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    Branch programme/details

    Demography (0314TA330007)

    Faculty: Faculty of Science
    Study programme: Demography (N0314A330007)
    Form of study: combined
    Type of study: Master's (post-Bachelor)
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 2 years
    Application type: Online

    • You cannot apply for study of this programme/branch now.

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      Application submission date: 29.02.2024
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      Charge for an on-line application: 880 CZK
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      The programme is implemented without specialization.
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      ● The exam takes place in two rounds.
      ● The admission exam is held in English.

      First round: (max. 40 points)
      The assessment of the applicants is based on the following documents sent.
      ● Curriculum vitae (10 points),
      ● List of grades (10 points),
      ● Motivation letter (20 points).
      To proceed to the second round, the applicants must obtain at least 25 points.

      Second round: (max. 60 points)
      On-line interview with the applicants who passed the second round. The exam checks the knowledge of the general knowledge in the field. The topic of the applicant’s bachelor thesis is also discussed as well as their ideas about their future master thesis.
      Subject of exam: Demography

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      Admission to Master's studies is conditioned by completed secondary education confirmed by a school-leaving certificate. Admission to Post-Bachelor studies (Master's programme) is likewise conditioned by completed education in any type of study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 06.05.2024 Until: 17.05.2024
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 24.05.2024 Until: 31.05.2024
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      Absolvent magisterského studia může pokračovat v doktorském studiu demografie. Další uplatnění je ve výzkumu i aplikované praxi. Jedná se zejména o vědecko-výzkumná pracoviště zabývající se člověkem a lidskými populacemi (od výzkumu ekonomického a sociálního až k výzkumu lékařskému a antropologickému). Odborník v demografii může dále pracovat v oblasti státní správy na všech úrovních (od obecních úřadů po ministerstva a státní statistickou službu) i v soukromém sektoru (výzkumy veřejného mínění, personální agenda velkých podniků, marketing, propagace).

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      Tuition [CZK] / per period: 60000 CZK / year