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    Branch programme/details

    Medical Psychology and Psychopathology (0313VD350002)

    Faculty: First Faculty of Medicine
    Study programme: Medical Psychology and Psychopathology (P0313D350002)
    Form of study: combined
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2024
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      Charge for an on-line application: 780
      Note: Bank account number in the form of IBAN: CZ9701000000000037434021
      SWIFT code of the bank (BIC): KOMBCZPPXXX

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      The doctoral study programme Medical Psychology and Psychopathology is concerned with basic as well as applied research in the areas of biopsychosocial relations. The proposed studies open the possibility for interdisciplinary doctoral education not only for graduates of medical faculties but also for graduates of one-field studies of psychology at faculties of art as well as graduates in some allied fields.
      The field builds up on the rich tradition of education in psychological and psychiatric sciences at First Faculty of Medicine, represented by the work of founders of the field, such as Josef Riedel, Mihajlo Rostohar and Vladimír Vondráček. The bias to the biopsychosocial paradigm of recent modern medicine (enriched with the ecologic, environmental dimension), in the aspect of its theoretical base, reflects the recent state of knowledge achieved by modern science in contemporary developed societies.
      Theoretical base of the study programme includes the knowledge systems of theoretical psychological fields (developmental psychology, psychology of personality etc.), but also that of applied fields, particularly clinical and medical ones. Psychiatry and behavioural sciences, in turn, represent a complex of scientific disciplines that are concerned with understanding of human psychology and behaviour. These include not only psychological but also genetic, biochemical or physiological approaches and their interactions. Important is the possibility of use of these most recent knowledge in care of the mentally as well as physically ill.
      According to the article 3, paragraph 1, second sentence of the Code of Admission Procedure of Charles University, this programme of study is offered without specialization.
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      The entrance procedure must be undergone by each applicant. The entrance examination is held in the form of interview before a board and it checks the student’s capacity for scientific work in the given field. The board evaluates:
      (1) Quality of the thesis project and quality of rendering – the project must be structured as follows:
      introduction; literature search; objective(s) of the thesis; hypothesis/ hypotheses set in accordance with the type and subject matter of the project; methodology.
      Maximum score for the whole item – 20 points
      (2) Previous publishing activity in the field of Psychology: to evaluate previous activities that are related to the project, preferably publishing activities – for a journal with IF 20 points, for SCOPUS 14 points, for ERIH 12 points, for a reviewed journal or active presentation in a Student Scientific Conference or another conference – 8 points. The applicant will receive the full number of points as the first author, or 50 % as a co-author.
      Maximum score for the whole item – 20 points
      (3) Relation of the topic to the intended Supervising Tutor’s orientation and his/her research projects – the accord of the proposed topic with the Supervising Tutor’s research orientation must be clear. For the Supervising Tutor’s grant beyond the University – 5 points, for the accord with the Supervising Tutor’s research orientation – 5 points.
      Maximum score for the whole item – 10 points
      (4) The way of presentation of the project by the applicant – for quality of the presentation 0-5 points, for the response to board members’ questions 0-5 points.
      Maximum score for the whole item – 10 points

      Each member of the examining board will score the applicant within the range of 0-10 points per item for items 3 and 4, within the range of 0-20 points per item for items 1 and 2, thus the maximum score for an applicant is 60 points. From the scores given by particular board members, the arithmetic mean will be calculated. This will be rounded to a whole number – for the values between 0.50 and 0.99 upwards, for the values between 0.00 - 0.49 downwards, to the closest whole number.
      Minimum points requiered is 35.
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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 01.06.2024 Until: 30.06.2024
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 06.06.2024 Until: 31.07.2024
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      The graduate is able to work with scientific literature and independently prepare and implement a research project, this includes: obtaining, evaluating and statistically processing acquired data, taking into account primarily the interdisciplinary focus and combining both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In the field of medical psychology, it is mainly research projects in which empirical data are obtained through specific psychological and psychological-psychiatric procedures and partly from laboratory aid. In the field of behavioral sciences, it is especially the research of connections between psychosocial and ecological factors with biological dispositions, including the use of modern auxiliary diagnostic methods. Special emphasis is placed on the ability to prepare and publish high-quality results of scientific work.
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      Tuition [CZK] / per period: 1000 CZK / year