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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Centre for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Department of Psychology and Life Sciences (24-KPVZ)
Doctoral Study Administration Office (24-IDP)
International Office (24-RZS)
PhD Anthropology (24-DAN)
PhD Applied Ethics (24-DAE)
PhD Civil Society Studies (24-DSOS)
PhD Contemporary European History (24-DSEKD)
PhD Contemporary European History (24-DSED)
PhD Deutsche und französische Philosophie (24-DNFF)
PhD Environmental Studies (24-DES)
PhD General Anthropology (24-DIC)
PhD Historical Sociology (24-DHS)
PhD Longevity Studies (24-DSD)
PhD Semiotics and Philosophy of Communication (24-DSFK)
PhD Social Work (24-DSPSP)
Programme Anthropological studies (24-KOA)
Programme Civil Society Studies (24-KSOS)
Programme Deutsche und französische Philosophie (24-DFP)
Programme Electronic Culture and Semiotics (24-KEKS)
Programme Gender Studies (24-KGS)
Programme Historical Sociology (24-HS)
Programme History of Modern European Culture (24-EKDD)
Programme Liberal Arts and Humanities (24-SHVAJ)
Programme Management and Supervision (24-KRS)
Programme Oral History and Contemporary History (24-KOHSD)
Programme Philosophy in the context of humanities (24-FI)
Programme SHV (24-SBS)
Programme SHV - Creative Module (24-CR)
Programme SHV - Historical Module (24-HM)
Programme SHV - Language and Literature Module (24-KO)
Programme SHV - Philosophical Module (24-FM)
Programme SHV - Qualified Skills Module (24-QM)
Programme SHV - Social Sciences Module (24-SM)
Programme Social and Cultural Ecology (24-KSKE)
Programme Theoretical and Research Psychology (24-TVP)
Student Administration Office (24-SO)
UPCES, CET Courses (24-AJ EXT)
Defense of the M. A. Diploma Thesis - YMGDEF00
Thesis Defence - YMGOBH00
Defense of Diploma Thesis - YMGSDD3
Feminist Theories and History of Gender and Sexuality - YMGSFTD1
Feministist Theories and History of Gender and Sexuality - YMGSFT1
Intersectional gender analysis - YMGSIGA2
Intersectional Gender Analysis - YMGSIG2
Defense of Diploma Thesis - YMGSODP3
Feminist Theories, Methods and Applied Research - YMGSZ100
Comprehensive State Final M.A. Exam in Feminist Theories and Research Methods - YMGSZ200
History of feminist thinking - YMGS100
Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism - YMGS101
Epistemology of science - YMGS102
Methodology in Social Sciences - YMGS103
Interpretation of Philosophical texts - YMGS104
Argumentation and Academic Discourse - YMGS105
Comparative History of Sexuality - YMGS106
Feminist Cultural Studies - YMGS107
Politics of Identity: Theory and Criticism - YMGS108
Social Structures and Institutions - YMGS109
Comparative Gender in Global Perspective - YMGS110
Intersectionality: Theory and Methods - YMGS111
Gender in theory and practice: Applied gender analysis - YMGS113
Diploma Seminar I. – Concept - YMGS114
Diploma Seminar II. – Research - YMGS115
Diplomna Seminar III. – Writing - YMGS116
Sociology of Medicine and Gender Aspects of Health - YMGS117
History of feminist thinking - YMGS200
Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism - YMGS201
Epistemology of science - YMGS202
Methodology in Social Sciences - YMGS203
Interpretation of Philosophical texts - YMGS204
Argumentation and Academic Discourse - YMGS205
Comparative History of Sexuality - YMGS206
Feminist Cultural Studies - YMGS207
Politics of Identity: Theory and Criticism - YMGS208
Social Structures and Institutions - YMGS209
Comparative Gender in Global Perspective - YMGS210
Intersectionality: Theory and Methods - YMGS211
Gender in theory and practice: Applied gender analysis - YMGS213
Diploma Seminar I.- Concept - YMGS214
Diploma Seminar II. - Research - YMGS215
Diploma Seminar III. - Writing - YMGS216
Sociology of Medicine and Gender Aspects of Health - YMGS217
Gender and Religion - YMGS301
Gender and education - YMGS308
The history of the Czech women's movement from the mid-19th century until 1948 - YMGS319
Family, Gender, Care - YMGS320
Gender in Migration Studies - YMGS321
Indian Culture and Society from Gender Perspective - YMGS324
Queer geographies: sexual and gender diversity in time and space - YMGS350
Selected topics in LGBTQ+ psychology - YMGS351
Queer Culture: Representation, Identification, Sensibility - YMGS352
Contemporary Art in the Context of Philosophy and Contemporary Theory - YMGS353
Emancipation and Contemporary Art - YMGS354
Besides disability: The contribution of collaborative research with people with disabilities to social science research and social policy making - YMGS355
Internship in NGOs - YMGS363
Methods of Textual Analysis - YMGS422
Women, men and law in practice - YMGS426
Postsocialism in Intersectional Perspective - YMGS427
Gender in Science and Innovations - YMGS430
Domestic Violence and Violence Against Women in Feminist Theory - YMGS450
Men and Masculinity - YMGS451
Anti-feminist backlash and the anti-gender movement: its roots, historical development and contemporary forms and strategies - YMGS452
Sexuality and Gender in Media Studies - YMGS453
History of Feminist Thinking - YMGS500
Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism - YMGS501
Epistemology of Science - YMGS502
Methodology in Social Sciences - YMGS503
Interpretation of Philosophical Texts - YMGS504
Argumentation and Academic Discourse - YMGS505
Comparative History of Sexuality - YMGS506
Feminist Cultural Studies - YMGS507
Politics of Identity: Theory and Criticism - YMGS508
Social Structures and Institutions - YMGS509
Comparative Gender in Global Perspective - YMGS510
Intersectionality: Theory and Methods - YMGS511
Gender in Theory and practice: Applied Gender Analysis - YMGS513
Diploma Seminar I.- Concept - YMGS514
Diploma Seminar II. - Research - YMGS515
Diploma Seminar III. - Writing - YMGS516
Sociology of Medicine and Gender Aspects of Health - YMGS517
Gender and Religion - YMGS601
Postcolonial Studies in Gender Perspective - YMGS616
Gender in Migration Studies - YMGS621
Feminism and Environmental Movements - YMGS625
Gender and the Body - YMGS627
Gender, Nature, Culture - YMGS628
Feminist Proposals for a Peaceful Future - YMGS629
Embodiment and Affect - YMGS635
Queer ecologies and interspecies relations - YMGS636
Queer Cinema in Transnational Perspective - YMGS644
Visual Sociology - YMGS645
Academic Reading and Writing - YMGS650
Feminist a Decolonial Curating and Museology - YMGS651
Social Justice - YMGS652
Geographies of sexualities: queering places and spaces - YMGS653
Feminism and Art History - YMGS654
Confronting Gender-Based Violence - YMGS655
Contemporary Theories of Masculinities - YMGS656
History of Feminist Theories - YMG107
Methodological Approaches in Gender Studies - YMG108
Composition and Literary Theory - YMG109
Feminist Cultural Studies - YMG110
Politics of Identity, Gender and Sexuality - YMG111
Thesis Preparation I. - YMG112
Thesis Preparation II. - YMG113
Thesis Preparation III. - YMG114
Feminist Cultural Studies - YMG210
Politics of Identity, Gender and Sexuality - YMG211
Diploma Thesis Seminar I.- Preparation - YMG212
Diploma Thesis Seminar II. - Research - YMG213
Diploma Thesis Seminar III. - Writing - YMG214
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