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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Centre for Language Learning and Pedagogical Training (23-KJP)
Department of European Studies (23-KZS)
Department of German and Austrian Studies (23-KNRS)
Department of International Relations (23-KMV)
Department of Journalism (23-KZ)
Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations (23-KMKPR)
Department of Media Studies (23-KMS)
Department of North American Studies (23-KAS)
Department of Political Science (23-KP)
Department of Public and Social Policy (23-KVSP)
Department of Russian and East European Studies (23-KRVS)
Department of Security Studies (23-KBS)
Department of Sociology (23-KS)
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism (23-IKSZ)
Institute of Economic Studies (23-IES)
Institute of International Studies (23-IMS)
neurčeno (23-N)
Bachelor's Thesis Seminar I - JEB001
Bachelor's Thesis Seminar II - JEB002
Economics I - JEB003
Economics II - JEB004
Mathematics I - JEB005
Mathematics II - JEB006
Macroeconomics I - JEB009
Macroeconomics II - JEB010
History of Economic Thought - JEB016
Institutional Economics - JEB022
Basics of Law - JEB023
Fundamentals of Private Law - JEB024
Public Finance - JEB025
European Economic Integration - JEB026
Economics of Finance - JEB027
Mathematics III - JEB028
Mathematics IV - JEB029
International Trade - JEB039
Financial Accounting - JEB044
Accounting I - JEB046
International Finance - JEB050
Labour Economics - JEB053
Current Affairs I - JEB055
Seminar of Mathematical Analysis I - JEB058
Seminar of Mathematical Analysis and Algebra II - JEB059
Mathematics V - JEB062
Current Affairs II - JEB063
Principles of Economics I - JEB101
Principles of Economics II - JEB102
Comparative Economics - JEB103
Microeconomics I - JEB104
Statistics - JEB105
Microeconomics II - JEB108
Econometrics I - JEB109
Econometrics II - JEB110
Advanced Data Analysis in MS Excel - JEB111
Strategic Management - JEB112
Macroeconomics I - JEB114
Macroeconomics II - JEB115
Mathematics I - JEB118
Mathematics II - JEB119
Financial Economics - JEB120
Introductory Mathematics - JEB122
Global Economic History - JEB133
Internship - JEB134
Economics of Global Business - JEB135
Topics in Industrial Organization - JEB136
Introductory Statistics - JEB142
Cambridge Lectures in Economic History - JEB143
Behavioral Economics - JEB147
Introductory Banking - JEB153
Bachelor´s Thesis Seminar I - JEB154
Bachelor´s Thesis Seminar II - JEB155
Industrial Organization - JEB156
Data Analysis in R - JEB157
Economics of Green Deal - JEB159
Auctions and Game Theory - JEB160
Introduction to Economics - JEB998
Firms, Markets and Policies I - JED109
Firms, Markets and Policies II - JED110
Applied Banking and Finance I - JED209
Applied Banking and Finance II - JED210
Advanced Financial Econometrics I - JED412
Advanced Financial Econometrics II - JED413
Quantitative Methods in Macroeconomics and Finance I - JED414
Quantitative Methods in Macroeconomics and Finance II - JED415
Teaching Assistantship (Full) A - JED511
Teaching Assistantship (Half) A - JED521
Teaching Assistantship (Third) A - JED531
Teaching Assistantship (Full) B - JED611
Teaching Assistantship (Half) B - JED621
Teaching Assistantship (Third) B - JED631
Teaching Assistantship (Full) C - JED711
Teaching Assistantship (Half) C - JED721
Teaching Assistantship (Third) C - JED731
Master's Thesis Seminar I - JEM001
Master's Thesis Seminar II - JEM002
Applied Microeconometrics - JEM007
European Economic Policies - JEM012
Game Theory - JEM013
Statistical Methods for Data Analysis - JEM019
Ethics and Economics - JEM020
Monetary Economics - JEM027
Banking and Risk Management - JEM032
Corporate Finance - JEM034
Financial Markets Instruments I - JEM035
Financial Markets Instruments II - JEM036
Financial Markets - JEM037
Financial Econometrics I - JEM059
Financial Econometrics II - JEM061
Introductory Econometrics - JEM062
Asset Pricing - JEM092
Health Economics - JEM101
International Macroeconomics and Finance - JEM111
Applied Econometrics - JEM116
Development Economics - JEM123
Financial Modelling Using MS Excel and VBA - JEM128
Company Valuation - JEM132
Banking and Financial Regulation - JEM142
New Keynesian DSGE Modelling - JEM143
Tools for Modern Macroeconometrics - JEM158
International Commercial Dispute Resolution - JEM159
