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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Centre for Theoretical Study;
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Department of European Studies (23-KZS)
Department of German and Austrian Studies (23-KNRS)
Department of International Relations (23-KMV)
Department of Journalism (23-KZ)
Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations (23-KMKPR)
Department of Media Studies (23-KMS)
Department of North American Studies (23-KAS)
Department of Political Science (23-KP)
Department of Public and Social Policy (23-KVSP)
Department of Russian and East European Studies (23-KRVS)
Department of Security Studies (23-KBS)
Department of Sociology (23-KS)
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism (23-IKSZ)
Institute of Economic Studies (23-IES)
Institute of International Studies (23-IMS)
neurčeno (23-N)
The Language Centre (23-KJP)
Introduction to Linguistics and Semiotics - JJB303
Introduction to Media Research Methodology - JJB321
BA Diplom Seminar - JJB331
Principles of Marketing Communication - JJB340
History of World Media in 19th and 20th Century - JJB602
Bachelor State Examination Seminary - JJB614
Bachelor Diploma Seminary - JJB615
Joint Writing Workshop - JJD018
Audiovisual Interpretation of Reality - JJM001
Content Analysis - JJM002
Diploma Theses Seminar - JJM005
Czech Media System in European Comparison - JJM007
Entertainment in Television Broadcasting - JJM080
Cross-Cultural Studies. Reading and Understanding Scientific Texts about Culture - JJM187
Diploma Theses Seminar - JJM200
Analysis of Political Communication - JJM212
Agenda Setting - JJM220
Media Literacy and Media Education - JJM221
History of Comunication Technologies - JJM228
History of Czech Television Broadcasting - JJM229
Media and Society: An Introduction - JJM234
Media Sociology - JJM239
Cultural studies - JJM240
Comics as a Medium - JJM242
Cultural Politics and Czech Society after 1938 - JJM244
Diploma Theses Seminar - JJM334
Political Economy of Communication - JJM344
Understanding Media - JJM369
Journalism and Oral History - JJM377
Communication in the Context of Social Sciences - JKB001
Introduction to Social Communication - JKB004
Law and Communication - JKB005
The History of Communication - JKB006
Visual Culture - JKB009
Methodology of Social Sciences - JKB010
Methodology of Bachelor Thesis - JKB011
Seminar to Bachelor Thesis - JKB012
Global Media - JKB040
Introduction to Media Studies I - JKB043
Introduction to Media Studies II - JKB044
Research methods I - JKB046
Research methods II - JKB047
History of World Media - JKB048
New Media and Society - JKB049
Media and Popular Culture - JKB050
Social media and everydayness - JKB051
Media and Gender - JKB052
Practical Analysis od Media Texts - JKB053
Introduction to Game Studies - JKB054
Media and political system - JKB055
Media and Czech Culture of 20th Century - JKB056
Czech Media System - JKB057
History of Propaganda - JKB059
Current media topics I - JKB060
Anthropology of War, Violence, and Power - JKB146
Current Media Topics II - JKB161
Media and popular music - JKB199
Work with Information and Sources - JKB202
New Media Theories and Non-fiction Motion Picture in the late modern media environment - JKB230
Narativity and Seriality in the Media - JKB231
Practical Analysis od Media Texts - JKB232
Media and Popular Music - JKB245
Children,Youth and Media - JKB246
Media, science fiction and Cold War - JKB247
Media in Foreign Policy - JKB249
Sustainability as topic in media communication 1 - JKB251
Children, Youth and Sustainable Childhoods - JKB252
Imaginary Worlds - JKB254
The World of Documentary Film - JKB300
Head-Hunting, Cannibalism, and Colonialism in Oceania - JKB301
Cinematography as a Market - JKB323
Doctoral Seminar I - JKD001
Doctoral Seminar II - JKD002
Doctoral Seminar III - JKD003
Doctoral Seminar IV - JKD004
Media and Their Studies Development - JKD006
