During the admission process, candidates must fulfil two conditions: they must obtain at least a minimum number of points, based on the assessment of submitted documents, to demonstrate both their academic and linguistic knowledge and skills, and they must provide proof of their previous education.
1) By March 10th, 2025, applicants must submit a motivation letter (500 to 700 words), a structured curriculum vitae, proof of English proficiency at min. B2 level, and an academic text in English. The text should be between 4,500 and 5,000 words long and must adhere to the standards of academic writing; the bibliography does not count towards the overall word count. The academic text may be a defended Bachelor’s thesis or its summary, an article published in an academic journal, or any new essay in which the applicant decides to demonstrate their academic expertise; it must be written by the applicant only – co-authorship is not permitted. The required documents should demonstrate the applicants’ abilities, knowledge and skills for studies in the Gender Studies programme at the Master’s level. All of the abovementioned documents are a mandatory annex for assessment in the admission procedure.
In the first stage of the admission procedure, applicants can obtain between 0 and 15 points:
a) 0 to 5 points for the motivation letter,
b) 0 to 10 points for the academic text.
Neither the proof of English proficiency nor the curriculum vitae are evaluated.
The Dean determines the point threshold for admission, taking into account the number of candidates participating in the admission process and the operational capacities of the Faculty of Humanities.
In case the applicant fails to fulfil at least one condition, they receive a decision of non-acceptance. If both conditions are met, the Faculty issues a letter of acceptance to the applicant.
2) The second condition of the admission process is the submission of proof of previous education, i.e., a copy of the applicant’s Bachelor’s or Master’s diploma and its supplement(s). The deadline for providing the abovementioned proof is set to September 30th, 2025. Applicants who have completed their previous higher education at a foreign university must submit one of the following documents to prove their previous education: a document issued pursuant to Sections 89 and 90 of the Higher Education Act proving general recognition of foreign higher education in the Czech Republic (i.e. general nostrification); or a foreign document concerning foreign higher education if it is deemed automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic by its international agreements without any further administrative procedures (namely a higher education diploma from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, or Slovenia); or a foreign document concerning foreign higher education to be assessed by the Faculty (for a fee of 960 CZK). Applicants who will not get their foreign diploma recognised by September 30th, 2025, may complete the recognition process by October 22nd, 2025. Detailed information regarding the method of proving the previous education, whether Bachelor’s or Master’s, can be found at the Faculty’s website: