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    Branch programme/details

    Parasitology (0511VD030043)

    Faculty: First Faculty of Medicine
    Study programme: Parasitology (P0511D030043)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2024
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      Charge for an on-line application: 780
      Note: Bank account number in the form of IBAN: CZ9701000000000037434021
      SWIFT code of the bank (BIC): KOMBCZPPXXX

      Applicant have to pay post and bank charges. If you pay from foreign country please use type of bank charges "OUR".

      As variable symbol please use the number of the application form.
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      Parasitology is a complex a scientific discipline dealing with various aspects of the relationship between a parasite and a host. The Doctoral Study Program (DSP) Parasitology is focused on the study of biology of parasitic protozoa, helminths and arthropods, at the level of whole organisms, cells and molecules with an emphasis on parasites interactions with hosts. The DSP Parasitology is based on, follows, and combines both, systematic and ecological disciplines focused on (totally or partially) various parasitological pathogenic agents. The DSP Parasitology combines various methodological approaches such as immunology, cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, epidemiology, diversity and phylogeny of parasitic organisms. The DSP Parasitology is designed to familiarize students with various aspects of parasitism and the application of parasitology in veterinary and human medicine. The DSP Parasitology aims to deepen the knowledge especially in the field of parasitology, and to develop students' ability to creative scientific thinking, which is also a prerequisite for further education in related fields such as immunology, biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, microbiology. The emphasis is put on independent scientific work and development of the ability to critically evaluate, formulate, present and publish the achieved results. The DSP Parasitology will allow doctoral students to devote sufficient time not only to study but also to demanding experimental work; as well as to at least a three-month internship abroad and to defend a dissertation work (a doctoral thesis) based on high quality publications in internationally journals.
      According to the article 3, paragraph 1, second sentence of the Code of Admission Procedure of Charles University, this programme of study is offered without specialization.
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      The admission examination is a one-round interview, which will mainly cover the issues of the planned dissertation and the applicant´s knowledge within the field of expertise of the given study programme, and consists of several parts.

      The committee assesses:
      1. Quality and presentation of the doctoral project (hypothesis, the time plan and methodology). Both the presentation and the reaction to committee’s questions are assessed.
      2. Previous scientific work – previous activities, especially (but not exclusively) those that are related to the doctoral project; publications and grant activities are prioritized
      3. Knowledge and orientation of the candidate in the field with special regards to the project – the candidate must prove knowledge of the current affairs in the field and especially in the research related to the project, the candidate must show ability to evaluate scientific hypotheses, the committee may also pay attention to previous study results.

      The exam is rated with a maximum of 100 points. The evaluation includes the quality of the dissertation project, its feasibility and the manner of its presentation.

      All applicants who have received at least 50 points out of 100 at the entrance examination will be admitted to study.
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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 10.06.2024 Until: 21.06.2024
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 24.06.2024 Until: 28.06.2024
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      More information:
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      The graduate's profile of the Doctoral Study Program (DSP) Parasitology is largely determined by the specific objectives of the doctoral thesis, which determines the nature of the training for independent scientific work or for practice in the field. The graduate has expertise in various parasitic organisms (e.g., protozoa, helminths, arthropods), especially their molecular biology, immunology and biochemistry, as well as their pathogenicity or epidemiology, all with an emphasis on host–parasite interaction. The graduate is able to solve theoretical and practical problems related to the research on parasites and parasitic diseases at multidisciplinary level, both in basic and applied research. Is well versed in the issues connected with the doctoral thesis and is able to solve theoretical and practical problems related to parasites at multidisciplinary level. The graduate is able to discuss with experts at the international level and to present achieved results in international journals and at scientific meetings. Is able to participate in international projects focused on parasitology or related disciplines and are ready to work at universities and research institutes, in education sector, health care or veterinary medicine, but also in state/governmental administration or in private (e.g., pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies), both in the Czech Republic and abroad.
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      Tuition [CZK] / per period: 1000 CZK / year