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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Biomedical Center (14-560)
Centrální laboratoř pro imunoanalýzu (14-321)
Centre for Information Technology (14-172)
Centrum paliativní a podpůrné medicíny (14-403)
Department of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation (14-430)
Department of science and research (14-260)
Department of Sports Medicine and Active Health Sciences (14-110)
Department of Surgery (14-400)
Dermatovenerologická klinika (14-370)
Dětská klinika (14-360)
Gynekologicko - porodnická klinika (14-480)
II.interní klinika (14-320)
I.interní klinika (14-310)
Klinika infekčních nemocí a cestovní medicíny (14-330)
Klinika ortopedie a traumatologie pohybového ústrojí (14-410)
Klinika pneumologie a ftizeologie (14-340)
Klinika zobrazovacích metod (14-440)
Neurochirurgická klinika (14-490)
Neurologická klinika (14-380)
Oční klinika (14-450)
Onkologická a radioterapeutická klinika (14-401)
Otorhinolaryngologická klinika (14-460)
Psychiatrická klinika (14-390)
Stomatologická klinika (14-470)
Studijní oddělení (14-250)
Šiklův ústav patologie (14-500)
Urologická klinika (14-420)
Ústav anatomie (14-10)
Ústav biofyziky (14-20)
Ústav biologie (14-30)
Ústav farmakologie (14-100)
Ústav fyziologie (14-80)
Ústav histologie a embryologie (14-40)
Ústav hygieny a preventivní medicíny (14-130)
Ústav imunologie a alergologie (14-520)
Ústav jazyků (14-50)
Ústav klinické biochemie a hematologie (14-540)
Ústav lékařské genetiky (14-550)
Ústav lékařské chemie a biochemie (14-70)
Ústav mikrobiologie (14-510)
Ústav patologické fyziologie (14-90)
Ústav sociálního a posudkového lékařství (14-140)
Ústav soudního lékařství (14-120)
Ústav tělesné výchovy (14-60)
Predictive and prognostic factors of gastric cancer - EDDP002
Ischemia of free flaps - EDDP003
Molecular genetic characteristics of salivary gland tumors in differential diagnosis and prognosis prediction - EDDP004
Nodal and Extranodal Lymphomas: Clinicopathological, Immunohistochemical, Molecular-Biological Characteristics - EDDP005
Obstetric interventions and pelvic floor disorders - EDDP006
Risks and limits of laparoscopy in the treatment of gynecological cancers - EDDP007
Biocompatibility of Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions - EDDP010
Mesenchymal stem cells and their regenerative and immunomodulatory potential - EDDP011
Alternative autologous vascular grafts in cardiovascular surgery - EDDP012
Unusual tumors of the skin and soft tissue - EDDP013
Infectious complications after kidney transplantation - EDDP014
Multiple myeloma- diagnosis and treatment - EDDP015
Prognostic and predictive biomarkers of glial tumors of the central nervous system in the context of personalized medicine - EDDP016
Biological activity of breast cancer - EDDP018
Liver Regeneration with aplication of hematopoetic stem cells after portal vein embolization in pacients with primary inoperative colorectal liver metastases - EDDP019
Acute kidney injury in critically ill: experimental and clinical approaches - EDDP020
Analysis and identification of proteins in organ dysfunction using proteomic methods - EDDP021
The prognostic significance of molecular markers of acute myeloid leukemia on the outcome of allogeneie hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - EDDP022
Study of morphological and functional alternations of autonomic cardiac and vessels innervation and its causes in chronic diseases - EDDP023
xy - EDDP024
Breast cancer in young women: correlation of molecular-genetic, clinical and morphological features - EDDP025
HPV-associated head and neck cancer: Morphological, Clinical, and Molecular-Biological Correlation - EDDP026
Molecular biologic principles of progression of colorectal carcinoma and tehir impact on individualized oncosurgical treatment - EDDP027
Hemodynamic optimalization in hepatic resection - EDDP028
The study of signaling pathways that modulate multidrug resistance - EDDP029
The aspiration of gastric contens and the respiratory failure in childhood - the serum and bronchoalveolar lavage proteomic analysis - EDDP031
Utilisation of New Biomarkers for the Optimalization of Diagnostics and Therapy of Tumors of the Gastrointestinal Tract - EDDP032
Long-term Outcomes in Patients with Mental Health Disorders - EDDP0327
Prevention of postural defects in the population - EDDP033
Clinicopathological aspects and differential diagnostics of Lynch syndrome - EDDP034
Uncommon tumors of urogenital tract, their biological behaviour, morphology and cytogenetics - EDDP035
Myocardial Electrophysiology in Health and Disease - EDDP036
Molecular biology of renal tumours in clinical use - EDDP037
Biocompatibility of Implantable Materials - EDDP038
Study of cell interactions with biomimetic material and its application in biomedicine - EDDP039
Inflammatory bowel diseases in pregnancy - EDDP040
Microscopic structura and mechanical properties of aorta and pulmonary artery - EDDP041
Secondary prevention practice and prognosis of patients after ischemic stroke - EDDP042
Clinical use of gene expression of RNA in non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) - EDDP043
Tumors of Urogenital Tract, Molecular Genetic Characteristics and Impact on Biological Behavior - EDDP044
Rare tumors of gastrointenstinal tract - EDDP045
Circulating tumor cells - EDDP046
Influence of Anesthesia Type on The Incidence of Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction - EDDP047
Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma - EDDP048
Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma - EDDP049
Cutaneous Side Effects of Targeted Oncological Treatment - EDDP050
Correlation of Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Biologic Methods in The Diagnosis of Tumors - EDDP051
Correlation of Molecular-Genetic and Morphological Markers of Rare Salivary Gland Tumors - EDDP052
Perfusion of a Kidney Graft from a Donor After Cardiac Death Based on Immediately Started Pulsatile Machine Perfusion - EDDP053
Relevance of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes As a Prognostic Factors at Patient With Portal Vein Embolisation (PVE) and Patinet With PVE and Administration of Autologous - EDDP054
Systemic and Local Allergic Insect Sting Reaction From The Epidemiological, Diagnostic a Therapeutic Point of View - EDDP055
Regulation of Gene Expression in Tumour Tissue - EDDP056
Conservative Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis and Use of Enteral Nutrition - EDDP057
Development and Validation of Methods for Typing of Bacteria by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry - EDDP058
Molecular epidemiological analysis of carbapenem resistant isolates of Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas spp. - EDDP059
Inflammatory and Fibrotic Myocardial Involvement - EDDP060
Functional Imaging Methods of Lung Carcinoma - EDDP061
Imaging Methods in the Evaluation of the Effects of Liver Tumours Therapy - EDDP062
Imaging Methods in the Evaluation of the Effects of Liver Tumours Therapy - EDDP063
? - EDDP064
Complex Preoperative Brain Tumor Imaging - EDDP065
Conservative Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis and Use of Enteral Nutrition - EDDP066
Rare Tumours of the Kidney - Cystic Tumours of the Kidney - EDDP067
Preoperative Diagnostic Methods in Prostate Cancer - EDDP068
Implementation of Immunohistochemical and Molecular-Genetic Methods in Differential Diagnosis of Urogenital and Gynecologic Tract Lesions - EDDP069
The Utilization of the Molecular-Biology Method One-Step Nucleic Acid Amplification (OSNA) for Examination of Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Endometrial Cancer Patients - EDDP070
Sleep-dicordered Breathing at Risk Pregnancies - EDDP071
Modern Markers of Organ Damage in Clinical Practice - EDDP072
The Surgical Treatment Options in Thoracolumbar Spine Degeneration: The Importance of Morphological and Clinical Classifications in Preoperative Decision Making - EDDP073
Searching for and Evaluating the Severity of Endothelial Dysfunction in Children with Chronic Autoimmune Disease - EDDP074
Experimental Study of Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration in Different Conditions - EDDP075
Role of Blood Biomarkers in Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage - EDDP076
The Role of Biomerkers Obtainet from Serum, Sputum, BALF and Lung Tissue Saamples in Assessing in Activity and Targeting Therapy of Chronic Inflammantory and Fibrotic Diseases of the Lungs and Bronchi - EDDP077
Cardiac Pacing Hemodynamics - EDDP078
Correlation of Immunohistochemical and Molecular Methods in Diagnostics of Salivary Gland Tumors - EDDP079
? - EDDP080
The Cell-Nanomaterial Interactions and Their Application in Biomedicine - EDDP081
Chromosomal damage and shortening of telomeres in cancer patients and healthy subjects - EDDP082
Oral Health in Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases - EDDP083
Use of Imaging Methods in Polytrauma - Patients: Indications and Prognostic Value - EDDP084
Use the Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasoun in the Morning of the Effect of Liver Tumors Treatment by Radiofrequency ablation - EDDP085
Optimization of Exposure Values in Computed Tomography. Perfusion CT of the Brain - EDDP086
Epignetic Modifications of the Sperm and the Application in Clinical Practice of Human Assisted Reproduction Therapy - EDDP087
Technical Aspects of the Second Stage of Labor - EDDP088
The Role of Cellular Metabolism in Carcinogenesis. Molecular Pathophysiology of Bladder Cancer Chemorezistence - EDDP089
Clinicopathological and molecular biologic characteristics of selected cutaneous epithelial and nonepithelial tumors - EDDP090
Molecular-epidemiological analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated in the West-Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic including detailed characterisation of anti-tuberculosis drugs-resistant strains - EDDP091
Obesity and Obesogens - EDDP092
Selected Nutrients in Etiology, Prevention and Treatment of Obesity - EDDP093
New Possibilities of Prevention and Monitoring of Breast Cancer - EDDP094
Surgical Aspects of Brain Ischaemia. Flowmetry in a Clinical Practice and Experiment. - EDDP095
Factors Influencing the Radicality of Resection During Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Potuitary Surgery. - EDDP096
Sepsis and Sepsis-associated Acute Kidney Injury: Molecular Mechanism and Lovel Aspects of Treatment - EDDP097
Uncertainties in the Diagnostics and Therapy of Inflammatory Affections of the Pleural Space - EDDP098
Endothelial Glycocalyx - Diagnostic Approach and Intervention Assesment - EDDP099
Cardiovascular Risks in Chronic Airway Disease in Childhood - EDDP100
Histological Quantification of Microvessels. Stereology of Vasa Vasorum and Brain Microvessels. - EDDP1000
Osteoplastic Decompressive Craniotomy - EDDP1001
Association Between Echocardiogrtaphic Markers and Glomerular and Tubular Kidney Functions in Cardiologic Patients - EDDP1002
Effect of Selected Pathological States on Mitochondrial Function in Mammalian Cells and Tissues - EDDP1003
Epidemiological and Clinical Aspects of Food Allergy - EDDP1004
Biomechanical Study of Force Transmission in the Area of Periprosthetic Fracture of the Femur in Individual Types of Osteosynthesis with Application in Practice - EDDP1005