Principles of Microeconomics - JEM163
Public Finance - IEPS - JEM164
International Political Economy - JEM165
Master´s Thesis Seminar - IEPS - JEM166
Comparative Economics - JEM167
European Economic Integration - JEM168
Master's Thesis Seminar for CSF I - JEM169
Master's Thesis Seminar for CSF II - JEM170
Intermediate Microeconomics I - JEM175
Intermediate Microeconomics II - JEM176
Intermediate Macroeconomics I - JEM177
Intermediate Macroeconomics II - JEM178
History and Methodology of Economics - JEM179
Philosophy, Economics and Politics: Current Debates - JEM180
New Keynesian DSGE Modelling - JEM184
Microeconomics of Banking - JEM185
Bank Asset and Liability Management - JEM198
Internship - JEM201
Public Economics - JEM203
Financial Services Law - JEM204
Data Processing in Python - JEM207
Health Econometrics - JEM208
History and Methodology of Economics - JEM209
Philosophy, Economics and Politics: Current Debates - JEM211
International Political Economy - JEM212
Master's Thesis Seminar I - JEM213
Master's Thesis Seminar II - JEM214
Advanced Microeconomics - JEM215
Advanced Macroeconomics - JEM216
Advanced Econometrics - JEM217
Environmental Economics and Behavior - JEM218
Data Science with R II - JEM220
Data Science with R I - JEM221
Master's Thesis Seminar for CSF I - JEM222
Master's Thesis Seminar for CSF II - JEM223
Data Science with R I - JEM227
Systemic Risk and Macroprudential Policy - JEM228
Treasury Management - JEM229
Mergers and Acquisitions - JEM231
Financial Crisis and Risk Management - JEM232
FinTech and Blockchain - JEM233
Version Control with Git - JEM234
Traditional and Alternative Risk Transfer in the Insurance Sector - JEM235
Risk Management and Insurance - JEM236
International Trade - JEM328
Advanced Data Analysis in MS Excel - JEM331
Fiscal Policy, Public Debt and Sovereign Debt Ratings - JEM334
Private Equity - JEM336
Financial Accounting - JEM337
Asset Allocation - Topics and Applications - JEM338
Sustainable Finance and ESG - JEM339
Empirical Research Methods on Financial Crises - JEM340
Empirical Banking - JEM341
Corporate Finance - JEM901
Corporate Strategy - JEM902
Case Studies - JEM903
International Banking and European Finance - JEM904
Law, Accounting and Compliance - JEM905
Introduction to Economics - JE1999
Cambridge Lectures in Economic History - JPB044
Institutional Economics - JPB331
Global Economic History - JPB332
Comparative Economics - JPB333
Economics of Global Business - JPB334
International Finance - JPB335
European Economic Integration - JPB336
Ethics and Economics - JPB338
History of Economic Thought - JPB340
International Trade - JPB354
Comparative Economics - JPB363
Introductory Banking - JPB364
Ethics and Economics - JPB368
Philosophy, Economics and Politics: Current Debates - JPM156
Microeconomics - JSZ001
Macroeconomics - JSZ002
Financial Economy - JSZ484
Elective I - JSZ642
Elective II - JSZ643
General Discussion - JSZ658
General Discussion - JSZ659
Paralipomenon k Moně Lise - aneb co se do první přednášky nevešlo - JU3V002
Matematika a Mona Lisa aneb je zdravý rozum opravdu zdravý - JU3V003
Bárta Tomáš, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Baruník Jozef, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Bauer Michal, prof. PhDr., Ph.D.
Baxa Jaromír, PhDr., Ph.D.
Cahlík Tomáš, doc. Ing., CSc.
Čech František, PhDr., Ph.D.
Červinka Michal, RNDr., Ph.D.
Doležalová Antonie, prof. PhDr. Ing., Ph.D.
Gregor Martin, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Hlaváček Michal, PhDr., Ph.D.
Chmel Jan, JUDr., Ph.D.
Chytilová Julie, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Janíčko Martin, PhDr. Ing., Ph.D.
Kantová Klára, Mgr.
Komárek Luboš, prof. Ing. et Ing., M.Sc., MBA, Ph.D.
Kukačka Jiří, PhDr., Ph.D.
Malá Markéta, Bc., M.Sc.
Minakov Oleksandr, Ph.D.
Pečená Magda, Mgr., Ph.D.
Pertold-Gebicka Barbara, Mgr., M.A., Ph.D.
Petrásek Lukáš, Mgr.
Podpiera Richard, Ing., Ph.D.
Polák Petr, Mgr., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Reiterman David, Mgr.
Semerák Vilém, Ing., M.A., Ph.D.
Schwarz Jiří, PhDr., Ph.D.
Stráský Josef, doc. PhDr. RNDr., Ph.D.
Šalata Kristián, Mgr.
Ščasný Milan, Mgr., Ph.D.
Vácha Lukáš, Mgr., Ph.D.
Vlasák Václav, RNDr., Ph.D.
Yang Fan, Ph.D.
Zelený Miroslav, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Zindulková Kristina, M.Sc.
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