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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Introduction to Language - OB2301004
Phonetics and phonology II - OB2301005
Syntax I - OB2301007
Syntax II - OB2301008
American Literature to the End of the 19th Century - OB2301013
American Literature of the 20th Century - OB2301014
Modern English IV - OB2301018
Modern English V - OB2301020
Modern English VI - OB2301021
English in a Multi-cultural Europe II - OB2301037
Semantics - OB2301039
Facultative Literary Seminar - OB2301041
Introduction to TEFL Methodology I - OB2301042
Introduction to TEFL Methodology II - OB2301043
Translation I - OB2301129
Translation II - OB2301131
Semantics - OB2301139
British and American Studies - OCRA20AJ01
Practical Language I - OCRA20AJ02
Language Practice II - OCRA20AJ03
Phonetics and phonology I - OCRA20AJ04
Phoňetics and phonology II - OCRA20AJ05
British Literature I - OCRA20AJ06
British Literature II - OCRA20AJ07
Morphology I - OCRA20AJ08
Morphology II - OCRA20AJ09
Methodology I - OCRA20AJ10
Language Practice III - OCRA20AJ11
Lexicology - OCRA20AJ12
Syntax I - OCRA20AJ13
Syntax II - OCRA20AJ14
British Literature III - OCRA20AJ15
American Literature I - OCRA20AJ16
American Literature II - OCRA20AJ17
Methodology II - OCRA20AJ18
Methodology III - OCRA20AJ19
Academic and Presentation Skills - OCRA20AJ20
Seminar on Final Methodology Project I - OCRA20AJ21
Seminar on final methodology project II - OCRA20AJ22
Ph.D. state examination - ODSZAJ1
Doctoral Dissertation - ODSZ0DISAJ
Foreign language - English - ODSZ22001
English Literature of the 19th Century - OEBAA1701Z
British Art and Identity II - OEBAA1704Z
Phonetics and phonology II - OEBAA1707Z
Syntax I - OEBAA1711Z
British Art and Identity I - OEBAA1719Z
British Studies - OEBAA1722Z
American Literature to the End of the 19th Century - OEBAA1723Z
Modern English IV - OEBAA1724Z
Modern English VI - OEBAA1725Z
American Literature of the 20th Century - OEBAA1738Z
British Literature of the 20th Century - OEBAA1740Z
Older English Literature - OEBAA1742Z
Modern English II - OEBAA1743Z
American Literature until the End of the 19th Century - OEBAA2145Z
English Literature until the End of of the 19th Century - OEBAA2146Z
Phonetics and phonology - OEBAA2148Z
Lexicology - OEBAA2149Z
Modern English I - OEBAA2150Z
Modern English II - OEBAA2151Z
Morphology - OEBAA2152Z
Older English Literature - OEBAA2153Z
Methodology I - OEMAA2146Z
Postcolonial Literature (selected chapters) - OENAA1729Z
Sociolinguistics - OENAA1731Z
Introduction to Contemporary Literary Theory - OENAA1733Z
Contemporary British Novel - OENAA1737Z
Language Proficiency Seminar (level C2) II - OENAA1740Z
Selected Chapters from English Linguistics II - OENAA1741Z
Postcolonial Literatures in English - OENAA2142Z
Morphology - OIBA2A101A
Introduction to the Study of Language and Literature - OIBA2A102A
Phonetics and phonology I - OIBA2A103A
Modern English I - OIBA2A104A
English Literature of the 19th Century - OIBA2A109A
Semantics - OIBA2A110A
Modern English III - OIBA2A111A
Syntax II - OIBA2A116A
American Literature of the 20th Century - OIBA2A117A
Introduction to TEFL Methodology I - OIBA2A118A
Modern English V - OIBA2A119A
History of Great Britain and the USA I - OIBA2A122B
British Studies - OIBA2A124B
Translation I - OIBA2A128B
British Art and Identity I - OIBA2A130B
Facultative Literary Seminar - OIBA2A137B
Lexicology - OIBA4A011A
Morphology - OIBA4A012A
Modern English I - OIBA4A013A
Phonetics and Phonology - OIBA4A021A
Older English Literature - OIBA4A022A
Modern English II - OIBA4A023A
English Literature until the End of of the 19th Century - OIBA4A031A
American Literature until the End of the 19th Century - OIBA4A032A
Foreign language - English - OIDA1A101
Text Linguistics and Stylistics - OINA3A011A
Didactics of the English Language I - OINA3A012A
Observation practice with reflexion - English language - OINA3A013A
Contemporary British and American Literature - OINA3A014A
Linguistic System in English language teaching - OINA3A015A
Text Linguistics and Stylistics - OINA4A011A
English Language Teaching Methodology I - OINA4A012A
Observation Teaching Practice with Reflection - OINA4A013A
Pragmatics and discourse - OINA4A021A
English Language Teaching Methodology II - OINA4A022A
Continuous Teaching Practice at Lower Secondary School with Reflection - OINA4A023A
Postcolonial Literatures in English - OINA4A031A
English Language Teaching Methodology III - OINA4A032A
Psycholinguistics - OINA4A032B
Continuous Teaching Practice at Upper Secondary School with Reflection - OINA4A033A
Selected Chapters from Literary Theory - OINA4A033B
Contemporary British Novel - OINA4A034B
Final Written Compositions from English Language and Literature - OINA4A041A
Scientific English - OKBS3A143C
Foreign language for teachers - English - OKBZ1A013B
Foreign language - English I - OKMN0A181B
Foreign language - English II - OKMN0A185B
Foreign language - English III - OKMN0A189B
Foreign language - English IV - OKMN0A193B
Foreign language - English V - OKMN0A197B
English conversation I - OKMN0A273C
English conversation II - OKMN0A277C
Foreign Language - English (atest) - OKND1A138B
Foreign language - English - OKNS3A126B
Foreign language - English - OKNZ0A140A
English for Academic Purposes - OKNZ1A047B
Introduction to Teaching Language Skills - ON2301000
Text Linguistics and Stylistics - ON2301001
Pragmatics - ON2301002
Introduction to Contemporary Literary Theory Selected Chapters - ON2301003
Introduction to Linguodidactics - ON2301005
Teaching Language Skills - ON2301006
Teaching Practice I - ON2301007
Psycholinguistics - ON2301009
Linguistic System Application - ON2301011
Current Issues in ELT - ON2301012
Teaching Practice II - ON2301013
English For Employees - OOXZ22A1
Morphology - OPBA2A101A
Modern English I - OPBA2A104A
Phonetics and phonology II - OPBA2A105A
Modern English II - OPBA2A108A
English Literature of the 19th Century - OPBA2A109A
Semantics - OPBA2A110A
Modern English III - OPBA2A111A
Syntax I - OPBA2A112A
British Literature from the 20th century to the Present - OPBA2A113A
American Literature to the End of the 19th Century - OPBA2A114A
Modern English IV - OPBA2A115A
Syntax II - OPBA2A116A
American Literature of the 20th Century - OPBA2A117A
Introduction into the Didactics of the English Language I - OPBA2A118A
Modern English V - OPBA2A119A
Introduction into English Language Teaching Methodology II - OPBA2A120A
Modern English VI. - OPBA2A121A
Comprehensive exam - English linguistics - OPBA2A122A
Comprehensive exam - English and American literature - OPBA2A123A
History of Great Britain and the USA I - OPBA2A124B
Grammar seminar I - OPBA2A125B
British Studies - OPBA2A126B
History of Great Britain and USA II - OPBA2A127B
Grammar seminar II - OPBA2A128B
American Studies - OPBA2A129B
Translation I - OPBA2A130B
Grammar seminar III - OPBA2A131B
British Art and Identity I - OPBA2A132B
Children's Literature - OPBA2A133B
Translation II - OPBA2A134B
Academic Writing - OPBA2A135B
British Art and Identity II - OPBA2A136B
Literary Interpretation - OPBA2A137B
Facultative Literary Seminar - OPBA2A139B
Facultative Seminar of Teaching Methodology (Drama) - OPBA2A140B
Linguistics seminar (English and corpora) - OPBA2A142B
Developing Intercultural Communicative Competence in the English language teaching - OPBA2A143B
Grammar seminar IV - OPBA2A144B
Applied linguistics for teachers - OPBA2A145B
ELT activating strategies - OPBA2A146B
Facultative Didactic Seminar - Teacher Skills Development - OPBA2A147B
ELT activating strategies - OPBA2A148B
Introduction into the English Language Teaching Methodology I - OPBA3A041A
Lexicology - OPBA4A011A
Morphology - OPBA4A012A
Modern English I - OPBA4A013A
Phonetics and phonology - OPBA4A021A
Older English Literature - OPBA4A022A
Modern English II - OPBA4A023A
English Literature until the End of of the 19th Century - OPBA4A031A
American Literature until the End of the 19th Century - OPBA4A032A
Modern English III - OPBA4A033A
Introduction into English Language Teaching Methodology I - OPBA4A041A
Practical Language Towards C1 Level - OPBA4A041B
Subject Oriented Practice with Reflection - OPBA4A042A
Translation I - OPBA4A042B
English and American Literature from the 20th Century to the Present - OPBA4A043A
Semantics - OPBA4A043B
English and Corpora - OPBA4A044B
Grammar Seminar - OPBA4A045B
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis (English) - OPBA4A046A
Introduction into English Language Teaching Methodology II - OPBA4A051A
Practical English Towards C1+ Level - OPBA4A051B