Management of Morphological of Genetically Defined Tumours of the Tract - EDDP1006
Multiple Sclerosis and Pregnancy - EDDP1007
The Utilization of Ultrasound-guided Biopsy in the Management of Ovarian Tumors - EDDP1008
The Use of Immune Markers in the Managament of Preterm Birth - EDDP1009
Radial Approach in Therapy of Ischemic Heart Disease - EDDP101
Prognostic and Predictive Factors in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Treated with Targeted Therapy - EDDP1010
Possibilities of influencing the healing and ligamentization of the graft during anatomical reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament - Results of the Prospective Randomised Study - EDDP1011
Comparison of Methods of Left Appendage Exclusion During Surgical Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation - EDDP1012
The Use of Stem Cells in Liver Surgery - EDDP1014
The role of microRNAs in the progression of cardiovascular diseases - EDDP1015
Post-Translational Modifications of Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Proteins in Spermatozoa - EDDP1016
Histological evaluation of surgical experiments in animal models - EDDP1017
The influence of selected environmental pollutants on gametogenesis and early embryonic development - EDDP1018
The Relationship Between the Function of the Spinal Cord and the Width of the Spinal Canal Depending on the Change in the Axis of the Cervical Spine - EDDP1019
Role of Fibroblasts in Regulation of Wound Healing - EDDP102
A Model for Optimizing Comprehensive Care for People With HIV Infection - EDDP1020
Psychiatric-relevant impairments in mouse models of spinocerebellar ataxias - EDDP1021
Molecular biomarkers of anticancer drugs efficacy in experimental models and in patients with solid tumors - EDDP1022
Histological evaluation of experimental models of liver - EDDP1023
Immune monitoring and adoptive immunotherapy following - EDDP1024
Brain oscillations and temporal structure of spatial memory pattern retrieval - EDDP1025
Predictive Factors of Vulvar Precancer Lesions - Optimisation of Diagnostic - Therapeutic Management - EDDP1026
Posterior Dentition of Modern Humans: the Course of Ontogenesis and its Effect on Size and Shape of a Tooth - EDDP1027
Correlation of Molecular Biology and Imunohistochemistry Methods in the Diagnostics of Head and Neck Tumors - EDDP1028
Effect of Sepsis on Dynamics of Hippocampal Oscillations and CA1 Cells - EDDP1029
Replacement and Support of Vital Organs in Sepsis - EDDP103
The Metabolic Determinants of Central Arterial Stiffness - EDDP104
Rehabilitation of Cognitive Functions by Patients with Multiple Sclerosis - EDDP105
Psoriasis and Comorbities, their Prevalence and Impact on the Treatment - EDDP1051
Interactions of cells with nanoparticles for bio-medical applications - EDDP106
Radiological, Histochemical and Histological Changes M. Erector Spinae by Patients with a Fracture of Thoracolumbal Spine Treated With Open or Miniivasive Stabilisation - EDDP107
Prevalence of Atrial Fibrillation as a Risk Factor in Patients after Circulatory Arrest for Ventricular Fibrillation - EDDP1070
Treatment of Pelvic Ring Fracture Usinf Spinopelvic Fixation (Types of FIxation, Indications, Functional Results, Mechanical Characteristics) - EDDP122
Prognostic Factors Influencing the Effect of Chemotherapy in Cervical and Ovarian Cancer - EDDP129
Fenotype - Based Treatment of Severe Asthma Bronchiale in the Czech Republic - EDDP139
Detection of Micrometastases in the Hilar and Mediastinal Lymph Nodes at the Primary and Secondary Lung Tumors Using OSNA and Immunohistochemistry Metods. - EDDP146
Přínos provedení mikrofraktur při artroskopické terapii chondrálních defektů acetabula u femoroacetabulárního impingement syndromu: dvouleté klinické výsledky multicentrické prospektivní randomizované studie - EDDP153
Prognostic Markers of Surgical Treatment of Malignant Lung Tumours - EDDP155
Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse with the Use of Ultrasonography - EDDP158
Epidemiological Characteristics of the Paediatric Population of Inflammatory Bowel Disease - EDDP160
Porcine Liver Anatomy Applied in Biomedicin - EDDP189
Development and Validation of Methods for Rapid Detection of β-lactamases Using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry for the Early Detection of Infectious Disease Agents and Their Antibiotic Resistance - EDDP196
Metabolic and Genetic Factors of Vascular Ageing - EDDP202
The Role of Genetic Mutations in Breast Cancer - EDDP213
Chromophobe Renal Cell Cancer - EDDP216
Prediction of Treatment Effect in Solid Tumors - EDDP219
Use of Nanomaterials in Fortification of Anastomoses on the Gastrointestinal Tract - EDDP221
The Significance of Ultrasound Examination in the Management of Experimental Uterine transplantation - EDDP233
Microscopic Structure of Intestinal Anastomoses and the Use of Animal Models in Experimental Intestinal Surgery - EDDP235
Immunohistochemical and Molecular Genetic Methods in the Head and Neck Pathology - EDDP242
Possibilties of Portal Vein Reconstruction During Surgical Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer - Experiment on a Large Animal - EDDP244
The Role of the Epithelial Sodium Channel and its Genetic Disorders in Liddle Syndrome and Essential Hypertenstion - EDDP247
Molecular Prognostic and Predictive Markers in Colorectal Cancer - EDDP250
Effect of Surgical Cerebral Revascularization on Hemodynamics, Clinic and Neurocognitive Performance - EDDP251
NKG2D and KIR Receptors and Their Role in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia - EDDP252
Hydrogel scaffolds for tissue engineering - EDDP257
Xenobiotics in Food and their Effects on the Human Health - EDDP260
Vaginal Birth after Caesarean Section - EDDP264
Median Nerve Ultrasonography Examination Correlates for the Diagnosis of Moderate to Severe Carpal Tunner Syndrome - EDDP267
Hybrid Impant - Supported Overdentures in Maxilla - EDDP268
Heart in Sepsis - EDDP275
? - EDDP285
Evaluation of Reinnervation Changes After Reconstructive Procedures on Peripheral Nerves. Nerve Transfers in Patients with Brachial Plexus Lesions: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Outcomes. - EDDP303
Multiparametric Imaging of Prostate Cancer and Evaluation of Biological Activity - EDDP308
Malignant Melanoma - New Scientific Knowledge - EDDP311
Stability of Biomarkers Used in Population Studies - EDDP314
Innovatice Methods in the Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea - EDDP317
Clinicopathological, Morphological, Immunohistochemical, and Molecular Biological Characteristics of Rare Salivary Tumors - EDDP329
Prognostic significance of perfusion CT of the brain before interventional treatment of ischemic stroke - EDDP341
Reproductive and Psycho-sexual Aspects of Female Congenital Genital Defects and their Genetic Context. - EDDP344
The Role of Local and Systemic Factors on Oral Pathology - EDDP350
Microbial Genomics for Population Studies of Multiresistant Gram-Negative Bacteria - EDDP351
Controversies in Assessment of Surgical Safety Margins in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma - EDDP354
Minimally Invasive Approaches in the Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease - EDDP370
Clinical - Pathologiel Correlation of Chronic Oral Lesions - EDDP374
The role of infectious diseases in the development and progression of renal graft dysfunction - EDDP383
Role of Telomeres / DNA Repair in Solid Tumors - EDDP384
Reimbursement of Healthcare Provided to Foreigners in the Czech Republic - EDDP385
Circulating Tumor DNAs and MicroRNAs as Prognostic and Predictive Markers of Solid Tumors - EDDP386
CTC in Colorectal Carcinoma - EDDP387
Mitochondrial Function during Experimental Pathological Conditions - EDDP388
Clinicopathological, Morphological, Immunohistochemical, and Molecular Biological Features of Tumors of Genitourinary Tract - EDDP392
Prognosis in Ischemic Stroke Patients and Related Prognostic Faktors - EDDP5301
Technology Transfer Manager - Junior (TTM-J) - EDKAJ001
Course in Medical Statistics - EDKAJ002
Course in Computer Technology - EDKAJ003
Course in the ABC of Scientific Work - EDKAJ004
Course in Health Informatics - EDKAJ005
Anesthesia in Animal Experiment - EDPECH001
Anesthesia in Animal Experiment - EDPECH0011
Pharmacogenomics of Cancer Diseases and Oncogenomics - EDPECH002
Pharmacogenomics of Cancer Diseases and Oncogenomics - EDPECH0021
Introduction to Tissue Engineering - EDPECH003
Introduction to Tissue Engineering - EDPECH0031
Selected Chapters from Molecular Pathology and Translation Medicine - EDPLB001
Selected Chapters from Molecular Pathology and Translation Medicine - EDPLB0011
Cell Lines in Oncology Treatment Research - EDPLB002
Cell Lines in Oncology Treatment Research - EDPLB0021
Modern Procedures in Clinical Microbiology - EDPLM001
Modern Procedures in Clinical Microbiology - EDPLM0011
DNA/RNA Sequencing Technology and Bioinformatics - EDPLM002
DNA/RNA Sequencing Technology and Bioinformatics - EDPLM0021
Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Agents - EDPLM003
Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Agents - EDPLM0031
Rare Tumours of the Kidney - Cystic Tumours of the Kidney - EDP067
Biology of Spermatozoon and Oocyte - EDP1255
Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Algorithm - EDP198
State Doctoral Exam - Anatomy, Histology and Embryology - EDSZAHE1
State Doctoral Exam - Anatomy, Histology and Embryology - EDSZAHE1E
State doctoral exam - Dermatotovenerology - EDSZDER1
State Doctoral Exam - Experimental Surgery - EDSZEXCH1
State Doctoral Exam - Experimental Surgery - EDSZEXCH1E
State Doctoral Exam - Physiology and Pathological Physiology - EDSZFP1
State Doctoral Exam - Physiology and Pathological Physiology - EDSZFP1E
State Doctoral Exam - Gynaecology and Obstetrics - EDSZGP1
State Doctoral Exam - Gynaecology and Obstetrics - EDSZGP1E
State Doctoral Exam - Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology - EDSZHYG1
State Doctoral Exam - Surgery - EDSZCHIR1
State Doctoral Exam - Medical Biology and Genetics - EDSZLBI1
State Doctoral Exam - Medical Pharmacology - EDSZLFA1
State Doctoral Exam - Medical Microbiology - EDSZLMI1
State Doctoral Exam - Medical Microbiology - EDSZLMI1E
State Doctoral Exam - Neuorology and Psychiatry - EDSZNP1
SDE - Otorhinolaryngology - EDSZORL1
State Doctoral Exam - Orthopeadics - EDSZOR1
State Doctoral Exam - Pathology - EDSZPAT1
State Doctoral Exam - Pathology - EDSZPAT1E
State Doctoral Exam - Paediatrics - EDSZPE1
State Doctoral Exam - Social Medicine - EDSZSL1
State Doctoral Exam - Stomatology - EDSZST1
State Doctoral Exam - Internal Medicine - EDSZVN1
SDE - Imaging Methods in Medicine - EDSZZM1
State Doctoral Exam - Imaging Methods in Medicine - EDSZZM1E
Allergology and Clinical Immnunology - EDSZ002
Modern Markes of Organ Injury in Clinical Praxis: Influence of Standardized Physical Excercise on Cardiac Troponins Levels - EDSZ003
Health-Oriented Physical Fintess in Oncology - EDSZ006
Differential diagnosis of rare lesions of gastorintestinal tract - EDSZ007
Prevention and cardiology - EDSZ0075
Influence of Dietary Exposure to Foreign Substances on Obesity Co-Morbidity - EDSZ008
Pregnancy and Multiple Sclerosis - EDSZ010
