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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Biology Section (31-101)
Czech Academy of Sciences (31-AVCR)
Czech University of Life Sciences (31-CZU)
Department of Analytical Chemistry (31-230)
Department of Anthropology and Human Genetics (31-110)
Department of Applied Geoinformatics and Cartography (31-370)
Department of Biochemistry (31-250)
Department of Biology Education (31-180)
Department of Botany (31-120)
Department of Cell Biology (31-151)
Department of Demography and Geodemography (31-360)
Department of Ecology (31-162)
Department of Experimental Plant Biology (31-130)
Department of Genetics and Microbiology (31-140)
Department of Chemistry Education (31-280)
Department of Inorganic Chemistry (31-240)
Department of Organic Chemistry (31-270)
Department of Parasitology (31-161)
Department of Philosophy and History of Science (31-107)
Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry (31-260)
Department of Physical Education (31-730)
Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology (31-330)
Department of Physiology (31-152)
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development (31-340)
Department of Zoology (31-170)
Faculty of Arts, CU (31-FF)
Faculty of Matematics and Physics, CU (31-MFF)
Futher Education Centre (31-643)
Geography Section (31-301)
Geology Section (31-401)
Chemistry Section (31-201)
Institute for Environmental Studies (31-550)
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies, CU (31-UJOP)
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies (31-710)
Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral Resources (31-430)
Institute of Geology and Paleontology (31-420)
Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics (31-450)
Institute of Petrology and Structural Geology (31-440)
Laboratories of Geological Institutes (31-410)
Student Affairs Division (31-640)
University of Chemistry and Technology (31-VSCHT)
Bachelor's thesis - MDIPL002
Diploma thesis - MDIPL003
Research project for visiting students - MERA600
Research project for visiting students - MERA601
Research project for visiting students - MERA602
Biology - MSZBB001
Ecological and Evolutionary Biology - MSZBB002
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Organisms - MSZBB003
Bioinformatics - MSZBB004
Biology - MSZBB005
Anthropology and Human Genetics - MSZBN001
Botany - Phycology and Algal Ecology - MSZBN002
Botany - Bryology and Lichenology - MSZBN003
Botany - Mycology - MSZBN004
Botany - Plant Ecology - MSZBN005
Botany - Vascular Plants - MSZBN006
Genetics, Molecular Biology and Virology - Molecular Biology and Genetics of Eukaryots - MSZBN013
Microbiology - MSZBN015
Animal Physiology - Animal and Human Physiology - MSZBN016
Animal Physiology - Neurobiology - MSZBN017
Parasitology - MSZBN021
Ecology - Aquatic Ecology - MSZBN022
Terrestrial Ecology - MSZBN023
Zoology - Zoology of Invertebrates - MSZBN024
Zoology - Entomology - MSZBN025
Zoology - Zoology of Vertebrates - MSZBN027
Protistology - MSZBN030
Experimental Plant Biology - Plant Physiology and Anatomy - MSZBN031
Evolution Biology - MSZBN036
Reproduction and Developmental Biology - MSZBN037
Bioinformatics - MSZBN038
Experimental Plant Biology - Cellular and Molecular Biology of Plants - MSZBN039
Experimental Plant Biology - Plant Ecophysiology - MSZBN040
Cell Biology - MSZBN041
Immunology - MSZBN044
Theoretical Biology - MSZBN045
Zoology - Animal Evolutionary Genetics - MSZBN046
Genetics, Molecular Biology and Virology - Virology - MSZBN047
Genetics, Molecular Biology and Virology - Molecular Biology and Genetics of Eukaryotes - MSZBN048
Genetics, Molecular Biology and Virology - Molecular Biology and Genetics of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Microorganisms - MSZBN049
Zoology - Ethology and Ecology - MSZBN050
Parasitology and Infection Biology - MSZBN051
Inorganic Chemistry - MSZCB021
Organic Chemistry - MSZCB022
Physical Chemistry - MSZCB023
Analytical Chemistry - MSZCB024
Biochemistry - MSZCB025
Analytical Chemistry - MSZCB041
Inorganic Chemistry - MSZCB042
Biochemistry - MSZCB043
Physical Chemistry - MSZCB044
Organic Chemistry - MSZCB045
Analytical Chemistry - MSZCB051
Biochemistry - MSZCB052
Organic Chemistry - MSZCB054
Toxicology - MSZCB055
General Chemistry - MSZCB056
Medicinal chemistry - MSZCB060
Inorganic Chemistry - MSZCB061
General and Physical Chemistry - MSZCB062
Basis of Physics - MSZCB063
Analytical Chemistry - MSZCB064
Organic Chemistry - MSZCB065
Medicinal chemistry - MSZCB066
Biochemistry - MSZCN011
Applied Analytical Chemistry - MSZCN014
Toxicokinetics and Pharmacology - MSZCN016
Molecular biology - MSZCN017
Principles of Macromolecular Chemistry - MSZCN029
Experimental methods of Macromolecular Chemistry - MSZCN030
Organic chemistry - MSZCN033
Organic synthesis - MSZCN034
