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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Centre for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Dean's Office KTF (26-KTF)
Department of Biblical Sciences and ancient languages (26-KBV)
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History (26-KCD)
Department of Philosophy and Law (26-KFP)
Department of Systematic and Pastoral Theology (26-KSPT)
Department of Systematic Theology and Philosophy (26-KST)
Institute of Christian Art History (26-UDKU)
Introduction to the New Testament - KBIB002
Pentateuch and the Historical Books 2 - KBIB013
Synoptic Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles 2 - KBIB014
Prophetical and Apocalyptic Books - KBIB015
John's Writings 2 - KBIB017
Introduction to Bible 1 - KBIB022
Introduction to Bible 2 - KBIB023
Pentateuch and the Historical Books 1 - KBIB024
Poetical and Wisdom Books - KBIB025
Synoptic Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles 1 - KBIB026
John's Writings 1 - KBIB028
Introduction to the Old Testament - KBIB030
Introduction to the New Testament - KBIB031
New Testament Seminar - KBIB106
Old Testament Seminar - KBIB107
Bibliodrama 2 - KBIB110
Bibliodrama - methodical course - KBIB118
The Bible and the Quran - KBIB123
Old Testament Stories in Czech Art - KBIB124
Seminar of Biblical Science 1 - KBIB126
Seminar of Biblical Science 2 - KBIB127
Covenant in the Old and in the New Testament - KBIB128
Attestation from the Introduction to the Holy Scriptures - KBIB133
The Epistle to the Hebrews and Theology of Priesthood - KBIB134
Bible as a Source of Ethical Inspiration - KBIB307
Current Issues in Biblical Sciences - KBIB409
Old Testament - KBIB410
New Testament - KBIB411
Seminar on Biblical Anthropology 3 - KBIB416
Seminar of Biblical Sciences I. - KBIB800
Seminar of Biblical Sciences II. - KBIB801
Seminar of Biblical Sciences III. - KBIB802
Attestation in Biblical Sciences - KBIB803
Biblical Sciences - KBIB804
Ancient Literature I. (Roman) - KDKU507
State Doctoral Examination of the Biblical Sciences - KDOK009
Latin Reading for Theologians 1 - KJAZ003
Latin Reading for Theologians 2 - KJAZ007
Examination in Latin Language - KJAZ008
Examination in Greek Language - KJAZ014
New Testament Greek 1 - KJAZ021
New Testament Greek 2 - KJAZ022
New Testament Greek 3 - KJAZ023
New Testament Greek 4 - KJAZ024
Ancient Greek 1 - KJAZ025
Ancient Greek 2 - KJAZ026
Ancient Greek 3 - KJAZ027
Ancient Greek 4 - KJAZ028
Fundamentals of Biblical Hebrew - KJAZ030
Latin Reading I - KJAZ031
Latin Reading II - KJAZ032
Latin 1 (Morphology) - KJAZ041
Latin 2 (Morphology) - KJAZ042
Latin 3 (Syntax) - KJAZ043
Latin 4 (Syntax) - KJAZ044
Latin syntax 1 - KJAZ056
Latin syntax 2 - KJAZ057
Latin 1 (Morphology) - KJAZ058
Latin 2 (Morphology) - KJAZ059
Latin 3 (Syntax) - KJAZ060
Latin 4 (Syntax) - KJAZ061
Old Testament Hebrew Readings - KJAZ103
Latin 1 (Morphology) - KJAZ105
Latin 2 (Morphology) - KJAZ106
Latin 3 (Syntax) - KJAZ107
Introduction to Latin 1 - KJAZ118
Introduction to Latin 2 - KJAZ119
Introduction to New Testament Greek 1 - KJAZ121
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew 1 - KJAZ124
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew 2 - KJAZ125
Seminar of Ancient Languages - KJAZ131
Latin spiritual poetry 1 - KJAZ143
Latin spiritual poetry 2 - KJAZ147
Latin Reading for History of Art 2 - KJAZ155
Latin 4 (Syntax) - KJAZ168
Arabic 1 - KJAZ170
Arabic Language 2 - KJAZ171
Reading Arabic texts 1 - KJAZ182
Reading Arabic texts 2 - KJAZ184
Biblical Hebrew 1 - KJAZ199
Reading and interpretation of Hebrew Texts - KJAZ206
Latin (Church and General History) - KJAZ801
Latin (History of Christian Art) - KJAZ805
Seminar of Latin (Church and General History) - KJAZ806
Ugaritic - KJAZ809
Latin for students of theology - KJAZ810
New Testament Greek - KJAZ811
Biblical Hebrew - KJAZ812
Akkadian - KJAZ814
Biblical Aramaic - KJAZ816
Biblical Sciences - KRIG004
General Examination of Biblical Sciences - KRIG604
The Scripture and Biblical Theology - KSKT001
The Scripture and Biblical Theology - KSKT008
Old and New Testament - KSNB008
Biblical Sciences - KSNB010
The Holy Scripture - KSNM001
Introduction to Islam - KSTE171
Introduction to Judaism - KVAR132
Culture of the Lands of the Bible - KVAR134
Antique literature 1 - KVAR204
Ancient literature 2 - KVAR205
Brož Jaroslav, doc. ThLic., Th.D.
Hřebík Josef, doc. ThLic., Th.D.
Koronthályová Markéta, PhDr.
Matějec Tomáš, ThLic. Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D.
Mikulicová Mlada, Mgr., Ph.D.
Scarano Angelo, Mgr., Th.D.
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