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    Branch programme/details

    Longevity Studies (0388VD250002)

    Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
    Study programme: Longevity Studies (P0388D250002)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online

    Rate of admitted and total applicants in the past academic year

    0 / 2

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2025
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      Charge for an on-line application: 810 CZK
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      Longevity Studies enables the better understanding of the interfaces and challenges of prolongation of human life (longevity). It fosters further understanding and finding of appropriate answers and solutions of theoretical, applied, and ethical contexts of longevity. It reflects not only current demographic changes of population (such as gerontology), but also reflects the fact that nowadays people with severe disabilities, chronic illnesses and impairment live longer than ever before, and also that some other specific groups of our population have needs related to longevity. Longevity Studies offers an integrated study on the boarder of humanities, social, biomedical, and other mainly applied sciences. The course responds to needs of specialist analyses and solutions to problems related to longevity and demographic changes in society and in various fields of human life and activity. The PhD Longevity studies produces highly skilled and knowledgeable specialists in research, expertise, and transference of knowledge into practice. On the scientific level they are able to tackle problems related to the longevity of human life. They are aware, and able to use relevant scientific methods, to coordinate interdisciplinary teams. And furthermore, able to publish both scientific publications and materials for decision making at all levels and problems related to longevity.
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      The entrance exam includes
      1. Discussion of the submitted research plan. (max. 12 points).
      2. Verification of knowledge of the English language. Knowledge of English enabling independent study of the literature and communication within an international research team, teleconferencing and preparation of materials. These requirements will be verified in the oral entrance examination, which will be conducted in English (max. 4 points).
      3. Verification of knowledge of basic scientific methodology, demonstrated by basic knowledge, possibly activities and results, both theoretical, empirical and applied (max. 4 points).
      A maximum of 20 points can be obtained from the entrance examination. A candidate who obtains less than 6 points in the evaluation of the debate on the dissertation research project cannot be admitted. The Dean will set the score threshold for admission based on the result of the admission procedure and taking into account the economic and capacity possibilities of the faculty.

      The interview questions verify the candidate's eligibility for the dissertation project and focus mainly on the chosen topic of the research project. Both the quality of the research project and its inclusion in the research projects carried out by the faculty are assessed. The quality of the theoretical and methodological elaboration of the applicant's research project is an important criterion for deciding on admission. The admissions committee also takes into account the relevance of the topic of the research project to the field of Longevity Studies. Applicants can either apply with their own dissertation project or apply for topics that are listed in the student information system by some supervisors. It is possible for more than one candidate to apply for a single topic if capacity allows. The supervisor may grant permission for more than one candidate to apply for the same topic, with the proviso that the selection will be made as part of the admissions process.

      The following attachments are part of the application form:
      - Dissertation project (recommended parts: outline of the research problem and research questions, overview of the current state of research, explanation of the chosen methodology and research techniques, proposed approach to the problem, list of relevant literature, research timetable, explanation of the relevance of the topic to the Longevity Studies programme); recommended length of the project: 6 pages; the project must include a proposal of the supervisor (name), selected from the list of supervisors approved by the departmental board, and the project must be developed together with the supervisor;
      - a brief professional CV;
      - a list of the literature that the candidate has studied with regard to his/her individual interest and the chosen topic of the dissertation project;
      - other relevant documents (e.g. a list of the applicant's publications to date, proof of having passed a state examination or an internationally recognised certificate in a world language, proof of scientific experience at home or abroad, etc.).
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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 11.06.2025 Until: 18.06.2025
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 25.06.2025 Until: 27.06.2025
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      Graduates of the PhD study have the skills and knowledge of scientific methods at the level required for doctoral studies of humanities reflecting the focus on longevity. They are able to propose and solve complex scientific projects, use expertise and propose solutions, to act as a specialist in the academic and pedagogical field. In practice, the graduate is able to coordinate interprofessional teams in the field of academy, public administration, and also in the private sector.

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      Tuition [EUR] / per period: 700 EUR / year