Didactics of Media Studies - JKD007
Methodological Seminar - JKD008
Doctoral Seminar I - JKD011
Doctoral Seminar II - JKD012
Doctoral Seminar III - JKD013
Doctoral Seminar IV - JKD014
Publishing Skills - JKD015
Development of Media and Media Studies - JKD016
Teaching Media Studies - JKD017
Methodological Seminar - JKD018
Culture, Ideology, Power, in Media and Communication Studies - JKD019
Media Literacy and Knowledge Transfer - JKD020
Communication and Politics - JKM001
History and theory of interactive media - JKM003
Media Communication Theory - JKM005
Media Systems - JKM006
Media in 20th Century - JKM007
Research of the Media I - JKM008
Media Research II - JKM009
New Media - JKM010
Selected Topics in Media Studies History - JKM011
Trends of Contemporary Media - JKM012
Intercultural Communication - JKM013
Diploma Theses Seminar - JKM014
Media and Culture - JKM015
Media and Propaganda - JKM017
Media and Lifestyle - JKM020
History of Broadcasting Media - JKM021
Media Literacy - JKM022
Sociology of Media - JKM023
Cross-Cultural Studies - JKM024
Current Issues in Digital Media Studies - JKM025
Genres in Radio - JKM100
History and Theory of Interactive Media - JKM104
Theories of Media Communication - JKM107
Historical and Social Context of Media Changes - JKM108
Contemporary Media Research - JKM109
Current Media Systems and the Trends - JKM110
Research Project - JKM111
Quantitative Media Research - JKM112
Qualitative Media Research - JKM113
Reading Texts to Study Media - JKM114
Basics of Scientific Work - JKM115
Diploma Seminar - JKM116
Selected Topics in Media Studies History - JKM117
Media, Power and Politics - JKM118
Critical Theories of Media - JKM119
Effects of the Media - JKM121
Selected Issues in Cultural Studies - JKM122
Development of Broadcast Media - JKM123
Media and Lifestyle - JKM124
Media and Society: An Introduction - JKM126
Cultural Studies - JKM127
Participatory Media - JKM128
Specifics of Broadcast Media - JKM130
Do-It-Yourself Media - JKM132
Non-fiction Audiovisual Works - JKM133
Comparative Media Analysis - JKM135
Intercultural Communication - JKM136
Intercultural Communication Management - JKM137
Media and Conflict in Europe - JKM138
Introduction to Postcolonial Theory - JKM139
Master Thesis Seminar I - JKM140
Master Thesis Seminar II - JKM141
Internship - JKM142
Methodology of Social Sciences - JKM143
Academic Writing - JKM144
Media Law - JKM148
The World of Television - JKM149
Live-Streaming and Content Creation in Game Culture - JKM150
Role-Playing Game Studies: Research Seminar - JKM153
Digital Games and Representation - JKM154
Media Mondays I - JKM185
Media Mondays II - JKM186
History of Computer and Video Games - JKM190
Media and Socialization - JKM192
Game Production Studies - JKM193
Empirical Audience Studies - JKM194
Media and Culture Reading - Popular Culture - JKM198
Theorizing childhood: Theories of childhood and youth across social and cultural contexts - JKM240
Media Effects - JKM241
Reading Texts to Study Media - JKM242
Electronic Media Genres - JKM243
Science Communication and Open (Sustainable) Science - JKM244
The history of media - JKM245
Media and the Children - JKM246
Analysing Discourse: Theories and Methods - JKM255
Film - Industry: Behind the Scene - JKM256
Film - Industry: Behind the Scene - JKM257
Defence of Dissertation - JOBMS1
State Doctoral Exam - JSZMS1
History of 20th Century Media and Contemporary Trends in Media Development - JSZ011
Principles of Media Studies - JSZ012
Theory of Mass Communication and Media Communication - JSZ014
The history of the media in 20th century and contemporary trends in media development - JSZ20
Social theory of the media and methods of media research - JSZ22
Theories of Media and Area Studies - JSZ384
Media Studies - JSZ387
History and present of mass and network media - JSZ613
Social theories of communication and media - JSZ614
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