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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Astronomical Institute of Charles University (32-AUUK)
Blíže nespecifikované praxe (32-#PRX)
Computer Science Institute of Charles University (32-IUUK)
Department of Algebra (32-KA)
Department of Applied Mathematics (32-KAM)
Department of Atmospheric Physics (32-KFA)
Department of Condensed Matter Physics (32-KFKL)
Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems (32-KDSS)
Department of Geophysics (32-KG)
Department of Chemical Physics and Optics (32-KCHFO)
Department of Language Education (32-KJP)
Department of Low Temperature Physics (32-KFNT)
Department of Macromolecular Physics (32-KMF)
Department of Mathematical Analysis (32-KMA)
Department of Mathematics Education (32-KDM)
Department of Numerical Mathematics (32-KNM)
Department of Physical Education (32-KTV)
Department of Physics Education (32-KDF)
Department of Physics of Materials (32-KFM)
Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (32-KPMS)
Department of Software and Computer Science Education (32-KSVI)
Department of Software Engineering (32-KSI)
Department of Surface and Plasma Science (32-KFPP)
Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic (32-KTIML)
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (32-UFAL)
Institute of Mathematics CAS (32-MUAV)
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics (32-UCJF)
Institute of Physics of Charles University (32-FUUK)
Institute of Theoretical Physics (32-UTF)
Laboratory of General Physics Education (32-KVOF)
Mathematical Institute of Charles University (32-MUUK)
Network and Labs Management Center (32-SISAL)
Student Affairs Department (32-STUD)
Game Studies - NAFF003
Evolutionary Robotics - NAIL065
Seminar on Humanlike Artificial Agents - NAIL082
Introduction To Computational Neuroscience I - NAIL087
Introduction To Computational Neuroscience II - NAIL088
Science writing workshop - NAIL093
Machine Learning in Bioinformatics - NAIL107
AI in context - NAIL127
Computational neuroscience seminar - NAIL128
Elements of AI+ - NAIL130
Ethics of AI + - NAIL131
Human-like artificial agents 2 - NAIL132
Human-like Artificial Agents - NAIL133
Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games - NAIL134
Diploma seminar for computer game development - NAIL135
Computer Games Development 1 - NCGD001
Gameplay Programming - NCGD003
Game User Experience - NCGD005
Practical Course on Rapid Game Development - NCGD006
Practical Course on Native Game Development - NCGD007
Practical Course on Managed Game Development - NCGD008
Introduction to Game Design - NCGD010
Animation and Graphics in Computer Games 1 - NCGD013
Animation and Graphics in Computer Games 2 - NCGD014
Chapters from Virtual Reality - NCGD015
Computer Science Teaching Practice 1 - NDIN006
Computer Science Teaching Practice 2 - NDIN007
Computer Science Teaching Practice 3 - NDIN008
Computer Science Teaching Practice (CŽV) - NDIN009
Application Software - NDIN011
Didactics of Application Software - NDIN012
Didactics of Computer Science - NDIN015
Didactics of Computer Science - NDIN016
Application Software (CŽV) - NDIN017
Didactics of Application Software (CŽV) - NDIN018
Programming languages for children - NDIN019
Programming 1 - NMIN111
Programming 2 - NMIN112
Programming 3 - NMIN201
Applied differential equations - NMMA706
Psychological research in multimedia learning - NPED045
Empirical research for technical and pedagogical disciplines - NPED047
Advanced seminar on computer science didactics - NPED048
3D Computer Vision - NPGR001
Digital Image Processing - NPGR002
Introduction to Computer Graphics - NPGR003
Photorealistic Graphics - NPGR004
Computer graphics and vision seminar - NPGR005
Special Functions and Transformations in Image Processing - NPGR013
Realtime Graphics on GPU - NPGR019
Geometry for Computer Graphics - NPGR020
Geometric Modelling - NPGR021
Advanced Seminar On Image Processing - NPGR022
Seminar on Scientific Soft Skills - NPGR024
Introduction to Colour Science - NPGR025
Predictive Image Synthesis Technologies - NPGR026
Shading Languages - NPGR027
Variational methods in image processing - NPGR029
Optics for computer graphics - NPGR030
Digital Image Processing in Practice - NPGR032
Computer Graphics for Game Development - NPGR033
Machine Learning in Computer Vision - NPGR035
Computer Vision - NPGR036
Matlab Practice - NPGR037
Introduction to Computer Game Development - NPGR038
Selected topics in Computer Vision - NPGR041
Programming Methodology and Philosophy of Programming Languages - NPRG003
Non-procedural Programming - NPRG005
Credit for Project - NPRG027
Programming 1 - NPRG030
Programming 2 - NPRG031
Introduction to Algorithms - NPRG062
Software Project II - NPRG078
Research Project II - NPRG079
Company Project II - NPRG080
Data Compression Algorithms - NSWI072
Seminar on Stringology and Data Compression - NSWI100
Introduction to Networking - NSWI141
Seminar on Computer Games Development - NSWI158
Parsing and Syntactic Analysis - NTIN046
Bioinformatics Algorithms - NTIN084
String Algorithms - NTIN087
Special Seminar - NUIN017
Introduction to Web Development - NUIN019
Černý Vojtěch, Mgr.
Dingle Adam, M.Sc.
Dvořák Tomáš, doc. RNDr., CSc.
Flusser Jan, prof. Ing., DrSc.
Forstová Lenka, Mgr.
Hlaváč Václav, prof. Ing., CSc.
Holan Tomáš, RNDr., Ph.D.
Kolek Lukáš, Mgr., Ph.D.
Mráz František, RNDr., CSc.
Pelikán Josef, RNDr.
Pergel Martin, RNDr., Ph.D.
Pešková Klára, Mgr., Ph.D.
Šefl Vít, Mgr.
Šikudová Elena, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Töpfer Pavel, doc. RNDr., CSc.
Wilkie Alexander, prof. Dr. techn.
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