Applicants registered for the entrance examination are admitted based on their results achieved in the entrance procedure. The application is only valid after payment of the application fee. You shall pay the fee for the application by card, and the necessary information will be generated after submitting the application.
The entrance examination consists of two rounds.
The first round of the entrance examination:
Letter of Motivation:
This letter is a compulsory part of the application for studies, and the applicant must enclose it as an annex to the application before it is sent.
Requirements for the structure of the Letter of Motivation and the criteria of evaluation:
1) Background = max. 5 points
2) Motivation = max. 5 points
3) Career plans = max. 5 points
The maximum number of points for the Letter of Motivation is 15 points.
Passed courses – bonus:
In the first round of the entrance procedure, applicants may be granted bonuses for the passed courses connected with the field of addictology. These include the courses INEP, UPC and UTC. Passing the course shall be proved by an obtained certificate. If the applicant also passes the same course at the advanced level, the bonus will only be awarded for the higher level. Bonus points from the courses INEP, UPC and UTP can be summed up. The certificate to prove passing the course shall only be enclosed by the applicant in electronic form as an annex to the application before it is sent.
The maximum score of the bonuses for passing all the courses is 135 points. The maximum number of points that can be obtained in the first round is 150, (for the Letter of Motivation and the passed courses).
The points of the Letter of Motivation and bonuses are summed up.
The following courses are eligible for the bonus. :
1) INEP course
1 A) INEP mini – bonus 15 points
Introduction to Evidence-based Prevention
• 8-hour online course in Moodle (First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University)
• Topic: Evidence-based prevention in addictology
• Basic course available free of charge online without time limitation
1 B) INEP – bonus 35 points
Introduction to Evidence-based Prevention
• 40-hour online course in Moodle (First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University)
• Topic: Evidence-based prevention in addictology.
• Advanced course available free of charge online without time limitation
The applicant receives bonus points only for the highest level of the passed course. Points for INEP mini and INEP cannot be summed up.
2) UPC course
2 A) UPC Practitioners Series - bonus 30 points: Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use
• The basic course on prevention of addictive substance abuse (for prevention practitioners)
• Consists of 9 autonomous courses
• The training is paid for and offered in particular countries by "training providers
• The certificate is granted by ISSUP and Colombo Plan
• Content of the courses:
• Training providers:
• Examples of requirements for passing the course are shown at:
2 B) UPC Managers and Supervisors Series – bonus 50 points: Universal Prevention Curriculum for Substance Use
• Advanced course on prevention of addictive substance abuse (for managers and supervisors)
• Consitst of 8 autonomous courses
• Certificate granted by: ISSUP and Colombo Plan
The applicant receives bonus points only for the highest level of the passed course. Points for UPC Practitioners Series and UPC Managers and Supervisors Series cannot be summed up.
3) Course UTC
3 A) UTC Basic level – bonus 30 points: Universal Treatment Curriculum
• Basic course for specialists in the treatment of addictions
• Consist of 9 autonomous courses
• Certificate granted by ISSUP and Colombo Plan
3 B) UTC Advanced level – bonus 50 points: Universal Treatment Curriculum
• Advanced course pro specialists in the treatment of addictions
• Comprises 14 autonomous courses
• Certificate granted by: ISSUP a Colombo Plan
The applicant receives bonus points only for the highest level of the passed course. Points for UTC Basic level and UTC Advanced level cannot be summed up.
According to the number of points gained in the 1st round of the admission procedure, including the bonus points, 40 best- applicants will continue to the 2nd round. All applicants who may gain the same number of points as the 40th best-standing one will continue to the 2nd round, too.
The second round of the entrance examination:
The second round of the admission procedure is in the form of online interviews and will take place between 2nd May 2024 and 15th May 2024. Each applicant can give the interview only once. The maximum number of points for the interview is 50 points.
The evaluation criteria of the interview:
• The applicant can obtain max. 30 points for professional knowledge and grasp of the field of addictology, and max. 20 points for the ability to express themself and the level of communication in the English language.
The score necessary for admission will be set by the Dean, according to the results of the 2nd round of the entrance exam and considering the total number of applicants to be admitted. Only the points gained in the 2nd round of the admission procedure will be decisive for the applicant's admission. i.e. the points gained in the 1st and 2nd rounds will not be summed up.
Apart from success at the entrance exam, another requirement for admission to the study is proof of a completed Bachelor's degree level of education, qualifying the applicant for the study in a follow-up Master's degree programme at the university. For the assessment of the previous education by the faculty, the applicant covers the fee for assessment of previous education (CZK 930) paid by a card, and legalized documents proving the previous education must be delivered to the Faculty not later than 31st August 2024; for more information, see: