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    Branch programme/details

    French for Teacher Education with double curriculum study History for Teacher Education (0114RA090015 / 0114RA120003) - double subject study

    Faculty: Faculty of Education
    Study programme: French for Teacher Education (B0114A090015)
    Form of study: full-time
    Type of study: Bachelor's
    Language of instruction: Czech
    Expected minimum number of accepted students Expected number of accepted students: 5
    Standard length of study: 3 years
    Application type: Online

    Rate of admitted and total applicants in the past academic year

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      Application submission date: 28.02.2022
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      By means of lectures and seminars held mostly in French, the B.A. study programme shapes and deepens the knowledge in the area of French studies – in linguistic and literary disciplines as well as in cultural anthropology and francophony. The emphasis is put on mastering the theoretical basis of the discipline, on interconnecting the theoretical knowledge with its practical application and on oral and written communication in French (the achieved level of language skills in French is B2+ of CEFR), on refined expression as well as on the sense of language as a peculiar value exceeding the goal-directed level of communication (i.e. communicative function). The aim of the French language and literary studies on the B.A. level is also to develop the students’ intercultural and formulation skills in both writing and speaking, which will have a positive impact on their competence in their mother tongue as well. This is supported also by the systematic study and self-study of the history of the French culture and literature focused primarily on analysing and understanding important literary texts from different periods of the development of the French literature (from the 16th century to the thirst third of the 20th century and selectively to the present). The study programme is designed as a first step in preparation for the teacher’s profession. By means of the teachers propedeutics, didactics and orientation practise and its reflection, it motivates the graduates of the B.A. study programme to choose the follow-up M.A. programme intended for future teachers. This is also the reason why the course Teaching Abroad; an internship is a part of the B.A. programme. The internship is effectuated within the long-time reciprocal cooperation with the partner University of Nantes and the Faculty of Education in Angers. Students may acquire further experience in foreign countries during one- or two-semester study within the European programme Erasmus plus at one of the French, Belgian or Swiss partner universities. The top priority of the study programme is to motivate the students to continue their studies in the follow-up M.A. study programme for future teachers. Therefore, students will get acquainted with the basic concepts of didactics of the French language and with the context of teaching French in the Czech Republic and they will have the opportunity to compare their knowledge with the practise during their study stays at chosen educational facilities.The study programme History Oriented at Education is a Bachelorʼs degree that provides vocational competence in history and history didactics. The newly introduced courses Didactics of History and Teaching Practice enable the graduates of the Bachelor’s degree programme to work as assistant teachers at elementary and secondary schools, educators at memory institutions or instructors in leisure-time activities and summer camps for children and young adults. Together with the follow-up Masterʼs programme Training History Teachers for Lower and Higher Secondary Schools, for which it serves as preparatory, it represents a full-scale university study curriculum for future history teachers. The Bachelor´s degree study programme meets all qualification requirements for educators at museums, galleries and memory institutions. If the graduate is interested in improving his qualification, he can continue in the follow-up Master program Education and Interpretation in the Field of Cultural Heritage.

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      Přijímací zkouška má dvě části:

      1. Zkouška z 1. studijního programu, plán maior, max. 40 b.

      2. Zkouška z 2. studijního programu, plán minor, max. 40 b.

      Celkem max. 80 b.

      Francouzský jazyk se zaměřením na vzdělávání

      Přijímací zkouška z francouzského jazyka má formu písemnou (40 bodů). Testuje jazykové znalosti uchazeče v rozsahu středoškolského studia na úrovni A2-B1 jazykového portfolia podle Společného evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky. Předpokladem je hlubší zájem o francouzské dějiny, reálie, literaturu, jakož i o aktuální politické a společenské dění ve Francii a frankofonním světě, včetně historie a současnosti francouzského školství. Přijímací zkouška se skládá z testu zaměřeného na francouzský jazyk, literaturu a reálie frankofonního světa.

      Délka trvání testu je 45 min.

      Přijímací zkouška z francouzského jazyka je stejná u studijního plánu maior i minor.

      Více informací včetně ukázkového přijímacího testu lze najít na stránkách katedry:

      Dějepis se zaměřením na vzdělávání

      Písemná zkouška - test z dějepisu v rozsahu gymnaziálního učiva. V testu se ověřují schopnosti chronologického, logického a historického myšlení a dobrá orientace v českých a světových dějinách, zároveň se předpokládá rozhled po kulturně-společenském dění.

