B011A
Grant proposal - summary - OPDZ1B012A
Nature knowledge and its didactics and practice I - OPMN0B148A
Nature knowledge and its didactics and practice II - OPMN0B154A
Child Biology - OPMN0B359C
General antropology - OPNB2B101A
Didactics of Biology I - OPNB2B102A
Biology and Geology in the School Practice - OPNB2B103A
Classroom Observation in Biology - OPNB2B104A
Didactics of Biology II - OPNB2B105A
Field studies - OPNB2B106A
Biology Teacher Training with Reflection (ISCED 2) - OPNB2B107A
Selected topics in environmental biology - OPNB2B108A
Evolutionary Biology - OPNB2B109A
Biology Teacher Training with Reflection (ISCED 3) - OPNB2B110A
Anthropology and anthropology education - OPNB2B117B
Zoogeography - OPNB2B130B
Entomology - OPNB2B131B
Training course in hydrobiology - OPNB2B133B
Pedobiology - OPNB2B134B
Forensic biology - OPNB2B140B
Immunology - OPNB2B141B
Molecular Biology and Molecular Biology Teaching - OPNB2B142B
Environmental Education - OPNB2B143B
Diploma Seminar for Biologists - OPNB2B144B
School Project - OPNB2B147B
Videoclub - OPNB2B149B
Anthropology and anthropology education - OPNB4B011A
Didactics of Biology I - OPNB4B012A
Classroom Observation in Biology - OPNB4B013A
Botany and Botany Teaching - OPNB4B021A
Didactics of Biology II - OPNB4B022A
Biology Teacher Training with Reflection (ISCED 2) - OPNB4B023A
Zoology and Teaching Zoology - OPNB4B031A
Molecular Biology and Molecular Biology Teaching - OPNB4B031B
Practical Course Of Techniques Used In Teaching - OPNB4B032A
Selected topics in environmental biology - OPNB4B032B
Biology Teacher Training with Reflection (ISCED 3) - OPNB4B033A
School Project - OPNB4B033B
Activating Methods of Biology Teaching - OPNB4B034B
Videoclub - OPNB4B035B
Primatology - OPNB4B036B
Paleoanthropology - OPNB4B037B
Geology and Geology Teaching - OPNB4B041A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OPNB4B042A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNB4B043A
Natural excursion - OPNB4B101C
Immunology - OPNB4B108C
Foreign scientific excursion - OPNB4B109C
Physical anthropology - OPNQ1B108A
Didactical approaches to science education - OPN01B116A
Environmental education II - OPN01B150B
Environmental education III - OPN01B161B
Biology, Geology and Environmental Studies - OSZB047
Biology, Geology and Environmental Studies - OSZB103
Special biology, ecology and environmentalistics - OSZB104
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104BI
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105BI
Biology and the Didactics of Biology - OSZM002
Biology and Didactics of Biology - OSZNM02
Biology with didactics - OSZNM103
Special didactics of biology - OSZNM138
Human ontogeny and health education I - O01102001
Nature knowledge and its didactics I - O01302156
Ehler Edvard, RNDr., Ph.D.
Hanel Lubomír, prof. RNDr., CSc.
Hlavatá Kristýna, Mgr., Ph.D.
Pavlasová Lenka, RNDr., Ph.D.
Říhová Dagmar, Mgr., Ph.D.
Skýbová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D.
Svobodová Silvie, PhDr. Ing., Ph.D.
Teodoridis Vasilis, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Vančata Václav, doc. RNDr., CSc.
Vojíř Karel, PhDr., Ph.D.
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