Medical Microbiology - Amtimicrobial Susceptibility Testing - EDSZ013
Papillary rena cell carcinoma: Diagnosis, therapy, clinical, histological and genetic characteristics - EDSZ014
Etiopathogenesis, Diagnostic and Therapy of Preeclampsia - EDSZ015
Sepsis (Diagnosis and Therapy) - EDSZ016
Scientific essentials of radiology concentrated on lung tumors - EDSZ019
Differential diagnosis of rare lesions of urogenital tract - EDSZ021
Rare tumours of kidney - cystic tumours of kidney - EDSZ022
Medical Microbiology - Clinical Bacteriology, Sensitivity Testing - EDSZ025
Surgical approaches and their using in oncological patients in pharyngeal area - EDSZ026
Development and Morphology of Temporary and Permanent Teeth of Humans - EDSZ027
Correlation of molecular-genetic and morfologic markers of the salivary gland tumors - EDSZ029
Ontogenesis and Histophysiology of the Myocardium - EDSZ031
The Role of Ultrasound and Minimally Invasive Methods in the Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer - EDSZ034
Epidemiology of HIV / AIDS - EDSZ035
Stage liver resection, use of stem cells - pros and cons - EDSZ036
Preoperative diagnostic methods in prostate cancer - EDSZ037
Oncosurgical treatment of lung metastases - EDSZ038
? - EDSZ039
Clinicopathological aspects and differential diagnosis of Lynch syndrome - EDSZ040
Role of pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics in cancer therapy improvement - EDSZ041
Morfology of unusual cutaneous and soft tissue tumors with emphasis on adnexal neoplastic lesions - EDSZ042
? - EDSZ043
Ischemic Heart Disease - EDSZ044
Comparison of Methods of Left Appendage Exclusion During Surgical Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation - EDSZ045
Etiophatogenesis, diagnostic and therapy of preterm birth - EDSZ046
Respiratory and Metabolic Functions of the Lung - EDSZ047
Medical Physiology - EDSZ048
Study of regulation of cell cycle - double-strand breaks monitoring in healthy population - EDSZ049
Application of biomaterials in vivo - EDSZ050
Psoriasis and associated comorbidities, incidence and treatment approaches - EDSZ051
Radiodiagnostic and imaging methods - EDSZ052
Biomechanical Study of Force Transmission in the Area of Periprosthetic Fracture of the Distal Femur in Individual Types of Osteosynthesis with Application in Practice - EDSZ053
Endothelial dysfunction as an early manifestation of atherosclerosis - invasive and non-invasive methods of detection in children - EDSZ054
Radiological, Histochemical and Histological Changes of Paraspinal Muscles in Patients with Thoracis and Lumbar Spine Fractures Treated with Open and Minamilly Invasive Stabilization - EDSZ055
Options of Surgical Treatment of Intracranical Hypertension - EDSZ056
Dental Implant in Dentistry - EDSZ057
? - EDSZ058
Possililities of improving the quality of kidney transplants from donors NHBD immediately started using pulsatile oxygen renal perfusion - EDSZ059
Interactions of the representative cells with nanomaterials based on the monitored paramaters - EDSZ060
Vulvar Precancer and Vulvar Cancer - EDSZ061
? - EDSZ062
Study of Cell Interactions with Biomimetic Material and Its Application in Biomedicine - EDSZ063
? - EDSZ064
Correlation of morphological and molecular - genetic features of breast cancer of young women - EDSZ065
Thorax oncology - EDSZ066
Oncological problematics of the digestive tract - EDSZ067
Myocarditis - diagnostics and therapy - EDSZ068
? - EDSZ069
Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Prevention of Cardiac Arrhythmias - EDSZ070
HPV associated carcinomas of head and neck: correlations of morphological, clinical and molecular features - EDSZ071
The possibility of influencing the extent of resection during endoscopic endonasal pituitary adenoma surgery - EDSZ072
Internal Medicine - EDSZ073
Allergology and clinical immunology - EDSZ074
Prevention and cardiology - EDSZ075
Pharmacology and Toxicology: Research & Development of natural compounds and their use in clinical medicine - EDSZ076
? - EDSZ077
Physiology and Pathological Physiology - EDSZ078
Diagnosis of Spinal Canal with Changes and Diagnosis of Spinal Cord Function Changes in Dependence on Cervical Spine Change - EDSZ079
? - EDSZ080
Pathology of Urogenital Tract with Focusing on Oncological Issues - EDSZ081
? - EDSZ082
Oncogenic Translocations in Salivary Gland Carcinomas - EDSZ083
Role of biomarkers in the management of ischemic stroke - EDSZ084
Endoscopic Methods in Oncogynecology - EDSZ085
Human physiology and physiology of cardiovascular system - EDSZ086
Myleom - diagnostics - EDSZ087
Kidney transplantation - EDSZ088
Possibilities of Influencing the Healing and Ligamentization of the Graft During Anatomical Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament - EDSZ089
Influence of anesthesia type on cognitive functions - EDSZ090
Management of Morphological Diagnostics of Moleculary - Genetically Defined Tumors ot the Digestive Tract - EDSZ091
Neurodegenerative Diseases of the Central Nervous System - EDSZ092
? - EDSZ093
? - EDSZ094
? - EDSZ095
Histology and embryology - immunological and molecular biological characterization of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) - EDSZ096
Morphology, molecular biology and clinical relevance of CNS neuroglia - EDSZ097
Physiology and Pathological Physiology - EDSZ098
? - EDSZ099
Urogynecology - EDSZ100
Immunopathology of chronic inflammatory and fibrotic lung and airway diseases - EDSZ101
? - EDSZ102
Selected Nutrients in Etiology, Prevention and Treatment of Obesity - EDSZ103
Transplantation complication - EDSZ104
Diagnostic imaging of brain - EDSZ105
? - EDSZ106
Colorectal cancer - surgical therapy in context of contemporary diagnostic methods - EDSZ107
Clinical special microbiology - EDSZ108
Vit D - substitution - EDSZ110
? - EDSZ111
? - EDSZ112
Clinical imagine of Multiple sclerosis - EDSZ113
? - EDSZ114
Postural defects: causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment in specific population groups - EDSZ115
Molecular genetics of urogenital tumors - EDSZ116
- - EDSZ117
Cardiorenal syndrom and insuficience - EDSZ118
? - EDSZ119
Genetic determination of gastric cancer with regard to the treatment of gastric cancer - EDSZ120
Blood Circulatory System Physiology and Pathophysiology - EDSZ121
Diagnosis, Management and Surgical Treatment of Pelvic Ring Fractures - EDSZ122
Clinical and genetic aspects of diabetes mellitus in childhood - EDSZ123
Circulating tumor cells - EDSZ125
? - EDSZ126
? - EDSZ127
Ischaemia Prevention in Cerebrovascular Surgery - EDSZ128
Prognostic Factors in Cervical and Ovarian Cancer - EDSZ129
? - EDSZ130
Imaging Methods in Medicine - EDSZ131
New possibilites and trends in the detection and subsequent processing of lymph nodes that is used gynecological malignancies in clinical practice and research - EDSZ132
? - EDSZ133
Molecular Pathology in the Tumors of Salivary Glands - EDSZ134
Differential diagnostics of urogenital and gynaecologic tract lesions - EDSZ135
Thyreoid Disease and Osteoporosis - EDSZ136
The Mechanism of Fertilization and Assisted Reproductive Techniques - EDSZ137
? - EDSZ138
Bronchial Asthma-Many Types, Different Therapies - EDSZ139
Relation of oral health to cardiovascular diseases - EDSZ140
The Utility of Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Genetic Methods in the Diagnosis of Soft Tissue Tumor - EDSZ141
? - EDSZ142
General and Cellular Physiolgy - EDSZ143
Role of Dermal Fibroblasts in Wound Healing - EDSZ144
Mesenchymal stem cells in liver regeneration – presentation of experimental results - EDSZ145
Oncosurgery of the Lungs and Mediastinum - EDSZ146
Risk Factor for Osteonecrosis Mandipule - EDSZ147
? - EDSZ148
? - EDSZ149
? - EDSZ150
Imaging Methods in Medicine - EDSZ151
? - EDSZ152
The Results of Comparation of ASK Techniques of Cartilageana Labral - EDSZ153
? - EDSZ154
Surgical Treatment of Primary and Secondary Lung Tumours - EDSZ155
Imaging Methods in Medicine - EDSZ157
Urogynecology - EDSZ158
? - EDSZ159
Etiopathogenetic Aspects and Risk Factors of Inflammatory Bowel Disease - EDSZ160
Brainphysiology and pathophysiology - EDSZ161
Clinicopathological and molecular biologic characteristics of selected cutaneous epithelial and nonepithelial tumors - EDSZ162
? - EDSZ163
? - EDSZ164
Augmentation of osteoporotic fractures of the spine - EDSZ170
? - EDSZ188
Human Liver Anatomy and Liver Anatomy of the Most Common Animal Models - EDSZ189
? - EDSZ190
Physiology and Pathological Physiology - EDSZ191
? - EDSZ192
? - EDSZ193
? - EDSZ194
? - EDSZ195
Pharmacochemistry of Antibiotics - EDSZ196
Endothelial Glycocalyx and Its Importance in Acute Medicine - EDSZ197
Modern Diagnostics of Prostate Cancer - EDSZ198
? - EDSZ199
? - EDSZ200
? - EDSZ201
State Doctoral Exam - Internal Medicine - EDSZ202
? - EDSZ203
? - EDSZ204
? - EDSZ205
? - EDSZ206
? - EDSZ207
? - EDSZ208
? - EDSZ209
State examination in dentistry - EDSZ210
? - EDSZ211
? - EDSZ212
Predictive and Prognostic Factors in Oncology - EDSZ213
? - EDSZ214
Colorectal Cancer - EDSZ215
Chromophobe Renal Cell Cancer - EDSZ216
? - EDSZ217
? - EDSZ218
Molecular Mechanism of Carcinogenesis in Solid Tumors - EDSZ219
? - EDSZ220
Colorectal Cabcer, Diagnostics and Treatment - EDSZ221
Microanatomy and Physiology of Reproductive System - EDSZ222
Experimental Models of Liver Diseases - EDSZ223
? - EDSZ224
? - EDSZ225
? - EDSZ226
? - EDSZ227
State Doctoral Exam - EDSZ228
Molecular Biomarkers of Anticancer Drugs Efficacy - EDSZ229
? - EDSZ230
Hematopoiesis, Clinical and Physiologal Perspective - EDSZ231
? - EDSZ232
The Ultrasound in Gynaecology and Obstetrics - EDSZ233
? - EDSZ234
Experimental Models in Intestinal Surgery - EDSZ235
MicroRNAs and their Roles in the Regulation of Myocardial Cells - EDSZ236
? - EDSZ237
? - EDSZ238
? - EDSZ239
? - EDSZ240
? - EDSZ241
Correlation of molecular-biological, immunohistochemical, and morphological findings in the head and neck tumors - EDSZ242
Immunological Mechanism of Fetal Tolerance - EDSZ243
Tumors of the Hepato-pancreato-biliary Area and Thier Treatment - EDSZ244
? - EDSZ245
? - EDSZ246
Current State of Cardiovascular Diseases Prevention - EDSZ247
Social Medicine and Public Health - EDSZ248
? - EDSZ249
Molecular Subtypes of Colorectal Cancer - EDSZ250
Neurosurgery - EDSZ251
Physiology and pathophysiology - EDSZ252
Embryology and Prenatal Diagnostics - EDSZ253
Perinatology - EDSZ254
Gametes - Their Morphological and Physiological Characteristics - EDSZ255
? - EDSZ256
Medical Pharmacology - EDSZ257
? - EDSZ258
? - EDSZ259
Impacts of Xenobiotics on Human Health: Epidemiological Evidence - EDSZ260
? - EDSZ261
Pathology - EDSZ262
? - EDSZ263
Perinatology - EDSZ264
? - EDSZ265
? - EDSZ266
Neuromuscular Diseases - EDSZ267
Maxillary Implant Overdentures Retained with Bars - EDSZ268
? - EDSZ269
? - EDSZ270
? - EDSZ271
? - EDSZ272
? - EDSZ273
? - EDSZ274
The Principles of Haemodynamic Management of Critically Ill Patients - EDSZ275
? - EDSZ276
? - EDSZ277
? - EDSZ278
? - EDSZ279
? - EDSZ280
? - EDSZ281
? - EDSZ282
? - EDSZ283
Stomathology - EDSZ284
? - EDSZ285
? - EDSZ286
Fluid Biopsy of Colorectal Carcinoma - EDSZ287
? - EDSZ289
? - EDSZ290
State Doctoral Exam - Physiology and Pathophysiology - EDSZ291
Germany - ED0000002
Course in Medical Statistics - ED0000006
State Examination - ED0000842
??? - ED0000875
