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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Dean's Office KTF (26-KTF)
Department of Biblical Sciences and ancient languages (26-KBV)
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History (26-KCD)
Department of Philosophy and Law (26-KFP)
Department of Systematic and Pastoral Theology (26-KSPT)
Department of Systematic Theology and Philosophy (26-KST)
Institute of Christian Art History (26-UDKU)
Introduction to the Old Testament - KBIB018
Introduction to the New Testament - KBIB019
Pan-Humanism and Baroque phenomenon - their projections in the literature - KDKU064
"Between classicism and romanticism": a cultural and literary history between 1750-1820 - KDKU066
Seminar on Medieval Literature 1 - KDKU110
Seminar humanistic and Baroque Literature 1 - KDKU111
Seminar humanistic and Baroque Literature 2 - KDKU114
Introduction to older literature - KDKU244
History of Ancient and Medieval Art II. - KDKU501
Czech and Central European history 1 - KHIS014
Czech and Central European history 2 - KHIS015
History of Historiography - KHIS018
Ancient Church History - KHIS025
Ecclesiastical History of Middle Ages - KHIS026
Ecclesiastical History of the Early Modern Times - KHIS027
Ecclesiastical History of the 19th and 20th Century - KHIS028
Czech Church History 1 - KHIS029
Czech Church History 2 - KHIS030
Introduction to Historical Studies - KHIS031
Medieval Historical Sources - KHIS032
History of Ancient Greece and Rome - KHIS033
Historical Introductory Seminar - KHIS034
Studies of Modern Era Sources - KHIS035
Auxiliary Historical Sciences of Middle Ages 1 (Palaeography and Chronology) - KHIS036
Auxiliary Historical Sciences of Middle Ages 2 (Diplomatics and Codicology) - KHIS037
Auxiliary Historical Sciences of Modern Era 1 - KHIS038
Auxiliary Historical Sciences of Modern Era 2 - KHIS039
Seminary of Medieval European History 1 - KHIS042
Seminary of European 19th and 20th Century 1 - KHIS044
Seminary of Medieval European History 2 - KHIS047
Seminary of European History of 19th and 20th Century 2 - KHIS049
Educational Excursion - KHIS050
Educational Excursion - KHIS051
Educational Excursion - KHIS052
History and Methodology of History - KHIS055
European and World History of the 20th Century - KHIS066
Auxiliary Historical Sciences of Modern Times I. - KHIS069
History of the Czech Early Modern Period - KHIS072
Diploma Seminar in Church History - KHIS157
Medieval Prague and Surroundings - KHIS165
Medieval History of Central Europe - KHIS170
Modern History of Central Europe - KHIS171
Czech Church History 1 - KHIS172
Czech Church History 2 - KHIS173
History of Historiography - KHIS174
Hagiography and Cult of Saints 1 - KHIS175
Hagiography and Cult of Saints 2 - KHIS176
History of Czech Middle Ages Seminar 1 - KHIS186
History of Czech 19th and 20th Century Seminar 1 - KHIS188
Heraldry and Genealogy - KHIS191
Sigillography and Epigraphy - KHIS192
History of Czech Middle Ages Seminar 2 - KHIS197
History of Czech Early Modern Era Seminar 2 - KHIS198
History of Czech 19th and 20th Century Seminar 2 - KHIS199
The Catholich Church after the 2nd Vatican council - KHIS222
Seminar on the History of Late Antiquity - KHIS223
Sphragistics and Epigraphy - KHIS224
Seminar on the History of the Czech Middle Ages - KHIS225
Seminar on the History of the European Middle Ages - KHIS226
History of the European Early Modern Period - KHIS227
History of Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries - KHIS228
Czech Church History II (since 1526) - KHIS229
Heraldry and Genealogy - KHIS230
Hagiography and the cult of saints - KHIS231
Diplomový seminář - KHIS234
Czech History of the 19th and 20th centuries - KHIS240
Exercises in Modern Palaeography and Diplomacy - KHIS241
Seminar in 19th and 20th Century European History - KHIS244
Seminar on Czech History of the 19th and 20th Century - KHIS245
History of Late Antiquity - KHIS260
History of Medieval Europe - KHIS261
Czech History of the Middle Ages - KHIS262
Exercises in Medieval Palaeography, Diplomacy and Codicology - KHIS263
Professional Excursion with Thematic Preparation - KHIS270
Seminary of Medieval European History - KHIS303
Ecclesiastical History of the World 1 (antiquity) - KHIS405
Ecclesiastical History of the World 2 (middleage) - KHIS406
