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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Biology Section (31-101)
Czech Academy of Sciences (31-AVCR)
Czech University of Life Sciences (31-CZU)
Department of Analytical Chemistry (31-230)
Department of Anthropology and Human Genetics (31-110)
Department of Applied Geoinformatics and Cartography (31-370)
Department of Biochemistry (31-250)
Department of Biology Education (31-180)
Department of Botany (31-120)
Department of Cell Biology (31-151)
Department of Demography and Geodemography (31-360)
Department of Ecology (31-162)
Department of Experimental Plant Biology (31-130)
Department of Genetics and Microbiology (31-140)
Department of Chemistry Education (31-280)
Department of Inorganic Chemistry (31-240)
Department of Organic Chemistry (31-270)
Department of Parasitology (31-161)
Department of Philosophy and History of Science (31-107)
Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry (31-260)
Department of Physical Education (31-730)
Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology (31-330)
Department of Physiology (31-152)
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development (31-340)
Department of Zoology (31-170)
Faculty of Arts, CU (31-FF)
Faculty of Matematics and Physics, CU (31-MFF)
Futher Education Centre (31-643)
Geography Section (31-301)
Geology Section (31-401)
Chemistry Section (31-201)
Institute for Environmental Studies (31-550)
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies, CU (31-UJOP)
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies (31-710)
Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral Resources (31-430)
Institute of Geology and Paleontology (31-420)
Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics (31-450)
Institute of Petrology and Structural Geology (31-440)
Laboratories of Geological Institutes (31-410)
Student Affairs Division (31-640)
University of Chemistry and Technology (31-VSCHT)
CAD Software in Geotechnics - MG451C01
Regional Hydrogeology – practicals - MG451C13
Numerical modeling in hydrogeology I - MG451C35
Diploma project I - MG451DPV1
Diploma project II - MG451DPV2
Diploma project III - MG451DPV3
Diploma project IV - MG451DPV4
Diploma project I - MG451DP4A
Diploma project II - MG451DP4B
Diploma project III - MG451DP5A
Diploma project IV - MG451DP5B
Introduction to Hydrogeology - MG451P01
Hydrogeology - MG451P01E
Mathematics IV. - MG451P02
4EU+ Slope stability and landslides - MG451P04
Groudwater hydraulics I. - MG451P05
Groundwater hydraulics - MG451P05E
Groundwater hydraulics II. - MG451P06
Geotechnology in global changes - MG451P10
Language of Continuum Mechanics for Applied Geology. - MG451P11
Introduction to Mechanics of Fluids and Mixtures - MG451P12
Regional Hydrogeology - MG451P13
Regional Hydrogeology - lectures - MG451P13G
Hydrogeological data interpretation I. - MG451P16
Water Protection - MG451P18
Tracers and tracer tests in hydrogeology - MG451P19
Hydrogeology - MG451P25
Hydrology and Hydrogeology - MG451P27
Water Resources Management - MG451P28
Field hydrogeology - MG451P32
Special Topics on Hydrogeology - MG451P33
Mathematics III. - MG451P36
Hydrogeological data interpretation II - MG451P43
Numerical modeling in hydrogeology II - MG451P45
Underground construction - MG451P47
4EU+ Grand Challenges in Engineering Geology - MG451P48
Hydrogeology in municipal practice - MG451P49
Introduction to Engineering Geology - MG451P51
Introduction to Civil Engineering - MG451P53
Methods of Foundation Engineering - MG451P54
Soil Mechanics I - MG451P55
4EU+ Soil mechanics I - MG451P55E
Investigation Methods in Engineering Geology I - MG451P56
Vadose zone hydrology - MG451P57
Soil Mechanics II - MG451P60
4EU+ Soil mechanics II - MG451P60E
Rock Mechanics - MG451P61
Engineering Geology I. - MG451P62
Dynamic Engineering Geology - MG451P63
Regional Engineering Geology - MG451P64
Mathematical modeling in geomechanics I - MG451P65
Mathematical modeling in geomechanics I - MG451P65E
Instrumentation and Monitoring in Engineering Geology - MG451P67
Mathematical Modelling in Geomechanics II - MG451P71
Engineering Geology II. - MG451P72
Investigation Methods in Engineering Geology II - MG451P73
Numerical modeling in applied geology - MG451P75
Modern Trends in Geotechnics - MG451P78
Introduction to Civil Engineering - MG451P83
Bachelor and diploma thesis seminar - MG451S34
Colloquium in surface and subsurface hydrology - MG451S35E
Field course of hydrogeology - MG451T10
Field course of hydrogeology and hydrology - MG451T11
Internship in applied geology (organizations, companies) - MG451T12
Field course of hydrogeology and engineering geology - MG451T41
Field course of mapping and data collection in engineering geology - MG451T59
Application of geophysical methods - MG452C58
Geoenergy project - MG452P04
Physics of the Earth - MG452P04G
Introduction to applied geophysics - MG452P11
Applied geophysics - MG452P11E
Processing and interpretation of geophysical measurements - MG452P12
Petrophysics - MG452P15
Geophysical methods in Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology - MG452P16
Use of graphic software - MG452P19
Fundamentals of geophysical methods - MG452P20
Geophysical data processing - MG452P21
Global geophysics - MG452P25
Seismic prospecting - MG452P41
Gravity prospecting - MG452P42
Geoelectrical prospecting - MG452P43
Radiometric survey - MG452P44
Magnetic prospecting - MG452P45
Geophysical well logging - MG452P46
Geothermal prospecting - MG452P47
Geoelectrical prospecting - MG452P48
Seismic data processing - MG452P60
Shallow seismics - MG452P61
Applied seismology - MG452P62
Interpretation of geoelectric measurements - MG452P64
Well log interpreattion - MG452P65
Magnetomineralogy - MG452P68
Mathematical modeling in geomechanics - MG452P70
Radiometry - MG452P74
Radioactivity of the natural environment and radon risk mapping - MG452P77
Foundations of continuum mechanics - MG452P80
Basics of seismic wave theory - MG452P81
Satellite magnetometry - MG452P82
Unusual ideas in geology and geophysics - MG452P83
Geothermal energy - MG452P87
Geothermal energy - MG452P88
Engineering seismology - MG452P89
Seminar of applied geology - MG452S48A
Seminar of applied geology - MG452S48B
Seminar of applied geology - MG452S48C
Seminar of applied geology - MG452S48D
Field course in applied geophysics - MG452T12
Geophysical field trip - MG452T49
Field course of geophysical methods - MG452T51
THM modelling of soils using hypoplasticity - MPGS0136
Bruthans Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Fischer Tomáš, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.
Kadlíček Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D.
Lanzendörfer Martin, Mgr., Ph.D.
Mareš Jakub, Mgr., Ph.D.
Mašín David, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.
Mls Jiří, doc. RNDr., CSc.
Najser Jan, RNDr., Ph.D.
Roháč Jakub, Mgr., Ph.D.
Scaringi Gianvito, Dr., Ph.D.
Slavík Martin, Mgr., Ph.D.
Tábořík Petr, RNDr., Ph.D.
Valenta Jan, Mgr., Ph.D.
Vilhelm Jan, doc. RNDr., CSc.
Weiss Tomáš, Mgr., Ph.D.
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