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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Centre for Language Learning and Pedagogical Training (23-KJP)
Department of European Studies (23-KZS)
Department of German and Austrian Studies (23-KNRS)
Department of International Relations (23-KMV)
Department of Journalism (23-KZ)
Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations (23-KMKPR)
Department of Media Studies (23-KMS)
Department of North American Studies (23-KAS)
Department of Political Science (23-KP)
Department of Public and Social Policy (23-KVSP)
Department of Russian and East European Studies (23-KRVS)
Department of Security Studies (23-KBS)
Department of Sociology (23-KS)
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism (23-IKSZ)
Institute of Economic Studies (23-IES)
Institute of International Studies (23-IMS)
neurčeno (23-N)
LLEP CNS test - JCNS001
Contemporary Crises and Conflicts - JJTM597
Theory in Social Science - JMB024
Modern history of German speaking countries - JMB407
Contemporary History of the German Speaking Countries - JMB510
German Question in International Relations and in the Czechoslovakia´s Foreign Policy - JMB515
Culture and Art in the 20th Century - JMB516
Security Issues Today - JMB535
Methodology of Modern and Contemporary History - JMD019
PhD. Seminar I - JMD021
PhD. Seminar II - JMD022
Politics and Economics of the Free Society - JMM570
Diploma Theses Seminar - JMM809
Constitutional Transformation of Central European States - JMM811
State Doctoral Exam - JSZTS1
Modern history of German-speaking countries - JSZ020
Political and legal system of German-speaking countries - JSZ021
Culture, economy, and social systems of German-speaking countries - JSZ022
Exam of the Czech-German Context in Society, Culture, History and Politics and in the Czech Language - JSZ380
Sequential Exam - Grundstudium - JSZ381
Defence of seminar paper 1 - JSZ631
Defence of seminar paper 2 - JSZ632
Defence of seminar paper 3 - JSZ633
The Basics of Academic Writing - JTB001
Theory in Social Science - JTB002
A History of European Thought - JTB006
Two centuries of Central Europe I - JTB008
Modern history of German speaking countries - JTB016
Seminar to German Speaking Countries - JTB026
Representation of the Past and Present in the World of Media - JTB038
Contemporary History of the German Speaking Countries - JTB049
Historical Reflection of Contemporary History - JTB053
German Question in International Relations and in the Czechoslovakia´s Foreign Policy - JTB054
German Speaking Countries Today - JTB061
Security Issues Today - JTB067
Czech-German Translation I (UR) - JTB070
Czech-German translation II (UR) - JTB071
Internship - JTB072
Bachelor seminar for Czech-German studies I - JTB073
Bachelor seminar for Czech-German studies II - JTB074
Introduction to linguistics (UR) - JTB090
Lecture in linguistics (UR) - JTB091
Seminar in linguistics (a/b) (UR) - JTB092
Introduction to literary science - JTB094
Lecture in literature science (UR) - JTB095
Seminar literary science (UR) - JTB096
Lecture in cultural science (a/b) (UR) - JTB098
Seminar to cultural science (UR) - JTB099
Seminar to cultural science (UR) - JTB100
World History of the 20th Century - JTB118
Central European Culture in the 20th Century - JTB132
Polish I - JTB150
Polish II - JTB151
Polish III - JTB152
Polish IV - JTB153
Foreign Language I - JTB162
Foreign Language II - JTB163
Foreign Language III - JTB164
Diplomatic protocol - JTB206
Political Culture in the Czech Lands and the Habsburg Monarchy 1848-1918 - JTB211
Geography of German Speaking Countries - JTB223
Central Europe after the Fall of Communism in 1989 - JTB235
Modern history of Nordic countries - JTB242
The Relations of Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic to German Speaking Countries I (Germany) - JTB250
The Relations of Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic to German Speaking Countries II (Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein) - JTB251
Economic and Social System of the German Speaking countries - JTB255
Czech Diplomacy after 1989 - origins, institutions, topics - JTB257
German Literature in the 20th Century - JTB275
1968 in West Germany and Europe - JTB281
German language workshop: writing, reading and discussing for studying I - JTB308
German language workshop: writing, reading and discussing for studying II - JTB309
