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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Department of Analytical Chemistry (16-16140)
Department of Biochemical Sciences (16-16160)
Department of Biological and Medical Sciences (16-16150)
Department of Biophysics and Physical Chemistry (16-16110)
Department of Organic And Bioorganic Chemistry (16-16120)
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis (16-16190)
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology (16-16210)
Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany (16-16230)
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology (16-16170)
Department of Physical Education and Sports (16-16240)
Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy (16-16220)
Faculty Dean Office (16-77777)
Not assigned (unknown department) (16-99999)
Section of Foreign Languages (16-16250)
Sekce pro diplomové práce (16-16999)
Sekce pro státní závěrečné zkoušky (16-16900)
Technology of Synthetic Drugs - GAF243
Current Trends in the Development of Chemical Drugs - GAF244
Biological Drugs - GAF305
Pharmaceutical Analysis II - GAF306
Bioanalysis of Drugs - GAF315
Basics of Molecular Modelling of Drugs - GAF316
Gene Therapy - GAF325
Pharmaceutical Chemistry I - GAF341
Pharmaceutical Chemistry II - GAF342
Pharmaceutical Analysis I - GAF395
General Pharmaceutical Chemistry - GAPL006
Basics of Molecular Modelling of Drugs - GAPL014
Pharmaceutical Chemistry for Pharmaceutical Sciences I - GAPS018
Pharmaceutical Analysis for Pharmaceutical Sciences I - GAPS022
Pharmaceutical Chemistry for Pharmaceutical Sciences II - GAPS025
Pharmaceutical Analysis for Pharmaceutical Sciences II - GAPS026
Technology of Synthetic Drugs - GAPS243
Current Trends in the Development of Chemical Drugs - GAPS244
Biological Drugs - GAPS305
Basics of Molecular Modelling of Drugs - GAPS316
Gene Therapy - GAPS325
Drug Analysis - GBN026
Good Laboratory Practice - GB063
Analysis of Exogenic Substances in Biological Material - GB071
Analysis of Exogenic Substances in Biological Material - GB165
Good Laboratory Practice - GB171
Chemical Drugs I - GB216
Chemical Drugs - GB228
Development, optimization and validation of bioanalytical methods - GDBM09
Development, optimization and validation of bioanalytical methods - GDEBM09
The Defense of Doctoral Thesis - GDEFAODP1
Pharmaceutical Analysis - GDEFASDZ1
General Pharmaceutical Chemistry - GDEFA05
Bioanalysis of drugs - GDEFA10
Chromatographic methods in pharmaceutical analysis - GDEFA11
The Defense of Doctoral Thesis - GDEFCHODP1
Pharmaceutical Chemistry - GDEFCHSDZ1
Preparation of Chemical Drugs - GDEFCH02
General pharmaceutical chemistry - GDEFCH06
Computer Aided Drug Design - GDEFCH07
Basics of photophysics - GDEFCH09
The Defense of Doctoral Thesis - GDFAODP1
Pharmaceutical Analysis - GDFASDZ1
General Pharmaceutical Chemistry - GDFA05
Bioanalysis of drugs - GDFA10
Chromatographic methods in pharmaceutical analysis - GDFA11
The Defense of Doctoral Thesis - GDFCHODP1
Pharmaceutical Chemistry - GDFCHSDZ1
Preparation of Chemical Drugs - GDFCH02
General pharmaceutical chemistry - GDFCH06
Computer Aided Drug Design - GDFCH07
Basics of photophysics - GDFCH09
Technology of Synthetic Drugs - GF243
Current Trends in the Development of Chemical Drugs - GF244
Biological Drugs - GF305
Pharmaceutical Analysis II - GF306
Bioanalysis of Drugs - GF315
Basics of Molecular Modelling of Drugs - GF316
Gene therapy - GF325
Pharmaceutical Chemistry I - GF341
Pharmaceutical Chemistry II - GF342
Advanced Pharmaceutical Analysis - GF350
Basics of Molecular Modelling of Drugs - GF362
Pharmaceutical Analysis I - GF395
State Rigorous examination - GR190200
Defense of Rigorous Thesis - GR190201
State Rigorous Examination - GR190300
Defense of Rigorous Thesis - GR190301
State Rigorous Examination - GR190400
Defense of Rigorous Thesis - GR190401
Demuth Jiří, PharmDr., Ph.D.
Doležal Martin, prof. PharmDr., Ph.D.
Kučerová Marta, PharmDr., Ph.D.
Lochman Lukáš, PharmDr., Ph.D.
Miletín Miroslav, doc. PharmDr., Ph.D.
Štěrbová Petra, doc. PharmDr., Ph.D.
Váňová Nela, PharmDr., Ph.D.
Zimčík Petr, prof. PharmDr., Ph.D.
Zitko Jan, doc. PharmDr., Ph.D.
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