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    Branch programme/details

    Applied Ethics (0223VD100025)

    Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
    Study programme: Applied Ethics (P0223D100025)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online

    Rate of admitted and total applicants in the past academic year

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2025
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      Charge for an on-line application: 810 CZK
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      There are numerous ethical issues in every field of human activity. The aim of this programme is to critically reflect on these issues, whilst applying ethics as a philosophical discipline. Students of Applied Ethics will acquire skills in analytical thinking and qualitative research methods. They will be able to hierarchically organize, evaluate and propose solutions to dilemmas or situations requiring ethical insight in their profession, using the theoretical and practical knowledge obtained during this programme.
      The aim of the study is to independently create and publicly present original research results on a current open scientific problem in the field of applied ethics at home and abroad. The aim is also to master and develop the principles of scientific work, precise and original scientific formulation of problems, permanent attention to the relationship between the development of the field and the contribution to practice and mastering the methods of organizing scientific work, the practice of organizing scientific events and the way of active participation in scientific life
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      The entrance examination consists of a debate on the dissertation research project (max. 10 points) and a test of the basic prerequisites for studying the field and basic orientation in the field (max. 5 points). The interview questions verify the candidate's eligibility for the dissertation project and focus in particular on the chosen topic of the research project, which must reflect the theoretical and methodological knowledge of Applied Ethics. Both the quality of the research project and its inclusion in the research projects carried out by the Faculty are assessed. A total of 15 points can be obtained in the entrance examination. A candidate who scores less than 6 points in the evaluation of the debate on the dissertation research project cannot be admitted. The Dean will set the score threshold for admission based on the result of the admission procedure and taking into account the economic and capacity possibilities of the Faculty.

      The application form contains the following attachments:
      - dissertation project (recommended parts: outline of the research problem and research questions, overview of the current state of research, explanation of the chosen methodology and research techniques, proposed approach to the problem, list of relevant literature, research timetable, explanation of the relevance of the topic for the study programme Applied Ethics); recommended length of the project: 3-4 pages; the project must include a proposal of the supervisor (name), selected from the list of supervisors approved by the disciplinary board, and the project must be developed together with the supervisor;
      - written consent of the supervisor to supervise the dissertation project, which will be included in the application form as a separate attachment;
      - a brief professional CV;
      - a list of relevant literature that the applicant has studied in relation to his/her individual interest and the chosen topic of the dissertation project
      - other relevant documents (e.g. a list of the applicant's publications to date, evidence of scientific experience at home or abroad, etc.).
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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 11.06.2025 Until: 20.06.2025
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 25.06.2025 Until: 27.06.2025
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      Graduates of the Applied Ethics doctoral programme are well employed in numerous fields of human activity. Either they extend their knowledge and skills to the ethical dimension of their basic profession (e.g. by creating codes of ethics or applying and interpreting parts of them in practice), work on standardising the ethical rules of their profession in national and transnational versions, or work as experts in ethics committees or develop so-called ethical consulting. Graduates are able to work actively and effectively in the top management of modern institutions, organizations and companies as professional ethicists. Thanks to their graduation in applied ethics, they are newly employed as teachers in university study programmes where students prepare for the helping professions and in higher education programmes, especially in health and social sciences. As ethics is often included as a compulsory subject in secondary schools, they can also gain employment here. They are often involved in ethics committees or panels, which are established in a wide range of professional fields, as well as in government institutions.
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      Tuition [EUR] / per period: 700 EUR / year