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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Centre for Language Learning and Pedagogical Training (23-KJP)
Department of European Studies (23-KZS)
Department of German and Austrian Studies (23-KNRS)
Department of International Relations (23-KMV)
Department of Journalism (23-KZ)
Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations (23-KMKPR)
Department of Media Studies (23-KMS)
Department of North American Studies (23-KAS)
Department of Political Science (23-KP)
Department of Public and Social Policy (23-KVSP)
Department of Russian and East European Studies (23-KRVS)
Department of Security Studies (23-KBS)
Department of Sociology (23-KS)
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism (23-IKSZ)
Institute of Economic Studies (23-IES)
Institute of International Studies (23-IMS)
neurčeno (23-N)
Defence of Dissertation - JOBVS1
Bachelor seminar Politics and Public Policy I - JPB036
Social Problems - JSB025
Social Policy: An Introduction - JSB026
Social Policy: A Corporate Practice - JSB027
The Introduction to Educational Policy - JSB039
Public policies in three-dimensional perspective - JSB042
Introduction into Public Policy - JSB043
Introduction into Public Policy - JSB061
Health Policy - JSB072
Public policies in three-dimensional perspective - JSB073
Bachelor thesis´ project - JSB100
Political analysis for decision makers - JSB102
Workshop on PR in practice - JSB103
Social housing in practice - JSB105
The Welfare State and contemporary social challenges - JSB106
Introduction to environmental policy - JSB111
Bachelor thesis project - JSB122
Social Entrepreneurship - JSB199
Legal Anthropology - JSB222
Global Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development - JSB407
Introduction to Academic Work - JSB513
Qualitative Research - JSB514
Higher education policy I - JSB515
Introduction to Social Policy - JSB521
Social Policy: A Corporate Practice - JSB522
Introduction into Public Policy - JSB523
Educational policy - JSB524
Family Policy - JSB547
BA seminar - public policy - JSB548
BA seminar II. - public policy - JSB549
Social Policy: A Corporate Practice - JSB570
Public sector and public government - JSB571
Health Policy - JSB572
Qualitative Research - JSB575
Analysis of data in SPSS - JSB576
Public sector and public administration - JSB601
Higher education policy II - JSB699
Elites in Society - JSB701
International Migration - JSB702
Economy of public sector - JSB705
Governing Societies 1: A Public Policy Perspective - JSB724
Governing Societies 2: Political Analysis of Democratic Political System - JSB725
Financialised Societies: An Economic Perspective - JSB728
Administered Societies: A Public Administration Perspective - JSB733
Seminar in Policy Analysis Methods - JSB735
Civil Society in Central Europe - JSB741
Professional Traineeship - JSB745
Academic Writing and Reading for Social Sciences I - JSB747
Academic Writing and Reading for Social Sciences II - JSB748
Educational policy - JSB781
Social Policy: A Corporate Practice - JSB782
Bachelor Thesis Project Writing - JSB783
Quantitative Practice for Social Policy - JSB790
Law in the Context of Public Policies: Theory, Law-making and Application - JSB815
Restorative Justice, Punishment and Criminal Policy - JSB820
Drugs and Society - JSB842
Doctoral Seminar I. - JSD001
Doctoral Seminar II. - JSD002
Doctoral Seminar III. - JSD003
Doctoral Seminar IV. - JSD004
Philosophy and Methodology of Science - JSD005
Doctoral seminar V. - JSD007
Doctoral Seminar VI. - JSD008
Public Policy for doctoral students - JSD009
Dissertation writing I. - JSD012
Dissertation writing II. - JSD013
Academic Writing in Public Policy - JSD014
Policy Analysis - JSD015
Writing for impact - JSD016
Methods in Public Policy Research - JSM154
Public Administration for Public Policy - JSM155
Economics for Public Policy - JSM156
Diploma Seminar I: Diploma Thesis Project - JSM158
Political Analysis of Public Policies - JSM159
Public Policy-Making Process - JSM160
Diploma Seminar II - JSM161
Diploma Seminar III - JSM162
Social Policy - JSM163
Managerial Methods in Public and Social Policy - JSM164
Quality and Performance Management in Public Administration - JSM165
Statistics and SPSS - JSM166
Behavioral Public Policy - JSM169
Sustainable procurement - JSM250
The Social Dimension of the Just Transition - JSM252
Climate Change and Sustainability: Worskhop Prague-Konstanz Study Days on Society and Policy Process in the Digital Age - JSM257
Elites in Society - JSM301
Research Design I - JSM336
Research Design II - JSM337