Germany and Central Europe Today I - JTB313
Germany and Central Europe Today II - JTB314
Social and Economic Impacts of Digitalization - JTB317
Text lectures with historical terminology in Czech-German tandem - JTB334
Basics of the German, Austrian nd Swiss Law in Comparison and in Common Debate - JTB347
Austria after 1945 - JTB350
Why we (don’t) trust science: Scientific credibility in the age of transparency - JTB351
Parliaments in Crises - JTB352
Where Did the Socialist City Go? - JTB353
Methodology of Modern and Contemporary History - JTD003
Doctoral seminar I - JTD005
Doctoral seminar II - JTD006
Study Abroad/Internship - JTD007
Publishing - JTD008
International Conference - JTD009
State Doctoral Exam - JTD010
Regular Consultations I - JTD011
Regular Consultations II - JTD012
Regular Consultations III - JTD013
Regular Consultations IV - JTD014
Regular Consultations V - JTD015
Regular Consultations VI - JTD016
Regular Consultations VII - JTD017
Regular Consultations VIII - JTD018
Regular Consultations IX - JTD019
Foreign language - JTD020
Central and Eastern European History - JTD022
Stáž na spolupracujícím ústavu AV ČR I - JTD025
Stáž na spolupracujícím ústavu AV ČR II - JTD026
Stáž na spolupracujícím ústavu AV ČR III - JTD027
German and Central European History in the 20th Century - JTM026
German Literature in the 20th Century - JTM027
Political System of Germany - JTM028
Politics in Austria and Switzerland. Institutions, Players, Trends and Current Issues - JTM029
German Foreign Policy - JTM030
Economic and Political System of the German Speaking Countries - JTM031
MA thesis seminar I - JTM066
MA thesis seminar II - JTM067
History of Central European Culture - JTM068
History of German Speaking Countries from the 19th Century till the 1990´s I - JTM107
Methodological Seminar - JTM122
Society and Literature at the Polish-German and Polish-Austrian Cultural Borders - JTM123
Pedagogy of Memorial Sites - Organization of International Youth Meetings - JTM124
History of the German Speaking Countries from the 19th Century till the 1990s II - JTM125
Diploma Thesis Seminar - JTM127
Politics and Society of Contemporary Germany, Austria and Switzerland - JTM128
Diploma Thesis Seminar III - JTM129
National Minorities and Ethnic Groups in Germany and Poland (19th and 20th century migrations) - JTM130
Politics of Memory in Germany and Austria - JTM131
Germans in Poland in the 20th Century - JTM132
Culture of German Language - JTM133
Poland and Germany in the united Europe (1990-2013) - JTM134
German-Polish Relations 1815-1989 - JTM135
German Language I - JTM136
German Language II - JTM137
Czech Languauge for GCES students - JTM138
Development of Political Regimes of Central Europe - JTM139
Introduction to German Studies - JTM142
History of German Speaking Countries from the 19th Century till the 1990´s I - JTM143
German Political Traditions - JTM144
Diploma Thesis Seminar - JTM145
German Culture against the Background of the History of European Culture. Selected Problems - JTM146
Economy of Contemporary Germany and other German Speaking Countries - JTM147
Czechs and their Language. First Steps I - JTM148
Selected Problems of the Modern World - JTM149
Central and Central Eastern Europe in the Modern Era - JTM150
Research Workshop - JTM151
History of the German Speaking Countries from the 19th Century till the 1990s II - JTM152
Political system of the Federal Republic of Germany and other German Speaking Countries - JTM153
Politics and Society of Contemporary Germany, Austria and Switzerland - JTM154
Czechs and their Language. First Steps II - JTM156
Diploma Thesis Seminar for German and Central European Studies - JTM157
Political System of the Czech Republic in the Central-European Context - JTM158
National Minorities and Ethnic Groups in Germany and Poland (19th and 20th century migrations) - JTM159
Diploma Thesis Seminar II - JTM160
Didactics and Organization of International Youth Meetings - JTM161
Intercultural Communication and its Specificity in CEE - JTM162
Germans Today. People, Facts, Interpretation - JTM163
German Culture against the Background of the History of European Culture. Selected Problems - JTM164
Selected Problems of the Modern World - JTM165
Diploma Thesis Seminar III - JTM166
Political Traditions of German Nations to the Beginnings of Medieval Empire - JTM167
Polish-Czech-Slovak Relations in the 20th and 21th Century - JTM169
