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    Branch programme/details

    Nutritional and Metabolic Sciences (0912VD360002)

    Faculty: First Faculty of Medicine
    Study programme: Nutritional and Metabolic Sciences (P0912D360002)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2024
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      Charge for an on-line application: 780
      Note: Bank account number in the form of IBAN: CZ9701000000000037434021
      SWIFT code of the bank (BIC): KOMBCZPPXXX

      Applicant have to pay post and bank charges. If you pay from foreign country please use type of bank charges "OUR".

      As variable symbol please use the number of the application form.
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      The professional profile of the study programme is clinical nutrition of the metabolism. It builds up on the basic medical education and Masters study programme Nutrition Specialist (clinical nutritional therapist), which is accredited at the faculty.
      The goal of the doctoral study programme Nutritional and Metabolic Sciences is the training of specialists with deep knowledge of nutrition and metabolism. This includes knowledge from wide areas of clinical nutrition, diets, metabolism, physiological and pathophysiological effects of nutrients, including deep knowledge of their properties.
      According to the article 3, paragraph 1, second sentence of the Code of Admission Procedure of Charles University, this programme of study is offered without specialization.
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      The admission examination is held in the form of interview before a board and it checks the student’s capacity for scientific work in the given field and his/her capacity to complete the studies. Criteria evaluated by the board are following:
      a) The proposed project originality and quality, 0-20 points.
      b) The way of presentation of the project by the applicant and ability to discuss a professional problem, 0-20 points.
      c) The annotation must be in keeping with the focus of the Field Board, the project of dissertation must have a financial coverage, 0-20 points
      d) Prerequisites for the implementation of the submitted project, knowledge of this field in the extent of the master study, 0-20 points.
      e) Previous scientific activity in this field (publications, presentation in a Student Scientific Conference, etc.), 0-20 points.

      Points total 100
      Minimum admission points: 50 points
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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 01.06.2024 Until: 30.06.2024
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 06.06.2024 Until: 31.07.2024
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      Studenti doktorského studijního programu získají hluboké porozumění oboru a jeho ukotvení v teorii a jejích intervencích. Kombinace pilířů studia si klade za cíl poskytnout absolventům programu odborné znalosti pro transdisciplinární vědecký výzkum aplikovaný v tomto oboru. mj. díky tomu budou absolventi programu dobře připraveni na potřeby praxe v oboru vědy a výzkumu, stejně jako na expertní pozice ve veřejném i v soukromém sektoru. Jejich transdisciplinární východiska jim umožní spolupracovat s kolegy z celé řady disciplín, komunikovat výsledky svého výzkumu manažerům a „decision-makerům“ na (mezi)resortní úrovni, a ujímat se např. vedoucích pozic na vysokém stupni odbornosti a/nebo se profilovat jako vědecko-výzkumní pracovníci na tuzemských či zahraničních pracovištích.
      Studium je upraveno pro potřeby současného mezinárodního výzkumu v oboru Nutriční a metabolické vědy a reflektuje tak aktuální úroveň znalostí a výzkum v oboru.
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      Tuition [CZK] / per period: 1000 CZK / year