Syntax - OPBA4A052A
Translation II - OPBA4A052B
Facultative Literary Seminar - OPBA4A053B
Children’s Literature - OPBA4A054B
Through Words and Pictures - OPBA4A055B
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OPBA4A056A
Modern English IV - OPBA4A061A
Didactic seminar - Drama in the English Classroom - OPBA4A106C
Grammar I - OPBA4A107C
Grammar II - OPBA4A108C
Scientific English - OPBO1A143C
Scientific English - OPBS3A143C
Foreign Language for Teachers – English - OPBZ1A013B
Foreign language - English - OPDA1A031A
English language and literature basis - OPDA1A101A
English language didactics - OPDA1A102A
Dissertation thesis seminar I - OPDA1A202A
Dissertation thesis seminar II - OPDA1A301A
Dissertation thesis seminar III - OPDA1A401A
Dissertation thesis seminar IV - OPDA1A501A
Angloamerican children literature in the context of education - OPDA1A501B
English Literature didactics for primary and secondary school level - OPDA1A503B
FSP in english in comparison with Czech language - OPDA1A505B
Innovation in English Language Didactics - OPDA1A506B
Intercultural aspects of English Language Teaching - OPDA1A507B
Corpus Linguistics in English Language Teaching - OPDA1A508B
Current EN literature in the context of intercultural communication competence development - OPDA1A509B
Methodology of linguodidactic research - OPDA1A510B
Modern linguistic discourse aspects - OPDA1A511B
Dissertation thesis seminar V - OPDA1A601A
Conference active participation - summary - OPDZ1A006A
Publications - summary - OPDZ1A007A
International internship - summary - OPDZ1A008A
Professional events - summary - OPDZ1A009A
Study Abroad Internship - OPDZ1A010A
Educational Activities - Summary - OPDZ1A011A
Grant proposal - summary - OPDZ1A012A
Foreign language - English I - OPMN0A181B
Foreign language - English II - OPMN0A185B
Foreign language - English III - OPMN0A189B
Foreign language - English IV - OPMN0A193B
Foreign language - English V - OPMN0A197B
Foreign language - English V: Introduction to language and morphology - OPMN0A198B
English language I - OPMN0A209B
English phonetics and phonology I - OPMN0A210B
Lexicology and Syntax of English - OPMN0A211B
Methodology I - OPMN0A212B
English language II - OPMN0A213B
English phonetics and phonology II - OPMN0A214B
ELT Methodology II - OPMN0A215B
English language III - OPMN0A216B
ELT Methodology III - OPMN0A217B
ELT methodology IV - OPMN0A218B
Teaching Practice - OPMN0A219B
ELT Methodology V - OPMN0A220B
Reflective Didactic Seminar Supporting English Teaching Practice - OPMN0A221B
Children's literature written in English and Didactics of Literature - OPMN0A222B
English Language Practice IV - OPMN0A223B
ELT Methodology VI - OPMN0A224B
Cultural studies in teaching English language - OPMN0A225B
Drama in the English classroom - OPMN0A226B
English conversation I - OPMN0A350C
English conversation II - OPMN0A354C
Didactics of the English Language I - OPNA1A101A
Observation practice of English language teaching at lower and upper secondary schools - OPNA1A102A
Text Linguistics and Stylistics - OPNA1A103A
Contemporary British and American Literature - OPNA1A104A
Didactics of the English Language II - OPNA1A105A
Specifics of English language teaching at lower secondary schools - OPNA1A106A
Continuous teaching practice and reflection at lower secondary school - OPNA1A107A
Reflective seminar for continuous teaching practice at lower secondary schools - English language - OPNA1A108A
Pragmatics - OPNA1A109A
Literary Theory - Selected Chapters - OPNA1A110A
Didactics of the English Language III - OPNA1A111A
TEFL Specifics at Upper Secondary Schools - OPNA1A112A
Teaching Practice - secondary school - OPNA1A113A
Reflective seminar - teaching practice at upper-secondary schools - OPNA1A114A
Postcolonial literature - OPNA1A115A
Psycholinguistics - OPNA1A116A
Didactics of the English Language IV - OPNA1A117A
Literature in the EFL classroom - OPNA1A118A
Linguistic interpretation - OPNA1A119A
Comprehensive exam - English linguistics - OPNA1A120A
Comprehensive exam - English and American literature - OPNA1A121A
Selected chapters from English literature - OPNA1A122B
Sociolinguistics - OPNA1A123B
English in the Media - OPNA1A124B
Language Proficiency Seminar I (Level C2) - OPNA1A125B