Cultur Heritage in Central Europe - JTM170
Politics of Memory in Germany and Austria - JTM171
Germany and its Neighbours after WWII - JTM172
Diploma Thesis Seminar I - JTM173
Poland and Germany in the united Europe (1990-2013) - JTM174
Germans in Poland in the 20th Century - Project - JTM175
Practice in german language - JTM176
Practice in german language II - JTM177
Practice in German language - specialized Course - JTM178
People and Their Environment - Industrialization in the 19th and 20th Century - JTM179
Zajecie do wyboru - JTM180
Public Administration in Theory and Praxis - JTM181
The Transformation of the Communist Successor Parties in Central Europe and Influence of the West European Leftists - JTM300
Germans and Czechs. Close and Distant neighbours (from the Habsburg Monarchy to the European Union) - JTM305
Economic and Social History of 20th Century Germany - JTM306
Current affairs of Germany and Central Europe I - JTM307
The Roots of Modern Period in Central Europe: Politics, Society and Culture Around the Year 1900 - JTM308
Prague German Literature: German-Czech Cultural Relations in the Context of the Conception of Central Europe - JTM311
Current Affairs of Germany and Central Europe II - JTM314
Online Spring School I - JTM326
Online Spring School II - JTM327
Summer School I - JTM328
Summer School I - JTM329
History of roads and travelling - JTM388
Museal Expositions - JTM389
Creation of Museal Space - JTM390
Selected Stories from the History of Cracow - JTM391
Polish Language Course - Level A1 - JTM392
Stay abroad - JTM393
Central and Central Eastern Europe in the Modern Era - JTM394
From Blooming Landscape to a "Second Class" Germany? New States of Germany, 1990-2020 - JTM411
Museal Expositions - JTM433
Creation of Museal Space III - JTM434
Polish Language Course - Level B1/B2 - JTM479
Theory to Praxis in Social Sciences - JTM498
Central and Eastern European History - JTM529
German Foreign Policy in East-Central Europe after 1918 - JTM557
Jewish Life in Germany from 1871 to 1952. Emancipation - Persecution and Annihilation - New Start in Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic Republic - JTM579
German Security and European Policy - JTM581
Social Determinants and Health Inequalities - JTM582
Federalism and Federations - JTM583
Social Determinants and Health Inequalities - JTM584
China's International Political Economy - JTM585
The EU in its Contemporary Security Environment - JTM586
EU Law - JTM587
European Union: integration and disintegration - JTM588
Human Rights in Global Politics: History, Theory and Politics - JTM589
What’s Next? First Steps in Crafting Your Career (MA) - JTM590
Post-Soviet Wars: Economic Collapses and Their Violent Consequences - JTM591
A Global History of War - JTM592
Institutions of the European Union - JTM593
The war in Ukraine and the language of propaganda - JTM594
Russia Revisited in War and Revolution, 1914-1921 - JTM595
Migration in the European Union - JTM596
Contemporary Crises and Conflicts - JTM597
Anti-Discrimination in Politics and Education: Challenges and Strategies - JTM598
Introduction to Religion and Identity in Poland - JTM599
German - Beginners' Level (II) - JTM671
Comparative Private Law - JTM672
Consumer Protection Law - JTM673
Create – Protect – Innovate: Bringing ideas to market. Part I - JTM674
Create – Protect – Innovate: Bringing ideas to market. Part II - JTM675
Intellectual Property Law - JTM676
The mind and the law - JTM677
Russian - Beginners' Level (II) - JTM678
Cold War Terror and Cultures of Resistance in Latin America - JTM679
Researching Authoritarianism - JTM680
Russian 1 beginners - JTM681
Spanish 3 intermediate - JTM682
Dutch 3 intermediate - JTM683
Russian 3 Intermediate - JTM684
Peace operations and peacebuilding - JTM685
Politics of Culture in Southeast Asia - JTM686
Economic and Monetary Union - JTM687
Humanities-Based International Relations - JTM688
French 3 Intermediate - JTM689
Barbarian in Half-Asia? Stereotypes and Orientalism in German Travel Books about Eastern Europe - JTM698
Filipová Lucie, PhDr., Ph.D.
Gjuričová Adéla, PhDr., Ph.D.
Handl Vladimír, doc. JUDr., CSc.
Konrád Ota, prof. PhDr., Ph.D.
Lizcová Zuzana, PhDr., Ph.D.
Nigrin Tomáš, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Velek Luboš, PhDr., Ph.D.
Zelená Alena, PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D.
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