Medical Pharmacology - ED0000878
Gynaecology and Obstetrics - ED0000894
Clinical Oncology - ED0001000
State Exam in Stomatology - ED0001001
Maxillofacial Surgery - ED0001002
Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of Colon - ED0001082
Malignant dieseases of colon - ED0001083
Role of tumor markers at colorectal cancer - ED0001084
Muscle imbalances - ED0001099
English Language - ED0003000
Course in Health Informatics - ED00030001
Course in the ABC of Scientific Work - ED00030004
Technology Transfer Manager - Senior (TTM-S) - ED0003001
Course in Medical Statistics - ED0003002
Course in Computer Technology - ED0003003
Technology Transfer Manager - Junior (TTM-J) - ED0003004
Pharmacology - ED0003043
Diagnosis and treatment of the injuries to the permanent teeth - ED0003046
Dental traumatology - ED0003047
Root fractures of the permanent teeth - ED0003048
Dentoalveolar traumatic injuries in children - ED0003050
Contemporary endodontics - ED0003051
Injuries of permanent teeth in children - ED0003052
Paediatric Dentistry - ED0003053
Contemporary metods of treatment of injuries and their complications in immature permanent teeth in children - ED0003054
Methods of histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy - ED0003055
Morphology of tumor-like proliferations and tumors of the respiratory tract - ED0003056
Differential diagnosis of tumor-like proliferations of the lungs - ED0003057
Differential diagnosis of selected rare benign tumors of the lung and pleura - ED0003058
Molecular genetic methods in tumor diagnostics - ED0003059
Pathology of adnexal skin and salivary tumors - ED0003060
Correlation of phenotype and genotype of tumors - ED0003061
Correlation of morphologic and molecular genetic features of selected tumors - ED0003062
Angiogenesis - ED0003063
Treatment efect control with using tumor markers - ED0003064
Gastroeintestinal tract cancer - ED0003065
The importance of tumor markers and markers of angiogenesis for colorectal cancer prognosis - ED0003066
Insulin resistance and clamping techniques - ED0003068
Insulin resistance - ED0003069
The Relationship between the Metabolism in Depression and in Insulin Resistance - ED0003071
Biological Hypotheses - ED0003072
Psychopharmacology and Metabolic Syndrome of Insulin Resistance - ED0003073
The influence of sertraline treatment on the metabolic and anthropometric parameters in people with depression - ED0003074
Treatment with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion - ED0003075
Methods of insulin resistance determination - ED0003076
Metabolic syndrome - ED0003077
Pathogenesis of polyglandular autoimmune syndromes - ED0003079
Thyroid diseases in childhood - ED0003080
Autoimmune diseases of endocrine organs in childhood - ED0003081
Autoimmune thyroiditis in children and the role of simultaneous Helicobacter pylori infection - ED0003082
General and specialized psychiatry - ED0003084
Personality and behaviour disorders - ED0003085
Borna disearse virus (BDV), circulating immunocomplex (CIC) detection in the serum of psychiatric patients - ED0003086
Does the assesment of tumor markers in the context of the last negative conclusions still have any impact in ovarian cancer? - ED0003087
3rd Continuous Exam - ED0003088
Radiation - ED0003089
Radiation Therapy of GYN malignancies - ED0003090
New possible approaches in adjuvant treatment of breast cancer - ED0003091
Therapy of ovarian cancer - ED0003092
Impact of the Gastrointestinal System on Metabolic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus – Gut Peptide Hormones - ED0003093
Coronary atherosclerosis imaging using CT coronary angiography - ED0003094
The Role of the Medical Assessment Service in the Social Security System - ED0003096
The impact of neuoropretection on brain metabolism and cognitive function - ED0003097
The significance of the S100B protein in patients with an injury to the central - ED0003098
Concurrent possibilities of minimallyinvasive surgical treatment of kidney tumours - ED0003099
The brain infarct core delineation using computed tomography angiography - ED0003100
Immunopathological and immunogenetic aspects of haematopietic stem cell and - ED0003101
Identification of new biomarkers and target molecules for the comprehensive //treatment (drug-target) via proteomic analysis of body fluids and tissues experimental study - ED0003102
Preeclampsia and selected immunogenetic factors - ED0003103
Potential and significance of extendet embryo culture - ED0003104
New trends in diagnostics and therapy of preeclampsia - ED0003105
Embryology - ED0003106
Genetics - ED0003107
Diabetes mellitus type 1 - ED0003108
Diabetes mellitus type 1 in children - ED0003109
Patological pathways of the digestive system in childen - ED0003110
The clinical relevance of biomarkers for aggression assessment and prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer - ED0003111
The problems and prospects of social security of the Czech Republic - ED0003112
The methods of studying the health status of population - ED0003113
Public Health - ED0003114
Minimally invasive treatment of kidney tumors - ED0003115
Kidney tumours - ED0003116
Possibilities of laparoscopy and robotics in urology - ED0003117
Diabetic vasculopathy - ED0003118
Cardiovascular surgery - ED0003119
Cardiac anatomy - ED0003120
Aortic and mitral valve defects - ED0003121
Cardiac physiology - ED0003122
Acute coronary syndrom - ED0003123
Haemodynamics in critically ill children - ED0003124
Physiology and pathophysiology of the circulation - ED0003125
Renopulmonary interactions during mechanical ventilation - ED0003126
Problematics of multiple organ dysfunction syndrom - ED0003127
Insulin like and other growth factors and tumors - ED0003128
Therapy of sepsis and MODS - ED0003129
Pathophysiology of shock - ED0003130
Immunopathology and immunogenetics of haemopoietic cell transplantation and solid organ transplantations - ED0003131
Pathology of organ and cell transplantations - ED0003132
Classification of haematological malignancies - ED0003133
Cranial Trauma - Pathophysiology, Treatment, Prognosis - ED0003134
Patophysiology of Brain Injury - ED0003135
Brain Injury - Available Methods of Treatment - ED0003136
Brain Injury - Available Methods of Global Monitoring - ED0003137
Brain Injury - Prognostic Factors - ED0003138
Acute ischemic stroke - ED0003139
Pathophysiology of cerebral blood flow - ED0003140
Pharmacological and nonpharmacological forms of neuroprotection - ED0003141
Cerebral vasospasm - ED0003142
Traumatic brain injury - ED0003143
Pathophysiology of brain edema - ED0003144
Current options of cerebral perfusion monitoring - ED0003145
Surgical and medical management of intracranial hypertension - ED0003146
New trends in the culture of embryonic and stem cells - ED0003147
New possibilities of diagnosis of genetic diseases - ED0003149
Children Haematooncology - ED0003150
Pediatrics - ED0003152
Tumor markers in diagnostics and therapy monitoring with a focus on pediatric oncology - ED0003153
Paraneoplastic syndromes in lung cancer - ED0003154
Angiogenesis - ED0003155
Tumor markers - ED0003156
Thyroid diseases - ED0003157
Principles of immunoassays - ED0003158
IGF-1 and cancer diseases - ED0003159
Patogenesis of aortic stenosis Posibillity of medical treatment - ED0003160
Abilities and importance long-term cultivation embryonic cells from different species of animals - ED0003161
Hemodynamics in the early stages of the critical illness and in the perioperative setting - ED0003162
Risk factors of aortic valve stenosis - ED0003202
Phototherapy in dermatovenereology - methods and mechanism - ED0003203
Basic types of vascular prosthesis - ED0003204
Physiology and pathological physiology of the endocrine and immune system.Embryonic and adult stem cells - ED0004000
Embryology and methods of assisted reproduction - ED0004001
Pathophysiology of the endocrine system - ED0004002
Risk and prognostics factors of endometrial cancer - ED0004003
Fertility preservation in oncogynaecology - ED0004004
Current issues in endometrial cancer - ED0004005
Diagnosis of Breast Cancer - ED0004006
Hormone Therapy for Breast Cancer - ED0004007
Prognostic and predictive factors in breast cancer - ED0004008
Pathophysiology of primary and secondary brain injury and the role of biochemical markers as a prognostic factors - ED0004009
Principles and possibilities of monitoring brain metabolism after the craniocerebral injury - ED0004010
Patophysiology and treatement of the brain edema - ED0004011
Benign and malignant breast disease, modern diagnostic methods - ED0004012
Malignant breast disease - ED0004013
Etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer - ED0004014
Hemodynamics in the early stages of the critical illness and in the perioperative medicine - ED0004015
Septic shock - ED0004016
New treatment possibilities of the septic shock - ED0004017
Influence of the microorganisms on etiology of tumors - ED0004018
Pathology of tumors in relation to viral infections - ED0004019
Radial approach to coronary catheterizations and interventions - ED0004020
Molecular biological technology useful for detection of microorganisms - ED0004021
Molecular biological detection of viral and bacterial pathogens and their relationship - ED0004022
Invasive methods for myocardial imaging - ED0004023
Trends in invasive cardiology - ED0004024
Evalution of myocardial infarction size - ED0004025
Diagnostics of urinary incontinence - ED0004026
Urogynecological surgery today - ED0004027
Application of urogynecology in oncogynecology - ED0004028
The influence of reduced radicality of oncosurgical treatment on urogenital tract morbidity - ED0004029
Prognostic and Predictive Factors in Breast Cancer - ED0004030
Genetic alterations of the skin adnexal tumours - ED0004031
Benign and malignant tumours of the skin - ED0004032
Basic pathology of the skin - ED0004033
Importance and methods of sentinel nodes identification in endometrial cancer - ED0004034
Prognostic significance of levels of brain specific biochemical markers in head injury patients - ED0004035
Perioperative prognostic factors in breast cancer - ED0004036
Health a social situation of senior citizens - ED0004037
Development of the palate morphology and dental arch form in cleft patients - ED0004038
Effects of selected natural substances on the antioxidant system of an organism - ED0004039
Acid-base balance in peritoneal dialysis Patients: Stewart-Fencl Analysis - ED0004040
Diabetes mellitus type 1 and depression. Psychopathology by somatic deseases - ED0004043
Ethiological connectiones of diabetes mellitus and depression - ED0004044
Diabetes mellitus and depression - ED0004045
Psychiatric deceases frequent in people with diabetes mellitus - ED0004046
. - ED0004047
Evaluation of postoperative lymphoedema after differently radical surgery for vulvar and cervical carcinoma - ED0004048
Healing og chronic wounds - ED0004049
Morphology of the abdominal aortic aneurysm - ED0004050
Observation of human sperm cell immunogenic properties - ED0004051
Current diagnosis and therapy of the Pierre - Robin syndrome - ED0004060
Orthodontics - ED0004061
Embryology and Teratology of the orofacial system - ED0004062
The lymphatic system of the cervix - ED0004063
Treatment and its complications in cervical cancer - ED0004064
