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    Branch programme/details

    Applied Ethics (0223VD100002)

    Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
    Study programme: Applied Ethics (P0223D100002)
    Form of study: combined
    Type of study: doctoral
    Language of instruction: English
    Standard length of study: 4 years
    Application type: Online

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      Application submission date: 30.04.2022
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      Study of Applied Ethics is about systematic training in critical reflection on own and others attitudes, in recognition of hidden assumptions and prejudices and overlooked ethical issues. We can say in other words that it is about deepening understanding approach – and in this case it is the area of humanities in a broad sense. The aim of these studies is therefore an effort to create a space for systematic scientific work that focuses on the ethical dimension of various disciplines or professions. During the studies the adepts have to manage also the methods of scientific work and its professional presentation.
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      The entrance examination includes: The candidate has to defend the research project, which must reflect the theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field of Applied Ethics (max. 10 points).

      The application form for doctorate studies must include the following attachments:
      - theme of thesis, i.e. annotation of research project. The project must contain the proposal of a tutor (name), selected from the list of tutors approved by the Program Council;
      - brief professional biography;
      - list of the relevant literature, that the candidates studied with regard to their individual interests and the chosen topic for thesis (dissertation project).
      - the documents confirming a successful state or international exam in a foreign language, minimum level B2.
      - other documents worthy of attention (e.g. overview of applicant’s publications to date, proof of scientific practice at home or abroad, etc.)

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      Admission to Doctoral studies is conditioned by successful completion of a Master's study programme.

      Verification method: entrance exam
      Confirmation date (of entrance exam) from: 08.06.2022 Until: 17.06.2022
      Alternative date (of entrance exam): 22.06.2022 Until: 29.06.2022
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      During the postgradual studies, the students will use their experiences, the knowledge gained in the previous study, and all this they deepen especially in the field of philosophy, cultural anthropology, hermeneutical ethics and other social sciences. In the field of applied ethics it will be primarily about dilemmas, connected with the development of technical and social opportunities, e.g. in science, medicine, economy, government or the media. Growing scientific, technical and administrative possibilities come naturally into conflict with the requirements of the protection of the human person and his/her privacy and dignity.

      The graduates of the doctoral study program find employment in a number of areas, including:
      - the creation, application and interpretation of minimum binding standards of conduct, so called “code of ethics”;
      - solving ethical issues in scientific and professional workplace (e.g. ethics committees);
      - the teaching of applied ethics such as social, health and medical in various fields of study in vocational schools or universities;
      - in research.
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      Tuition [EUR] / per period: 500 EUR / year