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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Centre for Theoretical Study;
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Department of Psychology and Life Sciences (24-KPVZ)
Doctoral Study Administration Office (24-IDP)
International Office (24-RZS)
PhD Anthropology (24-DAN)
PhD Applied Ethics (24-DAE)
PhD Civil Society Studies (24-DSOS)
PhD Contemporary European History (24-DSED)
PhD Contemporary European History (24-DSEKD)
PhD Deutsche und französische Philosophie (24-DNFF)
PhD Environmental Studies (24-DES)
PhD General Anthropology (24-DIC)
PhD Historical Sociology (24-DHS)
PhD Longevity Studies (24-DSD)
PhD Semiotics and Philosophy of Communication (24-DSFK)
PhD Social Work (24-DSPSP)
Programme Anthropological studies (24-KOA)
Programme Civil Society Studies (24-KSOS)
Programme Deutsche und französische Philosophie (24-DFP)
Programme Electronic Culture and Semiotics (24-KEKS)
Programme Gender Studies (24-KGS)
Programme Historical Sociology (24-HS)
Programme History of Modern European Culture (24-EKDD)
Programme Liberal Arts and Humanities (24-SHVAJ)
Programme Management and Supervision (24-KRS)
Programme Oral History and Contemporary History (24-KOHSD)
Programme Philosophy in the context of humanities (24-FI)
Programme SHV (24-SBS)
Programme SHV - Creative Module (24-CR)
Programme SHV - Historical Module (24-HM)
Programme SHV - Language and Literature Module (24-KO)
Programme SHV - Philosophical Module (24-FM)
Programme SHV - Qualified Skills Module (24-QM)
Programme SHV - Social Sciences Module (24-SM)
Programme Social and Cultural Ecology (24-KSKE)
Programme Theoretical and Research Psychology (24-TVP)
Student Administration Office (24-SO)
UPCES, CET Courses (24-AJ EXT)
Sociological and Political Theories for Civil Sector Studies - YAMNSZ1
Economy and Law of the Civil Sector - YAMN3AEN1
Thesis Defence - YMNOBH00
Thesis Defence - YMNOBH3
Socio-economic Framework of Civil Society Organizations - YMNSEOS2
Sociological Theory for Civil Society - YMNSTOS1
History of Human Rights in International Relations - YMN0HHR
Philantropy and Volunteering - YMN01FID
Social economy and social business - YMN01SEP
Theoretical Approaches to Civil Society - YMN01TOS
Introduction to the study of civil society - YMN01UDS
Personnel Management with Focus on Civil Society (Distance Study) - YMN0110
Thesis Preparation I. - YMN02DI
Microsociology in practise I. - YMN02MPI
Organizational Theories in Civil Society Research - YMN02OTV
Sociology of management - YMN02SOM
Social Policy and Civil Society - YMN02SPOS
Thesis Preparation II. - YMN03DII
Microsociology in practice II. - YMN03MPII
Civil Society - Transformations and Challenges - YMN03OSPV
Legal persons in civil society - YMN03POO
Thesis Preparation III. - YMN04DIII
Funding for Civil Society Organizations - YMN04FOO
Microsociology in Practice III. - YMN04MPIII
Theory and practice of civic engagement - YMN04TPO
Philantropy a Volunteering - YMN11FID
Microsociology in practice I. (distance learning) - YMN11MIPI
Social Economy and Social Business (Distance Learning) - YMN11SEP
Theoretical Approaches to Civil Society (Distance Learning) - YMN11TOS
Introduction to Civil Society Studies (distance learning) - YMN11UDS
Leadership in the Civil Sector (Distance Study) - YMN138
Project of Social Business - YMN141
Democracy - citizens and politicians - YMN142
Public Relations in Civil Sector - YMN152
Rules of War and the Role of Civil Society - YMN156
Sociology of Social Movements - YMN157
Civil society in a global context - YMN158
Organizational design and organizational change - YMN159
Rules of War and the Role of Civil Society - YMN160
Work with marginalized groups and Theatre of the Oppressed - YMN203
Selected topics of social policy and civil society - YMN207
Political elite and civil society in the Czech Republic - YMN210
Political elite and civil society in the Czech Republic (distance learning) - YMN211
The role of non-profit organizations in today society - YMN212
Effective communication and storytelling in the civic sector - YMN214
System change I. - YMN216
Legal persons in civil society - seminar - YMN217
Grounded Theory - YMN219
Thesis Preparation I. (distance learning) - YMN22DI
Thesis Preparation I. (Distance Learning) - YMN22DSI
Philanthropy and volunteering (distance learning) - YMN22FID
Microsociology in practice II. (distance learning) - YMN22MIPII
Microsociology in practice I. (distance learning) - YMN22MPI
Organizational Theories for NGOs (Distance Learning) - YMN22OT
Organizational Theory in Civil Society Research (distance learning) - YMN22OTV
Practical Training and Teamwork I. (Distance Learning) - YMN22PTI
Social Marketing (Distance Learning) - YMN22SM
Sociology of Management (distance learning) - YMN22SOM
Social Policy and Civil Society (distance learning) - YMN22SPOS
Contemporary theories and concepts in the research of civil society (Distance Learning) - YMN22STK
Theoretical Approaches to Civil Society - Seminar (Distance Learning) - YMN22TOSII
Identity, culture and cultural misunderstanding in the Czech context - YMN220
Research workshop: informal volunteering during the war in Ukraine - YMN221
Civil Society in Historical Perspective - YMN223
Civil society in a global context (distance learning) - YMN224
Corporate Social Responsibility (distance learning) - YMN306
Selected topics of social policy and civil society (distance learning) - YMN307
Legal persons in civil society - seminar (distance learning) - YMN308
Civil Society in Historical Perspective (combined form) - YMN311
Anti-Bias - possibilities of applying the pedagogical approach in the reflection of social inequalities - YMN312
Leading people and teams in organizations - YMN313
Foundations and Foundation Funds - YMN314
Thesis Preparation II. (distance learning) - YMN33DII
Thesis Preparation II. (Distance Learning) - YMN33DSII
Methods of empirical research II. (distance learning) - YMN33METII
Research Workshop II. (Distance Learning) - YMN33MEVII
Microsociology in practice II. (distance learning) - YMN33MPII
Microsociology in Practice III. (distance learning) - YMN33MPIII
Civil Society - Transformations and Challenges (distance learning) - YMN33OSPV
Legal persons in civil society (distance learning) - YMN33POO
Law for the Civic Sector (Distance Learning) - YMN33PRI
Practical Training and Teamwork II. (Distance Learning) - YMN33PTII
Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurship (Distance Learning) - YMN33SESP
Accounting for the Civil Sector (Distance Learning) - YMN33U
Public Administration and Regional Policy (Distance Learning) - YMN33VSRP
Thesis Preparation III. (distance learning) - YMN44DIII
Thesis Preparation III. (Distance Learning) - YMN44DSIII
Funding of civil society organizations (distance learning) - YMN44FOO
Microsociology in Practice III. (distance learning) - YMN44MPIII
Project Management (Distance Learning) - YMN44PM
Law for the Civic Sector - seminar (Distance Learning) - YMN44PRII
Practical Training and Teamwork III. (Distance Learning) - YMN44PTIII
Theory and practice of civic engagement (distance learning) - YMN44TPO
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