Treatment and its complications in carcinoma of the vulva - ED0004065
Atherosclerosis and pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysm - ED0004066
Pathogenetic factors of abdominal aortic aneurysm - ED0004067
Methods of vessel wall morphological investigation - ED0004068
Endogenous markers in etiopathogenesis of the abdominal aorta aneurysm - ED0004069
New Diagnostic Methods in Dermatology: Non-invasive Diagnosis of Non-melanoma Skin Cancer - ED0004070
Changes in the iron metabolism and its regulation in patients with end-stage renal disease treated by hemodialysis and kidney transplantion - ED0004071
Causes of Male Infertility - ED0004072
Reproductive Immunology - ED0004073
Genetics in Gynecology and Obstetics - ED0004074
Differential diagnosis of chronic wounds - ED0004075
Chronic venous insufficiency, venous ulcers - ED0004076
The process of wound healing - ED0004077
Pathogenesis of chronic wounds - ED0004078
Pathogenesis of chronic wounds - ED0004079
Fertilization and factors affecting it - ED0004148
Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy - ED0005002
? - ED0005003
Surgery for Colorectal Cancer - ED0005050
Breast cancer - ED0005051
Prognostic factors in malignant melanom - ED0005055
High-grade carcinomas of the salivary glanc - ED0005117
Neuropsychology. Diagnosis of congitive impairment in psychological testing. - ED0005119
Micro and macro anatomy of hepatopancreatobilial area - ED0005125
Intraoperative navigation and imaging techniques in neurosurgery - ED0005129
Pituitary tumors - characteristic and treatment possibilities - ED0005130
Craniocerebral trauma - ED0005131
Anatomy and physiology of cervical spine and spinal cord - ED0005132
Perioperatove management of blood pressure - monitoring and treatment - ED0005133
Monitoring of brain function in anesthesia and intenstive care - ED0005134
Infectious complications in chronic renal failure - ED0005138
? - ED0005149
Cancer Genetics - ED0005151
Diagnostics and treatment of malignant melanoma - ED0005152
Biological activity of cancer - ED0005153
Traumatology of vascular systém - ED0005156
Etiopatogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm - ED0005157
Degenerative disorders of vascular system - ED0005158
Impact of cytokines in the etiopatogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysm - ED0005159
Circulating tumor cells - ED0005160
Changes in the iron metabolism and its regulation in patients with end-stage renal disease treated by hemodialysis and kidney transplantion - ED0005161
Degenerativ - ED0005162
Breast cancer - ED0005163
Surgical treatment of renal tumors - ED0005164
??? - ED0005165
Systemic and pulmonary hypertension - ED0005166
Anatomy and Physiology of the Vascular System - ED0005167
Malignant vulvar lesions - ED0005170
? - ED0005171
Microbiology of Lower Genital Tract - ED0005173
Tumor markers and their importance in gynecology - ED0005174
Screening and prevention of gynecological tumors - ED0005175
Ovarian cancer and problems in the diagnostic process - ED0005176
Oncogynecology today - its problems and severity in terms of diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of our patients - ED0005177
? - ED0005186
The significance of thrombophilic and immunologic factors in human reproduction - ED0005187
Microcirculation in the diabetic foot syndrome - ED0005188
Nonfarmacologic Bradycardia Treatment - ED0005189
Gastric anatomy, physiology and patophysiology - ED0005195
Possibility of oncological treatment for gastric tumor - ED0005197
- - ED0005205
Current Possibilities and Limits of Static and Functional Lung Diagnostics - ED0005206
Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - ED0005210
Anatomy of lungs anf mediastinum, primary and secondary lung tumors - ED0005215
Acute abdomen - ED0005217
Obezitology - ED0005227
Role of angiogenesis in neurodegenerative diseases of central nervous system - ED0005228
Cerebral palsy in childhood - ED0005230
Pathophysiology and pathogenesis og endothelial dysfunction - ED0005231
Presentation of research results: 19th Conference of Czech and Slovak pathophysiologs, Brno - Bohunice - ED0005233
Diagnostic options of myokarditis - ED0005234
Treatment of sepsis and MODS - ED0005235
Pathology of non Neoplastic Lesions of Gastrointestinal Tract - ED0005240
Practical Course of Confocal Microscopy - ED0005249
Embryology - gametes, fertilization, implantation of the blastocyst - morphological aspects, regulatory mechanisms - ED0005267
? - ED0005270
HPV infection of lower genital tract - ED0005271
Radiology and Imaging Methods - ED0005272
Arrhythmia - ED0005273
The use of hemodynamic monitoring for optimization of patients undergoing major surgery - ED0005274
Cytogenetic features of renal tumours - ED0005275
Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes as prognostic factor in colorectal cancer prognosis after radical surgical treatment - ED0005276
Impact of Warm Ischemia on Renal Function - Clinical Model of Tumor Resection of Solitary Kidney - ED0005277
Thyroid Dysfunction after Radiotherapy of Head and Neck Cancer - ED0005280
Molecular genetic profiling of urogenital tumors - ED0005282
? - ED0005283
Pathology of gynaecological tumors - ED0005284
? - ED0005286
? - ED0005292
? - ED0005293
Benign and malignant tumors of liver - ED0005294
? - ED0005297
? - ED0005298
Vaginal Delivery - ED0005299
Pelvis Anatomy - ED0005300
General Neurology - ED0005301
Molecular Biology Methods and Molecular Biology of Cancer - ED0005302
Etiopathogenesis of breast cancer - ED0005303
New experience of breast cancer diagnostic using tumor markers and imaging methods - ED0005304
? - ED0005305
8th EADV Spring Symposium, Carls Bad, Presentation - ED0005306
Cutaneous Side Effects of Oncological Treatment - Incidence, Patogenic Mechanisms, Clinical Findings, Therapy, Prognosis - ED0005307
Pathophysiology and treatment of sepsis and multiorgan dysfunction syndrome - ED0005309
? - ED0005310
? - ED0005311
? - ED0005312
Acute myeloid leukemia - ED0005316
? - ED0005319
? - ED0005320
Possibilities of Influencing of Free Flap Ischemia - ED0005321
? - ED0005324
? - ED0005325
? - ED0005326
Specialised Psychiatry - ED0005327
? - ED0005328
Gastrointestinal tract dysfunction in critical ill patients - ED0005331
? - ED0005333
? - ED0005334
? - ED0005335
? - ED0005337
? - ED0005338
? - ED0005339
? - ED0005340
? - ED0005341
? - ED0005342
? - ED0005343
Nodal and Extranodal Lymphomas - ED0005350
? - ED0005351
? - ED0005352
? - ED0005353
? - ED0005354
? - ED0005357
? - ED0005358
Inhibins in reproduction - ED0005359
Incidence and management of muscle imbalances in physically active and inactive populations: Objective rehabilitation solutions for populations with nonspecific back pain - ED0005360
Multiplex Immunoassay in critically ill children - ED0005361
The effect of silymarin, naringin and resveratrol on the liver damage induced by some xenobiotics - ED0005362
Paediatrics - ED0005363
Internal Medicine - ED0005365
? - ED0005366
? - ED0005367
? - ED0005368
? - ED0005369
Clinicaly-pathological and moleculary-genetical characterictics of tumors of urogenital tract - ED0005370
Composition analysis of urinary calculi with dual-energy computed tomography - ED0005371
State Doctoral Examination - ED0006000
Arrhythmia - ED005273
Patology - ED1P001
Conference: Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting in Berlin, 15.-17.10.2015, active participant - ED1P002
Social Medicine and Public Health, Social Security - ED1P005
Physical fitness evaluation tools - ED1P006
DUB - ED1P007
Persistent lipophilic contaminants contained in food - ED1P008
FLO - ED1P009
Pregnancy and multiple sclerosis - ED1P010
Possibilities of treatement of pleural disseases - ED1P011
HRA - ED1P012
Presentation at Congress 27th ECCMID, Vienna, Austria, April 22, 2017 - ED1P013
Renal Cell Carcinomas - ED1P014
The Diagnostic and Therapy of the Breathing Disorders During the Sleep - ED1P015
Shock pathophyziology - ED1P016
Premature infant respiratory distress syndrome - ED1P017
MATJ - ED1P018
Pathological Anatomy of Lung Cancer - ED1P019
Nutrition of population, methods of monitoring the nutritional status and dietary habits - ED1P020
Reanl Cell Carcinoma - ED1P022
PIV - ED1P023
Diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer - ED1P024
Diagnostic Methods in Clinical Microbiology - ED1P025
Anatomy of teeth - ED1P027
SKU - ED1P028
Pathology and Molecular-Genetics of the Salivary Gland Tumors - ED1P029
Immunohistochemistry in Necroptic Diagnostics - ED1P031
General histology - hematopoietic and immune system - ED1P033
Endometrial Cancer and the Problematics of its Clinical Staging - ED1P034
Laboratory Methods - ED1P035
Physiology and pathophysiology of liver functions - ED1P036
? - ED1P039
? - ED1P043
Conference XXIV - Active Participation - ED1P044
Options for mitral valve surgical corrections - ED1P045
The 18th ECCO-40th ESMO Eurepean Cancer Congress, Vienna, Austria - ED1P048
Molecular mechanisms of cell cycle regulation - ED1P049
Psoriasis, Etiopathogenesis and Comorbid Diseases - ED1P051
Pathology of Liver Tumours - ED1P052
Knee Anatomy and Knee Biomechanics - ED1P053
Endothelial dysfunction - ED1P054
Anatomy and biomechanics of spine - ED1P055
Dental Implantology - ED1P057
Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Hip Joint - ED1P062
Advances in Molecular Biology and Genetics - ED1P063
? - ED1P064
Life-Threatening Arrhythmias - ED1P070
Conference XXXII - Active Partitipation - ED1P073
Diagnostic and therapeutic possilities among alergic - ED1P074
Physiology - ED1P076
? - ED1P077
Neurophysiology and Neuropathophysiology - ED1P078
Degenerative disorders of the cervical spine - ED1P079
? - ED1P080
Cerebrovascular diseases - ED1P084
Gynecology and Obstetrics, Ovulation Failure, Obstetric Bleeding - ED1P085
Anatomy of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament - ED1P089
Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction - Pevention, Diagnosis, Treatment - ED1P090
Pathology of Tumors of Gastrointestinal Tract - ED1P091
Psysiology and Pathophysiology of Hepatopacreatobilial area - ED1P093
? - ED1P094
Macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of GIT - ED1P095
Allergies and and airway diseases presented at ERS Annual Congress Amsterdam 2011 - ED1P101
? - ED1P102
Nutritional Epidemiology - ED1P103
? - ED1P104
Neurofunctional Anatomy of Brain - ED1P105
? - ED1P106
? - ED1P108
D vitamin and metabolism - ED1P110
Mitochondrial Morphology and Function - ED1P111
? - ED1P112
Psychotherapy and rehabilitation of cognitive functions for selected disorders - ED1P113
? - ED1P114
Cardiorenal Syndrom - ED1P118
? - ED1P119
Anatomy and biomechanics of pelvis - ED1P122
? - ED1P123
Cytology - biological properties of circulating tumor cells - ED1P125
? - ED1P126
Polymorphisms in Non-Coding RNA Genes and Their Targets Sites as Risk Factor of Sporadic Colorectal Cancer - ED1P127
Principles of flowmetry in vascular surgery - ED1P128
New Theory of Pathogenesis of Ovarian Epithelial Carcinomas - ED1P129
Pathophysiology of learning and memory - ED1P130
Pathology - ED1P131
Anatomy of lymphatic system of female genitalia in clinical contexts - ED1P132
? - ED1P133
Significance of genetic aberrations in classification of salivary gland tumors - ED1P134
Genetics of genitourinary tract tumors - ED1P135
? - ED1P136