      Délka trvání testu je 60 min.

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      Admission to Bachelor's studies is conditioned by completed secondary education confirmed by a school-leaving certificate.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 06.06.2022 Until: 21.06.2022
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 27.06.2022 Until: 28.06.2022
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      Francouzský jazyk se zaměřením na vzdělávání 

      RADIMSKÁ, J., HORAŽĎOVSKÁ,M. Antologie francouzské literatury. Plzeň: Fraus, 2002.

      MATHIEUX, J. Stručné dějiny Francie. Plzeň: Fraus, 2003. 

      LISTÍKOVÁ, R., KLINKA, T. Otázky a odpovědi nejen k maturitě. Dubicko: Infoa, 2011. 

      ŠRÁMEK, J. Dějiny francouzské literatury v kostce. Praha: Votobia, 2003.

      STEELE, R. Civilisation progressive du français – Niveau intermédiaire. Paris : CLE International, 2012.

      Tzv. „zjednodušená“ četba v originále, případně bilingvní četba (různá nakladatelství), úroveň A2-B1.

      Dějepis se zaměřením na vzdělávání

      Učebnice dějepisu pro střední školy vydané po roce 1990. (Nakl. Práce, SPN a Fortuna. U všech uvedených učebnic je uvedeno datum 1. vydání, platná jsou i následující další, a jsou MŠMT ČR zařazeny do seznamu učebnic.

      HARNA, J., FIŠER, J. Dějiny českých zemí I., Fortuna, 1995.

      HARNA, J., FIŠER, J. Dějiny českých zemí II., Fortuna, 1998.

      SOUČEK J. Dějiny pravěku a starověku, SPL, 1995.

      BENEŠ, Z., PETRÁŇ, J. České dějiny I., SPL, 1997.

      KVAČEK, R. České dějiny II., SPL, 2002.

      BENEŠ, Z. Dějiny středověku a prvního století raného novověku., SPL, 1994.

      HROCH, M. Dějiny novověku, SPL, 1994.

      KUKLÍK, J., KUKLÍK, J. Dějiny 20. století, SPL, 1995.

      POPELKA, M., VÁLKOVÁ, V. Dějepis pro gymnázia a střední školy. 1. Pravěk a starověk, SPN, 2001.

      ČORNEJ, P., ČORNEJOVÁ, I., PARKAN, F. Dějepis pro gymnázia a střední školy. 2., Středověk a raný novověk, SPN, 2001.

      HLAVAČKA, M. Dějepis pro gymnázia a střední školy. 3, Novověk, SPN, 2001.

      KUKLÍK, J., KUKLÍK, J. Dějepis pro gymnázia a střední školy. 4, Nejnovější dějiny, SPN, 2002

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      The graduate of the B.A. study programme has extensive knowledge of the French language, literature and culture and is able to situate it into European context. The graduate is also capable of independent development and further study in the domain. The communicative competence of the graduate is at upper B2 level exceeding into C1 level of CEFR. The graduate is capable of self-study and of further study, not only in this domain. The B.A. study is designed as a precondition for the follow-up M.A. study of teaching French as a foreign language at lower and upper secondary schools, or for other study programmes in the field of Romance studies, therefore it provides a fundamental insight into the didactics of the French language. The graduate who does not continue to the follow-up M.A. programme can find employment in education for instance as a leisure-time pedagogue (primarily in leisure activities linked with foreign languages) or as a teacher’s aide. Given the achieved level of language skills, the graduate can also find employment in various domestic and international institutions and organizations, in certain helping professions, in media, publishing houses and press agencies.The study programme History Oriented at Education is a Bachelorʼs degree that provides vocational competence in history. As a stand-alone study programme, it is designed for future assistant teachers at elementary and secondary schools and educators at memory institutions. The courses Didactics of History and Teaching Practice enable the graduates to work at education departments and as instructors in leisure-time activities for children and young adults including summer camps. Together with the follow-up Masterʼs programme Training History Teachers for Lower and Higher Secondary Schools, for which it serves as preparatory, it represents a full-scale university study curriculum for future history teachers. If the graduate is interested in improving his qualification, he can continue in the follow-up Master program Education and Interpretation in the Field of Cultural Heritage.