Seminar in Comparative Politics and Public Policy I - JSM338
Seminar in Comparative Politics and Public Policy II - JSM339
Seminar in Public Administration - JSM340
Seminar in Politics of Inequality - JSM341
MA Thesis Colloquium - JSM342
MA Thesis - JSM343
Basic Seminar in Comparative Politics and Policy Analysis - JSM344
Basic Seminar in Public Administration - JSM345
Civil Society in Central Europe - JSM437
Diploma Seminar - JSM502
Internship in public or non-profit sector - JSM504
Diploma Theses Writing - JSM508
Public administration: Theory and practice - JSM512
Policy Making Process - JSM515
Social Policy in the Life Course Perspective - JSM516
Public Policy - JSM518
Social Policy - JSM519
Public Policy - JSM521
Methods of Analysis and Policy Making II - JSM527
Diploma seminar I - JSM528
Diploma seminar II - JSM529
Theory of Public Policy - JSM588
Diploma Seminar I - JSM605
Public Administration - JSM646
Managerial Methods in Public and Social Policy - JSM647
Introduction to Program Evaluation - JSM654
Ethics and Integrity - JSM666
International Migration - JSM689
Policy Analysis - JSM691
Diploma Seminar I - JSM694
Diploma Seminar II - JSM695
Theory of Public Policy - JSM699
Current Issues in Public Policy - JSM703
Theoretical Approaches to the Policy Process - JSM704
Important books of public and social policy: history of social policy - JSM714
Important books of public and social policy: history of family policy - JSM719
Important books of public and social policy: conceptualisation of "other" - JSM720
Ways of Knowing in Public Policy: Social Sciences Methodology - JSM724
Public Economics - JSM725
Policy analysis and design - JSM726
Social Policy - JSM727
Project management - JSM729
Public Economics - JSM731
Behavioral Economics for Public and Social Policy - JSM732
Contemporary Challenges of Policy Studies: Workshop on Resilience Policy and Crises - JSM735
The functioning of the European Union: politics and policy decision-making - JSM736
Public Administration - JSM739
Dis/advantaging the family and society: the role of the welfare state - JSM740
Environmental protection from a social science perspective - JSM743
Sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) in the light of public policy - JSM744
Prison policy in context - JSM747
Social innovation in public administration: foresight on future social problems and their solution - JSM749
Current Trends in Social Policy: Implications for Social Security, Work and Family Life - JSM752
Department of Public and Social Policy Teaching Assistant workshop - JSM755
EU Comparative Politics:Tensions in Representative Democracy - JSM777
Educational Policy - JSM781
Theories of Governance - JSM790
Family Policy: Concepts, Reforms, and Effects - JSM791
Participation in urban planning - JSM826
Field Practice: Biodiversity protection - policy and society - JSM843
Research Practice: Public Policies and Climate Change - JSM850
Analysis and Interpretation of Statistical Data - JSM851
Field practice - adaptation for climatic change - JSM852
Spatial planning policy from a social and environmental perspective - JSM853
Introduction to environmental valuation for public policies - JSM854
Making the European Green Deal - JSM855
The social dimension of climate policy - JSM898
Statistical Data Analysis Seminar - JSM899
State Doctoral Exam - JSZVS1
Public and Social Policy - JSZ063
Public Policy and Public Finances - JSZ064
Social Policy and Public Administration - JSZ065
Social Policy - JSZ615
Public Policy - JSZ616
Public and Social Policy - written part - JSZ625
Public and Social Policy - oral examination - JSZ626
Public and Social Policy - JSZ634
Public Policy - JSZ649
Social Policy: An Introduction - JS1026
Social Policy: A Corporate Practice - JS1027
Public economics - JS2505
Methods of Policy Analysis - JS2506
Theory of Public Administration - JS2509
Public Administration - JS2510
Introduction to methods of sociology research - JS2511
Information techniques - JS2514
Education Policy II. - JS2607
Education Policy in the CR - JS2608
Crime in the Czech Society - JS2612
Global Environmental Issues - JS2619
Political Aspects of Policy Making - JS2620
Decision Making and Institutions in Policy Making - JS2621
Dobiášová Karolína, PhDr., Ph.D.
Horváthová Eva, Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D.
Jelínková Marie, PhDr., Ph.D.
Kotherová Zuzana, Ing., Ph.D.
Mácová Kateřina, Ing., Ph.D.
Potůček Martin, prof. PhDr., CSc., M.Sc.
Vejchodská Eliška, doc. Ing. et Ing., Ph.D.
Witz Petr, PhDr., Ph.D.
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