Gametes - their morphology and physiology - ED1P137
? - ED1P138
Characteristics of Individual Phenotypes of Asthma Bronchiale and COPD - ED1P139
Endodontics - ED1P140
Application of Immunohistochemistry in the Diagnosis of Reactive Histiocytic Proliferations - ED1P141
Colposcopy - ED1P142
Morphology and Function of Mitochondria - ED1P143
Physiology and pathology of wound healing - ED1P144
Liver disease and the cell-based therapeutical approaches - ED1P145
Anatomy and physiology of the lungs - ED1P146
Classification of osteonecrosis of the jaw according to etiology and diagnostic options by imaging methods - ED1P147
Gamets - theri morphology and physiological characteristics - ED1P148
Invasivity of colorectal carcinoma - ED1P149
Biomarkers Colorectal Carcinoma - ED1P150
Etiopatogenesis and risk factors of atherosclerosis - ED1P152
Arthroscopic anatomy and pathophysiology in femoroacerabular impingment syndrome - ED1P153
? - ED1P154
Anatomy and physiology of gastrointestinal tract - ED1P155
? - ED1P156
Anatomy of the female pelvis - ED1P158
Special Psychiatry - ED1P159
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) - ED1P160
Pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disorders - ED1P161
Clinicopathological and molecular biologic characteristics of selected cutaneous epithelial and nonepithelial tumors - ED1P162
? - ED1P163
Osteoarthritis - ED1P164
Anatomy and biomechanics of a knee joint - ED1P188
Development and morphology of abdominal organs in man - ED1P189
Principal evaluation of dermatoscopic pictures - ED1P190
Interaction of the Cerebellum and the Hippocampus in Cognitive Processes - ED1P191
Functional aspects of cerebellar degenerations - ED1P192
Mechanismus of Cardiac Arrhythmias - ED1P193
? - ED1P194
? - ED1P195
Special Medical Microbiology - ED1P196
Endothelial Glycocalyx and Microcirculation - Methods of Assessment and Modulation - ED1P197
Prostate cancer - ED1P198
? - ED1P199
Social Medicine and Public Health, Function of Professional Chambers in Time - ED1P200
Provision of the Health Care in the EU and Patients´ Rights in Cross-Border Healthcare - ED1P201
Primary Mechanisms of Vascular Ageing and their Quantification - ED1P202
? - ED1P203
Diabetes therapy - ED1P204
Pharmacotherapy chrome renal incuficiency - ED1P205
? - ED1P206
Anticancer Treatment - ED1P207
Social Medicine, Public Health, Legal Literacy in Medicine - ED1P208
Surgery - Ortodontics cooperation - ED1P209
Lasers in dentistry - ED1P210
Systemic Treatment of Ovarian Cancer - ED1P211
? - ED1P212
The Role of BRCA Mutation in Breast Cancer - ED1P213
Health Determinants, Their Categorization and Social Conditionality of Health - ED1P214
Prognostic and Predictive Factors in Patients with Colorectal Cancer - ED1P215
The Complex Issue of Renal Tumors - ED1P216
Social Security System - ED1P217
Parameters of the Sagittal Spine Alignment - ED1P218
Lung Tumors - Histologie, Molecular Biology - ED1P219
The Issue of Health Care for rhe Young Generation - ED1P220
Anatomy and physiology of the gastrointenstinal tract - ED1P221
Biology of Spermazoon and Oocyte - ED1P222
Histopathological Markers for Microscopic Analysis of Liver Microstructure - ED1P223
? - ED1P224
? - ED1P225
Anatomy, Classification, Indications and Pathophysiology of Proximal Femur Fractures - ED1P226
? - ED1P227
Molecular Tumor Markers - ED1P229
? - ED1P230
Diagnostic Methods in Hematooncology (Cytology, Cytometry, Molecular Genetics) - ED1P231
Septic disorder of macro and microcirculation - ED1P232
Risk of Pregnancy - ED1P233
Current Concept of ACL Reconstruction - ED1P234
Anatomical and Histological Structure of Intestine in Animal Models Used in Experimental Surgery and Their Comparison with Human - ED1P235
Moycardium, Histology, Molecular Biology - ED1P236
? - ED1P237
Inborn and Enviromental Factors of Etiopatology of Mental Disordes - ED1P238
? - ED1P239
Physical Activity, Enriched environment and Their Effect on Neural Plasticity in Cerebellar Degeneration Models - ED1P240
? - ED1P241
Molecular alterations in the differential diagnosis of sinonasal tumors - ED1P242
Immunology and Immunopatology of Female Genital System - ED1P243
Anatomy and Physilogy of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Tract - ED1P244
Platelets in the pathophysiology of acute conditions. - ED1P245
The Wrist Anatomy - ED1P246
Presentation of own Results at the Congress of the Czech Society for Hypertension - ED1P247
Healthcare System in the Czech Republic, Models of Financing of Health Systems in the World - ED1P248
Indicatioons and optimizing Insulin Therapy in Diabetes Mellitus 2nd Type - ED1P249
Relation of Signaling Pathways Deregulation to Altered Cellular Morphology in Colorectal Cancer - ED1P250
The Position of Surgery in the Prevention of Cerebral Ischemia - ED1P251
Experimental Cell and Regenerative Therapy of Cerebellar Degenerations – Presentation of the Topic - ED1P252
? - ED1P256
Cellular and Molecular Aspects of the Substance Action in the Organism - ED1P257
Mitochondrial Physiology - ED1P258
? - ED1P259
Xenobiotics in Food and Methods of Control - ED1P260
Hip Anatomy - ED1P261
? - ED1P262
The Issue of Long-term Care - ED1P263
Anatomy of the True Pelvis - ED1P264
Operative Techniques in Orthognathic Surgery - ED1P265
Communication Medical Doctor - Patient - ED1P266
Peripheral Nervous System - ED1P267
Stomatology - ED1P268
? - ED1P269
? - ED1P270
? - ED1P271
Histochemical Demonstration of Tissue Components and Antigens in the Rats, Mice and Pigs - ED1P272
? - ED1P273
Gerontology and the Theory of Aging - ED1P274
Heart in Sepsis - ED1P275
Endomentrial Cancer and its Prognostic Factors - Overview, Importance of Clinical Application - ED1P276
Medical Psychology - ED1P277
Health and Social Care System for Elderly - ED1P278
Hemocoagulation: Current View - ED1P279
? - ED1P280
? - ED1P281
? - ED1P282
Laboratory Method for Hematology - ED1P283
? - ED1P284
Anatomy of the Proximal Humerus - ED1P285
? - ED1P286
Fluid Biopsy in Diagnosis, Prognosis and Prediction of Cancer - ED1P287
? - ED1P289
Tumor Markers and their Importance in Malignant Tumors - ED1P290
Neuroinflammation - ED1P291
Characteristics of Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Possibilities of Its Treatment - ED1P292
Anatomy and Physiology of Liver - ED1P293
Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Diagnostics and Treatment of Colorectal Carcinoma and Breast Carcinoma - ED1P294
? - ED1P295
Alternative splicing in acute myeloid leukemia - ED1P296
? - ED1P297
Medical microbiology – special - ED1P298
? - ED1P299
Methods of Molecular Biology - ED1P300
Myelomagenesis - ED1P301
Operative Techniques in Orthognathic Surgery - ED1P302
Role of Electromyography in of Peripheral Nerve Lesions Emanitation - ED1P303
Pathology of Brain Tumors - ED1P304
? - ED1P305
? - ED1P306
Pathology of Breast Tumors - ED1P307
Pathology of Prostate Tumors - ED1P308
Sepsis Therapy - ED1P309
Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Diagnostics and Treatment of Gynaecological Tumors - ED1P310
Malignant Melanoma in General - ED1P311
Neurology of Violence - ED1P312
? - ED1P313
Stability Parameters of Stored Samples - ED1P314
Histological and Molecular Biological Methods for Studying Embryos - ED1P315
Diagnosis and Therapy of Bordeline Personality Disorder - ED1P316
Etiology and Pathophysiology of the Sleep Apnea Syndrome - ED1P317
Psychopathology in Gyneacology - ED1P318
? - ED1P319
Importance and Methods of Monitoring Minimal Residual Disease After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation - ED1P320
Project presentation - ED1P321
Chest Injury - ED1P323
Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology of Liver - ED1P324
? - ED1P325
Novel Immunohistochemical Antibodies in Soft Tissue Pathology - ED1P326
Violence in Psychiatric Patients - ED1P327
Oogenesis and fertilization - ED1P328
Novel Immunohistochemical and Molecular Genetic Markers in Sinonasal and Salivary Pathology - ED1P329
? - ED1P330
Anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnostics and therapy of solid tumors - ED1P331
The Molecular Biology of Renal Cell Carcinoma - ED1P332
Peptic Ulcer Disease in Intenstive Care - Risks and Complications - ED1P333
Tumour Markers in Prostate Cancer - ED1P334
Coivd 19 - related Coagulopathy - ED1P335
Principles of Anticancer Immunity - ED1P336
Immunology of Early Pregnancy - ED1P337
? - ED1P338
Molecular epidemiology of infectious agents - ED1P339
Cystic Lesions of the Jaw - ED1P340
Possibilities of Imaging Methods in the Assessment of Vascularization and Perfusion of Organs - ED1P341
Lékařská mikrobiologie speciální - ED1P342
Imaging Methods and Endometriosis - ED1P343
Congenital Malformations of Gynecological Organs - ED1P344
The Role of Particular Cell Types in NAFLD Development - ED1P345
? - ED1P346
? - ED1P347
Current Anaesthetic Procedures in Thoracic Surgery - ED1P348
Significance of Molecular Alterations in Differential Diagnosis of the Neoplasm of Salivary Glands - ED1P349
Dental Materials - ED1P350
Pathophysiology, Clinical and Radiological Signs of Degenerative Lumbar Spine Disease - ED1P351
Forms and Modalities of Heart Failure - ED1P352
Anatomy and Physiology of the Digestive System - ED1P353
Oral Potentially Malignat Disorders and Malignant Tumors Affecting Orofacial Region - ED1P354
Hormonal Contraception as a Therapy for Selected Gynecological Diseases - ED1P355
Pathological Anatomy of the Prostatic Carcinoma - ED1P356
Male Sexual Dysfunction - Diagnosis and Treatment - ED1P357
Cranioplasty - Current Techniques and Materials - ED1P358
Gasotransmitters in Medicine - ED1P359
? - ED1P360
Classification of Genitourinary Tumors - ED1P361
Production and Usage of Autologous Serum Eye Drops in the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease - ED1P362
? - ED1P363
Experimental Surgery - Contribution to Clinical Practice - ED1P364
Classification and molecular genetics of gastric and colon tumors - ED1P365
Lipografting Methodology - ED1P366
Renal Cancer - Diagnostics, Treatment, Follow-up - ED1P367
? - ED1P368
Methods of molecular biology - ED1P369
Acute Coronary Syndrom - ED1P370
Classification and Histopathological Features of Cutaneous Melanoma - ED1P371
Aberrant Cell Signaling - ED1P372
The role and position of Primary health care (PHC) in the Health system - ED1P373
Overview of Chronic Lesions of the Oral Cavity Requiring Longterm Dental Care - ED1P374
Agression in Psychiatric Patients - ED1P375
? - ED1P377
? - ED1P378
? - ED1P379
Physiology and Anatomy of Gastrointestinal Tract - ED1P380
Indication and complications of tooth extraction - ED1P381
? - ED1P382
Techniques for Quantitative and Qualitative - ED1P384
An Overview of Methods and Materials Used for Alveolar Ridge Reconstruction in Cleft Patients - ED1P385
? - ED1P386
Current Classification of Malignant Gliomas - ED1P387
Vitamin D, Metabolism and Effects in Organism - ED1P388
Sepsis, Systemic Infection, Infectious/Septic MODS - Complete Issue - ED1P389
Schizophrenia - ED1P390
Basic Principe of Antibiotic Therapy in Dentistry - ED1P391
Tumors of Lower Urogenital Tract - ED1P392
Sarcomas from the molecular perspective - ED1P393
Imaging Methods in Osteology - ED1P394
Conspiracy Theories and Psychological Aspects of Disasters - ED1P395
Tumors of head and neck region and role of radiotherapy in cancer treatment - ED1P396
? - ED1P397