Selected Chapters from American Literature - OPNA1A127B
Aspects of Gender in Literature - OPNA1A128B
Language Proficiency Seminar II (Level C2) - OPNA1A130B
Video analysis of English language teaching at lower secondary level and at upper secondary level - OPNA1A131B
Academic Discourse - OPNA1A134B
Language Proficiency Seminar III (Level C2) - OPNA1A135B
Through words and pictures - literature and film - OPNA1A137B
Selected Chapters from English Linguistics II - OPNA1A138B
Contemporary British Novel - OPNA1A139B
Lessons in English Pronunciation - OPNA1A140B
Assistant teaching practice for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - OPNA1A141B
Developing pedagogical content knowledge via videoclubs - OPNA1A142C
Didactics of the English Language I - OPNA2A101A
Observation practice - English language - OPNA2A102A
Text-Linguistics and Stylistics - OPNA2A103A
Didactics of the English Language II - OPNA2A104A
Continuous teaching practice and reflection at lower secondary school - OPNA2A105A
Reflective didactic seminar supporting teaching practice at a lower-secondary school - OPNA2A106A
Pragmatics - OPNA2A107A
Didactics of the English Language III - OPNA2A108A
Continuous teaching practice and reflexion at upper secondary level - OPNA2A109A
Reflective didactic seminar supporting teaching practice at a higher-secondary school - OPNA2A110A
Postcolonial literature - selected chapters - OPNA2A111A
Didactics of the English Language IV - OPNA2A112A
Literature in the EFL classroom - OPNA2A113A
Comprehensive exam - English linguistics - OPNA2A114A
Comprehensive exam - English and American literature - OPNA2A115A
Selected chapters from English literature - OPNA2A116B
Sociolinguistics - OPNA2A117B
English in the Media - OPNA2A118B
Language Proficiency Seminar I (Level C2) - OPNA2A119B
Selected Chapters from American Literature - OPNA2A120B
Aspects of Gender in Literature - OPNA2A121B
Psycholinguistics - OPNA2A122B
Language Proficiency Seminar (Level C2) II - OPNA2A123B
Selected Chapters from Linguistics I - OPNA2A125B
Academic Discourse - OPNA2A126B
Introduction to Literary Theory - Selected Chapters - OPNA2A127B
Through words and pictures - literature and film - OPNA2A128B
Selected Chapters from English Linguistics II - OPNA2A129B
Contemporary British Novel - OPNA2A130B
Teaching English Pronunciation - OPNA2A131B
Developing pedagogical content knowledge via videoclubs - OPNA2A132C
Applied linguistics for teachers - OPNA2A133B
Aspects of Gender in Literature - OPNA3A001C
Selected chapter from American literature - OPNA3A002C
Academic Discourse - OPNA3A003C
Selected Chapters from Linquistics II - OPNA3A004C
History and the Present of English Language - OPNA3A005C
Translation in ELT - OPNA3A006C
Literary interpretation of text - OPNA3A008C
Contemporary literatures in English - OPNA3A009C
Text linguistics and stylistics - OPNA3A011A
English language didactics I - OPNA3A012A
Observation teaching practice with reflection - OPNA3A013A
Contemporary British and American Literature - OPNA3A014A
Linguodidactics - OPNA3A015A
Pragmatics and Discourse - OPNA3A021A
English language teaching methodology II - OPNA3A022A
Continuous English language teaching practice at lower-secondary school level with reflection - OPNA3A023A
Selected Chapters from Literary Theory - OPNA3A024A
Selected Aspects of English Language Didactics I - OPNA3A025A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OPNA3A026A
Postcolonial Literature - OPNA3A031A
Sociolinguistics - OPNA3A031B
English language didactics III - OPNA3A032A
Contemporary British Novel - OPNA3A032B
Teaching practice at higher secondary school with reflection - OPNA3A033A
Modern English Towards C2 Level - OPNA3A033B
Psycholinguistics - OPNA3A034A
Selected chapters from English literature - OPNA3A034B
Selected aspects of English didactics II - OPNA3A035A
Selected chapters from English linguistics I - OPNA3A035B
Video analysis of English language teaching at lower secondary level and at upper secondary level - OPNA3A036B
Teaching English Pronunciation - OPNA3A037B
Linguistic interpretation - OPNA3A041A
Final Written Compositions from English Language and Literature - OPNA3A042A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNA3A043A
Text Linguistics and Stylistics - OPNA4A011A
English Language Teaching Methodology I - OPNA4A012A
Observation Teaching Practice with Reflection - OPNA4A013A
Pragmatics and Discourse - OPNA4A021A
English Language Teaching Methodology II - OPNA4A022A
Continuous Subject Specific Teaching Practice at Lower Secondary School with Reflection - OPNA4A023A
Postcolonial Literatures in English - OPNA4A031A
Sociolinguistics - OPNA4A031B
English Language Teaching Methodology III - OPNA4A032A
Psycholinguistics - OPNA4A032B
Continuous Teaching Practice at Upper Secondary School with Reflection - OPNA4A033A
Contemporary British Novel - OPNA4A034B
Linguistic Interpretation - OPNA4A035B
Final Written Compositions from English Language and Literature - OPNA4A041A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNA4A042A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OPNA4A043A
Key Chapters in English Philology - OPNA4A101C
Modern English Towards C2 Level - OPNA4A102C
Aspects of Gender in Literature - OPNA4A103C
Foreign Language - English (atest) - OPND1A138B
Foreign language - English - OPNO1S124B
Foreign language - English - OPNS3A126B
Foreign language - English - OPNZ0A140A
English for Academic Purposes - OPNZ1A047B
Methodology I - ORA101011
British + Amer. studies - ORA201020
Phonetics and phonology I - ORA201022
Morphology - ORA201026
Phonetics and phonology II - ORA201029
Methodology II - ORA201034
British Literature II - ORA201036
American Literature - ORA201039
Methodology III - ORA201046
Lexicology - ORA201049
Syntax - ORA201050
British Literature II - ORA201051
American Literature - ORA201052
Methodology II - ORA201053
Language Practice I - ORA201061
Language Practice III - ORA201063
Comprehensive Bachelor Exam from Linquistics of English Language - OSOZ2B
Comprehensive Bachelor Exam from English Literature - OSOZ2BB
Comprehensive Magistery Exam from English Literature - OSOZ3AA
Comprehensive Magistery Exam from Linquistics of English Language - OSOZ3B
Comprehensive Magistery Exam from English Literature - OSOZ3BB
Comprehensive exam from the English language - OSOZ4A
English Language - OSZB011
English Language and Literature - OSZB101
English Language and Literature in Theory and Practice - OSZB102
Oral state exam in English language and literature - OSZB141
English language and literature in theory and practice - OSZB142
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104AJ
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104EN
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105AJ
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105EN
English Language, Literature and Didactics - OSZM001
English Language, Literature and Didactics - OSZM0661ST
Linguistics, Literature and Methodology of the English Language - OSZNM10
English Language, Literature and Didactics - OSZNM101
English language, literature and didactics - interdisciplinary connections - OSZNM102
English Language and Literature with Didactic - OSZNM139
English language, literature and didactics - interdisciplinary links - OSZNM140
English For Employees A2 - OXZ22A2
English For Employees A3 - OXZ22A3
Practical Language III - O01301203
Practical Language IV - O01301204
Practical Language V - O01301205
Practical Language VI - O01301206
Syntax - O01301209
Grammar IV - O01301210
Phonetics and phonology III - O01301213
Phonetics and phonology IV - O01301214
Cultural Studies III - O01301217
Cultural Studies IV - O01301218
Children's Literature - O01301219
Drama and storytelling - O01301220
Methodology I - O01301221
Methodolgy II - O01301222
Methodology III - O01301231
Methodology V - O01301233
British Literature - O01301238
One-block Teaching Practice in Upper Secondary Schools - O02301047
Červinková Poesová Kristýna, Mgr., Ph.D.
Gajdošíková Veronika, Mgr.
Higgins Bernadette, M.A.
Houšková Marie, PhDr.
Humhalová Tereza, Mgr.
Jančovičová Ivana, Mgr.
Lašťovička Petr, Mgr.
Malá Markéta, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Mikuláš Martin, Mgr., Ph.D.
Müller Dočkalová Barbora, Mgr.
Nádraská Zuzana, PhDr., Ph.D.
Nechanský Tomáš, Mgr.
Pípalová Renata, doc. PhDr., CSc.
Topolovská Tereza, PhDr., Ph.D.
Uličná Klára, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Ženíšek Jakub, Mgr., Ph.D.
only future
only the free ones
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