Ecclesiastical History of the World 3 (modern age) - KHIS407
Czech Church History - KHIS408
Doctor Theses seminar 1 - KHIS804
Attestation in History - KHIS805
Attestation in Auxiliary Historical Sciences - KHIS806
Doctor Theses seminar 2 - KHIS808
Doctor Theses seminar 3 - KHIS812
Doctor Theses seminar 4 - KHIS813
Examination in Latin - KJAZ016
Certification in a World Language - KJAZ017
Latin 1 (Morphology) - KJAZ040
Latin 2 (Morphology) - KJAZ045
Latin 3 (Syntax) - KJAZ046
Latin 4 (Syntax) - KJAZ047
German for Historians 1 - KJAZ052
German for Historians 2 - KJAZ053
English for Historians 1 - KJAZ054
English for Historians 2 - KJAZ055
Reading and Interpretation of Latin Texts 1 - KJAZ211
Reading and interpretation of Latin Texts 2 - KJAZ212
Medieval Latin I - KJAZ220
German for Special Purposes 1 - KJAZ237
German for Special Purposes 2 - KJAZ238
Academic English 1 - KJAZ256
Latin Language I. (Morphology) - KJAZ300
History and Methodology of History II - KKHIS056
Digital Humanities - KKHIS233
Internship in an archive or other memory institution - KKHIS235
Medieval Latin I - KKJAZ200
Literature of the 19th Century Seminar 1 - KKLIT122
Literature of the 19th Century Seminar 2 - KKLIT123
Introductory Seminar of Older Literature - KLIT001
Ancient Literature 1 (Greek) - KLIT002
Ancient Literature 2 (Latin) - KLIT003
Introduction to Literary Theory 1 - KLIT004
Introduction to Literary Theory 2 - KLIT005
Christian Spirituality in the Medieval Literature - KLIT006
Reading of Older Czech Texts - KLIT007
Literature and the Czech National Revival - KLIT008
Spiritual Currents in the Modern Literature 1 - KLIT009
Spiritual Currents in Modern Literature 2 - KLIT010
History of European Literature of the 13th – 18th century 1 - KLIT015
History of European Literature of the 13th – 18th century 2 - KLIT016
Medieval Literature Seminar 1 - KLIT018
Medieval Literatura Seminar 2 - KLIT019
Humanistic and Baroque Seminar 1 - KLIT020
Humanistic and Baroque Seminar 2 - KLIT021
Literature of the 19th Century Seminar 1 - KLIT022
World Literature of the 19th Century - KLIT024
World Literature of 20th to 21st Century - KLIT025
Introduction to the Study of Versification - KLIT026
An Introduction to Digital Scholarly Editing - KLIT031
Literature and Theology - KLIT032
20th-21st Century Literature Seminar 1 - KLIT033
Modern Literature and Christianity 2 - KLIT036
English Literature Seminar 1 - KLIT038
English Literature Seminar 2 - KLIT039
Proseminarian of older literature - KLIT050
Introduction to literary theory - KLIT055
Christian Spirituality in Medieval Literature - KLIT056
Modern Literature and Christianity II. - KLIT061
Introduction to creating Digital Editions - KLIT063
Reading older Czech texts - KLIT064
20th and 21st Century Literature Seminar II. - KLIT066
Literature of the 19th Century Seminar 1 - KLIT122
Literature of the 19th Century Seminar 2 - KLIT123
History of Late Antique Literature - KLIT200
History of Medieval Literature - KLIT220
Seminar in Late Antique Literature - KLIT221
Seminar of European Medieval Literature - KLIT222
Seminar of Czech Medieval Literature - KLIT223
History of European Humanist Literature - KLIT224
History of European Baroque Literature - KLIT225
History of European Literature of the 19th centuries - KLIT226
Contemporary literature in academic writing - KLIT228
Seminar of Humanistic and Baroque Literature 1 - KLIT246
Seminar of Humanistic and Baroque Literature 2 - KLIT247
Ancient Church and General History - KRIG021
Church and General History of the Middle Ages - KRIG022
Early Modern Church and General History - KRIG023
Church History of the 19th and 20th Century - KRIG024
Literature of Antiquity and Middle Ages - KRIG025
Early Modern literature - KRIG026
Literature since the Czech National Revival till the End of the 19th Century - KRIG027
Literature of the 20th Century - KRIG028
Seminar in Methodology - KVAR007
Methodology of Diploma Thesis - KVAR011
History of Spiritual Music 1 - KVAR053
History of Spiritual Music 2 - KVAR054
History of sacred music of the Middle Ages - KVAR100
Kubín Petr, prof. PhDr., Ph.D., Th.D.
Makovcová Demartini Lenka, ThLic. Mgr., Ph.D.
Sládek Miloš, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Šmíd Marek, doc. PhDr. ThLic., Ph.D. et Ph.D.
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