? - ED1P398
? - ED1P399
Tumors of the Urogenital Tract. New Rare Units. Morphology, Immunohistochemical and Molecular Genetic Characteristics. - ED1P400
? - ED1P401
? - ED1P402
? - ED1P403
? - ED1P404
Anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnostics and therapy of gynecological and renal carcinomas - ED1P405
? - ED1P406
Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of gastrointestinal tract - ED1P407
? - ED1P408
Vaginal Delivery - ED1P409
? - ED1P410
Leukemia development and differentiation - ED1P411
Mechanisms of Memory and its Disorders - ED1P413
? - ED1P414
? - ED1P415
? - ED1P416
? - ED1P417
Basic Diagnosis and Treatment of Transsexuality - ED1P418
Wrist Anatomy - ED1P419
Surgical Treatment of Lung Carcinoma - ED1P420
? - ED1P421
? - ED1P422
Differential diagnosis of morphological variants of mucoepidermoid carcinoma - ED1P423
? - ED1P424
Current Classification of "Pink" Renal Tumors - ED1P425
? - ED1P426
? - ED1P427
Geneticall Determined Dental hard-Tissue Anomalies - ED1P428
? - ED1P429
Diagnosis of Neuromuscular Diseases - ED1P430
? - ED1P431
Method and Approaches of Stereology Analysis - ED1P432
Gastroesophageal Rexlux Disease - ED1P433
Histological and Molecular Classification of Tumors of the Stomach - ED1P434
? - ED1P435
Anatomy and Physiology of the Oesophagus, Stomach and Small Intestine - ED1P436
? - ED1P437
? - ED1P438
Histopathological classification of gliomas - ED1P439
? - ED1P440
? - ED1P441
Diagnosis, Diagnostics and Treatment of Colorectal Cancer - ED1P442
Anatomy and Physiology of the Duodenum and Pancreas - ED1P443
? - ED1P444
Anatomy - ED1P445
? - ED1P446
Soft Tissue Tumors with Skeletal Muscle Differentiation — New Entities, Differential Diagnosis - ED1P447
? - ED1P448
? - ED1P449
Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Degradation - ED1P450
? - ED1P451
Principles of Carcinogenesis - ED1P452
? - ED1P453
Interaction between the Cerebellum and Hippocampus under Physiological and Pathological Conditions - Presentation of the Topic - ED1P454
? - ED1P455
Hormone Therapy for Cancer - ED1P456
? - ED1P457
Quality of Life in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis, Treatment Impact - ED1P458
? - ED1P459
? - ED1P460
? - ED1P461
? - ED1P462
? - ED1P463
? - ED1P464
? - ED1P465
? - ED1P466
? - ED1P467
? - ED1P468
? - ED1P469
? - ED1P470
? - ED1P471
? - ED1P472
? - ED1P473
? - ED1P474
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in Adult Patients - ED1P475
Viral Diseases - ED1P476
? - ED1P477
Anatomy, Histology and Physiology of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Area - ED1P478
? - ED1P479
? - ED1P480
? - ED1P481
Sexually Transmittted Infections, Pathogenesis, Diagnostics and Treatment - ED1P482
? - ED1P483
? - ED1P484
? - ED1P485
? - ED1P486
Mitochondria in Reproduction: Role, Specific Signs, Study Methods - ED1P487
? - ED1P488
Cutaneous Mesenchymal Tumors with Melanocytic Differentiation - ED1P489
CRISPR-Based Gene Therapy for Neurodegenerative Disorders – Presentation of the Topic - ED1P490
Neurobiology of Memory - ED1P491
Current Optionsfor Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) (including biomarkers) - ED1P492
Anatomy of Abdominal Vasculature of the Domestic Pig as an Animal Model in Biomedical Research - ED1P493
Modern Approaches in Clinical Microbiology Diagnostics - ED1P494
Endometriosis, Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis, Its Solution - ED1P495
? - ED1P496
? - ED1P497
? - ED1P498
? - ED1P499
? - ED1P500
? - ED1P501
? - ED1P502
? - ED1P503
? - ED1P504
? - ED1P505
? - ED1P506
? - ED1P507
? - ED1P508
? - ED1P509
? - ED1P510
? - ED1P511
? - ED1P512
? - ED1P513
? - ED1P514
? - ED1P515
? - ED1P516
? - ED1P517
? - ED1P518
? - ED1P519
? - ED1P520
? - ED1P521
? - ED1P522
? - ED1P523
? - ED1P524
? - ED1P93
BAU - ED2P001
Food allergy - ED2P002
Oncology in relation to external determinants with a focus on psychosocial factors - ED2P005
Physical fitness influence on oncology disseases - ED2P006
Basics of molecular genetics of neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract - ED2P007
Obesity and obesogenes - ED2P008
FLO - ED2P009
Teratogens in Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis - ED2P010
Parapneumonic fluridothorax, pyothorax - ED2P011
? - ED2P012
Clinical Bacterology - ED2P013
Using of genetics methods in oncourology - ED2P014
Ethiopatogenesis, diagnostic and therapy of preeclampsia - ED2P015
Shock - therapy - ED2P016
MAT - ED2P017
MATJ - ED2P018
Diagnostics and treatment of lung cancer - ED2P019
NOV - ED2P020
Use of cytogenetics in oncourology - ED2P022
Cytogenetic of tumors of genitourinary system - ED2P023
Anatomy, pfysiology of the liver and portal system - ED2P024
Presentation at 26th Congress ECCMID, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 9, 2016 - ED2P025
Hystology and Embryology - ED2P027
SKU - ED2P028
Oncogenic translocations of salivary gland carcinomas and biological treatment options - ED2P029
The Technique and Processing of Endomyocardial Bioptic Samples in Relation to the Diagnostics of Cardiomyopathies - ED2P031
Pharmacology and pharmacotherapy of endometritis - ED2P032
Diagnostic and research methods in cytology and immunology - ED2P033
Diagnostic predictive and prognostic biomarkers in gynecologic oncology - ED2P034
Continuous Exam 2 - ED2P035
Liver regeneration at patients after liver resection - ED2P036
? - ED2P038
? - ED2P039
Molecular genetic basis of carcinoma syndromes - ED2P040
Ways of treatement of cloobfoot, surgical and conservative treatment - history and present day - ED2P043
Interventional Treatment in Cardiology - ED2P044
Surgery of the aortic valve - ED2P045
Pathophysiology of Preterm Birth - ED2P046
Molecular mechanism of neoplastic tranformation - ED2P049
Active Partitipation - Conference, Prague, October 2015 - ED2P051
Liver surgery - ED2P052
Mechanismus of injury, classsification and methods of treatment of distal femur periprosthetic fractures - ED2P053
Spine fractures, classification a treatment - ED2P055
Intracranial hypertension - ED2P056
Methods for Evaluation of Compatibility Dental Materials - ED2P057
? - ED2P058
NHBD transplantation - pros and cons - ED2P059
Microscopic Methods in Biomedicine - ED2P060
Rehabilitation after hip arthroscopy - ED2P062
? - ED2P064
? - ED2P069
VI. Conference - Medicine for Practice (Active Partitipation) - ED2P070
Internal Medicine - Metabolic Syndrome - ED2P073
Conference European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunilogy, Vienna, 2016 - ED2P074
? - ED2P077
Active participation in 20th Conference of Pathological and Clinical Physiology: Dynamics of memory trace retrieval - ED2P078
? - ED2P080
? - ED2P087
Possibility of influence of maturation and ligamentation of graft during ACLR - ED2P089
Diagnostics of endoprosthesis loosening after total hip replacement - ED2P094
Cell cycle and its regulation with a special focus on colorectal cancer - regulatory pathways and their importance in the biology of tumor - ED2P095
Neurophysiology and Neuropathophysiology - ED2P098
? - ED2P099
Autoimunne Interstitial Lung Disease - ED2P101
? - ED2P102
? - ED2P104
Pathological Anatomy of Brain Tumors - ED2P105
? - ED2P106
D vitamin end Tumor dissease - ED2P110
43th Conference KEK, Buchlov 2015 - active participation - ED2P111
? - ED2P114
- - ED2P117
Pathophysiology of circulation - ED2P118
? - ED2P119
Modern trends in the treatment of pelvic trauma - ED2P122
? - ED2P123
Histological and molecular characteristics of epithelo-mesenchymal transition - ED2P125
? - ED2P126
MicroRNA in oncogenetics - ED2P127
Current treatment of cerebral aneurysms - ED2P128
Individualisation of surgical tratment of cervical cancer - ED2P129
Neuropsychiatry - ED2P130
Liver surgery - ED2P131
International Conference - Presentation - ED2P132
? - ED2P133
Molecular genetics of pleomorphic adenoma - ED2P134
Molecular Genetics of the Female Reproductive Organs Tumors - ED2P135
Effect of thyroid disorders on the bone - ED2P136
Basic methods of histological, cytological and molecular study of female reproductive system and gametes - ED2P137
? - ED2P138
Biomarkers and Therapy - ED2P139
Periodontal diseases - ED2P140
The Differential Diagnosis of the Anogenital Epithelial Neoplasms - ED2P141
Cytology of the uterine cervix - ED2P142
Conference MitoFit Science Camp 2016, Kühtai, Austria - Active Participation - ED2P143
Dermal fibroblasts as in vitro model of chronic wound - including the presentation of experimental results - ED2P144
The potential of mesenchymal stem cells in regenerative medicine - ED2P145
Primary and secondary lunf tumors - ED2P146
Osteonecrosis of the jaw, etiology, pathogenesis, prevention, risk factors and possibilities and medication treatment with respect to bone metabolism - ED2P147
Basic methods of histologic, cytologic and molecular study of female reproductive duct and gametes - ED2P148
Ethiopathogenesis of Colorectal Carcinoma - ED2P149
Corelation of biomarkers and histology in colorectal carcinoma - ED2P150
Distribution and use of therapeutic possibilities of stem cells - ED2P152
Arthroscopic cartilage and labral repair treatment techniques in hip joint FAI syndrome - ED2P153
? - ED2P154
Acute abdomen - ED2P155
? - ED2P156
Sonography in Urogynecology - ED2P158
? - ED2P159
Symptopatology of IBD and the Main Differences - ED2P160
Mechanisms of Learning and Memory in the Brain and its Disorders - ED2P161
Clinicopathological and molecular biologic characteristics of selected cutaneous nonepithelial tumors - ED2P162
Flat foot - pathological anatomy, rehabilitation viewing and treatment aspects - ED2P163
Osteoarthritis Therapy with a Focus ot the Surgical Treatment - ED2P164
Current Overview of Methods of Treatment of Cartilage of Knee Joint - ED2P188
Stereology and Statistical Analysis of The Derived Data - ED2P189
Malignant Melanoma - ED2P190
Neurophysiology nad Patological Physiology of The Cerebellum and Hippocampus - ED2P191
Physiology and Pathophysiology of The Cerebellum - Control and Disorders of Behavior - ED2P192
Cellular Electrophysiology of the Heart - ED2P193
? - ED2P194
? - ED2P195
Presentation at 27th ECCMID Congress, Vienna, Austria, April 20, 2017 - ED2P196
The Importance of Micro and Macrohemodynamic Paramaters for Healthcare Individualization in Acute Medicine - ED2P197
New Diagnostic Methods in Prostate Cancer - ED2P198
? - ED2P199
Social Medicine and Public Health, Specifics of the CLK in the Czech Republic - ED2P200
Social Medicine and Public Health, Health Insurance System in the Czech Republic, Health Insurance of Foreigners - ED2P201
Conference - Aktive Participation - ED2P202
Conference - Presentation, Cesky Krumlov (CZ) 2018 - ED2P203
Physical Activity, Uptake of Food and Insulin Substitution - ED2P204
? - ED2P205
? - ED2P206
Systemic Treatment of Lung Cancer - ED2P207
Social Medicine and Public Health, Sources of Health Law - ED2P208
? - ED2P209
Pigmented lesions of oral cavity - ED2P210
Systemic Treatment of Breast Cancer - ED2P211
? - ED2P212
Imunotherapy in Treatment of Solid Tumors - ED2P213
? - ED2P214
Targeted Therapy in Colorectal Cancer - ED2P215
Present Use and Future of Genetics in Oncourology - ED2P216
? - ED2P217
Degenerative Diseases of the Cervical Spine - ED2P218
Neoplastic Transformation of Lung Tissue - ED2P219
Health Care Covered By Public Health Insurance - ED2P220
