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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Department of Analytical Chemistry (16-16140)
Department of Biochemical Sciences (16-16160)
Department of Biological and Medical Sciences (16-16150)
Department of Biophysics and Physical Chemistry (16-16110)
Department of Organic And Bioorganic Chemistry (16-16120)
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis (16-16190)
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology (16-16210)
Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany (16-16230)
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology (16-16170)
Department of Physical Education and Sports (16-16240)
Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy (16-16220)
Faculty Dean Office (16-77777)
Not assigned (unknown department) (16-99999)
Section of Foreign Languages (16-16250)
Sekce pro diplomové práce (16-16999)
Sekce pro státní závěrečné zkoušky (16-16900)
Toxicology for Pharmacists - GAF158
Radiopharmacy - GAF248
Pharmacology I - GAF339
Pharmacology II - GAF340
Pharmacokinetics - GAF358
Current Strategies in Pharmacotherapy - GAF360
Experimental Pharmacodynamics - GAF372
ERASMUS - Intensive study program - GAF402
Veterinary Drugs - GAF404
Pharmacology of Natural and Biological Drugs - GAPL007
Diploma Thesis I - GAPL015
Diploma Thesis II - GAPL017
Pharmacology for Pharmaceutical Sciences I - GAPS020
Pharmacology for Pharmaceutical Sciences II - GAPS024
Toxicology for pharmaceutical sciences - GAPS158
Radiopharmacy - GAPS248
Experimental Pharmacodynamics - GAPS372
Pharmacology and Toxicology - GBN027
Introduction to Pharmacology and Toxicology - GB204
Introduction to Pharmacology and Toxicology - GB344
The Defense of Doctoral Thesis - GDEFXODP1
State doctoral exam in Pharmacology and Toxicology - GDEFXSDZ2
Mechanisms of Drug Cardiotoxicity - GDEFX01
Pharmacology Cardiovascular System - GDEFX02
Veterinary pharmacology of selected groups of pharmacodynamic drug - GDEFX03
Selected chapters of general pathophysiology - GDEFX04
Molecular Basis of Pharmacology and Toxicology - GDEFX05
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacokinetic modeling - GDEFX06
The use of radiopharmaceuticals in clinical practice and its prospects - GDEFX07
Fundamentals of Pharmacology - GDEKSF13
Selected chapters of general pathophysiology - GDEKSF14
Clinical Pharmacokinetics - GDEKSF16
Selected Chapters of Pharmacology and Toxicology - GDEXP05
The Defense of Doctoral Thesis - GDFXODP1
State doctoral exam in Pharmacology and Toxicology - GDFXSDZ2
Mechanisms of Drug Cardiotoxicity - GDFX01
Pharmacology Cardiovascular System - GDFX02
Veterinary pharmacology of selected pharmacodynamic groups of drugs - GDFX03
Selected chapters of general pathophysiology - GDFX04
Molecular Basis of Pharmacology and Toxicology - GDFX05
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacokinetic modeling - GDFX06
The use of radiopharmaceuticals in clinical practice and its prospects - GDFX07
Fundamentals of Pharmacology - GDKSF13
Selected chapters of general pathophysiology - GDKSF14
Clinical Pharmacokinetics - GDKSF16
Selected Chapters of Pharmacology and Toxicology - GDXP05
Toxicology for Pharmacists - GF158
Radiopharmacy - GF248
Pharmacology I - GF339
Pharmacology II - GF340
Personalized Pharmacotherapy and Pharmacogenetics - GF356
Experimental pharmacodynamics - GF372
Preclinical drug testing - GF376
ERASMUS - Intensive study program - GF402
Veterinary Drugs - GF404
Selected Chapters from Pharmacology - GLR013
State Rigorous examination - GR170100
Defense of Rigorous Thesis - GR170101
Carazo Fernández Alejandro, PharmDr., Ph.D.
Čečková Martina, doc. PharmDr., Ph.D.
Červený Lukáš, doc. PharmDr., Ph.D.
Hofman Jakub, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Jirkovský Eduard, PharmDr., Ph.D.
Mladěnka Přemysl, prof. PharmDr., Ph.D.
Smutná Lucie, PharmDr., Ph.D.
Smutný Tomáš, PharmDr., Ph.D.
Štaud František, prof. PharmDr., Ph.D.
Trejtnar František, prof. PharmDr., CSc.
Vokřál Ivan, PharmDr., Ph.D.
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