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    Branch programme/details

    Philosophy of Education (0111VD190014)

    Faculty: Faculty of Education
    Study programme: Philosophy of Education (P0111D190014)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: English
    Expected minimum number of accepted students Expected number of accepted students: 1
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2022
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      Philosophy of Education teaches philosophy of pedagogy and education in relation to the history of philosophy and leading concepts in contemporary philosophy. Philosophy of Education is based in traditions of critical thought, philosophical anthropology, social and political philosophy, eco-pedagogy and critical pedagogy; it further reaches into other approaches to social science, such as cultural anthropolog, sociolinguistics, and sociology, with the aim of studying general problems of contemporary society. The goal of doctoral research is the scholarly preparation of individuals who stand out in their creative, critical, and conceptual thought, with interdisciplinary reach, and are able to develop Philosophy of Education and related fields. Graduates will be prepared to evaluate and conceptualize goals and strategies of education and pedagogy in scholarly and educational institutions and in the state sector.

      Program without specialization.

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      An essential part of the admission process is the entrance exam during which a committee judges the candidate's interest in the field of study and overall predispositions for future scientific work (e.g. use of the terminology, output hypothesis formulation, a suggestion of research methodology) in the field. All applicants have to submit a dissertation project proposal in writing in addition to their application. The topic of the project has to comply with the areas of interest within the area of educational philosophy. works. The proposal should also include a brief description of the topic, hypotheses formulation, research objectives and questions, the proposal of specific methodologies, data gathering, an overview of domestic (Czech) and foreign literature related to the dissertation topic. During the entrance exam the committee moderates a professional discussion with the applicant during which applicants should prove their knowledge and skills in the scientific area of educational philosophy.

      Evaluation Criteria: The applicant can get a maximum of ten points, the number of points for the admission to study is getting at least seven points.

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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

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      Absolvent doktorského studijního oboru je připraven na tvůrčí badatelskou činnost v oblasti filozofie, s užším zaměřením na filozofii výchovy a vzdělávání. Ovládá předpoklady filosofického myšlení na poli výchovy a vzdělávání, a to jak z hlediska diachronního, tak synchronního. Studiem získal schopnost posuzovat a koncepčně vytvářet cíle a strategie výchovy a vzdělávání z hlediska filozofického, a může tak přispět k rozvoji evropského i globálního myšlení v rámci vzdělanostní společnosti. Absolvent je připraven pro edukačně vědeckou činnost na vysoké škole, v relevantních výzkumných ústavech, ale také pro činnost politickou z obecně prospěšného hlediska.