Acute Abdomen - ED2P221
Methods of Histological, Cytological and Molecular Biologial Study of Gametes and Embryos - ED2P222
Experimental Models of Liver Diseases - ED2P223
? - ED2P224
? - ED2P225
? - ED2P226
? - ED2P227
The Role of Taxanes in The Therapy of Solid Tumors - ED2P229
? - ED2P230
Monitoring After Allogenetic Bone Marrow Transplantation, Principles, Residual Disease, Immunotherapy - ED2P231
Therapeutic modulation of Septic Shock - ED2P232
Experimental Uterine Transplantation - ED2P233
Principles of Primary ACL Repair and Healing in Acute and Semiacute Period - ED2P234
Histological Response to Biomaterials Used in Abdominal Surgery - ED2P235
Nucleic Acids, Their Biogenesis and Functions - ED2P236
? - ED2P237
? - ED2P238
? - ED2P239
Physiology and Pathophysiology of cerebellum - ED2P240
? - ED2P241
Clinically relevant molecular alterations of the salivary gland tumors - ED2P242
Immunological Mechanism of Fetal Tolerance - ED2P243
Acute Abdomen - ED2P244
Viral Infections in Renal Transplantant - ED2P245
Methods for Detection of Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Gynecological Maignancies - ED2P246
Etiopathophysiology of Hypertension - ED2P247
Financing of Health Care In Czech Republic, Sources, Forms. Main Problems of Health Care and Its Reforms - ED2P248
Physical Activity and Diabetes II - ED2P249
Trk Family of Protein Kinases in Colorectal Cancer - ED2P250
Pathophysiology of the Brain Ischemia - ED2P251
Pathophysiology of the cerebellum, cell therapy for neurological diseases - ED2P252
Methods of Analysis of Spermiogram and Spermatozoa - ED2P255
? - ED2P256
Pharmacokinetics of Drugs and Xenobiotics - ED2P257
Mitochondrial Physiology - ED2P258
? - ED2P259
Cellular Models, In Vitro Cultivation of Adipocytes - ED2P260
Therapy of Osteoporotic Fractures - ED2P261
? - ED2P262
The system of the medical care about seniors - ED2P263
Caesareann Section - ED2P264
Cleft Lip and Palate Treatment - ED2P265
Research Methods Communication Doctors - Patients - ED2P266
Electromyography and Ultrasound in Neurology - ED2P267
Prosthetic Dentistry - ED2P268
? - ED2P269
? - ED2P270
? - ED2P271
Quantitative Histology of Blood Vessels - ED2P272
? - ED2P273
Dementia and the Most Common Diseases in Old Age - ED2P274
Cardiac Arrhythmias in Critically Ill Patients - ED2P275
The Expected Impact of the Implementation of New Prognostic Factors on an Individualized Approach in Patients with Endometrial Cancer - ED2P276
Psychotherapeutic Approaches in Psychiatry - ED2P277
The Role and Position of Universities of the Third Age - ED2P278
Current View of Coagulation Disorders and Possibilities of their Treatment - ED2P279
Carcinoma Cervicis Uteri Treatment - ED2P280
? - ED2P281
? - ED2P282
? - ED2P283
? - ED2P284
Osteosynthesis Osteoporotic Fracture - ED2P285
? - ED2P286
Morphology and Biology of Circulating Tumor Cells - ED2P287
? - ED2P289
Dermatovenerology - ED2P290
Systematic Inflammation Effect on Sleep States Dynamics in Rat - ED2P291
The Role of NK Cells in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Their Influence on Transplant Outcome - ED2P292
Pathophysiology of Inflammation - ED2P293
Molecular biological methods used to monitor the role of the DNA repair system in the research, diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer - ED2P294
? - ED2P295
Acute Myeloid Leukemia and its Treatment - ED2P296
? - ED2P297
Molecular diagnostics of infectious diseases - ED2P298
Cell Signaling - ED2P299
? - ED2P301
Cleft Lip and Palate Treatment - ED2P302
Surgical Options in Brachial Plexus Reconstruction - ED2P303
Oncologic Therapy of Brain Tumors - ED2P304
? - ED2P305
? - ED2P306
Oncologic Therapy of Breast Tumors - ED2P307
Oncologic Therapy of Prostate Cancer - ED2P308
Lactate in Fluid Resuscitation - ED2P309
Molecular biological methods used to monitor markers in the research, diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer - ED2P310
Surgical Treatment of Skin Tumors - ED2P311
Impuplsivity from the Perspective of Psychiatry - ED2P312
Molecular Markers in the Diagnostics and Tailoring od Treatment in Cancer - ED2P313
Quality Control System in Biobanks - ED2P314
Epigenetic Regulation of Embryonic Development - ED2P315
Methodology of Observational Studies - ED2P316
Diagnostics and Treatment of the Sleep Apnea Syndrome - ED2P317
Personality Disorders - ED2P318
? - ED2P319
? - ED2P320
Physiology and pathophysiology of sleep - ED2P321
Primary and Secondary Lung Tumours - ED2P323
Techniques in tissue engineering of solid organs with focus on liver - ED2P324
? - ED2P325
NTRK, BRAF, RET and other kinase gene fusions in soft tissue neoplasia - ED2P326
The Course of the Disease in Patients with Psychotic Disorder - ED2P327
Epigenetic regulation of histone code establishment - ED2P328
Significance of Molecular Testing in Differential Diagnosis of Salivary Gland Tumors - ED2P329
? - ED2P330
Molecular-biological methods and -omics tools used for identification and validation of molecular biomarkers of prognosis and therapeutic response in therapy of solid tumors - ED2P331
? - ED2P332
? - ED2P333
? - ED2P334
International Conference, Split, Croatia, 6th - 8th September 2021 - ED2P335
? - ED2P336
Microbiom of Female Genital Tract - ED2P337
? - ED2P338
DNA/RNA Sequencing technology and Bioinformatics - ED2P339
Assessment of Dental Pulp Vitality - ED2P340
Diagnostic and Therapy of the Ischemic Stroke - ED2P341
Molekulátně-mikrobiologické metody - ED2P342
Anatomy of the pelvis - ED2P343
Assisted Reproduction in Congenital Developmental Defects of the Uterus - ED2P344
Pathological Behaviour of Hepatocytes in NAFLD - a Study in an In Vitro Model - ED2P345
? - ED2P346
? - ED2P347
Regional Anesthesia in Thoracic Surgery - ED2P348
Interpretation of the Results of Massive Parallel Sequencing in Routine Diagnosis of Salivary Gland Tumors - ED2P349
Oral Pathology - ED2P350
Radiological Signs and Parameters of Physiological Axis and Posture and their Changes in Degenerative Disease of the Lumbar Spine - ED2P351
? - ED2P352
Sudden Abdominal Episodes - ED2P353
Surgical Treatment Strategy for Oral and Head and Neck Cancer - ED2P354
Endometriosis - Etiopatogenesis, Diagnostics and Therapy - ED2P355
Therapy of Prostatic Carcinoma - ED2P356
Psychosomatics in Male Sexual Dysfunction - ED2P357
Complication of Cranioplasty - ED2P358
Physiology of Mitochondria and Mitochondrial Diseases - ED2P359
? - ED2P360
Characterization of Selected Soft Tissues and Renal Tumors - ED2P361
? - ED2P362
? - ED2P363
Foreign Materials in Surgery - ED2P364
? - ED2P365
The Possibilites of Using Lipografting - ED2P366
Oncocytic Renal Tumours - ED2P367
? - ED2P368
? - ED2P369
Active participation: Czech Cardiovascular Research and Innovation Days - ED2P370
Molecular Biological Alterations in Melanocytic Tumors of the Skin - ED2P371
Methods and Clinical Application of Liquid Biopsy - ED2P372
Etics and communication in Primary health care (PHC) - ED2P373
Identification of chronic oral lesions with malignant potential - ED2P374
? - ED2P375
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Diagnostic and Research Methods in Liver Cancer - ED2P380
Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of MRONJ formation - ED2P381
NSCLC Treatment - ED2P382
Chronic Kidney Disease, Renal Replacement Therapy - ED2P383
Current Vascular Neurosurgery - ED2P384
Orthognathic Surgery in Cleft Patients - ED2P385
Prostate Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy - ED2P386
Current Surgical Treatment of Malignant Gliomas - ED2P387
Principles of Vitamin D Supplementation, Recommended Daily Dose, Toxicity - ED2P388
Immune Mechanisms of Systemic Infections and Potential New Therapeutic Targets and Strategies - ED2P389
Basics of Immunology - ED2P390
? - ED2P391
Molecular genetics of renal cell carcinomas - ED2P392
Molecular techniques used in surgical pathology practice - ED2P393
? - ED2P394
Psychiatric and Neueropsychiatric Reactions to Stress - ED2P395
Atherosclerosis plaque formation in blood vessels and its complications - ED2P396
? - ED2P397
? - ED2P398
Patient Blood Management - ED2P399
Molecular Classification of Selected Tumors - ED2P400
? - ED2P401
? - ED2P402
Diagnostics and Therapy of Ischemic Strokes in young Patients - ED2P403
Protein Changes in Hematological Malignancies - ED2P404
The role of transcriptome and its regulation in prognosis and therapeutic response of solid tumors - ED2P405
? - ED2P406
Genomics of Cancer Diagnostic and Research Methods - ED2P407
? - ED2P408
Pelvic Anatomy - ED2P409
Diseases of the Vascular System - ED2P410
Phenotype characteristics of leukemia stem cells and resistant leukemia blasts - ED2P411
Individualization and Current Trends in Surgical The - ED2P414
? - ED2P415
? - ED2P416
Surgical and Non-Surgical Therapy of Cervical Cancer - ED2P417
? - ED2P418
Scaphoid Fractures - ED2P419
Surgical Treatment of Pleural Syndromes - ED2P420
Pathophysiology of Cellular Dysfunction in Sepsis and Possibilities of its Treatment - ED2P421
? - ED2P422
High-grade transformation of salivary gland tumors and high-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma - ED2P423
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? - ED2P425
? - ED2P426
? - ED2P427
? - ED2P428
? - ED2P429
? - ED2P430
Pelvic Ultrasound - ED2P431
Features of Glial Cells in Central Nervous System - ED2P432
Congress Digestive Disease Week, Washington, D.C., USA (May 18 - 21 2024) - Active Participation - ED2P433
Histological and Molecular Classification of Tumors of the Endometrium - ED2P434
? - ED2P435
Surgical Diseases of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract - ED2P436
? - ED2P437
? - ED2P438
Liquid biopsy and biomarkers for glioma research - ED2P439
? - ED2P440
? - ED2P441
? - ED2P443
? - ED2P444
Molecular-Biological Methods and Omics Tools for Identification and Validation of Molecular Biomarkers of Prognosis and Therapeutic Response in Colorectal Cancers - ED2P445
? - ED2P446
Novel Subtypes of Round Cell Sarcomas - ED2P447
? - ED2P448
? - ED2P449
? - ED2P450
? - ED2P451
? - ED2P452
? - ED2P453
Physiology and Pathophysiology of the Cerebellum and the Hippocampus - ED2P454
? - ED2P455
? - ED2P456
? - ED2P457
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? - ED2P473
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Surgical and Oncological Treatment of Pathologies in HPB Area - ED2P478
? - ED2P479
? - ED2P480
? - ED2P481
? - ED2P482
? - ED2P483
? - ED2P484
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Replication and Transcription of Mitochondrial DNA in the Oocyte and Embryo - ED2P487
? - ED2P488
Novel Cutaneous Mesenchymal Tumors in the New WHO Classification of Skin Tumors - ED2P489
Trinucleotide Repeat Disorders and Their Treatment - ED2P490
? - ED2P492
Basics of Stereology and Statistical Data Analysis - ED2P493
? - ED2P495
? - ED2P496
? - ED2P497
? - ED2P498
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Cancer diseases GIT - dg + therapy - ED3P155
? - ED3P201
Colorectal Cancer - Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment - ED3P353
Defense of the dissertation - ED9000000
? - EED0005294
Oogenesis and Fertilization - EED1P328
? - EED1P332
? - EED1P340
Viral Infections After Transplantation - EED1P383
? - EED2P357
? - EED2P362
? - E2P276
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