Structure Analysis of Organic Compounds - MSZCN035
Medicinal chemistry - MSZCN043
Chemistry and Physics of Solids - MSZCN046
Methods of Preparation and Study of Materials - MSZCN047
General Analytical Chemistry - MSZCN048
Applied Analytical Chemistry - MSZCN049
Physical Chemistry - MSZCN050
Physical Chemistry - Biophysical Chemistry - MSZCN051
Physical Chemistry - Modelling of Chemical Properties of Nanostructures and Biostructures - MSZCN052
Chemistry of Main Group and Inner Group Elements - MSZCN053
Methods of Study of Inorganic Compounds - MSZCN054
Special chemistry disciplines - MSZCN055
Special Biochemistry Disciplines - MSZCN056
Biochemistry - MSZCN057
Social Geography - MSZDB009
Demography - MSZDB012
Sociology - MSZDB013
History - MSZDB014
Public and Social Policy - MSZDB015
Economics - MSZDB016
Demography - MSZD009
Earths´ Dynamics - MSZGB001
Mineralogy and Petrology - MSZGB002
Earth Sciences - MSZGB004
Management of Natural Resources - MSZGB005
Geology - MSZGB007
Geotechnology - MSZGB008
Earth Sciences - MSZGB009
Geology - MSZGB010
Composition of the Earth - MSZGB011
Earths´ Dynamics - MSZGB012
Geology - MSZGB013
Classical Archeology - MSZGB014
Applied Geology - Hydrogeology - MSZGN001
Applied Geology - Engineering Geology - MSZGN002
Geology - Economic Geology - MSZGN006
Geology - MSZGN014
Applied Geology - Geophysics - MSZGN015
Geobiology - MSZGN017
Geology - Economic Geology - MSZGN018
Geology - Mineralogy and Crystallography - MSZGN019
Geology - Paleontology - MSZGN020
Geology - Geology - MSZGN021
Geology - Geodynamics - MSZGN022
Geology - Geochemistry - MSZGN023
Geology - Geology of Enviroment - MSZGN024
Hydrology and Hydrogeology - MSZGN025
Geology - Geoarchaeology - MSZGN026
Geology - Geodynamics - MSZGN027
Environmental Protection - MSZOB001
Ecology and Nature Conservation - MSZO001
Environmental Geology and Soil Science - MSZO002
Meteorology, Climatology and Air Quality Management - MSZO003
Hydrochemistry, Limniology and Water Management - MSZO004
Environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology - MSZO005
Science - MSZSCI01
Geography - MSZUB07
Chemistry - MSZUB08
Biology - MSZUB09
Chemistry - MSZUB10
Geology - MSZUB11
Biology - MSZUB12
Pedagogy and Psychology - MSZU001
Biology - MSZU010
Didactics of Biology - MSZU011
Didactics of Chemistry - MSZU013
Didactics of Geography - MSZU015
Geography - MSZU023
Chemistry - MSZU024
Chemistry - MSZU027
Geology - MSZU028
Didactics of Geology - MSZU029
Biology - MSZU030
Didactics of Biology - MSZU031
Anthropology and Human Genetics - MSZXB002
Plant Anatomy and Physiology - MSZXB003
Botany - MSZXB004
Animal Physiology - MSZXB005
Developmental Biology and Cell Biology - MSZXB007
Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology - MSZXB008
Immunology - MSZXB009
Microbiology - MSZXB010
Parasitology - MSZXB011
Ecology - MSZXB012
Zoology - MSZXB014
Philosophy and History of Science - MSZXB016
Theoretical and Evolutional Biology - MSZXB017
Environmental Sciences - MSZXB018
Molecular and Cellular Biology - MSZXB020
Experimental Plant Biology - MSZXB021
Bioinformatics and computational biology - MSZXB022
Analytical Chemistry - MSZXC001
Inorganic Chemistry - MSZXC002
Organic Chemistry - MSZXC003
Biochemistry - MSZXC004
Physical Chemistry - MSZXC005
Macromolecular Chemistry - MSZXC006
Education in Chemistry - MSZXC007
Modeling of Chemical Properties of Nano- and Biostructures - MSZXC008
Didactics of Chemistry - MSZXC009
Geology - MSZXG001
Applied Geology - MSZXG007
Cartography, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing - MSZXZ001
Regional and Political Geography - MSZXZ003
Social Geography and Regional Development - MSZXZ005
Demography - MSZXZ007
Physical Geography and Geoecology - MSZXZ008
General Issues in Geography - MSZXZ010
General Geography - MSZXZ011
Didactics of Geography - MSZXZ012
Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing - MSZXZ013
Geography and Cartography - MSZZB001
Physical Geography and Geoinformatics - MSZZB002
Social Geography and Geoinformatics - MSZZB003
Surface and Underground Water - MSZZB004
Applied Geography - Physical Geography and Geoinformatics - MSZZB005
Applied Geography - Social Geography and Geoinformatics - MSZZB006
Hydrology and Hydrogeology - MSZZB007
Geography and Cartography - MSZZB008
Physical Geography and Geoecology - MSZZN001
Cartography and Geoinformatics - MSZZN002
Regional and Political Geography - MSZZN003
Social Geography and Regional Development - MSZZN004
Global migration and development studies - MSZZN005
Landscape and Society - MSZZN007
Social epidemiology - MSZZN008
Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing - MSZZN010
Political and Regional Geography - MSZZN011
Social Geography and Regional Development - MSZZN012
Physical Geography and Geoecology - MSZZN013
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