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    Branch programme/details

    Historical Sociology (0314VD250002)

    Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
    Study programme: Historical Sociology (P0314D250002)
    Form of study: combined
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online
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      Application submission date: 30.04.2025
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      Charge for an on-line application: 810 CZK
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      The main topics of historical sociology lie in questions of social change, modernisation, modernisation processes, civilizational analysis, the formation of states and nations, the formation of the world system, and globalization trends. These questions are studied through an extensive comparative analysis involving a wide geographical perspective and long-time intervals. Part of the field of historical sociology comprises a number of partial, specific research areas, which include issues such as collective mentalities, habits and social memory. Historical sociology is a very diverse and internally differentiated discipline that has general theoretical approaches, a number of special theories, a variety of specialised research directions, and develops research at an empirical level. The PhD programme in historical sociology is designed to provide high-quality and demanding training for those who want to be active in scientific and research work – especially of an analytical and comparative nature – in some of those areas which concern current historical sociology. The doctoral curriculum includes exams from compulsory and elective courses, research activities, publishing activities and participation in scientific conferences. After the state doctoral examination and a dissertation defence, the student is awarded a PhD.
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      The oral entrance examination consists of a debate on the dissertation project (max. 10 points) and a test of the basic prerequisites for the study of the field (max. 5 points), focusing on adequate knowledge of theory and methodology. A candidate who scores less than 7 points on the dissertation evaluation cannot be admitted. The Dean will determine the score threshold required for admission based on the outcome of the admissions process and taking into account the economic and capacity resources of the faculty.

      The following annexes are part of the application form:
      - the dissertation project, which should be prepared jointly with an authorised supervisor from the list of supervisors approved by the Board of Studies, whose name is indicated in the project. The dissertation project of approximately 5 pages should include the theoretical background, research questions, possible hypotheses, a proposal for a methodological solution and basic literature on the topic.
      - A brief professional CV,
      - an overview of the applicant's publications and other scientific activities (participation in conferences, involvement in research projects, etc.).

      Thematic areas that are preferred for the proposal of dissertation topics in the Historical Sociology programme
      1) Civilizational development in the perspective of comparative civilizational analysis
      2) Modernization processes and their conception in terms of the concept of "multiple modernities"
      3) The role of military conflicts in the formation of modern societies
      4) Nations and nationalism in the development of post-communist countries
      5) Charisma and charismatic dominion from the perspective of historical sociology
      6) The historical sociology of knowledge, religion and ideologies
      7) Collective memory and identity, their formation and transformations
      8) Developments in the Middle East in the research approaches of historical sociology
      9) Historical-social transformations in transport and travel
      10) Everyday life and the domains of everyday life in historical sociology approaches.
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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 11.06.2025 Until: 20.06.2025
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 25.06.2025 Until: 27.06.2025
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      A graduate of the doctoral study programme of historical sociology is a qualified expert in societal and social issues, particularly on issues of comparative analysis of historical processes and trends of development. They have the knowledge, skills and competencies for a job in the field of theory and research. And they are theoretically prepared for work at universities, research institutes, and specialised workplaces in the public and private sector.
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      Tuition [EUR] / per period: 700 EUR / year